《Stolen // Irondad》Chapter 11


Peter had an idea: one that would either be a complete, and utter disaster, or it would be great.

He wanted to follow in his Dad's footsteps, and reveal his secret identity.

As he taunted at his dinner, he decided to bring the matter up to Tony. His stomach was swarming with butterflies - his head was pounding. But if his Dad agreed with him, it would all be worth it.

"Dad," Peter started, pushing away his plate, "I had an idea."

Tony looked at his son, as he finished his mouthful: confused. What kind of idea did Peter have on the day of the big press conference. The one where they would introduce the world to Peter Benjamin Parker Stark.

They had decided to just add Stark to the end, deciding that they needed to commemorate both Peter's parents, and his aunt and uncle. And it had a nice ring to it: Parker Stark. It just sounded right.

"I was thinking..."

"And that's not a good thing on its own," Tony teased.

Peter jokingly shoved his dad, "As I was saying, I was thinking that maybe now would be a good time to..."

"To what?"

"To tell the world who Spider-Man really is."

Tony turned his attention back to his food, picking up a piece of the omelet with his fork. For a second the two sat in an awkward silence, but Peter stood up, after realising that his Dad was ignoring him, and decided to go back to his room.

* * *

Steve walked into the kitchen, only to find Tony playing with his now cold breakfast. The man looked a wreck - worried, stressed and confused.

"Tony, what's up?" asked Steve, putting his hands on his friend's shoulders. He was nervous doing it, things hadn't been the same since the Sokovia Accords disagreement. But it felt right - he couldn't see Tony like this.


"Peter wants to reveal that he's Spider-Man at the press conference later."

"And that's a problem?"

"No. Not really. Maybe. I don't know," Tony stammered. It had taken him this long to realise that his son was only looking up to him: he had done the same thing back in the 2008, when revealing he was Iron Man.

"The kid will have to sign the Sokovia Accords eventually, and wouldn't you rather he be the one to tell everyone he's a superhero, rather than the UN," Steve reasoned.

Tony spun on his stool - turning to face the blonde, "I guess you're right, Capsicle. I think I oughta go apologise to the kid."

Steve moved backwards, allowing his friend to stand up - then followed him towards Peter's bedroom.

"Hey, Pete," Tony said softly, as he opened the door, "Pete?"

Peter was sprawled across his bed, a book in his hands. He took no notice of the two kenobi at his door.

"Peter, kiddo, I was thinking about what you said, earlier," Tony claimed, trying to gain his son's attention.

"Yeah, I know it's stupid," Peter snapped, slamming his book shut.

"No, no, that's not what I was gonna say. I was gonna say that you can do it."

Peter squinted his eyes, clearly not understanding the words that came out of his Dad's mouth.

"At the conference later, you can say who you are. Who you really are, I'll contact President Ellis later - and get the Accords sent over. You'll have to sign them, kid."

Peter nodded his head, slightly scared at the responsibility that revealing his alias came with. He had been part of the battle caused by the Accords - he hadn't heard them spoken about since. Peter knew that the rest of the team had signed them since Germany, but the mention of it left a pit in his stomach.


"Come here, Underoos," Tony grinned, his arms wide open: ready for a hug.

Peter jumped at him, wrapping his arms around his Dad, a beam across his face. He wouldn't have to hide anymore: people would finally know that dorky Peter Parker was Spider-Man.

"Hey, kid, I helped him come to his senses," Steve joked, pretending to sound jealous.

Peter crawled out of his father's grip, and threw himself at the Captain - causing the old man to jerk in shock. However, he allowed the teenager to hug him, for a few more moments.

* * *

Tony put his arms around his son's collar: helping him tie his bow tie. He looked so handsome, he thought, and he was thinking about both himself Peter.

"We've only got ten minutes, Dad. Shouldn't we have left already?" Peter asked, as he put his navy blazer on, over his white shirt.

Tony smirked, "It's called being fashionably late, Pete. And it's not like we're going to miss anything - we are the main attractions of the show."

Peter leant backwards against Tony, letting his Dad comb his fingers through his hair. He loved the warm, fuzzy feeling he got whilst being around his Dad. It made him forget about his past: and all the people he lost. Not entirely, but it filled the hole inside of him.

"Are you ready to reveal yourself to the World as my Spiderson?" Tony teased.

Peter smirked, "Readier than I ever could be... Irondad."

The pair exchanged eye contact, and then burst into laughter. It was the moments like this that they loved. It was the moments like this that mattered...

* * *

Peter followed his Dad onto stage, his face a shade lighter than usual. However, he had the Spider-Man suit underneath his outfit - and it disintegrated some of his nerves.

The plan was that when he revealed his true identity, he would then show off his suit, answer any press, and then go back to the Tower.

He just hoped it would work. They both did.

* * *

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