《Heart Break》Epilogue


"Kathy! Kathy!" I turned and smiled when I saw Jackson running towards me. Kneeling down to his level, I laugh as he throws his little arms around my neck. "What can I do for you, my little prince?"

"Hide me, Kathy, please?" He begged as he looked over his shoulder. "Daddy's looking for me and I have to hide." I can't stop the chuckle that spills from me as I nod. "I know a great place to hide Jackson," I say as I pick him up and hurry into the library. His infectious laughter rang through the room as we hurried to the back of the large room, slipping behind a rather thick, heavy curtain.

We covered our mouths as the sound of the library door creaking open could be heard. Our eyes met and Jackson buried his head in my shoulder trying to keep from laughing. We had met two weeks ago and a bond formed instantly between the two of us. Alexander had been surprised when Jackson had taken an instant liking to me. I didn't mind one bit; after all, my wolf considered Jackson ours because he was Alexander's.

The faint scent of bay rum and forest told me that my mate was in the library. I kept a close track of his footsteps as he slowly wandered up and down between the shelves, slowly growing closer to us. As he grew closer, my smile grew bigger. "I wonder where Jackson and Kathleen could be," I heard him speak softly as he stopped walking.

Jackson's arms tightened around my neck as I felt his body shake with laughter. I knew that Alexander could hear our heartbeats, so he knew that we were close to him. He started walking again, but away from us. "Oh well, I guess I'll just have to give Jackson's gift away to some other little boy."

He started squirming in my arms, so I set him down. I laughed softly as I watched him run out from our hiding spot. Stepping out from behind the curtain, I watch as he tackles his father's leg, smiling up at him. "Here I am Daddy! You couldn't find me, could you?" He asked as Alexander leaned down and picked him up. "I had absolutely no idea that you were in here, son." Alexander laughed as his son hugged him tightly.

"Where's my present Daddy?" Jackson asked his face serious. Alexander threw his head back, laughing hard. Slipping his hand slowly into his pocket, Alexander slowly pulled out a small bundle of black fur. The look of pure awe and surprise on Jackson's face made my heart soar. A soft whimper came from the bundle of fur and Jackson froze. Alexander slowly set the boy on the floor and kneeled before him.

"You've been asking me for a dog of your own, and I finally came through on my promise. His name is Roman and he is yours." Jackson's eyes widened as he looked from his father to the puppy he held in his hands. Very slowly, Jackson lifted the puppy up and tucked it close to his chest. The puppy snuggled closer causing a wide smile to blossom on the little prince's face. "Thank you, Daddy. I promise that I'll take very good care of him."

Jackson slowly left the library, his new best friend held securely in his arms. When he was out of sight, my mate stood and turned towards me. He pulled me into his arms, placing a sweet kiss on my lips. "Are you ready for tomorrow, love?"


"I'm as ready as I'll ever be Alex." My reply was a bit muffled by his chest. After things had settled down after the ball, Alexander announced that our wedding would be in two weeks time. He was giving me time to adjust to the idea of being queen and a mother to Jackson while giving his son time to adjust to me as well.

Giving him a smile, I slowly step out of his embrace. "I think it's time I turned in for the night. Tomorrow will be here before we know it, and we will be very busy." Alexander chuckled before giving me one last kiss. "Sleep well my love." I could feel the blush that shot across my face causing my mate to laugh harder. As I left the library to make my way to my room, I couldn't help but let a chuckle out as well. Tomorrow was the day that I had been dreaming of since I could remember, and I couldn't wait.

The next morning, I was up before the sun. Though the wedding wasn't until three, I just couldn't make myself lay in bed for another hour or two. It didn't take me long to make the bed and get dressed in a casual outfit. Opening the mini fridge, I removed a small thing of yogurt before sitting on the window seat that overlooked a beautiful pond.

Eating my mini breakfast, I watched as the sun slowly made its appearance. The sky lit up in an array of colors, making me wish that I could see it every morning. I smiled as I realized that there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Sending up a small prayer of thanks, I jump as a loud knock startled me. Laughing at myself, I hurry to my door and open it.

I freeze as my gaze lands on the faces of my sisters. "Kathy!" They were smiling as they rushed into my room, pulling me into a tight group hug. I couldn't do anything but hug them back. "Where have you been, girl?" Ruth asked me as we broke apart, taking a small step back. "I've been doing some traveling in America." Looks of surprise settled over their faces as we sat down.

"What were you doing over there?" The question came from Beth. As I looked at her, I noticed that she looked a bit different. Taking a subtle deep breath, I smiled. She was pregnant. "I spent my time going from pack to pack, just sharing knowledge, exploring."

"We were upset when we discovered that you had disappeared from the ball that night, Kathy," Kaylee spoke and I gave them a smile. "At first, we thought that something bad had happened to you, but it was Beth that figured you took off on your own. It was time that you lived life for yourself and not for someone else. Then, two weeks ago, we found out another reason as to why you disappeared."

My eyes grew as I realized what they meant. "Yes, we were at the ball and we heard every word that King Tate said. Though, we have to admit it is a bit weird thinking of him as our brother-in-law." We all chuckled as we fell back into our old routine. As much as I enjoyed my travels and the new friends I had made, I truly did miss my sisters. "We've met your brother and father."

The statement came from Reighly. The small conversations that the four of us had going came to a stop. My eyes met hers and she smiled at me. "They are both great men Kathy, and I'm glad that you have them in your life."


