《Shining Brightly | Hwasa x Bts |》|6|


Hwasa sat on the bed with Jessi as they were talking about music and about women oppression and also the things going on in the USA. Like black lives matter and how their not being treated equally.

| At end of book I have a nice message to give so don't skip it thanks! |

They heard a knock on the door it was Ms Kim. "Hwasa Master Namjoon is asking for your presence." She said as she smiled "and be careful dear."Jessi was going to get up to accompany Hwasa .

"Only ... her Ms.Songs."


Hwasa walked down the steep hallways, as her heart started to beat ,her anxiety started to get at her.

She looked at the big door In her view and nervously knocked on the door. "Come in." Namjoon voice echoed, Hwasa slowly opened the door to reveal Namjoon in an all black suit.

"So.. I heard that you and Jessi were getting watched. So I want you two to be more careful from now on." He said sternly with a straight face, Hwasa stood uneasy and confused.

"But... sir if it's for me and Jessi to know, why couldn't you tell Jessi and me..?" Namjoon cleared his throat.

"Because Jessi doesn't listen and you can stop her from doing her impulsive actions." Namjoon said as he then caught onto what Hwasa was wearing.

He bit his lip and smirked, "seem like you and Jessi were about to go somewhere huh?" He asked as he got he up.

"Um we were planning to go to exercise." Hwasa said as she backed away slowly to the door.

Namjoon noticed and smiled " don't worry I'm not going to bite you.." he said. Namjoon trapped Hwasa against the door between his arm.


"But doesn't mean I won't touch..." he said as he admired the beautiful girl under him. "You should know that you've been giving us all a hard time." Namjoon said as his index finger traced the side of her face.

Hwasa flinched a little under him, "we've been having a really hard time, bickering over who wants to take your Innocence away... I wonder maybe I could take it on my desk." Hwasa cheeks got heated.

But then Namjoon released her and chuckled "you're very interesting but as of now I'm not those wolves who can't handle a woman's presence." Namjoon said.

"So I suggest you leave my office before I do." Namjoon said and with that Hwasa left immediately his office.

Hwasa was going back to her room when she heard sniffling.

At first she wanted to mind her business and continue walking. But instead she went to check it out.

She got closer and took a peak in the room, to see none other than Taehyung. She tried to be silent but failed when a she stepped there was a sceeak.

Taehyung head shot up quick, he noticed it was Hwasa and glared at her.

"I'm sorry" she mouthed and ran to meet with Jessi.


Heyyy guys I'm back and better I took a huge leave and etc . But yeah I'm back and dropped a new book called Red

How have y'all been? And should I continue this book?

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