《We'll Protect You (Slappy X Reader X Chucky) {COMPLETED}》Chapter 13
(So, I'm saying that TV show Slappy is Wally because they never filmed Night of the living dummy 1, showing that they made Wally first and ran out of money to make Slappy so they improvised in the TV episodes. Also he looks like how the book describes him, so I'm just going with it. Thanks )
I wake up, it was Monday. I slip away from Slappy and Chucky's grip without waking them up somehow. I decided to make breakfast, I fixed myself some Trix cereal, figuring it would be easier to eat in my kitten bowl. I still couldn't find the other plates, so I took the two plates for Slappy and Chucky and decided to make red velvet pancakes. I sit them down on the table, as I began licking up the Trix is for kids cereal. The humiliation of licking out of the bowl had diminished. I hear them walk out of the bedroom. "Good Morning~" Slappy says. "Grmp." Chucky grunts, annoyed, clearly not being a morning person.
"Thanks for the breakfast Slave" Chucky states, as he began eating the red velvet pancakes. I still can't believe they eat. "Today when you get back I want you to be ready." Slappy says. "Ready for?" I question, looking up from my bowl. "I will be releasing Wally, and he loves meeting new 'friends'... I want to give you a heads up, since he will be here when you get home." Slappy replies, as I nod. "Be on your best behavior, Slave" Chucky orders. "When you get back from school, head straight to the bedroom, an outfit will be there waiting. Just prepare yourself" Slappy adds, as I put up all the dishes in the sink as I wash them. Prepare myself, why do I need to- What am I up against?... I thought. "Just don't freak out when you see an unfamiliar doll face sitting at the table or walking around. " Chucky says, clearly reading my worried thoughts. "O-ok. I won't" I reply grabbing my bag. "Are you coming?" I ask. "No, I think it will be better for me to talk to my brother, that he can catch up, with all that's going on" Slappy says. "Alright, I'll see you guys around 3pm" I state waving goodbye heading out.
Slappy and Chucky's point of view:
We watch Y/n walk out the door, Slappy takes the book out of his suit, as he had put it in there when he got up that morning. "So are we gonna summon this motherfucker or what?" Chucky asks. Slappy nods. "His names Wally alright? So don't really go cussing him out..." Slappy replies. "Ok" Chucky replies sarcastically, as Slappy opens the book...A bright light appears, knocking both dolls back....
Y/n's point of view:
I arrived at 1st period. "Hi, Y/n? How's the restoration coming with the dolls?" Sam asks, I jump slightly, this was the first time they talked to me in a while. "Um...Yeah, I shined up Slappy's shoes and re-sewed Chucky's overalls." I reply as they nod. "I heard Tyler say that the dolls caused him to fall off the ladder" Sonny states. "And, Sonny and I had this weird glitch with Chucky were he kept saying he wanted you. I researched Good guy dolls, there only supposed to say 3 phrases" Sam adds, shocking me. "Well, what exactly are you saying? That there alive? That's impossible, Tyler was just hallucinating and I didn't even have the dolls with me when I walked out of the Classroom. As with Chucky, I'm sure it was just a weird glitch because it hasn't happened to me" I reply, I hated lying but I had to get them off my backs. They nod..."Well, I'm sorry, but I don't want you to share the dolls with me, there just to creepy and weird for me." Sam says. I nod. "Pay attention" The teacher yells at us.
7th period came, and today was just a regular Monday, no raffles or surprises. Only the surprise when I saw Tyler walk into class. He had a cast on one of his arms the other one was healed. "Welcome to my class! It's nice how well your recovering" The teacher states, His eyes stop on mine I look away from Tyler. Ever since that incident, everyone has been treating me different, There scared of me. "Class dismiss!" The teacher says, I had dozed off and I flinched when the bell rung.
I got home heading straight to the bedroom, I felt another set of eyes on me. "Is that her?" A deep unfamiliar voice asks. "Yeah~" Chucky replies, I close the door, an start putting on the outfit they chose for me to wear.
