《Love & Murder: An Eliza Winter Mystery》Lords and Ladies


Now that her parents were out of her hair, Eliza spent her alone time wandering around the small back garden, finding comfortable shady places to curl up and read a book. She still anxiously awaited to hear from Penelope and decided she needed to telephone Lady Vanderwahl again before she got ready for the looming ball.

She was disappointed to hear that Rose was now frantic to hear from Penelope and no letters had come to her either. That meant Penelope had been missing since either Sunday night or Monday morning and almost a week had passed. She had never gone this long without some form of communication and Eliza had decided it was time to reveal Penelope's secret. If she had indeed ran off to elope, her mother had the right to know that she was living happily in the countryside now. Eliza knew she'd see Lady Vanderwahl at the ball, she too was hoping Penelope would show, and if the opportunity presented itself, she'd tell her about Penelope.

"Still no word from Lady Penelope?" Lucy asks while lacing Eliza into her corset. As Eliza sucks in and leans against the back of a chair for support she replies, "I'm afraid not. I'm actually quite worried about her."

"Tis not like her to be gone or quiet for so long. I do hope everything is alright," Lucy says worriedly. Penelope now had lady's maids worried about her. If this was all for attention, Penelope certainly had everyone's. "Are you ready to see Lord Bradshaw? The Lord of...where does he get his title from?"

Eliza shakes her head, "I'm not entirely sure of Bradshaw's formal title. Andrew is the Honorable Andrew Tennyson because his father is a Baron. That's the only title I am aware of on that side. Colin's relation might be to the Baron and he could have a title or the relation could be on his mother's side and Colin isn't even a Tennyson."

"So, for now he's...Lord Bradshaw of the thorn in your side?" Lucy asks for clarification.

"For now, yes. I'll try and find out where he hails from tonight at the Erikson's," Eliza replies and once Lucy is done torturing her with the corset, Eliza shimmies and slides into the silk gown. Lucy fixes a stray strawberry curl into Eliza's pinned-up updo and straightens her long opal necklace as Eliza stares, transfixed into the vanity mirror. Lucy recommends the family jewels to adorn Eliza's neck, as her mother suggested as well, but Eliza doesn't want to be lavish tonight. She wants to be a wallflower.


This was going to be her last ball of the season. No more being paraded about, no more agonizing over an empty dance card, no more obsessing over whom the latest one to flash around a new engagement ring will be. She can have a peaceful winter and not worry about love again until the spring.

"You're all ready then Lady Eliza," Lucy says cheerfully, admiring the work she'd done. Eliza attempts to take a deep calming breath but instead, her ribs are unable to expand.

"When I get married the first thing to go are these bloody corsets," Eliza mutters, hoping Lucy would forgive her for swearing. "My husband will learn to love me without my bosoms up to my chin." She frowns as she swats at her chest. Lucy has seen Eliza do many unladylike things, but hardly ever calls her on them.

Eliza and Lucy head back down the main wooden staircase and then Martin helps Eliza shrug on her evening cloak.

"You look darling Lady Eliza, very smart indeed," Martin gushes as Eliza plays with her cloak's ribbons. "The men there won't be able to keep their eyes off of you."

Eliza smirks, "I hardly care about the men. I'm merely going to see if Penelope shows."

"Spoken like a true eligible lady looking for a husband," Lucy jokes and Eliza meets her smile with a snarl. "You never know Lady Eliza, your future husband could be in that very room tonight." Eliza shakes her head and Martin knows that's the cue to open the front door.

"Your Aunt Jane will be there to chaperone you correct?" Martin asks the lavish young woman as she makes her way to the cab.

"Yes, I am to meet her there. Don't worry, I'll be well looked after," Eliza replies before she crams herself and her long dress into the small box. Nothing was ever made for women's comfort it seemed.

The London traffic was chaotic for a Saturday night. Everyone was rushing off to somewhere grand in the city. Eliza noticed how many men were strolling about in their tailcoats, complete with crisp winged collars and bow ties. Silk top hats bobbed around dashing homburg hats in the sea of Londoners, only broken up by lower-class women, weaving their way around them. Any woman that was in a gown like Eliza's was tucked away in a motor car or cab. It wouldn't do for silk gowns to brush against horse manure on the cobbled streets.


When the cab finally manages to cross Hyde Park, it is only minutes to the Erikson's London home. Eliza's cab falls in line with the others dropping off party guests and she was told to meet her aunt Jane just inside the front entrance. Normally Eliza would be dropped off in her family's lavish motor car- people tended to admire the car more than Eliza, but since her family took it to the countryside she was stuck in the sea of commoners. No one was looking at hansom cabs.

Eliza drops her payment into the cabbie's outstretched fingers before smoothing out the rose pink, silk skirt so it barely brushes against the sidewalk as she struts inside. Lady Eliza Winter is announced with little fanfare after she removes her cloak and moments later, she spots her aunt's strawberry hair parting through the crowd.

"Eliza dear!" Jane calls out and Eliza maneuvers around the crowded hallway to greet her aunt fondly with two kisses on her cheeks. "Everyone in London came out for the last ball wouldn't you say?" Jane asks as Eliza looks around them. It did indeed feel more crowded than usual. Women were dressed in their finest silks and lace. Pearls, precious stones and shiny gold and silver pieces frosted women's hair and décolletage. They came out dressed to impress. Eliza clutches onto the delicate lace fan-folded up in her gloved hand and wonders if she could use it to hide away for the evening.

"You look like you're going to be ill darling," Jane notices as she reads Eliza's anxious expression.

"No, I'm only wondering if my mother told you how long I am supposed to endure this party?"

"Oh don't be such a spoilsport Eliza. Balls can be fun you know," Jane spats before grabbing Eliza's hand to tug her into the madness. She manages to muster up a fake smile as she exchanges pleasantries with passerby's but she keeps a keen eye out for any of the Vanderwahls. When she doesn't see any rambunctious blondes in the crowd she turns to Jane.

"Were any of the Vanderwahls announced before I arrived?" Eliza asks Jane as they make their way to the refreshment room. Jane shakes her head, "I don't think so. Why? Looking for Penelope?" Eliza wasn't sure if her aunt was aware that Penelope was missing or just asking in general.

"Penelope or Lady Vanderwahl," Eliza answers before stopping short, causing her aunt to knock into her. Eliza had spotted Bridgette whispering behind her silk fan to Adelaide, who giggles behind her gloved hand. Jane follows Eliza's eyes over to the two girls before saying, "You really need to stop letting them bother you. They are jealous girls because you have a title, a fortune and a pretty face. You were born a lady where they have to fight to become one."

"I hear Viscount Hasting's son is courting Bridgette," Eliza says while flitting her eyes away from her enemies.

"So? That won't make her a lady, in either sense of the word," Jane snaps back. "And what of Adelaide? She certainly gives you a hard time for not yet being snapped up herself." Jane hands Eliza a glass of Sherry before taking one for herself.

"I think Adelaide has her talons in Lord Tennyson's nephew. Colin something or other," Eliza answers as if she isn't perfectly aware of who Colin is. Jane snaps her head toward Eliza, "Lord Colin Bradshaw?"

"Possibly? You know him?" Eliza asks.

"No, but I saw a handsome, dark-haired stranger arrive with that name and he looked to be about your age," Jane answers.

"That would be him," Eliza answerscoolly and as if on cue, Lord Colin Bradshaw steps into the refreshment room,looking dashing in his tailcoat and white silk bow tie.

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