《No Longer ALDC {Sequel to The Last Night} (Completed)》Chapter 6


Gianna's POV:

Since all the girls know their dances, I decided to give them the day off, and since the only general classes are Acro and Tap, and they are 9:30-10:30, I decided to only wake up Christi and tell her "I'm going to the studio, there are only 2 classes today and they are at the same time, so you and Kelly don't need to come in and the girls are still asleep and they are not coming to the studio today, I'm giving them the day off since they already know their dances and we still have tomorrow before the competition."

She nodded and went back to sleep.

It's 8:45am now, so I need to leave in 10 minutes to drive the 20 minutes to the studio. When I went into the Kitchen to get breakfast, I saw Mackenzie there getting a drink of milk,coo I said "Hi Kenz." She replied with "Hi Gianna. What time are we going to the studio today?" So I said "Actually, you girls aren't. I've decided to give you the day off to relax and then tomorrow we will go to the studio ready for competition on Saturday. Okay?"

"Oh. I don't want to stay here all day!" She said pouting. So I sighed and said "Well, I have 2 general classes going on at the Studio this morning. If you can quickly get dressed without waking anyone then you can come along and help out."

Mackenzie's mouth grew into a large smile as she quietly tried to run up the stairs to get dressed. I went and let Christi know that Mackenzie is coming with me.

She got ready so quick! 5 minutes later, she was back downstairs with her hair in a ponytail, and she was wearing a purple crop top and booty shorts with a t-shirt and leggings over the top.

When she came down the stairs I said "Come on, let's go to the studio. Grab some fruit to have in the car."

So she grabbed a banana and we went to the car. She sat in the back back of the car eating her banana and doing musical.lys. (I quietly laughed as she did 1 to Love Story by Taylor Swift, pretending to be singing to her banana.

25 minutes later, we arrived at the studio. We got stuck in traffic otherwise we would have been here 5 minutes ago.

As soon as we arrived I said to Kenzie "Go and put your stuff in your locker like usual and then come and find me, I'm going to go and see who is here." She nodded and ran to her locker.

I went to Studio A and got the mats out because that's where the Acro class was going to be. I was in there for a couple of minutes before Mackenzie came through the door, so I said "Kenz, can you put the rest of the mats out in here, I need to go and speak to Bernadette about something." She nodded so I went into Studio B and saw Beatrice and Jeannine chatting so I said "Sorry to interrupt but Beatrice, can you come to my office I need to talk to you about something." She said sure and followed me to my office. When we got there I shut the door and said "Beatrice, I wasn't going to bring any of the girls with me today, but Mackenzie wanted to come so I've got her in Studio A putting the mats out for your Acro class. But, I need to go and get some shopping done for her birthday, because it's her birthday on Saturday. The day of our competition. And I have arranged something at the Awards of the competition but I need to sort out for her par y on Sunday. So, once the classes have started, I'm going to go and I'll make sure I'm back in time, but can you make sure that she is kept busy and does not have a chance to look for me please."


She said "Of course I will." So I thanked her and then went into Studio A to find Mackenzie doing tricks on the mats. So I said "Mackenzie, I've arranged with Beatrice for you to help out with the Acro class. The kids in this class are only 4-6 year old, so they are young. So they need extra help, she said she will probably have you demonstrating things. Okay?"

She nodded so I left her to it.

Then I got a message from Maddie that said

Hi Gianna,

Is Mackenzie with you because Christi said that we have the day off but we can't find her. x

- Maddie

So I replied with

Hi Maddie,

Yes, Kenz is with me. We are at the studio because there are 2 classes this morning and the new will be coming home. You girls have the day off, because I know that you need the time to sort out Presents for Kenzie's birthday on Saturday. I will message you when we are leaving the studio and we will pop to Subway to get lunch for everyone. That should buy you some more time. See you later. x

- Gianna

You didn't get a reply back from that but it said so I knew that she had got the message. Then I thought of something so I quickly phoned Maddie.

M: Hello?

G: Maddie.

M: Gia. Hi.

G: I forgot to put in the message about money.

M: Okay.

G: I left 9 envelopes in your Brooke's bedroom, each one has one of your names on it. Each envelope has $100 in it. That is to buy Mackenzie a nice present.

