《Mrbeast oneshots (mpreg)》ChrisxJimmy
Two lines. That was all he saw. Two lines. One was bright and loud and the other one was faint but it was there. Two lines that shaped his future for him, made his head pounded with the decisions and his mind go hazy with his future.
He looked at himself in the mirror and his gaze landed on his stomach. He turned to the side and lifted up his shirt, trying to picture how he would look like in a couple months. He shivered with the thought, swearing to himself to not think of it again. He dropped his shirt and grabbed the stick.
He didn't know if he should tell his boyfriend? They never talk about settling down, only time they talked about something like that is where they would get married. But that was just a brief conversation that came up out of nowhere.
Would he be mad? Would he be happy? He couldn't picture what emotion he was going to react with. He could picture all the emotions but at same couldn't.
He walked around the house trying to find his boyfriend. He went into his office and saw him at his computer working on a project. He watched him for a couple seconds, working up the courage to talk.
"Hey, you have a sec?" He didn't look up then Jimmy realized he was wearing headphones. He went up to him and tapped his shoulder. The man flinched and turned around to look at him.
"Oh it's just you." He mumbled, taking his headphones off and placing them in his lap. "What's up?"
Jimmy fidgeted with his hands, looking down at him. He cracked his knuckles and looked away, his eyes landing on the scenery outside the window. The sun was bright and the sky was filled with clouds, the grass green and the tree swayed in the wind.
"Jimmy? What's wrong? You're scaring me." Chris snapped him out his thoughts and he looked back at him. He gripped the stick in his hand tighter, the words sitting on his tongue. He cleared his throat, swallowing.
"Close your eyes and put your hands out." Chris raised his eyebrow but did it, closing his eyes and thrusting his hand out. Jimmy brought his hand up with the stick in it and placed his hand onto his. He opened it and dragged his hand away, leaving the test in his hand. He stared at it then at Chris.
"Open your eyes." His voice spoke quietly and high pitched, sounding like a squeak. Chris opened his eyes and brought the test to his face. He studied it and Jimmy watched his eyebrows shot up and jump up. Jimmy stepped back and watched him, thinking he was happy and going to hug him but something told him he wasn't. A smile was missing and his eyes gleamed with confusion.
"Is this a joke? Because if it is, it a sick one." He asked, his eyes piercing through him. He looked down and hugged himself, rocking his body.
"It's not a joke." He mumbled, burning holes in the ground. He saw socks walked in his line of vision and he looked up to only jerk his head back when he saw the piercing eyes.
"What did you say?" He asked, his eyes softening a little but still pierced him. Jimmy swallowed and looked down again, only to be met with a finger on underneath his chin forcing his head up. He gave in, letting Chris lift up his head. They made eye contact and Jimmy wanted to look away but couldn't.
"It's not a joke." He repeated louder this time, unwrapping his arms from his body and making fists, getting ready in case he needed to. Chris dropped his hand from his chin and stared at him, gears turning in his head as he studied him. His eyes flicked to his stomach then back to his face then back to his stomach for a good couple moments. It was unsettling him, the eyes roaming his eyes. When he made eye contact with them again, he felt like he was staring into a stranger's eye. They were so dark and filled with angry compared to the usual brightness and love to it was hidden.
"Why didn't you take the pill?" He growled, making Jimmy jump back. He wasn't used to hearing this side of him, the only time he ever heard him like this was when someone was hitting on him and Chris was being the typical overprotective boyfriend he was, cursing them out and wrapping his arms around him tight.
He furrowed his eyebrows, scoffing and looking away. Something sparked in him, a side of him he hoped never would come out came out.
"Why are blaming me? You decided not to wear a condom." He argued back, the fists tightening. He looked back at him and watched something explode in him, coloring rushing to his cheeks fast. He stared back at him, crossing his arms over his chest and pursing his lips.
"You wanted the sex."
"You forced me."
"No I didn't. Stop trying to paint me as the monster."
"How can I paint you as you one when you are? You kissed me and kept kissing me until I started to beg you to fuck me."
"You begged. I just wanted to kiss you."
"Why? Why did you kiss me so roughly?"
"Because I was missing you."
"And why were you kissing my chest and neck?"
"Like I said, I missed you?"
"Did you have to do it naked?"
"You were naked too."
"No I wasn't!"
"Yes you were. We were about to take a shower when we had sex, remember?"
"No I don't. I remember you being naked and kissing me, that's all."
