《Kink // Luke Hemmings [COMPLETED]》-Chapter 21-
"Daddy" I said softly before biting my lip seductively.
"Fuck." Luke mumbled under his breath while attacking my neck with his lips. He sloppily kissed and nibbled at my skin until I knew I had a handful of love bites on my neck.
His hands trailed from my back to breasts. He gently squeezed them causing a shaky breath escape my lips. His lips skimmed over mine like a stone on water. I lifted my hand up to Luke's back and gently pushed him further down on me so his bulge was touching the crotch of my leggings. He flipped us over so I was on top of him.
"What do I do?" I asked innocently, holding onto Luke's hands that were holding me up.
"Don't worry, Daddy will help." Luke un-linked our hands causing me to sit up straight while my legs sat at either side of him. He rested his hands on my butt and slowly pushed me forward and backwards. I very quickly caught on to what we were doing.
"Shit- Daddy-" I moaned through gritted teeth.
"Shh Baby Girl, they'll hear us." He lifted one finger to my mouth which I rolled my tongue around. My lips wrapped around his finger as I stared at Luke. My teeth loosely grazed it before my head fell back. I could see Luke's need for control as I glanced down at him.
"Daddy-" I moaned, gripping onto the bed sheets.
Suddenly Luke flipped me over so he was hovering over me. He pulled down my leggings with difficulty which made me laugh and Luke shake his head and smirk at me. His fingers slowly traced circles over the thin black material, the only barrier stopping Luke from getting to my heat. He left a ghost trail of kisses on the inside of my thighs, teasing me greatly. The feeling of his breathe colliding with my wetness through the fabric was already enough to send me over the edge so I whined.
He dragged my knickers down, looking lovingly into my eyes as he did so. His lips touched my folds sending a shiver down my spine.
"Princess, are you sure?" He asked, suddenly unsure with himself.
"Yes, please just-" I pleaded with a shaky breathe. That was enough for Luke to smirk happily to himself as he used one hand to open up my folds. His tongue flicked up and down at a slow pace making a shiver spiral down my spine. A moan erupted from my mouth and I felt out of control in my body. He blew on me before using his tongue to circle my clit.
"Moan my name baby girl..." Luke mumbled while pleasuring me.
"Daddy..." I continued to moan, pressing a pillow on my face to try and make my moans quieter. Luke moved his face away from my heat much to my disappointment, instead travelling up to my face.
He planted a kiss on my lips proving how eager he was. I helped him unbuckle his jeans so he was only in his boxers. He slipped off his t-shirt with ease and threw it across the room. He took out a shiny silver package out of the pocket of his jeans before also throwing them. My breath halted in my throat at the sight of the condom.
Luke could see how uncomfortable I was and he kissed me.
"Don't worry princess, you don't have to..." I smiled at him, still feeling nervous butterflies flutter in my tummy.
He rolled the condom onto his member before lowering down to my heat. His looked at me, asking for my permission. I nodded, biting my lip. He slowly put his tip into my entrance, not moving much because I was clenched around him. He took one of my hands and looked into my eyes before planting small kisses on my face knowing I was scared.
"Just squeeze my hand if it hurts." I nodded before squeezing my eyes shut. He lowered into my a little bit more but still remained quite slow with his movements. After a few moments I loosened up and he moved a little bit faster. It felt strange and good at the same time.
I lifted one hand up to hair to gently tug on as he thrusted in and out of me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, feeling more pleasure than pain.
"Fuck, Daddy..."
"Baby girl..." He flicked his tongue around one of my nipples making it go hard and making my lust intensify. "Fuck, I'm gonna come...I don't want to until you do."
"Luke, it's okay. Come for me."
"Girls don't usually come when they lose their virginity. I want you to."
"I'm not a virgin baby. It's okay."
I shook my head and kissed him as hard as I could. His member twitched inside of me indicating he was ready. He panted loudly before he came out of me. He quickly took off the condom and tied it, putting it into my bin.
He lay next to me, both of us panting and sweaty. I turned to look at him and in turn he looked at me. I kissed his nose then both his cheeks and his forehead which made his face scrunch up. I giggled at his reaction.
I started dosing off when I felt Luke get off the bed. A minute later I felt Luke putting a shirt on me which must have been his because I could smell his cologne radiating off it. I hummed happily as he tucked me into bed, kissing the top of my head.
