《Enemies With Benefits》Sequal? & A/N


10,000 reads later.....I'm back!! xD just for a bit. But i just wanted to take time to thank all the beautiful people that liked my story(: You're amazing guys like truley! This story keeps growing. You guys are the reason i check my reads ever week before bed then can't sleep because I'm squealing to myself that this story keeps growing! I know it sort of but not really goes with this story but I love this song and am thinking of making a parody of it xD

But anyways i truley love you guys!! My Swifties: its currently 52 days until Red(: Excited as heckkk!!!

My Directioners: Like 52+a month until Take Me Home!!! EEEEPPP!!

Excited for both so there was my advertisment of the day ^-^ (que ting sound)

You guys make me smile and just be like omg i want to hug you all! But i cant so air hugs my darlings xD Yeah sorry if I'm weird xD

And I'm sorry if you didn't like this story but I promised you guys 100% truth and you got it. Kevin and I are friends, and just friends.

But the thing is, I still have feelings for him. But so does my best friend. I lied and told her i was so over him. But I'm not. Does that make me a bad friend? I'm not sure, and I'm not sure i want to know the answer... She's a really close friend of mine and one of his ex's. In fact a pulled a Taylor Swift and wrote -majority- of a song bout it.

It's catchy if i do say so myself xD I'm not that selfish best friend who's all "You little whore he's mine and you can't have him!"


None of that.

Just no...(shakes head)


So I lied for her. Its getting easier. Little by little. And then you know he smiles at me and it's like "Shit!" haha well more like smiles at his secret crush/best friend's girlfriend.

But that's a whole 'nother story...

Well looks like we're both in odd positions...Ironic much? Damn you fates and destiny and whatever bullshit us teenage girls believe in xD

Well I'm stating just a little story on funny things my english teacher says. So if youe looking for a laugh check it out babes(;

I love you guys! I'm sure Kevin would love you too; after being totally pissed at the fans of this book and mainly me xD

Bye guys Love you!!!

Shyanne Styles

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