《We'll Protect You (Slappy X Reader X Chucky) {COMPLETED}》Chapter 8
I start to wake up, Slappy still behind me and Chucky still stuffed in my boobs. I can't believe they teased me so much. I really need to use the bathroom, I thought. I get out of the grasps without waking them up and head to the bathroom, locking it. I do my business and wipe. I then realize how moist my pussy still is, I don't want to be horny all day so I Insert a finger, imagining it was Slappy or Chucky as I use my thumb to pleasure my clit. I start moaning slightly, trying to be quiet, I didn't want to wake them. I throw my head back in pleasure, as I cum.
Slappy's and Chucky's point of view:
Slappy slowly wakes up realizing Y/n is gone, as Chucky moves close into Slappys chest. "Y/n? Where are your boobs?" Chucky states tiredly as he feels around Slappys chest. Slappy pushes him away immediately, as Chucky opens his eyes. "Oh, Where'd she go?" Chucky asks semi-embarrassed, but didn't show it. "I think she might be in the restroom." Slappy replies as they both teleport to the bathroom door. They see the light on, but the door is clearly locked. Slappy was going to walk off, but Chucky stops him. "Listen, I think I heard her." Chucky whispers, as he grabbed Slappys wrist. Slappy nods walking back to the door, they both push their ear up against the door, hearing small soft moans. "Is she?" Chucky asks, still whispering. "I don't know but well find out" Slappy states.
Y/n's Point of view:
That felt good, I get up and wash my hands well, pulling my (h/l) (h/c) back with a headband. I look in the mirror and realize I have a hickey on my neck and on my boob, they both gave me hickeys, that I can't hide. I step out of the bathroom, unlocking it to see Chucky and Slappy looking at me. "H-Hi guys, What ya doing?" I question them. "We could ask the same thing for you" Chucky says, as he grabs my shirt, yanking me down to their height. "Oh, I forgot to show off one more power of mine, Wouldn't hurt to test it now would it?" Slappy states walking up to me, his eyes start to glow green, I couldn't look away. "Now tell me Y/n. What were you doing in there?" Slappy asks his eyes glowing green. "I was fingering myself and rubbing my clit, imagining you two pleasuring me as I cum" I state bluntly. What Why did I just admit that, I thought. "So, you did masturbate?" Slappy asks, his eyes illuminating my face with a soft green glow. "Yes" I admit. Slappy's eyes fade back to his normal brown. He just hypnotized me.
(Art is not mine, Credit goes to Bunny Arts OwO)
"Your not supposed to touch yourself without our permission." Slappy says looking deep into my (e/c) eyes. "Since when?" I ask, cocky. "Since now. Wood brains forgot to tell you that those words make you his slave, and since those words gave him powers, and he shared his powers with me. See what I'm getting at, your also my slave" Chucky says. "I'll let you off with a warning this time since I forgot to tell you it" Slappys replies. "What does the words even mean?" I ask. "It roughly means that "You and I are one now" Slappy says, as I nod. "I gotta go, I don't wanna be late on the second day of school." I state, Even though I was late on the first day. I hear Chucky giggle slightly. I get up. "Oh and Y/n, we have something for you to do for us when you get back" Slappy says. 'That's not going to be a problem, right slave~" Chucky states in a flirty way. "N-no, Ok I'll be back around 3, goodbye~" I say. They both says goodbye as I walk out. What did I get myself into.
In my 7th period class, I notice Timothy, walked in. "Hi miss is this room 209?" He asks looking around, I look away to not make eye contact with the punk. "Yes, why?" The teacher questions. "I got my scheduled changed" Blonde punk states, Oh great he's now going to be in my 1st period and my 7th. Some people stared at my hickeys, but I ignored it, even Sam and Sonny asked about it, I just told them that I burned myself. Yeah they believed that. I liked this teacher a lot, every Friday, there's raffles, and a lot of fun new learning ideas. I know two days ago was the first day of her class, but I've had her as my teacher before, just not in this subject. And every Thursday, which is tomorrow there's a surprise for us. Last Thursday, was food Thursday and we all brought snacks and pizza and was aloud to eat in her class. My favorite snack was always the (S/n).
