《We'll Protect You (Slappy X Reader X Chucky) {COMPLETED}》Chapter 20
I woke slowly, it was Sunday. And I had an interesting thought. "HEY Guys I have an IDEA" I say a bit to loud, Slappy jumps like 3ft in the air. "Jeez, Y/N WHAT the Actual Fuck?" Chucky yells back clearly disturbed. I start laughing. "Sorry sorry" I apologize. "That's one way to get us up" Slappy says from behind me, sitting up slowly in the bed. "So, what's this grand Idea of yours?" Chucky asks. "I forgot" They look at me pissed. "I'm just kidding, gosh. I'll discuss it at breakfast" I add, they nod, following me to the kitchen.
I decided to fix some PB&J, and yes I'm still eating out of the cat bowl, but I eat the sandwich with my hands, Slappy and Chucky didn't seem to mind knowing that it would be too messy the other way. "So I was thinking of places to visit. And I thought of maybe looking at some thrift stores, or antiques stores around this area would be cool." I start explaining my idea as we eat. "Are you sure if there even opens Sunday's?" Slappy asks, looking up at me. "They are, I know because most toy shops are also open Sunday...." Chucky replies to Slappy. I see Chucky think deeply about something. "Don't ask, you don't need to know" Slappy states, I nod.
"Your gonna take us with you right?" Chucky questions. "No, I can't what if they think your merchandise that I stole. Or worse, they think I'm donating you or selling you to the store" I answer. "I hate to agree, but antique stores are strict, some of them don't allow you to even take bags in. There's no way she could smuggle us in" Slappy adds, looking over at Chucky, he nods. "Don't worry, I'll get you two something" I say, smiling at the end. "Here" Chucky says, handing me two 50 bucks. "Where do you even get this money?" I ask. "Don't worry about it, we have powers, remember." Slappy reassures, I nod. "Ok, well, I have plenty of board games, but you already discovered that so I won't keep you waiting long." I reply walking out. "Ya better" Chucky says smirking, Slappy waves. I decided to take my car, since it is long distance places as it can hold stuff, and it also has a gps built in it.
Slappy's and Chucky's Point of View:
They both see her walk out, and wait a little bit. "Hey" Slappy says turning to Chucky. "I know, she's going to find out...But hey your one too" Chucky replies referring to his past. Slappy nods, "How about a game of Shogi?" Slappy asks, pulling out a Japanese Chest game. "What? You know how to play that?" Chucky asks, trying to read the board game, titling his head. "Its Japanese" Slappy states. "No, I don't wanna play" Chucky firmly says. "Your just jealous that you don't know how to play" Slappy replies, smirking. Slappy walks off "Your just Bluffing" Chucky shoots back. "Oh am I?" Slappy says sitting back down, taking the board game top off beginning the game.
Y/n's Point of view:
I arrive at an antique store, it looked cool. I decided to buy Slappy a red tie, it might be interesting to switch up his outfit a bit instead of having a bow tie, he could alternate. I found a Good Guys doll, it was 125 dollars, but the vendor was selling separate clothing, and since I kinda ruined Chucky's outfit, by ironing out the words, I decided to get it, it was 20 bucks and the tie was 5 bucks.
(Slappy's Tie)
(Chucky's new outfit)
I had some cash, left and decided to visit a thrift store. I walked around this one and spotted a book, it was locked. R.L STINE This is one of his creations. I read the side label. NIGHT OF LIVING DUMMY 2 (Dennis) It was only 5 bucks so I decided to hold onto it. I walked around the store looking for more treasures. I saw Sarah. Why is she here I thought. I walked passed her ignoring her, but I felt her eyes following me. "R.L stine, huh, yeah I heard he went missing recently" The lady said. "I'm a big reader" I say trying to change the subject. "It's good to see young folk, like you reading" The lady replied. I hurried up and paid and got out. I sat in my car looking down at the book.
I took a bobby pin, and picked the lock. Should I? I question, about to open it. Eh, why not? I thought opening the book. Nothing happen, I sighed, setting the book beside me, I then gasp in shock. "You scared me little guy! What was it... Dennis?" I ask turning my attention to the Brown fluffy hair, short Venquilitrist doll, sitting on the passenger side next to me. His brown eyes stared straight forward. "I know your alive, I've released other books from R.L stine" I say. "Oh, Ok whew" The doll says turning to look at me, his red sweater handing loosely on him.
"I'm Y/n" I state as I start driving. "I'm Dennis, but I see you knew that already." Dennis shyly says. I turn on the ventilation, he sniffs the air. "Wait till they see you, they'll be so happy" I state proud. "Whose them?" Dennis asks curious. "My masters, Chucky and Slappy" I reply. "So that's who marked you, wait you said S-slappy? No, He'll KILL me!" Dennis roars. "What? Why?" I ask confused. "He attacked my owner, scared them, blackmailed them, so I broke him. And he hates me" Dennis replies, I nod. "Slappy's not like that now, he has never hurt me, or blackmailed me... I won't let him hurt you or destroy you, alright?" I reassure Dennis. "o-Ok" Dennis replies.
