《Enemies With Benefits》Falling In Love ~Secretly~



After Selena told me about what he did with Kayden I had to confront him!

I walked up to him. “You like Selena.” I said. He just brushed me off.

“You like her. You like her.” I kept poking him.

“Hey what was with the little book stunt you pulled in 5th hour yesterday with Kayden?” I asked.

“It was nothing.” He said.

“You like her.” I smiled evilly.

“What if I do?!” He yelled then walked away. He so loves her.

I laughed and yelled “Name one of your babies after me!”

I said something similar two weeks ago.


I was just talking to him about Selena as usual. “You’ll have pretty babies.” I smiled.

He refused to look at me.

“You like her.” I laughed.

“Maybe.” He said and grabbed his backpack and started to leave.

*End of FB*

Ahh yes these two were so in love.


I had just finished my speech. I stuttered like 5 times. But I didn’t only like 2 people out of Student Council so that had to rub in my face that ‘my speech was boring and everyone was asleep’. I just wish life was like those books I read where Kevin would stop me and tell me I did amazing and not to fret. But we did lock glances after my speech. Once again, I broke it away. I don’t know why I torcher myself.

After lunch I saw him run in front of me. Then he turned around at stopped at the person in front of me and was showing them his sticky frog figure. Then he walked past me and went to the person behind me. Was that a purpose? I sighed mentally.

I was just walking with Bella’s cousin. Bella’s been ditching us a lot lately and I’m sick of it. She is too.


“So you don’t like Bella?” I asked.

“She’s annoying.”

“Oh I-” I was cut of with a mixture of pain and shock.

“Lamborghini coming through! Zoommmm!” Kevin said brushing past everyone. I gasped and looked at my arm. It had a sting of where his Steelers jacket brushed against my arm. Oh my God what is happening to me? Its like a throbbing of pain but its bearable. But what I thought about even more is why did he brush past me when he could’ve gone through both of us?

“Because dude he likes you I told you that.” Jade pointed.

“Dude! I can still feel that weird pain on my arm only on the spot where he touched!! This is starting to get weird!”

She tried to touch were he did and I yanked it back.

“Don’t you dare.” I stated. She laughed. I carefully touched the main part where it hurt and a wave of pain was sent through me.

“Ouch!” I said looking at my arm and finger. Like seriously what the hell?! And now the bones underneath my skin are beginning to be sore! I’m googling this shiz tonight!


A/N: If you ask me to explain the pain part thing at the end I'll try my best but no promises! It was weird and it was like as weird as it sounds swear! Anyways do you guys like it? I like never get feedback which I really hate -_-

So Feedback please. Okay Its official I'm now going off day by day with this story!! I love it though and a sat here for an hour watching this story and Promise Me have a competition on reads. Promise me won with 39 and this lost with 33 but its still okay!! You guys are great and if you clicked that little button that takes like 2 seconds called 'vote' I'd be really REALLY happy!!!!!!!!!!! And your probably thinking 'I won't vote she'll have enough.' but I never get votes so please just do!! I'd love you forever ^-^


Anyways I hope you guys are like in love with the story and (Kevin) if you will.



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