"Well, that's how it happened. You decided to not take the pill, so you got what you deserve."
"You're an asshole, you know that?"
"And you're a bitch."
"You know, I thought I knew you. I thought I loved you. You're just an asshole and jerk who likes to use me and can't even own up to raise a fucking child."
"I will when you stop blaming me for not taking the pill." Chris stared at him for a couple seconds before storming out, tears running down his cheeks and looking like he was about to explode. Jimmy stared at the door he left out, to fed up to chase after him. He heard the door open with force and slam shut, then the engine of car and the gravel of the tires backing out. The screeches of the rubber against the road made the tears raise to his eyes and he crumbled down onto the floor. Sobs shook his body, ones he kept down for months. He wept, tears falling into his mouth when he screamed. He ran his hands through his hair and gripped it, hunching over and screaming more. His throat filled up with mucus and became raw from screaming, but he didn't care. He need to cry, to let it all out.
Chris's View
That bitch, he thought in his head as he sped off. It was like he was on autopilot, one minute he was in the neighborhood and the next he was on the highway. He floored it and heard the engine roar, zooming past cars. He need to think it over it but he didn't want to. He sat in silence and sped past, braking speed limits but he didn't care. He was pissed.
"FUCK!" He screamed and gripped the steering wheel tighter. He kept on speeding, not even knowing where he was and not caring. Tears rose to his eyes and he let them escape, but forced back some. He didn't want to cry, he just wanted to drive and drive until he couldn't go on anymore.
Jimmy's View
"Come on." He grumbled as he tried to put on his shirt. It stopped right above the belly button and he tried to pull it down but it wouldn't budge. He groaned and stopped trying, walking away to go the kitchen.
When Chris stormed out six months ago, the house became strangely quiet. No one snoring throughout the night, no one watching TV in the evening, no one cooking strange meals every other day. He missed it but most of all, he missed Chris. He missed the jokes he would make, the random conversations he would create, and the sweet compliments he would receive.
When he started to miss Chris, he would think about what Chris did when he told him he was pregnant. The screaming and bickering, he never seen that side of Chris. They would only playfully bicker at each other but nothing like that. Tires rose to his eyes as he remembered that day, the pain returning to him. He placed his hand onto his bump and leaned against a wall, trying to collect himself. Yes, he missed Chris. But did he missed what he said, no.
He traced shapes on his bump, trying to focus on them. They stirred and kicking a little before settling down. He choked up on a cry, the guilt getting to him.
"I'm sorry."
Chris's View
He stared out into the distance, watching the birds fly around in the cloudless sky. The sun beamed down on him and a light breeze playing in the air. The weather was nice and the scenery was pretty. His mood, not so much. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about him for the past month. He regretted the way he stormed out on him, it was pretty stupid and immature of him.
He kept walking until he reached a store. He decided to surprise Jimmy by coming back with a box full of stuff he would need, not only for the baby but for the pregnancy and to cheer him up. He grabbed a basket and immediately went to the candy aisle. He grabbed his favorite candy and dropped it into the basket.
He did he research on what you need to raise a baby and he had a checklist on what he was going to get. He also made a checklist on what would Jimmy through the rest of the pregnancy. He walked around the store, his basket filling up with items and the items on the list decreased.
He reached the baby aisle and found the onesie section. He fingered through the soft onesies, picking out some cute gender neutral onesies. He placed them into the basket and smiled softly at the growing pile of onesies. He would pick one up and promise that he would stop but would find other one and placed it into the basket. He decided to walk away from the onesies section before he took them all, scanning through the rest of items. He grabbed a couple pacifiers and bottles along with mittens, hats and socks. He spotted swaddles and he placed them into the basket. He looked down at the basket and smiled at it.
"I think that's it." He mumbled to himself, looking up and walking to the checkout area. He went to self checkout area and did it himself, filling the items up in bags. He paid and grabbed his receipt, walking out the store with the bags in his hands. He walked to where he parked his car and loaded the trunk with the bags. He closed the trunk door and got into the car, starting up the engine and sighing. He buckled himself in and started to drive back to Jimmy's house.
Thirty minutes later, he pulled into his street. He slowed his car as he came closer to his house then stopping the car completely. Jimmy's car was there. He smiled and pulled in, turning off the car and getting out. He stared at the house for a couple moments before walking up the house. He hesitated but knocked, staring at the door. He heard shuffling on the other side and the door knob turn before it open. Jimmy stood in the doorway and they made eye contact.
