《Dr. Fate》Epilogue



I stare up at the ceiling as I sit on the cold bathroom floor. This is the third time I've thrown up this week and I've had the worst nausea ever. First we thought it was a stomach bug, but it has still yet to go away and I think Ashton is getting worried. I am too.

"How are you feeling?" Ashton asks as he comes into the bathroom and passes me ginger ale and saltine crackers.

I groan and rest my head on his shoulders. "I feel really bad."

"You think you could be pregnant?" He teases.

Fuck. Why didn't I think about that? I forgot all about the implant I had removed the week before my graduation. It was starting to aggravate me so I switched to pills...that I only took for a week. It's not my fault. I lost them and Ashton said he would take them to get refilled. He never got them refilled and we seemed to have forgotten about it.

"I'm late."

His eyes widen and he sits up. "Really? You could be pregnant."

I nod. "There's a possibility."

Immediately he jumps to his feet and freaks out. "Ok, deep breath, Lana. There is a possibility that you have a baby and we are having a baby. Wow."

I stare at him. Isn't he supposed to be the doctor? He can't even stay calm.

"We need to get a pregnancy test," he says breathlessly. "You stay here and I'll come back and..."

He runs out the bathroom before he even finishes his sentence. Laughing, I push to my feet and stand in the doorway of the bathroom watching Ashton run around in search of his keys as he tugs on his shoes. I can officially tell he's freaking out when he runs out of the room without a shirt.


"Baby, you forgot your shirt!"

He runs back in and throws on a shirt then gives me a quick kiss before running out. It takes Ashton 15 minutes and I honestly don't want to know how because the nearest store is not close.

When he comes back into the room, he pulls me to the bathroom passing me the stick and watching me pee with excitement in his eyes. It's cute and weird at the same time.

Now we wait two minutes.

The minutes tick by slowly until finally it's time to look. I take a deep breath and together we look at the stick...

"We're pregnant!" Ashton exclaims, the tears filling his eyes.

Laughing, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss and my tears fall. "We're pregnant," I say softly.

"We're gonna have a baby and I'm going to be a father. And you are going to be a Mom."

I smile as he drops to his knees and cups my stomach, kissing it and whispering sweet nothings about him being the baby's daddy.

"I love you," I whisper, running my fingers through his hair.

"I love you and this baby," he whispers against my stomach.

For 36 weeks Ashton adored my bump, kissing my bump and talking to our baby. Then when she came Ashton was even more unbearable. But I can sleep well — for three hours at a time — knowing that my baby has a loving father.


The end!! Thanks for reading😘

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