"Goodnight Princess..."
My eyes fluttered open to an empty bed. I yawned loudly, flipping onto my back. Memories of last night flooded my brain making my heart skip a beat. I stumbled out of bed and shuffled into the living room to find Luke.
"Luukkkeeee?" I whined as I turned the corner, holding back a yawn. Three sets of eyes burnt into me as I screamed. "Fuck you guys! Jesus, I thought you were robbers."
Becky laughed at me wiggling her eyebrows like they were caterpillars on her face. I gave her a questioning look before she pointed down at me. My eyes traveled down to my attire which was just one of Luke's t-shirts that looked like a short nightie on me. It came down just to my butt so you could still see a little bit.
I groaned and threw my head back because I didn't want to have to change.
"When did you get here Michael?" I changed the subject while walking over to my three friends: Ashton, Becky and Michael.
"At 10, what time did you wake up?" Michael laughed at me as I gave him a friendly hug.
"I don't know, what time is now?"
"Midday." My eyes widened at how late it was already.
"Well, I woke up just now so." Becky grabbed my hand and dragged me into her bedroom without warning. The art work sprawled across her walls brightened the darkly painted room giving off a happy atmosphere to a dull day.
"So what happened last night?" Becky asked while staring at me expectantly.
"I went to bed and then me and Luke had sex." I shrugged playfully with a smirk plastered on my face. Her jaw fell and she began to lightly hit me.
"Oh my god! I knew it. Was it your first time?"
"Kind of, I'm not a virgin but the first time I did it I'm not even sure if he got the dick in me." Becky laughed so loudly I swear next door banged on the wall.
"Did he make you call him Daddy? Oh, was he big? Tell meee!" Becky questioned me even further, making sure she had a hold of my arm still so I couldn't escape.
"Yes he made me call him that and I don't know Beck. I've only see one other dick in real life and his was smaller than average so..." Once again this caused Becky to erupt into laughter.
"Did you enjoy it?" She wiggled her eyebrows again.
"Yeah, I guess." I wiggled on the bed, starting to get awkward. "Have you seen Luke anywhere?"
"Oh I think he said he went out to get something."
"When did he go?" I asked, feeling sadness course through my blood. I hated what Luke did to me, he made me miss him as soon as he wasn't around. All I wanted was to be around him, every day.
"Like, half an hour ago." She shrugged. "Wow, you really like him, don't you?" Becky commented after seeing my sad expression.
"I love him." I bit my lip trying to hold back the smile that threatened to appear. Becky smiled warmly at me before she headed out the door, me following behind her.
"Babe, come here!" Ashton called for Beck. "I want a new photo of us for my lock screen."
"I look ugly as fuck right now though." She protested.
"No babe, you look so hot I would fuck you right here if our friends weren't here." My eyebrows raised and a laugh chorused around the room.
"Ashton please don't say that shit in front of us." I grimaced while walking into the kitchen away from my weirdo friends.
I grabbed a cup from the shelf above the kitchen counter, filling it up with water when I heard the front door open. The sounds from the living room were slightly muffled but If I listened hard enough I could hear parts of conversations.
"Oh Luke!" Michael greeted his friend. The use of my boyfriend's name made my heart skip a beat.
"Hey guys, where's Gabbie?"
"She's dead." I heard Becky lie, most likely shrugging as she said it.
"Ha ha, where is she?" He said un-amused.
"The kitchen I think. Oh and be careful with her." Becky responded, a smirk evident in her voice.
"Why? Is she okay?"
"Not after last night." I squeezed my eyes shut and brought my hand to my face. Of course she wants to talk about last night's events with my boyfriend in front of everyone. That makes complete sense.
"What happened last night?"
"Oh you know what happened. She's probably just super sore."
"Oh- I....uh...I'm gonna go see her now." Luke rushed into the kitchen. His eyes lit up as soon as he saw me, his cheeks flushed."You told Becky?"
"Hey! She's my best friend and she suspected something anyway." He placed a white plastic bag on the bench and came towards me. His hands intertwined with mine as he lowered to my level. His nose touched mine as we spoke.
"How are you feeling?" He asked in a concerned tone. I smiled and kissed him knowing he would feel guilty.
