《Enemies With Benefits》Getting Weird...


Nothing happened in 5th hour which saddened me since this is our last week in 5th hour.

At lunch I was with Jade and a few of her other friends. One of her friends know's about me and Kevin so she decided to yell "KEVIN I LOVE YOU!!" Really loud!

"Shut up before he looks over here!" I whisper yelled.

She laughed. "Kevin, Selena lo-" Jade didn't finish her sentence before I pinched her arm. "Jade! Don't!"

When we walked by Kevin, Jade's friend yells, "Kevin I was just joking I don't love you." And we all started laughing. Now if only I could yell that I did...

After lunch I walk up the steps and see him in the far back with someone else behind him. I look at him then take the final step. I look at him again and we share a long look that freezes the world. Then I walked inside.

"Selena!" I heard someone yell. I could have swore it was Kevin! The other Selena turned around and only two people were behind her. Kevin and someother guy. I was sure it was Kevin...

After 6th hour I didn't walk upstairs with Jade I wanted to buy a water. So after, I went up the stairs the same time Kevin was going down the few steps of stairs to get to a class across from mine. He kept his head down but he saw me. At one point our faces were 8 inches apart. I looked up then looked down. Then before I went in my classroom I looked at him for a second. Then I sat in my seat and noticed my heart-rate.

"How do you slow a heart-rate?" I asked Sky. "I don't know. Why who made your heart-rate go up?" Kevin. "No one I went up some stairs." Well its not all of the truth but it wasn't a lie.


I kept thinking of asking Kevin out. (YOLO= you only live once) Melody tells me. But I'm scared he'll say no then everyone will be laughing in my face about it. Maybe next year?

I pray he asks me....


Sorry IK IK its boring but not much happened today. I hope you guys got my note from earlier and have suggestions on what to do! I don't know!!! VOTE! COMMENT!

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