《MrBeast x Reader》21: truth


give me suggestions

(for the story, and for other stories.)


All I could hear was screaming, and crying. I felt someone touch one of my shoulders, for the other shoulder? Not quite sure. I heard the sirens, for the cops? Someone then got really close to my face. It was... Jimmy's face? They had his eyes, so I think so..

I was unconscious for I think, 10 hours? Then I woke up.

"Hello Miss L/n. How're you feeling?" A mr.doctor asked.

I didn't answer, because I didn't know what to say. I didn't remember anything, expect for I was thirsty.

"Well.. You were stabbed in your left shoulder, and you hit your head from you falling in shock." He explained.

I mumbled a bunch of cuss words, then I stood up from the Hospital bed, and ran out the door to the room. I was looking for Jimmy, wouldn't he be here? My shoulder, and arm was hurting. I didn't care, Jimmy is important.

I turn a corner and see Chris, and Katie. "CHRIS, KATIE!" I scream for them, they look over at me, and come jogging towards with- I mean, Katie came jogging towards me, Chris just walked towards me. "Y/n, are you okay!? Why're you out of the bed? Does your shoulder still hurt?" Katie quizzes me, I hug her, with my right arm.. I smile at Chris who was in my view.

"I'm fine.. I think? I came to look for Jimmy, and it hurts like a butt-cheek on a stick!" I laugh. Awkwardly.

Chris giggles, because Katie blurted out laughing. I smile and hug her tighter. "Soooooo. Where's Jimmy?" I ask them, with a big ole' smile. They just look down, and they hold each other's hand.


"You should go get some re-" Chris got cut off by a doctor running towards me, and grabbing my arm. "Sorry for her.. She is currently unstable." Says a random doctor, who wasn't taking care of me before? I was confused, but maybe that doctor just ended his shirt. I dunno how it works.

I then got dragged away from my friends, and I look back to see them quite confused- Like me.

"Who are you?"

"A doctor."

"Where am I going?"

"OUCH! MY SHOULDER." I scream, in pain. Where was Jimmy!? My shoulder starts bleeding, there's bandages wrapped around it, a lot. It doesn't even look taken care of? What kind of hospital is this?

"Shut up princess." Said the doctor.

I get dragged into a closet, then the 'doctor' takes off his mask, and hat.

"God, you're just as beautiful as I remember." Leon says. His eyes were like heart eyes.

"H-how?! W-w-wh-wh.. I-i.. Wha-at!?" I hyperventilate. Leon brings his index finger to my lips, and holds me. I was forced onto his chest. I couldn't move, I was too scared.

My shoulder was still in pain, but that didn't matter. Where was Jimmy? Did no one see this strange 'doctor' bring me in here!?

"Shush, my gorgeous princess. I have been following you for a while.. I was beyond pissed when you called the cops on me. I left my house, and lived in... Well that doesn't matter. I've missed you! I saw you with that man, all lovey dovey." He sounds psychotic, like I cheated. All I know about this guy is he's crazy, and named Leon. Duh..

He sniffs my hair. "You are very quiet, good girl! Oh! You must be wondering how I found you."


I nod, or try to. He was holding my head, still, to his chest. I could hear his heart beat in my left ear.

"Well, you were on the news! It said the exact area where your accident happened, so they most likely rushed you to the closest hospital."



chris's pov

I found it strange how a doctor without a name-tag came rushing over here- And called her unstable. After a few seconds, another doctor came over to us, since we were put on her friend/relatives list, and informed us that she was missing.

"Wait! We saw her a few seconds ago? A doctor dragged her away from us, calling her unstable." My gorgeous wife, Katie says. I nod, making sure that the doctor believed her. The doctor started sweating, he was obviously nervous, and a little panicked. I then remembered that time Y/n came to the house in a panic. Jimmy wasn't there, so she had to call him. But I heard the call, and I know someone ran after her.

"It may have been a guy who chased after her a few weeks ago? She was super panicked about it." I told the doctor, whose name is.. Dr. Kasron. He quickly nodded, and left to tell authorities, and the other doctors.

After I knew he was at least a few feet away, I pulled out my phone, to call Jimmy.

He answered quite fast.

:"Jimmy. Y/n is missing."

: "What? I thought she was unconscious?!"

He sounded scared, sad, and mad."

: "She woke up, I don't know when."

Katie then held onto my arm, I smile at her.

: "Oh SHIT! okay, I'll be coming. I was just talking to her parents.. If you didn't know Chris, they stabbed her."

I gasp, I think Katie heard what Jimmy said, because she gasped as well.

: "Oh shit man.. I'm-" the phone call ended



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