I blush, as I turn the door handle walking out. I look out on the couch and see Slappy, Chucky and...A male doll, with red hair, and green eyes, wearing a suit like Slappy. Wally. He turns to look at me...
Slappy Sits next to Wally as he turns and looks over at me and my outfit that wearing:
Chucky sits next to Slappy on the couch. I go over to Slappy and Chucky, My high heels clicking the ground. I sit down in front of Slappy and Chucky on the floor. Chucky also looks over at me:
(Art is not mine, All credit goes to the artist)
"Well hello there... Your my brothers new slave huh?" Wally asks me. "Our slave" Chucky replies. "Yes, sir" I reply. "Please call me Mr. Wood" Mr. Wood states, resting back on the couch. "So your the one to put an end to R.L Stine and Chucky's past owner?" Mr. Wood questions. "Yes, um.. Mr. Wood" I reply nervously. "Gosh how do you have her trained so well?" Mr. Wood asks, turning to Chucky and Slappy. "Well, we kinda saved her" Chucky says. "We offered her protection, and she became loyal" Slappy adds, shrugging. Mr. Wood was slightly taller then them. "I can't believe my last Slave betrayed me..." Mr. Woods says. Slappy and Chucky were confused... "Oooh, so that's how you got sucked back in the book.... She told your location to Stine" I state. "Yes, You have yourself a bright one too" Mr. Wood says looking at Slappy and Chucky, referring to me being one of the smartest slaves. "Slave, how about you get us some drinks?" Slappy asks.
"I'll have some Kool-Aid" Chucky states. "Water, please" Slappy says. "I'll have a glass of wine" Mr. Wood adds. Wait, we don't have wine...what should I do--I look at Slappy almost begging him to just read my mind. I don't have wine..."Ok then, I'll have a glass of water." Mr. Wood says. I got up, to get the drinks. He just read my mind, that would make sense though, since he is Slappy's brother, he was made by the same person, Kanduu...That means he also has powers too, I thought, as I fix the Kool aid. "I'm impressed, usually most Slaves just scream and make a big dramatic deal, when I read there thoughts." Mr. Wood states, as I give Slappy the water. I give Chucky the Kool aid and Mr. Wood the water.
"Wait, Come here." Mr. Wood orders. I lean in to him, he sniffs me then turns to Slappy and Chucky. "Really, guys?" Mr. Wood asks. "What's wrong?...D-do I smell?" I ask nervous. "Yes you smell goood~.... Its because you haven't been marked yet. Marking warns off other dolls from trying to mess with you" Mr. Wood states. "Oh well, just mark me right now." I state turning to Slappy and Chucky. "N-No, we can't--" Chucky starts, blushing. "What is it like a hickey or a scar?" I ask, walking over to them and sitting in front of them. "They seriously haven't told you huh?" Mr. Wood asks as he sips his drink. "Just tell me" I request. "They have to have sex with you...Somehow dolls can smell someone who is mark. I know its weird, but dolls can just smell if humans have already been claimed,... and you haven't~" Mr. Wood states. Ooh, that's why Chucky and Slappy were flustered. "Can't believe you haven't had sex with her yet, I mean c'mon look at her." Mr. Wood states looking down at me. "We've had Oral sex? Does that count?" I ask. "No" Chucky admits, drinking his Kool aid. "It has to be anal or vaginal" Slappy adds... "And yes you can be marked by two dolls" Mr. Wood says, I nod. "I was going to give this to my past Slave, before she turned on me, but never did. I want you two to have it, its not even been opened" Mr. Wood states as he hands Slappy and Chucky a pair of black panties, I then notice a remote with them.