"Whose Chucky?" Dennis asks breaking the silence. "Oh, Chucky is like Slappy's partner. Not like that, like a duo. They teamed up together" I reply. "Gosh, Slappy has changed" Dennis murmurs. "Get in my backpack" I order Dennis as I pull up to the house, he listens shyly, very submissive. I walk in seeing Chucky and Slappy play Shogi. "I win" Slappy says. "Shut UUUUppp" Chucky whines, flipping the game. I chuckle, they look at me, then with my bag. I set it down as they both walk over to me. Slappy and Chucky peer inside. Slappy grabs his tie, as Chucky grabs his new outfit. "Not much of a tie person" Slappy murmurs. "Thought, you might switch it up a bit every now and then" I say. Slappy nods. "It is a nice tie, I think it will fit me" Slappy remarks taking off his bow tie. Slappy struggles with putting on the Tie, Chucky says thanks and slips on his outfit. Dennis still in my bag.
I grab Slappy's tie, and begin to Tie it perfectly for him. "hmm?" Slappy says watching me tie it perfectly around his neck. "How the heck, did you learn how to tie a tie?" Chucky asks shocked. "YouTube" I reply smugly. "Thanks" Chucky and Slappy say in union. "I also have one more thing to show you" I say. Grabbing my bag, and unzipping it. "Well, you see I found another R.L Stine's locked book, and I decided to buy it." I add, Slappy raises one eyebrow, Chucky stares curiously at me. "And...You want me to unlock it for you, I presume." Slappy states. "No, I picked the lock already and released him. And I think he's really cool" I reply, they nod. "Well, show us already~!" Chucky says getting impatient.
Dennis hops out of my bag, landing on his feet in front of me. I set my bag aside. "Oh, You got to be kidding me" Chucky murmurs annoyed. Slappy runs up to Dennis. "I outta-!" Slappy screams raising his fist towards the dummy. Dennis turns towards me, jumping and stretching his hands up to me. I instinctively grab him. Slappy continues running, then trots back. "I know you two, don't necessarily get along, but he is still technically related to you as he had the same creator. R.L Stine" I say, breaking the tension. Slappy pouts, I never actually seen him pout. "I don't want to return him to the thrift store, then it would be defeating the overall purpose of buying the book." I add. Chucky looks at Slappy.
"What kinda beef you got, with this dude?" Chucky asks Slappy. "I don't have any beef. I don't even like beef." Slappy replies. Chucky lets out annoyed sigh, knowing Slappy could not understand his lingo. "I mean issues" Chucky says. "He DESTROYED ME!" Slappy yells, my knees shake slightly from the sudden rage outburst. "You ATTACKED my Owner AMY!" Dennis screeches, his voice shaky. Slappy looks up at him, glaring him. Silence fell. Chucky grabs the book out of my bag. "I'd say this is the best solution" Chucky states, Slappy nods. I sit down. "Please you don't do this" I whisper, holding Dennis sweater, Dennis's head was on my shoulder, almost as if Dennis was accepting his fate. "Move Y/n" Slappy orders, his hands touching the leather book. "p-please" I plead, looking deep into both of there eyes. Tears formed in mine. "d-Damn you" Chucky stutters out, as Slappy and Chucky toss the book aside.
I pop up, setting Dennis down. "Aw, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I repeat excitedly. "Your one lucky MotherFucker" Chucky growls at Dennis. Dennis gulps out of fear, he said nothing, just stood beside me. I smile. "How about we watch a movie?" I ask, trying to calm the tension in the atmosphere. "Ok, how about Nightmare on Elm Street 2" Chucky suggest. "Nah, I'd prefer to watch Friday the 13th 2" Slappy inputs. I look at Dennis. "H-how about we watch s-some Blue's Clues?" Dennis stutters out, still nervous. Chucky throws his head back laughing. "This was the guy you said destroyed you" Chucky says through laughs. "So what will it be?" Slappy asks me, ignoring Chucky. "I'm going to think of a mixture on what you guys suggested" I reply, they nod.
I choose the movie Coraline, since it was scary, but was still cartoonish. Since I didn't take a shower yesterday, I had on the same Black crop top, and tight gray pants. I bend over to put the movie in. ((Damn, she's hot, I just want to squeeze her round cheeks, Dennis thought looking at Y/n's ass.)) "WHAT THE FUCK, did you say. I'll fuckin end you, right now!" Chucky screams, cussing. Slappy and Chucky start to go over and try to attack Dennis. But I stop them, before they could reach him. I didn't hear Dennis say anything. "What is going on?" I ask. "Dennis is being a perv" Slappy admits. "He kept looking at your ass, that's ours!" Chucky growls. "heh, Did you forget that I could read thoughts, Dennis? I've Shared my powers with Chucky so he read you too...And my my, you better stop thinking about our slave, like that..." Slappy states glaring down Dennis. "S-sorry" Dennis replies embarrassed and flustered.
