《PERFECT》Chapter 12


Chapter 12 – Edited by Grammar_Nazi

I think it was nearly 10.00 am when I woke up that following morning. We were still in the same positions; Nick’s body was still wrapped around mine but I didn’t mind because it still feels comfortable and warm. Maybe I should move and sleep in his room when we got back to our place. That would probably make Nick fall down the chair and be in shock forever if I ever suggested it. Well, he might boast it to our friends about me wanting to sleep with him. Urgh! No way, I change my mind.

I managed to free my hand and look at the time on my phone and it only showed 9.00 am. I turned my head and looked at him; he was still sleeping. Even in his sleeping form you could see a slight mischievous smile on his handsome face. Handsome? Nick? Yeah, I admit, he is handsome. All my girlfriends were crazy over him. He has been every girl’s dream boy and some of them even kept a picture of him in their locker, and you would see him with different girl everyday. I had never seen him with a same girl longer than 3 days.

Nick suddenly tightened his hands around me pulling me close to him shaking me out from my trance. With his eyes still closed he kissed my shoulders making me shiver. His hand touched my stomach and when I felt it sliding inside my tank top, I immediately hit his hands away.

Nick woke up and looked at me in shock. “Gosh, I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I thought I was dreaming,” he said.

“Dreaming?” I scoffed.

“Yeah, I really thought I was dreaming,” he repeated, “But you really are sleeping with me.”

“I slept in the same bed with you,” I pointed out.

“Yeah, you slept on the same bed with me. I thought I was dreaming about you sleeping in the same bed with me,” he stressed. I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help feel happy that he’s dreaming about me.

“And I was not dreaming that you took my jacket off from me?” he asked.

“Nope, it’s not a dream,” I shook my head, “You were not dreaming either when you asked me whether I want to strip you naked or when you trapped me under your body.”

He chuckled, “But nothing happened between us, right?” he asked me again.

“Thank god no, because you were the only one who was drunk,” I smirked.

He chuckled again before asking, “And you slept well?”

“Surprising yes,” I admitted and regretted saying that when I saw his mischievous grin appeared on his face.

“So you were comfortable sleeping in my arms?” he chuckled making me blushed.


“I didn’t say that,” I scoffed and got up from the bed, “I’m going to take a shower; I’m not going to entertain you anymore.”

“I’m sorry,” he apologized while I was ransacking my bag for my clothes, “I’m just teasing.” I rolled my eyes ignored him and walked towards the bathroom but he stopped me, “I really am sorry.”

I rolled my eyes again, “Forgiven,” I said, “Now move.”

“Are you always this groggy in the morning?” still blocking my way he asked.

“Nope except for today,” I told him folding my arms.

He laughed instead, “You know you look cute when you’re groggy.”

“Whatever,” I rolled my eyes, “Move,” he chuckled before moving to the side.

I took my time in the shower and put on my dress while in the bathroom. No way am I going to get dressed in front of Nick.

“Hey hurry up,” Nick knocked the bathroom door, “Someone else needs to use the bathroom too, you know?”

I opened the door and glared at him. “All yours,” I scoffed.

“Will you wait for me?” he asked before entering the bathroom. When I cast him a weird look he explained, “My parents would expect us to come down for breakfast together. Well that’s what newly weds normally do.”

“How come you know so much what the newlyweds do?” I mocked.

“Well, I just assume that’s what newlyweds do. But one thing I know for sure, they would do everything together, even the shower,” he raised his eyebrows playfully at me.

“Keep on dreaming about that,” I scoffed. I was thinking I might as well go down with him. His parents will definitely ask me about him if I got down alone. “Hurry up if you want to go down with me,” I commanded.

“Yes ma’am,” he saluted before dashing into the bathroom.

Within minutes, Nick was out from the bathroom. I couldn’t help but blush, on seeing him wrapped in a towel waist down. God, he does look delicious just walking around like that. Good thing he didn’t see me.

We both went straight to the kitchen and sure enough his parents were sitting there together eating breakfast. We greeted them and sat together for breakfast talking casually about random thing.

“Hmm, when both of you going to start giving my grandchild?” asked his dad so suddenly. I chocked at my food when I heard the words grandchildren.

“Are you ok, Baby?” Nick asked while rubbing my back tenderly.

“Yeah fine,” I smiled weakly.