There vibrating panties. I bite my lip. "Aww, Thanks, I'm sure it will be fun to try out on our little slut puppy" Chucky says taking them. "Truly, thanks, you didn't have to" Slappy states sipping his drink, as Mr. Wood nods. "So you have powers too?" I ask Mr. Wood, he nods. "All the women like this one" Mr. Wood says, as Black tentacles emerge from his back. They reminded me of Slappy's, except thinner, I thought. "Oh, so he has used them on you" Mr. Wood states as he had read my mind. "Of course~!" Slappy says chuckling. "Wait, if you were made by Kanduu, then do you have the same type of reviving spell?" I question. "Reviving spell?" Mr. Wood questions as he sips his water. "She means the words" Chucky says, as it clicked with Mr. Wood. "Um, no My spell is actually the words backwards." Mr. Wood states, pulling out the card from his suit showing me. "Oh, ok" I reply. "Grmp, Worth a shot, I guess" Mr. Wood puts the card up. "Wait- were you really going to try and steal our Slave, brother?" Slappy asks. "Noooo...."Mr. Wood replies, clearly lying.
I giggle, leaning up against Chucky's leg. Wally had wanted me to read his words... "So what type of Chores do you have?" Mr. Wood asks me. Chores? Oh, so like tasks. "I shine there shoes, make breakfast, I recently polished Slappy and cleaned Chucky" I reply as Mr. Wood nods. "Have you ever marked someone?" I ask. "Yes, oh yes~ Quite a lot throughout the years, lost count after 20" Mr. Wood replies. "Weird Flex, but Ok" Chucky says, sipping his Kool aid. "Ever marked anyone Chucky?" Mr. Wood asks. "N-not any humans" Chucky admits. "Ok" Mr. Wood replies, clearly already knowing Slappy's answer. "How about you?" Mr. Wood asks. "Yeah, no. I'm a virgin" I state. Mr. Wood turns to Slappy and Chucky, then back at me. "If these two don't know how to do you, just give me the word and I'll be heading right for it~" Mr. Wood says flirtatiously. "I will fuckin kill you" Chucky states. "I'm good, Mr. Wood, stop being lustful." I reply, getting up taking the empty drinks back to the kitchen. "What a women" Mr. Wood murmurs, as I wash out the cups putting them up and heading back to Slappy and Chucky. "I do have something for you." I reply looking at Mr. Wood. "Me?" Mr. Wood asks, as I head to the bedroom, I come out and give it to him. "We've already played it, so you might find a use for it" I reply as he looks at the kinky truth or dare game. "Thanks, I appreciate it. I'll be heading off now" Mr. Wood says, as he slides the game in his suit.
"Oh ok" I state. "Goodbye" Chucky says. "Goodbye brother, It was nice seeing you again" Slappy adds. "Yes, Thank you for releasing me, And keep that Slave of you two own close" Mr. Woods says. "See ya!" Mr. Woods waves and walks out. I turn to Slappy and Chucky and nuzzle up against there legs. "Where do you think he'll be going?" I ask. "Probably, to an antique store, to find a new slave for himself there" Slappy points out. "Good riddance, he kept flirting with our girl anyways" Chucky says, it was true..."He did give us a new toy." Slappy states. "And we gave him a present too, whoopty doo" Chucky replies sarcastically. "What is wrong" Slappy questions, Chucky looked away. I put my head on his lap.
"I know what's wrong" I say Chucky looks down at me. "And I know the solution" I add. "What?" Chucky replies grumpily. I slam my lips onto his, the action took Chucky by surprise, but he slowly melted into the kiss, closing his eyes. I feel Chucky's wet tongue slip in my mouth, We fight for dominance, but he wins. I break away from the kiss. "Mmm... Much better, baby" Chucky says. I see Slappy pouting, I go over and kiss him, also taking him by surprise, but he slowly melted into the kiss, closing his eyes. I feel Slappy's hand on my cheek deepening the kiss....We then both break away from the kiss. "It's getting late, I'll just wear these clothes tomorrow. Imma head to bed, I'm getting tired" I admit, heading off into the bedroom, they follow.
I turn off the lights and jump in the bed, Slappy spoons me from behind as Chucky puts his face in my tits, kissing them. I moan..."Mmm...Night guys" I say. "Goodnight Slave, I love you" I hear Chucky and Slappy say in unison, making me giggle slightly. I will never question picking up junk again, I thought. I slowly fall asleep, not knowing what the next day awaits.....
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