"As you all know tomorrow is the surprise day. I know all of my students last year liked eating in class, but not everyone cleaned up after themselves. How about this Thursday we all bring in something that we like, not food of course. We could each bring in something special, like a nostalgic or favorite toy, or a hobby you guys want to show off or talk about. I think it would be a great way to get to know you better, and for you all to make friends. It will be like a Show and Tell Thursday" The teacher announces as everyone gets excited.
"Oo, I'm so gonna bring my guitar" One girl says in the back. I thought to myself quietly in the corner desk where I sat. I could bring Slappy and Chucky but what if someone tries to steal them or break them. They do have powers, so I do think they can defend themselves, as Slappy did say he was over a 100 years old..."Y/n...Y/n! Class Dismissed" The teacher says grabbing my attention. "Oh sorry- I kinda spaced out" I admit. "No worries see you tomorrow, don't forget to bring something Its worth extra credit" The teacher says as I nod walking out of her classroom, heading home.
I walk through the front door, seeing Slappy and Chucky watching 'Dead Silence', the end credits start rolling. "Y/n, welcome back, come and help us take this out~" Chucky calls out to me, as I leap off my (f/c) bike. "Take it out, the same way you put it in" I reply. "Maybe we don't want to" Slappy states, clearly lazy. I get over there, I like that movie, and wanted to keep it in good condition, I bend down, trying to see the buttons to eject the DVD, not realizing how short my skirt is. "There" I say getting out the DVD putting it back. I sit back down and turn around, seeing Chucky and Slappy still siting on the couch, eyes locked onto me. "So, what was that thing you needed help with?" I ask, still sitting on the floor.
"I would like my suit washed on the cool settings, and have it dry in the dryer for approximate 25 minutes, and then ironed out the wrinkles. Also my shoes need polishing" Slappy states, giving me direct orders. "And I need my outfit ironed too and re-sewed, and my shoes need to be washed. You better not fuck it up" Chucky says with a smile. "Alrighty." I state, taking it all in. Slappy shifts around, fluffing the pillow behind him. "So you wanna, take that off for me then" I ask looking at Chucky. "No, I believe you can, slave" Chucky replies. I take off both red sneakers and set them aside, now sitting in front of Chucky.
I start unbuttoning his overalls, and as I pull them down, a dick springs up, it almost hits me lol. I get red and flustered. "I-I'm so sorry. I-i" I stutter, from being so embarrassed, Chucky laughed. "What have you never seen dick before?" Chucky asks. "No- I just guessed it just shocked me and all" I say still nervous. I take off Chucky's striped shirt. "I'll get these sewed and Iron." I reply still kinda flustered. I then turn to Slappy. "I'm waiting" Slappy states annoyed as he takes removes his suit card from his pocket. I hurry up and start unbuttoning his suit, removing his bow tie. "Nice business card, woody" Chucky says.
"Shut it, old man" Slappy replies, as I Remove his shoes setting it aside as I then remove his pants, his dick springs up to, I was kinda prepared for it, I look back up at the two. Chucky's was slightly shorter but thicker, as Slappys was slightly longer with less girth, despite him being wood, his hard cock looked so soft flesh looking, I thought, as I see pre-cum drip out of Slappy's cock. "Mm, Stop that" Slappy murmurs as he read my thoughts. "Girl we don't need a dick analyses" Chucky states, clearly getting hard. "Sorry, I'll get these done for you" I say getting up with there outfits and shoes in my arms.
"It's going to take a while, so If you want you can wait for me in the bedroom, that way I can surprise you two on how much of a good job I'll do." I state, as I put Slappy's suit in the washer for 25 minutes, on the coolest setting. "Ok, I'll be waiting" Chucky says getting up, still naked. "Are you sure you know how to work an iron? They can be hard, sometimes. I could help" Slappy offers, as he gets you from the couch, me getting the iron out. "No thank you Slappy, I'm like almost a professional with an iron" I reply, shoeing him away. "Alright, but you better not screw it up" Slappy states as he follows Chucky to my bedroom. I shine and wash both shoes, and set them on the table, they already started looking much better. Slappy's outfit finishes washing so I put it in the dryer as well for 25 minutes. I decided to get Chucky's outfit on the ironing table, and Ironed his striped shirt perfectly.