"Thank you Reighly. How is... Dad?" I asked softly. It was still a bit weird to me. I knew something was wrong when they all glanced at each other, their shoulders a bit stiff. "He passed away about a year after you left Kathy." Kaylee was the one to speak and I felt my eyes start to burn.

Sure, he wasn't my biological father but he has been the only father I truly knew for most of my life. "How" my voice cracks as I speak, "did he die?"

"Dad was on his way home from the office pretty late one night. He never came home, but we just assumed that he was working late and just lost track of time like he was prone to do." I nod, remembering all the times that he had gotten wrapped up in his work, losing all sense of time and ending up spending the whole night at his office. Beth spoke up as Kaylee looked down at her hands.

"Two days later, his body was found in a park not too far from the house. After an investigation, the council told us that it appeared Dad was a victim of a vampire that roamed around, killing any shifter he came across. As you know, their venom is deadly to all shifters. The vampire had managed to bite Dad on the back of his neck, his venom instantly spreading through his blood stream."

Beth stopped talking as her eyes misted over. Reighly spoke up then, her voice soft. "It took the council almost two years, but they finally tracked down his killer. They sent him to trail and then killed him." I fought to keep the tears from falling as I looked at my sisters.

"I am truly sorry for your loss." Though I meant it, the words felt hollow. They did nothing to help stem the loss that filled our hearts. We sat in silence for a few moments before Ruth cleared her throat. "So... Today is the day huh?" The smile she gave me had me laughing softly.

"It is. I thought that I would never have this, but fate gave me another chance with Alex."

"Well, we have to go. We just wanted to swing by to see you before all the confusion start." We stand up and I'm pulled into another tight hug from them. "We'll be at the ceremony." I watch as they leave, my heart still smarting from the news I had just received.

Another hour passed while I amused myself with a book. I had been instructed that I was not to leave my room until it was time for the ceremony. We shifters tended to be pretty superstitious creatures. A soft knock echoing through my room pulled me from my book. Laying it down, I get up and hurry over to open it. I open it to reveal James holding a breakfast tray. "Good morning, my queen."

"James," I warn as I shake my head. He just chuckles as he sets the tray on the small writing desk. "I brought you some breakfast, Kathy." He turns to me and gives me a hug. "I'm glad that things worked out for you and Alexander." I could tell that he was still miffed about what happened that night so long ago.

"You might as well get used to me calling you that, sis. After all, you'll have hundreds of wolves calling you their queen after today." His tone was joking, but I knew he was speaking the truth. I sighed as I started to eat my breakfast, listening to James as rambled on about some of the friends he had made in the few weeks we had been here.

The hours seemed to pass by slowly, but still, before I knew it I was be being ushered down the back stairs to the changing room. My sisters were already there waiting for me, their silk pale pink dresses marking them as my bridesmaids. Papa and James were pushed out of the room and the door was locked. We laughed as I was told to change into a robe so that Ruth and Beth could do my hair.

We were laughing, bonding as my two sisters worked magic on my hair. I couldn't tear my eyes from the mirror as I watched them. After everything was the way they wanted it, I was helped up and into my dress. All of our eyes were bright with unshed tears as we kept the conversations light. "You look so beautiful, Kathy," Ruth whispered as the four of the stood behind me and looked at our reflections. I gave them a grateful smile as my eyes started to burn again.

A soft knock interrupts us, causing all five of us to laugh. Beth goes to the door and barely opens it. She opens it and my papa steps in, his eyes finding mine. Pride and love settled over his face as Papa cleared his throat. I could tell that he was doing his best not to cry.

"You look absolutely breathtaking, Kathleen," Papa whispered. His voice broke a bit and I stepped towards him, hugging him tightly. When I stepped back, I introduced him to my sisters. He surprised them when he hugged each of them, but I could tell that he liked them. "It's time sweetheart," Papa spoke softly. Reighly stepped towards me, quickly fixing my veil before the four of the filed out of the room. Papa offered me his arm and I took it. Taking a deep breath, I smile and nod at him.

Papa led me from the changing room to the double door that led into the ballroom. The faint changing of the music was the only hint I had before the door were swung wide. One by one, I watched as my sisters took the arms of the groomsmen and headed down the aisle. My grip tightens on my father's arm, bringing a soft chuckle from him.

His free hand pats mine as we take a step forward. "You're doing fine sweetheart. Just take a deep breath and let it all out." I felt my racing heart start to calm down at his calm, whispered words. The wedding march swells in the room and everyone stands, turning to look at me. My eyes dart to the alter and land on a smiling Alexander and James.

My smile grows as Papa and I slowly make our way towards them. When I reached the steps, my eyes locked with my mate's and I felt my smile grow. "Who gives the woman to be wed?" The minister asked as Alexander took a step-down, reaching for my hand. "I do." Papa's voice rang loud as he placed my hand in my mate's.

Alexander's grip on my hand was gentle but firm as he led me up the step, taking my other hand as well as we stood before the minister. "We're gathered here today to witness Alexander Tate and Kathleen Malloy joins together..." His voice faded away as Alexander's gaze softens. Alexander slowly runs his thumb over my knuckles as I feel myself getting lost in his gaze. Everyone else around us had all faded away.

I love you. Those three little words mouthed from my mate had my heart soaring. We had faced many obstacles, but in the end, it was worth it. Sending up a quick prayer of thanks, I clear my mind as I tune back into the minister. "I do." Those two little words forever tied my soul to the one man that would forever hold my heart. My heart finally felt complete as Alexander led me back down the aisle, rice flying along with well wishes and hugs. I had finally gotten the life I had dreamed of.

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