《PERFECT》Chapter 24


It has been nearly six weeks since Nick’s accident and he still has not woken up from his coma. The swelling on his face has gone and his handsome features have returned and the tubes in his mouth and nose have been removed except the bandage on his body, legs and hand. They have taken him out from the ICU and placed him into a normal ward. The doctor told us that we would only know if there any damage when Nick wakes up. He told us that there’s no internal damage in his brain which is good news to us. He explained that probably due to strong blow on his head causing the coma. He advised us to continue to talk to him as if he’s awake because he can hear us.

I never left his side except for going to the restroom to freshen myself or to the cafeteria for something to eat. I have been staying with him in the ward taking care and cleaning him up.

Amy has postponed her wedding which was supposed to be in two weeks time. Marc agreed with her decision since he also wanted to wait for Nick to recover. He wanted Nick to remain as his Best Man, while Amy still wanted me to be her Bride’s Maid.

“You look so pale, Hun,” complained mum when she came to visit Nick with daddy. “You’re not getting enough rest.”

“I’m fine mum,” I told her.

“You don’t look fine. You really look like a walking corpse. Do you want Nick to see you like this?” she asked.

I pouted my lips, “No.”

“Then, you have to take care of yourself too. We don’t want you to be sick too. Nick wouldn’t be happy if you’re sick,” she pointed out.


I sighed, “I’m feeling fine, mum. I just don’t have the appetite to eat, that’s all,” I told her.

“Why don’t you see a doctor and check what’s wrong with you?” she pleased, “I’m worried about you.” I rolled my eyes at her, “Ash, please don’t be stubborn like this.”

“Your mother is right, honey,” added daddy.

“Alright, alright, I’ll go,” I told her.

“I’ll call Dr Adrian for appointment. His clinic is just downstairs,” said daddy and he immediately called our family doctor who also happened to be Nick’s doctor without waiting for my reply. “He said he’s free at the moment and you could see him now,” he told me minutes later.

“Huh?” I whined.

“I’ll accompany you,” offered my mother.

“No, I’ll go myself,” I told her. I don’t want her to ask or discuss about my health with the doctor. “Take care of Nick for me and call me if anything,” I said to her before heading towards the door.

“There’s nothing to worry about Ashley,” smiled Dr Adrian after hours of checking me, “I should congratulate you instead.”

I looked at him with questions and he continued smiling, “You’re pregnant. Congratulations!”

I gasped and looked at him with wide eyes, couldn’t believed what he just told me. He nodded his head, “Yes, from the information you given me I think you are nearly 6 weeks now.”

“6 weeks?” I asked him touching my stomach. I felt tears of joy flow down my eyes. I have Nick’s baby in my womb. I wonder if Nick would be happy too if he knows about this.

“Yes,” he nodded, “I’ll recommend a good gynecologist for you. I think you should start to see her next week. Meanwhile, I’ll subscribe some vitamins for you. Do you have any morning sickness?”


I shook my head, “No, I just don’t have the appetite to eat,” I told him.

“Well then, I’ll subscribe some of those pills for you to boost up your appetite. You need to eat nutritious foods from now on and take care of yourself. Don’t you over stress yourself, ok,” he advised.

“Thanks, doc,” I smiled while taking the prescription from him. Getting up from my seat I asked, “Doc, can I ask a favor from you?”

“Sure, anything,” he smiled.

“Please don’t tell anyone about this,” I said, his faced showed confusion so I added, “I want Nick to know about this first not anyone else.”

“I understand and respect your privacy. Your secret is safe with me,” he promised.

“Thanks, doc,” I said and kissed him on the cheek before heading back towards Nick’s ward.

I touched my stomach again. I couldn’t believe that I’m having Nick’s baby. I was so caught up with Nick’s situation that I forgot to notice that my period was late. Yeah stupid me, always forget about simple things when my mind is preoccupied with other things. Well I shouldn’t be surprised since we never used any protection after we both agreed to give a chance to being married, when we were in Bora Bora.

I wish Nick was awake to hear the news; I wanted to see his reaction. I really hope he is as thrilled as I am right now. For now on I’m going to take care of our baby that’s growing inside me. I’m going to be strong for this baby, our baby.

I kept silent about the baby news around everyone and after I was left alone with Nick that night, I went to sit beside him, “Hey you,” I started and playing with his hair, “You better wake up now because we’re going to have a baby. Yes my darling, our love child. You wouldn’t want our baby to grow up without you around, don’t you? You told me that you wanted to take of me and our baby no matter what happen. So you better wake up and do as you promised.”

“Aren’t you thrilled about the news? I know I am. I’m so happy to have your baby inside of me. I know you’ll be happy too. Wake up Nick, please wake up. If you really are happy about the news you must wake up. Please baby. We need you to take care of us. I need you, I can’t do this alone.” I begged and tears rolled down my eyes, “I love you,” I sobbed as Nick still lay motionless besides me.

Wiping my tears I continued talking to him, “Do you think it will be a girl or a boy? I think it will be a boy just like you handsome with blue eyes. You can teach him to ride the cycle or how to fish…”

I continued talking to him for a long time hoping that maybe that topic will irk interest in him and he will wake up. I did this all the time when I was alone with him, talking to him about anything and everything.

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