“Greg! You are chocking the girl,” scolded his mom, “They just got married. Give them time.”

Nick chuckled before telling them, “We do whatever we can. Don’t we, baby?” his eyes twinkled and I knew he was teasing me. I scowled at him.


“Aren’t you two going anywhere for your honeymoon?” his dad asked us.

Nick looked at me before responding, “I don’t think I have time right now. I got a lot of outstanding work that needs to be cleared at the office. You should know about our project. What more, I’m going to take a leave again for Amy’s wedding. I think we just have to postpone it at the moment.”

“Yeah, I too have a few job interviews to attend this week,” I added. Actually I have only one job interview which is tomorrow.

His dad took out an envelope and passed it to Nick, “Our wedding present for both of you,” he told Nick while his mom smiles.

“You don’t have to give us anything,” said Nick.

“It’s for your honeymoon,” his dad told us, “We have booked the flight and honeymoon suite for both of you in Bora Bora for a week.”

Honeymoon in Bora Bora? One week? I’m going to be alone with Nick for a whole week in an island? Can I keep him away from me for one week? Can I keep myself away from him for one complete week? What am I going to do? I have to find a reason not to go. But what reason can I give?

“Dad, I’ve told you I have some work to do and Ashley has an interview this week,” Nick’s words woke me up from my trance. Obviously he didn’t want to go with me. Somehow that’s made me feel hurt deep inside.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve requested someone to take care of your work and as for you my dear, just postpone your job interview. Apply for a new one when you come back from your honeymoon. If you can’t get any later, you can work with me anytime. If you don’t want to be working next to your husband, I could put you in other departments,” his dad told us.

Nick tried to protest but his dad put his hands up stopping him, “No more excuses. Your flight leaves this evening. I think it best you go home and pack your things. I’ll ask Jared to pick you both up from your place by two o’clock to take you both to the airport.”

I looked at Nick who wore an uncomfortable look. “I think we better make a move now baby. There’s a lot of packing to be done,” I said smiling sweetly at him. He smiled back at me before we got up together saying goodbye to his parents.

Once we were in his car, Nick started apologizing, “I’m sorry Ashley. I never expected them to ask us to go for a honeymoon or anything,” he said.

“It’s ok. I understand if you didn’t want to go with me,” I said to him, “We’ll find a way to stop us from going.”

“What?!” he asked.

“We’ll find a way to stop us from going,” I said looking at him, “Maybe I’ll pretend to be sick or something,” I suggested.

“No, not that,” he scoffed, “What make you think I didn’t want to go with you?”

“Your face just now, its shows,” I said to him, “You don’t have to say anything. It’s really ok.”

He snorted. “I was thinking about you. Worry was written all over your face! You look like you were scared that you’ll be raped by me! Isn’t that so?”

I bit my lips, “No, that’s not what I was thinking then.”

“Then what were you thinking?” he asked me.

“Hmm….” Should I tell him? I shook my head, “Nothing!”

“You’re lying. You always say ‘nothing’ when there’s actually something,” he hissed.

“No, I wasn’t thinking about you raping me. I was afraid you just can’t keep your hands off me and I can’t keep my hands off you!” I yelled without realizing I told him the whole truth about what in my mind.

“Well, let’s hope that they give us twin bed instead,” he smirked.

“Honeymoon suite, twin bed? Yeah right,” I mocked.

“Do you want to go to Bora Bora or not?” he asked me.

“Of course I want to. It’s beautiful place, even though I never been there before. I saw the pictures of it and it’s amazing. I will be stupid if I don’t want to go,” I said to him.

“Are you sure? You’re going with me,” he reminded.

“Yes I know I’m going with you,” I said rolling my eyes at him, “But it would be better if I could go with Amy,” I smirked.

“No way,” he snorted, “If you want to go to Bora Bora, it will be with me.”

“Why?” I asked.

“It will be more fun going with me and I’m sure you will have so much fun that you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off me,” then he let out a cheeky laugh.

“Ha, ha,” I mocked. “Don’t worry I’ll make sure I tie both my hands to the wall and keep them away from you.”

“Good. Then I could just have my hands all over you,” he let out a cheeky laugh again; I rolled my eyes at him but the truth is I could feel Goosebumps all over my body, just thinking about me being alone with him with his hands all over me.

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