I notice his dark blue overalls needed ironing as well, so I start to Iron Chucky's front pocket on the overalls, starting off with the most wrinkled area, I then realized the Iron completely removed the red 'Good Guys' logo. Maybe he won't notice? I hope, I thought to myself. I then sew up all the rips in his overalls with blue thread, it looks good. I set it by the striped shirt and red sneakers, one outfit done. Slappy's outfit finishes drying, as I start to iron it, everything goes good until the Iron accidently glides over his red carnation, burning the tips slightly. He won't notice that its, barely even noticeable to me. I hope... "Are you done yet?" Chucky asks. "Yup, just finished up!" I yell back, biting my lip, they won't even notice, I think re-assuring myself.
Chucky and Slappy look at there outfits. "I like how my shoes shine a lot more now, they look brand new" Slappy compliments. "Uh, wait a minute--" Chucky skims over his outfit examining. "Where the hell is the good guys logo?" Chucky asks, he noticed. "Well, you see--" I start but get interrupted. "You, Burnt my carnation!!" Slappy yells. Shit, I thought. "Shit is right" Chucky states. "Go to the bedroom, strip down to your bra and panties and wait for us in the bedroom." Slappy says. "No-" I state. "Excuse me? Either take our punishment or we get to rip up your leather skirt" Chucky replies harshly. I paid 50 bucks for this skirt, my allowance money. "Ok, I'll take the punishment" I say heading off to the bedroom, as they start putting on there outfits. It was at this moment Y/n knew she fucked up.
I close the door, and start stripping down to my bra and panties, I put my pillow under the covers, making it look like I'm sleeping, as I hide in my closet. The door slams open, I jump, biting my lip. "She's not here" Chucky states. "She must be here somewhere" Slappy replies. I see there figures on the other side of the door. I hold my breathe, the door opens, the light creeps in. "Get out" Chucky states. I don't say anything I just back up. He grumbles as Slappy's tentacles shoot out, he smirks wrapping them around my wrist and ankles, forcing me out, and pushing me back up against the bed.
"You've been a real bad girl, lately, you knew you needed help ironing~" Slappy says. "Time to get punished" Slappy added, retracting his green tentacles. "On your stomach, ass up in the air" Chucky orders. I followed, knowing that they were two powerful for me to take on. My boobs resting on the sheets, my black thong panties, showing off my ass to both of them. Smack, I feel a hard wooden hand hit my ass cheek hard. "What do you say?" Slappy asks from behind me. 'I-I'm sorry?" I question. "Sorry doesn't cut it" Chucky states bluntly. "Say 'thank you masters'~" Slappy says. Slap, I feel Chucky's hand hit my other ass cheek, hard. "Thank You masters~" I reply. Slappy ended up smacking my left ass cheek 10 times, and Chucky ended up smacking my right cheek 10 times as well. In a total of 20 times, my ass cheeks were red and they left a stingy sensation. "Well, let you take a shower now, Slave" Chucky states as I get up. Gosh, their kinky, I thought. "You know you like it~" Slappy cooed as I roll my eyes grabbing an outfit and heading to the shower.
The water stung my already red ass cheeks. I get dressed I wore a black tight top with a multiple layered skirt.
I walk into the bed room and realized they were listening to my playlist again. I see the on the bed as they look up at me, purple led lights illuminated their eyes
(In case the song doesn't play its måneskin - I wanna be your slave )
"I don't know what you were thinking, Your just as kinky as us!" Chucky remarks laughing as the song played. "I wanna pull your strings, Like you're my telecaster ,And if you want to use me I could be your puppet~" I then stop the song. "Mmhm" Slappy says smirking. "Ok, Well, I'm going off to bed, tomorrow is a big day, it's going to be show and tell Thursday, I advise you get your sleep as I am going to bring you two" I say, as they nod climbing up in bed with me. I lay their with them, as the lights turn off. Darkness.
"What no kisses tonight?" I ask. "I didn't know you wanted any, sweet cheeks~" Chucky replies as he starts kissing my jaw line, up to my lips. Slappy kissing my neck and nibbling my ear, as me and Chucky's lips meet, I start kissing him, passionately, he had soft lips, that were so smooth. I start getting turned on. Our lips break away. "I want a kiss too!" Slappy whines as I roll, over towards him and start kissing his wooden lips, they were surprisingly softer then I imagined. Chucky presses his head into my neck, light kissing me, as Slappy rest his hand on my cheek, deepening the kiss. We break away as I slowly fall asleep on Slappy's chest. "Goodnight Y/n~" They both say, as I drift off. "Night~" I reply, falling asleep onto Slappy's chest as Chucky hold me from behind.
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