The movie starts. Slappy and Chucky sit on the couch while, Dennis sits on the chair. I sit on the floor beside the couch. As I walk by Dennis sitting on the couch across from him he smells me. "So, You two marked her?" Dennis asks. "Yeah, you got a problem with it?" Chucky asks. "N-no, I j-just asked that's all" Dennis replies, nervous again. We begin watching the movie. I feel Slappy's hand pet my head, at first I flinched to the sudden feeling, but I liked it, it was calming. After a while he stops. I put my head on Chucky's lap lazily, at first Chucky gasped, but he lightly put a hand on my upper back, holding me. The movie ends. "That was too scary!" Dennis blurts out, I jump, my head now upright. "No, it was disappointing and confusing. There was no gore either" Chucky replies. "It was ok, but yeah nothing to scary" Slappy adds, shrugging. "Scary enough for me" Dennis mutters. I yawn.
"Well, I'm going to go take a shower, I'm really tired..." I say tiredly, heading towards the bathroom. I feel there eyes on me. "Ok, we'll be waiting" Chucky calls, I shoot him a thumbs up and walk in the bathroom. I took a long shower, thinking about what all that's happen. I step out of the shower and notice I grabbed the wrong outfit. Why'd it have to be this one? I thought. I get dressed slipping on the black cut-out crop top, with panties, and a black kinky cat tail. I put on my cat ears, and collar, just to complete the outfit. I took a deep breath in and walked out, biting my lip.
I see Chucky and Slappy look up at me, Dennis's mouth agape. I didn't mean to grab this outfit, I thought, hoping they'd understand. "Go to the bedroom, now~" Chucky orders, I nod heading to the bedroom. I listen to there conversation on the other side of the door. "Don't be surprised if you hear her moaning tonight." Slappy says. "m-moaning?" Dennis asks. "Just cover your ears, kid" Chucky replies, I hear there footsteps, I lay on the bed. I get under the covers pretending to be asleep. I hear the door open, but I ignore it. The door locks. I feel the two bodies climb on the bed. "We can tell your not asleep, Slave" Slappy purrs, pulling down the covers. "M, not tonight, I'm tired" I state, pulling up the covers. "Should have thought about that when you accidently grabbed this outfit" Chucky says sharply, he then removes my top, my boobs spring out.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (The Lenny face warning)
Chucky starts kissing and rubbing my nibbles, squeezing and caressing my breasts. I moan lightly. Slappy lips, connect with mine, he starts passionately kissing me, I hold the back of his wooden head softly. I got wet, slowly becoming horny, lustful for them. "Tell us what you want, babe~" Slappy whispered in my ear, his hot breathe running down my neck. Chucky sucks and kissing my boobs. "I want you both...Down there...please" I reply, so erotic sounding, so naughty. Chucky sits up. And starts pulling down my panties, seeing that there soaked. "No lube needed for this little slut~" Chucky says seeing how wet I am for them. "You know, I would fuck you so hard in front of Dennis just to piss him off. But I'm very protective of my Slaves, and no one, but us will see you like this~" Slappy states, his eyes trailing down my naked body.
Slappy grabs the couples vibrator from the dresser. I had forgotten all about the vibrator.... until now. Chucky and Slappy undress, there cocks spring up as they look down at me smirking.
I bite my lip, Slappy turns on the vibrator, Chucky grabs it and hovers it lightly over my nipples, I moan, feeling slight vibration tingles course through the tips of my breasts. "Please~" I moan, wanting it inside me. Slappy shoves the vibrator deep inside me, I scream in pleasures, it vibrates my clit and my G spot. Chucky then shoves his hard member deep inside my pussy, he groans in pleasure due to the wet vibrations surrounding his thick cock. Slappy puts his cock up to my lips. "Suck" Slappy orders, lustfully. I moan as Chucky thrusts in and out of me as I take Slappy's dick in my mouth, my lips encasing his hard cock. I feel Chucky's cock pump in and out of me, quickly. The vibrations get stronger somehow. I then notice Slappy with the remote. "mm, Just like that" Slappy moans, as I bob up and down on his dick. I moan, feeling strong vibrations, I was close...
"MM. mmm...Mmp. mMmMM~" My moans were muffled by Slappy's cock, but was still louder then expected. "Fuck~" Chucky cusses, roughly penetrating my pussy, moving faster and much sloppier. I moan loudly, Cumming on the vibrator and Chucky's cock, as Slappy cums in my mouth, due to the vibrations of my moan, he groans. Chucky then Cums in my pussy, I feel his sperm squirting out in me. They both pull out, Slappy turns off the remote, Cum drips slightly out of the corner of my mouth, as well as my pussy. "Mm, that felt great..." I reply tiredly. They help me put back my outfit. "Are you wearing this to school?" Slappy asks lowly, almost growling. "n-no, I'll change in the morning" I reply, sleepily, closing my eyes.
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