《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》8: Can Only Hope


Pepper held Peter for a little bit before leaving. Tony had been missing for two months already and there was no sign of him. Rhodey has been looking with search teams for his best friend, blaming himself for letting Tony go off by himself.

Peter was mostly confused. Constantly asking for his dad and wandering around to places Tony would be. JARVIS would always give him the same answer. "He'll be back soon Peter." He spoke softly, almost sadly, trying to stay hopeful for the boy.

JARVIS would constantly watch over the boy, trying to ease him down and make him feel better. He would constantly be searching for ways to entertain him all while scanning for Tony.

Right now he was able to get Peter to sleep. It took a lot of asking and replaying the recorded lullaby's Tony used to sing. He dimmed the lights and waited.

Every night, Peter would wake up, crying for Tony. JARVIS was always ready to help him, calling Pepper who was usually busy in Tony's office. Really JARVIS was the only one around. He didn't blame Miss Potts or Rhodey, they couldn't do a hundred things at once.

"Daddy?" The baby asked, voice soft and tired but desperate. Four hours of sleep, a new record. His eyes watered and he struggled against his pillow. "Daddy?" He asked again, getting out of the mountain of blankets. "Daddy!" Peter yelled, looking for him.

"It's okay Petey, I'm right here." Peter shook his head, crying. "It's okay Pete, it's alright." JARVIS kept speaking softly, "it's going to be okay." He tried again

"Daddy!' Peter screeched, voice breaking. He had snot and tears running down his face and if the AI could, he would hug him and reassure him that they wouldn't be alone. " Want daddy.!"


"You can sleep in his room, I'll turn on all the lights for you." The boy calmed, hiccuping as he got up, dragging his blanket with him. He got to Tony's room, bring a chair to help him get up the bed.

Peter laid there in the dark of his dad's room with only the hallway as light. There was no noise and JARVIS had closed the door and turned on a soft nightlight before turning off everything else. "Jar?" He asked quietly.

"Yes, Peter?" The AI felt utterly hopeless and cursed the fact that he didn't have a body. He hated seeing the little boy in pain and hated not being able to comfort him. He hated developing emotions, hopefully, Tony won't take him down for it.

"Daddy?" The boy asked and for the first time, JARVIS didn't know the answer. He couldn't say that Sir would be alright, couldn't say he would be back because as of right now no one knew the true answer. JARVIS could only hope as much as everyone else.

He could monitor and keep everything in line till Tony got back but he couldn't do much else. "I hope he'll come back soon." He answered instead. "Go to sleep Peter." Peter did and JARVIS tried harder to find his creator.

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