"Sore." He sighed and let go of my hands, walking over to the carrier bag. He took out a little bottle with the words Johnson's bubble and baby wash neatly printed on it. A smile broke on my face as I looked at my goofy boyfriend. He pulled out another item from the bag, a purple rubber duck that was dressed as a pirate. "What is all this?" I laughed.
"I looked up what would help the sore feeling and the internet said a bath. I went out to get you some bubble bath solution so it's fun-"
"-Why the baby company though?"
"Because it's sensitive for babies so I thought it would be sensitive on your lady parts." I giggled and moved closer to Luke. Wrapping my arms around his waist as he continued to explain. "I got the rubber duck because who doesn't like rubber ducks. I also got you pringles because I know their your favourite snack for when you're ill."
"You know me too well." I got on my tippy-toes to reach his lips for a kiss. We both smiled into the kiss as he lowered down to me. "You're also way too tall." Luke rolled his eyes at me.
"I'm gonna run you a bath, Princess."
"Thank you baby." Luke took the bag with him into the bathroom leaving me to my own thoughts.
A happy sigh escaped your lips at the thought of your boyfriend's kindness. Shouting from the living room burst my bubble, replacing the feeling with fear. I ran into the living room to see Becky standing opposite Ashton shouting her heart out.
"No Ashton! It's not okay!" She held a phone in her hand pointing at something on the screen I couldn't make out.
"I told you I haven't spoken to her in months!"
"Ashton- this message was from yesterday. When we were hanging out." I saw Becky's eyes twitch, a sign she was going to cry. I ran over to her, wrapping my arms around her for support.
"Hey- what's going on?" I asked, looking between the pair.
"She saw the contact of one of my exes-"
"-No! One of your groupies!"
Oh no.
The boys were in a band, they weren't world famous or anything but they had a good few followers. Me and Luke's relationship was never really out there so I guess I never thought about it.
"She messaged him yesterday!"
"I didn't reply though!"
"Ashton she wants to have sex with you again!" I grabbed the bridge of my nose out of stress and sighed.
"Princess your bath is done-" Luke appeared from the bathroom. His expression immediately stiffened up as he noticed the tense atmosphere. "Sorry- I just ran a bath for Gab...I mean she's sore so I...yeah okay. Gab?" His cheeks burned red in embarrassment as I gave Becky sympathetic eyes before leaving with Luke.
"What's going on there?" Luke asked, shutting the bathroom door.
"Becky found a message from Ash's old groupie."
"Oh man, I told him to delete their numbers."
"Their? Like more than one?"
"Well yeah, we all had more than one groupie." He shrugged like it was no big deal.
"You better have deleted their contacts Luke Hemmings." I crossed my arms.
"Of course I have."
I began to undress, still feeling a bit awkward in front of Luke.
"Do you want me to turn around?" He asked almost reading my mind.
"No, it's okay. We had sex, I can handle getting naked in front of you." I blushed but continued to undress. A smirk rested on his face as he watched me. I dipped my foot into the burning hot water timidly but dunked my whole body in. With a splash, the pirate duck fell into the water. Luke reached for the handle but I stopped him.
"Wait- Can you stay with me?" I asked with puppy eyes. He laughed and nodded, putting down the lid of the toilet seat so he could sit on it. "Thank you for doing this."
"It's my pleasure Princess. After all I was the one who did it to you." He sent me a wink making me roll my eyes but my smile grow.
"I think you're finally learning how to be romantic you know." I rubbed my body up and down to wash it as best I could.
"I've always been romantic!"
"No you haven't! I think I'm teaching you." I laughed , blowing bubbles everywhere. "Baths make me sleepy." I hummed, slumping into the bath. Luke stood up, walking over to the bathtub. He knelt down so he was at my level.
Luke began to stroke the top of my head making me feel even more relaxed than before. I felt my eyes droop down until they were completely shut.
"Princess, are you sleeping?" Luke asked hovering over me, ready for action. I merely hummed in response making Luke put his arm behind my head, keeping up so I didn't drown. "Okay, I'll put you to bed."
He rolled up his sleeves and lifted me up and out of the water.
"Angel, I'm gonna move over here to the towel rack. Grab a towel and put it over yourself, okay?" I nodded and opened my eyes enough to see the white towel waiting for me to grab. I lay it over the top of me and snuggled back into Luke's chest. My bare bum, back and legs were dripping water all over Luke but he didn't really seem to care.
