《photoshop ; haechan》e i g h t


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transferred back to my old school @min.hehe :)

leave me alone.

@min.hehe aw don't be like that, babe.


"why!!!!" minhee screamed into her pillow, which caused chenle barging into her room, worried.

"what happened??" chenle asked worriedly, but he seem to calm down a bit after seeing minhee just screaming into her pillow.

"why why why?! that stupid idiot shouldn't be here!" minhee continued to scream. at that point, chenle gave up on trying to help her calm down, he had to call the big guns.

"yah, jaemin. code screaming," chenle said over the phone, before chenle could say anything else. jaemin hung up immediately.


"minhee, please calm down, deep breaths, okay?" jaemin said, while minhee nodded.

"how will he leave me alone?" minhee asked. jaemin shrugged.

"well, i don't know, just saying 'leave me alone' won't do anything," jaemin said. chenle overheard their conversation.

"i got a great idea," chenle said, smirking.

"oh god, you're not thinking.." jaemin said.

"oh yes, i am.." chenle smirked even more.


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