"Chris?" Jimmy asked. Chris nodded and scratched his neck, looking down at his bump.
"Hey Jimmy. Look I'm really sorry for doing what I did. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me." Chris lowered his gaze down to the floor and wrapped an arm around his stomach. "I just... wanted to come back."
"I-what?" Jimmy's voice cracked as he tried to speak. Chris looked up at him and felt his heart break. Tears were glazed over his eyes as he looked at him. He covered his mouth with hand and looked up at the sky.
"I can't, Chris. You hurt me so emotionally, that I can't even find a reason why I had loved you. I'm sorry." His voice shattered when he finished, closing the door in his face.
"Wait!" Chris yelled, running to the door. Jimmy opened it a crack and looked at him. Chris sighed and cracked his knuckles.
"I have a surprise for you. I'll go grab it." Chris told him, running off to his car and opening the trunk. He grabbed the bags and ran back to him, displaying the bags to Jimmy. He raised an eyebrow and opened the door a little wider so he could see better. He gestured with his hand to show him what was in the bags so Chris did. He placed all the bags on the floor and crouched, rummaging around to find some items. He held up a onesie that was a cream color with little bears on it. He grabbed the hats and mittens that matched with it and showed him it, displaying them on his hand on how tiny they were. He then dropped them back into the bag and grabbed his favorite snack, showing him. He also held up tea packets for him and a heating pad. He showed him more items until he decided he was done. He got off the floor and looked at the man behind the door.
"They're cute and I appreciate what you got for me, but I can't take you back. I'll take them though, thank you." Jimmy told him, opening the door a little bit more so he could grab the bags. Chris handed him the bags and he took them, placing them on the floor by the door.
"I understand." Chris spoke, turning around to go walk to his car.
"Wait." Chris turned back around to face Jimmy. Jimmy was looking down and cracking his knuckles.
"When she decides to come, I'll invite you so you can see the birth of her and spend the first moments of her life together, if that's alright?" Jimmy offered, looking back up at him. He smiled softly, gripping the door tightly. A smile started to form on Chris's face and he felt the tension wash off him.
"Wait, it's a girl?" Jimmy nodded, using one of his hands to stroke his bump. "Of course I'm fine with it. Thank you."
"No problem." Jimmy whispered, smiling softly. Chris nodded and turned around to go back to his car, a wide grin planted on his face.
Jimmy's View
"Oh fuck." He breathed out as he placed his hands on his bump, rubbing all angles and groaning quietly. His muscles were tight and tease, the walls surrounding the baby in his bump nearing in. They tried to fight back, kicking and pressing their feet up against the swollen skin of his belly, making Jimmy wince. He patted his bump and felt the contraction let up, helping him breathe and talk.
"Little one, please. You are about to come into the world and when you get out, you can move around as much as you want. Just calm down, please." He pleaded, rubbing the underside of his bump. He picked a piece of lint from his shirt that covered his bump, feeling the kicks and pushes stop. He waddled in his bedroom and fixed the nursery part of his bedroom since both him and his daughter sharing a room. He tried to take his mind off the contractions he was experiencing, so he wouldn't freak out of being in labor he tried to avoid. His contractions were fifteen minutes apart, which did help take his mind off the contractions but it didn't help his mind wandering into thinking about the labor.
He was having an at home water birth since he didn't want to go to a hospital and it was too risky for him in his opinion. He had all the supplies he needed to go through both the labor and birth part, he just needed to call the midwife and Chris.
Chris. He had been on his mind all day everyday since he showed up with the gift basket. It was sweet of what he did but it didn't heal up the hole he burned in Jimmy's heart. He still loved Chris but he just didn't want to get back in a relationship with him, fearing something bad would happen. He grabbed an onesie that was in the basket and smiled, gently gliding his finger over the soft material. He tried to imagine his daughter in the onesie, squirming around and fussing but also her looking up at him sleepily when he fed her a bottle. He laughed, knowing he babysat his little cousins too much to know what a baby does. But it was good that he did at the same time, he wasn't as clueless as he was when he found out Chris knocked him up.
He refolded the onesie and walked into the bathroom where the at home brith was going to take place. He placed the onesie on the counter along with the other stuff like the towels and the little hats and mittens Chris also picked out. He pursed his lips, rethinking of everything he needed to do.