I was quickly laid down on my bed where Luke wrapped the towel fully around me so the bed wouldn't soak. He tucked me in before giving me a small kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I smiled sleepily before drifting off...
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Natalin thought that being a champion of the gods was supposed to make things easier. It turns out, life isn’t that simple. For centuries, the four gods that rule the land have each chosen a hero, a mage-warrior to act as eyes and hands in the world. Gifted with their Divine’s blessing, these Ascended and their successors have worked for centuries to ensure the land stays at peace. As the new Tideborn, the disciple of the sea god Efren, Natalin is expected to follow in their footsteps. Her counterpart Takio finds himself in the same boat, tasked with keeping his volcano goddess patron in check. The demands placed on them are immense, but together with their nations, they’ve managed to keep the peace. Until the crops and grasslands begin failing, sending Takio’s mountainous nomads careening towards war. Natalin’s shores fall under siege, destroying the seabound trade routes that keep their nations flourishing. When the very safety of the four champions is threatened by the growing chaos, Natalin and Takio realize the truth - their Divine favor won’t protect them. And there’s more at play in their ‘peaceful’ world than they’d thought. Cover art by Rin! Check out her work!
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Blue Phantom
An orphan lived in the streets and on the brink of death before being taken in and put through deadly experimentation in order to take the next step towards evolution, and forced to work for one of twelve enigmatic organizations that rule society from the shadows. In a cruel, cold world full of lies and deceit, the orphan, now known as Felix, finds purpose in aiming to become the greatest assassin of his organization, even if it comes at a steep price. (Gonna try to update this at least once a month if I can)
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Second Wind, legend of Pandemonium (Finished/Incomplete)
The developers of the worlds leading VRMMORPG Edge Online have decided to shut down its servers after over a decade. Shugireth Darkstar, the leader of Pandemonium, Edge Online's top guild, suffers from a deadly disease and his end is near. He hasn't left his VR pod for 5 years, as the medical nanodroids at the hospital takes care of him. Without Edge, he will die, because his physical body has already been all but destroyed by the sickness. Seeing no light at the end of the tunnel, Shugireth Darkstar, the Master of Pandemonium, stubbornly stays behind as the servers shut down... If that was all, we could end this story right here. However, that was only the beginning of the legend of pandemonium. The prelude to the movement, if you will. Shall we see what happens next? -------------- Some notes from Me (The author, gasp surprise): I first wrote this (100k) as an experiment. I saw the advice about having foils for overpowered MCs, and I watched quite a few lectures on writing. I wanted to test things out for myself and see if I could carry a story through other ways than only relying on physical conflict like some thrillers do. Thus this might lean a bit towards slice of life with a romance subplot, but I don't want to give my story away so read it if u want to know more. This was basically never intended for anyone else's eyes but my own, and written to explore writing as a process. This wasn't my attempt at writing a good book, but it turned into something that I think might interest some people, so I decided to pop it up here. It is slightly old so my style and writing skills have advanced considerably since I first started this thing. Having said that, I think it's pretty readable, but I am very interested in how other people will receive this. Please feel free to criticize it and just in general shoot me some feedback on what you think. It contains light Litrpg elements, not heavy table spam, it's just the basis of the world. Although I like that sort of thing, this was written before I even knew of Royalroad and hadn't considered litrpg much. Some of you may recognize that it was slightly inspired by Overlord. Also, the Tags for sexual content and traumatizing content are there as a precaution on all of my stories pretty much, even if my story does not contain any of that at the moment. I can't really know what the future will bring, but in the case of this story I do know a little bit, since I wrote 100k words before posting it here. And I just posted it on a whim because I figured some readers on Royalroad might enjoy this story.
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{GREATEST COMPETITOR} Tsukishima x Fem!Reader
-𝐤𝐞𝐢 𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫-the bold granddaughter of ikkei ukai and sister of keishin ukai, y/n begins her first year at karasuno high fighting withanother student over grades and strength. -y/n ukai strikes a deal with her big brother that she will be karasuno's manager as long as kei tsukishima stays out of her way.𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬!language𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬!smut, fluff, angst「 © 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 | 𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭 」i do not own haikyuu nor its characters.i only own the ocs and the plot.
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