《Stolen // Irondad》Tagged


Tagged by @le7meg

1. I am from England.

2. I have written a full length screenplay

3. I study computer science (theory and programming), astronomy, business studies and history, as well as core subjects.

4. I am thirteen years old.

5. I am part of the Star Wars fandom and have been since age six, when I first saw The Clone Wars.

6. I am part of the Harry Potter fandom and have been since age four, when I first read the books.

7. I read all seven books in one day (linking to number 6).

8. I am part of the Doctor Who fandom and have been since I was born (my parents have watched it with me in the room ever since I first came home).

9. I am part of the MCU fandom and have been majorly into it since May 2018. However, I had watched the films, and had a fair amount of knowledge on it, since they first began.

10. I collect Pop Funkos. My collection is currently worth over £400! However, I have been banned from buying any as I am attending London Comic Con later this year.

11. I do kickboxing, boxing, MMA and stickfighting. One of my instructors won a television show called Gladiators and another is an Olympian.

12. I played on my county's team for badminton when I was younger. I got scouted at school when I was in year 5.

13. I love video games. I have been playing on both console and pc nearly all my life. When I was younger, my parents had to buy me my first laptop at age four so I wouldn't be playing games on their's all the time. I own every Nintendo decide that has been released up until 2017 and have every Xbox.


14. I love the MCU shows. I'm in love with Agents Of Shield, Daredevil, Agent Carter, Luke Cage, The Punisher, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and the Defenders.

15. My favourite MCU characters are (in no particular order): Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes, Loki Odinson (yes - I said Odinson), Leopold Fitz, Bruce Banner and Clint Barton.

16. I want to work in the film industry when I'm older.

17. I have a half brother who is four. He is obsessed with The Hulk and Bruce Banner and always kisses my posters of him, when he sees them. I find that a little weird.

18. I have a step sister who is two months, and a bit, older than me.

19. Both my Dad and my English teacher have read some of my fanfic. When I was in class my teacher asked what I was writing - we had the opportunity to write or read freely - and he read some of the drafts of Stolen. My Dad read it over my shoulder.

20. In total I've had: five pet cats, one dog, one hamster, two rabbits, a bajillion fish, twenty-six frogs, one tortoise and a bearded dragon.

21. I've always wanted a pet boa (a type of snake) but I've never been allowed. I've asked every year for 10 years now.

What did Black Widow say to Hawkeye?

You make me quiver.

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