M: Gia you didn't have to do that. We have our own money!

G: It's fine. It's nice to have a family who loves you.

M: Okay, thank you.

G: See you later. I will message you when we are leaving Subway.

M: Okay Gia. Bye. Love you.

G: Love you too. Bye.

Maddie's POV:

Wow! I went into Brooke's room and found the 9 envelopes all the girls were downstairs getting breakfast, so I opened my envelope and out fell $200 and a little note that said 'Thought you would like more money to get your sister something EXTRA special. - Gia.'

Then I went into my room and put the money into my purse and then I went downstairs and saw all the girls in the kitchen still, they were all sitting around the table, so I said "Here you go." And handed each girl th envelope with their name on it. Each of them opened their envelope and saw the $100 and a note which read 'Use this to get Mackenzie's birthday present - Gia. All of them said the same thing apart from Jojo and Brynn's, they both had $150 and their note said 'So you can get your best friend something nice - Gia. We all finished breakfast and went upstairs to get dressed.

20 minutes later, we were all back downstairs and we decided to go in groups so there wasn't 9 of us all together because that looks a bit intimidating, so we decided it should be Me, Chloe and Paige. Kendall, Nia and Kalani. Brooke, Brynn and Jojo. So we got into our groups and then we left. We asked Christi and Kelly to drive us to the mall, then they were going to go and do their own shopping and we would meet up with them by the big water fountain in 1 hour.

Me, Chloe and Paige headed to the Apple Store because Chloe wanted to get Kenz a new phone case and Paige wanted to get her a matching iPad case. Then, we went to LA Jewels because I wanted to get Kenz a really nice necklace. I found 2 that I really liked, 1 was a set of 2 necklaces, 1 said Big Sis and the other said Lil Sis, and when you put them together, it looked like a heart. The other one was an infinity sign that you could get personalised. I couldn't decided which one to get, so I got both, turned out they were on an offer 2 for 1, so it only costed me $75 so I still had $125 left. I told the lady what I wanted it to say on the infinity necklace. I said "Can you put on it please." Then she asked what colour gem I wanted so I said "Purple please." So she got started on them and said "It will take 15 minutes, you can go and come back if you want to." So we went to The Plaque Store and I found a really nice a Plaque that said I paid for the plaque and then we went back to the Jewellery store, when we got thee, the lady said "I have just finished. How does this look?" And she showed us the infinity necklace and it looked amazing! So I said "It looks great. Thank you." Then she gave me the 2 necklaces and we went to get wrapping paper.


Nia's POV:

Me, Kalani and Kendall talked about what we each wanted to get Mackenzie, I wanted to get her a colouring book because she loves colouring in. Kendall wants to get her colouring pencils and Kalani wants to get her a book. So, we went to The Bookstore and Kalani found the book she wanted to get. It was a song book, so she can write all her song lyrics into it. Then we went to The Works so that I could get the colouring book and Kendall could get the colouring pencils. I found a really nice colouring book ,it said it has over 500 different pictures to colour so I got her that and Kendall found a really nice colouring pencils set, it also came with Felt Tip pens, Fineliners and Highlighters. So she got that and then we went to the Fountain to meet the others.

Brooke's POV:

Me, Brynn and Jojo stood at the fountain and I asked them what they wanted to get Kenzie, Brynn said "I want to get her some clothes." Jojo said "I want to get her hair accessories!" Typical Jojo. Then I said "Okay, I want to get her a book on all different Acro tricks, I have already ordered it and it is in The Bookstore waiting to be picked up, so let's go and get that before they lose it and then we will go and get clothes and then Hair Accessories. Okay?" They both nodded so we went to The Bookstore and I said "Hi, I'm here to collect a book. It's called " The lady behind the desk nodded and went to get it from the stock room, when she came back she said "Here you go." The. We left to go get some clothes. I asked Brynn "What shop do you want to go to?" She said she didn't know so we went to Forever 21 because that shop is the best! When we got. There, we found the children's section and Brynn went straight to the dresses and found one that she loved and said "I'm gonna get her this!" So she found the correct size and said "Now, I need to get her some shoes." So we went to the shoes and she found some really nice flat pumps that match the dress so she picked them up in Kenzie's size and then we went to pay. Then we went to Claire's to get Jojo present for Kenzie. Turns out, Jojo had already ordered her present because when we got there, she went straight to the till and said "I'm here to collect a delivery for Jojo." Then the lady went and got a large bag and said "Here you go, that will be $150 please." So Jojo gave the money and said "Thank you. Bye." And then we went to the fountain. When we got thee, everyone else was already ther, so we said "Right, let's go home."