Yes, he was still fixing the nursery. He decided to start on that project a couple days ago and was still scrabbling around to grab everything and fix it. He went back to the nursery part and decided to put another layer of sheets on the mattress in the crib. When he got two corners done, a contraction decided to interrupt his work. He paused on what he was doing and hummed, letting it take over his body. He didn't have the energy to fight it off, simply deciding to save his energy to when he actually got to the birthing part which he still feared about but strangely, he was calm about it. He thought he would be freaking out about it but no, he was as calm as he could be.
He hissed when his daughter started to kick again, not liking the walls surrounding her where caving in. She started to headbutt his pelvis, making him screaming and push his hands on his bump. Maybe he was going to have to start thinking about that birth part sooner. He threw back his head as the contraction ruthlessly attacked his body, trying to make him weak. He let it take over him, showing that he wasn't weak. Then the contraction settled, helping Jimmy to breathe. He breathed out slowly, pushing his hands on his bump gently and feeling it drop just a tiny bit more than more. He cursed under his breath when his daughter dropped along with the bump then it stopped abruptly. He looked down and placed a hand underneath so he could cradle it and maybe help him to walk.
He walked to the bedside table of his side of the bed and grabbed his phone, dialing the midwife's number. As he talked with the midwife on what he was experiencing, he wanted to sit down but he felt like he wouldn't get up if he did. His legs shook dangerously as his daughter decided to drop more. A heatwave ran through his whole body as his legs gave out and he crashed to the floor, making a loud thud and sending concern to the midwife on the other end of the line.
"Sir, are you alright? Did you faint?" She asked, whole concern and anxiety laced through her words. Jimmy grunted as he tried to get up but his bump made it hard for him to get up so he decided to stay on the floor rather than pulled like one hundred muscles and possibly break his back trying to get up.
"Yes ma'am, I'm alright. It was just I was standing for a long time and my legs weren't having it so they decided to fail on me." He hummed and stroked his bump, trying to get used to the new position he would be stuck in for a while. They talked a little bit longer before saying their goodbyes and hanging up. He immediately decided to dial Chris's number before he didn't have the time to and it would be too late. He has a brief conversation with him, talking about the state he currently was in and earning him he wound need to help him off the floor, which Chris gladly accepted to help, shocking Jimmy. He thought he would complain about it but no, he actually decided to help.
"Thanks Chris. Now, you better get your ass here before she decides to come out." He joked, hearing Chris rush around on the other end of the line. He could barely make out the raged breathing on the other end. "Hey, you okay about this?"
Chris hummed, clearing taking aback about his question. "Oh yeah, I'm alright with it. It was just, I didn't expect her to come so early."
Descent of the Demon God
The leader of the thousand demons, the Demon God Chun YeoWoon. Due to an unfortunate accident, he had been sent to the distant future.The Gate has opened, the future is now in chaos. The fight to return back into the past begins.
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There was this one guy that lived in modern earth, he died in his 20's, and somehow due to mysterious reasons he was granted the chance to be reborn with his memories intact by some servant of the creator of all worlds with one wish granted,as for the world in itself,he was given the choice of suggesting a theme, and it will be selected at randomi will create a discord in the future for the fansand for the record when the discord is made the fans can take part in making the story
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To String Together ( Huaze Lei )
Faye Calinao is a 20 year old musician who is well known for being one of the top cellist at Juilliard. Faye returns to Shanghai for her senior year to accompany the newest student to the Masters program the following fall. Not only is Faye returning to where she spent most of her life, she is reuniting with her closest childhood friend, Ximen. Disclamer: I don't own Meteor Garden or the original cast in this story except for the creation of my own characters, dialogue, and my made up storyline. This will follow the time frame of the 2018 version of Meteor Garden with some before and after the time frame.
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Love Written Forever In Ink! (A Justin Timberlake fanfic)
A Justin Timberlake fanfic! When Justin goes to leave for his Europian leg of the tour. He meets an ordinary girl; Aria Traumen with a odd background. After a while her true colours start to appear and she changes his whole life! It changes the way he talks to Jessica, the way he looks at her and let's see if their love will be strong enough or not! Keep reading to find out more!
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The Rising Of The Shield Hero - Going Home
One of the heros have figured out how to get back to their original Relm. BUT THEY SOME HOW GOTTA GET NOAFUMI TO DO IT BECAUSE THEY TREATED HIM LIKE PURE TRASH. Anyway how will Raphtalia and filo react? Even melti?.
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Indian Stories
This book will have a list of Indian stories which I personally liked.
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