Gianna's POV:

I got back to the studio just as the parents were going in to get their children so I knew the classes hadn't finished yet, so I quickly messaged Maddie

Hi, did you guys get what you needed? Did you have enough money? x

- Gia

I got a reply straight away that said

Hi Gia, yeah we all got her presents and wrapping paper. We are on our way home now. Yes, there was plenty of money thank you. x


So I replied with

If you girls had any money left get everyone to give it to Brooke and tell her to split it between the 9 of you. x

- Gia

Then I got a reply that said

Okay. Thank you Gia - I mean Mom. x


That made me smile so much! Maddie just called me Mom! I can't believe it, I-

I was interrupted by my thoughts when Mackenzie came and jumped on my lap and said "Hi Mom, when can we go home?"

I just smiled at her and then said "When everyone has gone. Okay Sweetie?"

She smiled and nodded and then gave me a hug.

Then we just chatted for 10 minutes before Beatrice came in and said that she's leaving and everyone else has already gone so Kenz jumped up and said "Yay, home time. Then she ran out to the car and I followed her out after saying goodbye to Beatrice and locking up the Studio. When I got in the car, I said to Kenzie "We are going to pop to Subway to get lunch for everyone then we will go home okay?" She nodded and then yelled "So, whew went to Subway and as promised when we went back to the car, I messaged Maddie saying that we were just leaving Subway to come home. She replied saying Okay. So I drove home wit ha very happy Mackenzie in the back of the car who was eating her cookie that she kept on asking if she could have.

When we got home, I said "Maddie, can I speak to you for a minute please." She said sure and followed me to a different room.

G: Maddie, when you and Kenz were with your mom, did you celebrate Kenzie's birthday?

M: Why?

G: Well, it's her birthday in 2 days time and she hasn't mentioned it once.

M: That's because we only celebrated it when mom felt like it but every year I would get her a card and a little present but usually I just gave her money. But she's only young so she didn't realise that she was meant to get proper stuff.

G: Aww. I feel so sorry for her. Has she ever had a birthday party?

M: Nope

G: Okay, then this party has got to make up for 6 birthdays of not having a party!

M: Yeah.

G: Okay. Let's go and eat.

M: Okay. By the way, I don't think Mackenzie knows what day it is that's why she hasn't mentioned her birthday. Because we haven't been to school since before mom died. Brynn and Jojo might not know either.

G: Right, yeah. That's what I have to talk to you girls about. Let's go back to the others.

When we got back into the living room, everyone was eating, so I said "I need to speak to you all about something, Maddie, Mackenzie, Nia, Kendall, Kalani, Jojo and Brynn are being homeschooled. This is starting on Monday. Christi, Kelly. Chloe, Brooke and Paige are welcome to join them because their teacher splits them into age groups so, Nia, Kalani and Brooke would be in 1 group, Mackenzie, Jojo and Brynn will be in a group and Maddie, Kendall, Chloe and Paige would be in the other group. What do you say?" Kelly and Christi looked at each other and then at the girls and said "Okay. At least they are getting an education." Then I continued by saying "They will go to the tuition building opposite the Studio 3 times a week; Monday's, Wednesday and Friday's and occasionally on a Saturday as well. They will be there for about 4 hours and then they will come to the Studio together and have time to eat lunch and relax before dancing." All the girls looked really excited about that.


After spending 1 hour trying to decide on something to do, we let Mackenzie have the final decision and she just wanted to watch movies so, we chose a movie and we all got comfy with Duvets and pillows and blankets and we watched Finding Dory. Then we watched The Lion King and then we watched Annie, then it was 6pm, so we had dinner, we had burgers and chips. After dinner, the girls went to bed because they had a long day tomorrow.

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