《Alpha Caine》Chapter II



I wake up on the dirt floor of the cellar, mud sticking to the dried sweat on my body. My eyes squint shut as the bright sunlight floods my newly sharp vision. Only one chain remains connected around my left ankle, the rest are broken and lying in large heaps all around me. I do a quick sweep of the cellar and spot my father on the other side of the barred door with an amused smirk on his face.

"How are you feeling?" He asks in a sarcastic tone. I close my eyes and lay my head back down on he ground, exhausted out of my mind.

"How long was I out?" My voice is scratchy from all of the screaming and I force the words out of my throat. By the end of the day, I will be as good as new, but right now I feel destroyed.

"A few hours, not too long," I recognize Brayden's voice as well as he walks back downstairs. He walks over to the cell door and opens it before he walks up to me. He drops a pair of gym shorts right next to my head. "Rough night?" I glare up at him.

"Don't test his temper, Brayden," my father says in a stern voice and Brayden rolls his eyes.

"He's not my Alpha yet," Brayden jokes, but I'm not in the mood for his shit right now.

"You're such a dick," I push myself off the ground, almost stumbling back over from fatigue, and clumsily pull the shorts on.

"You better go take a shower and get some sleep. Your enthronement is at eight o'clock," I sigh at my father's words. Not only do I have to go through this changing bullshit but I also have to deal with one of my father's lavish parties, given it is a tradition, but still.

"Yeah, you stink."

"Brayden," my father warned again. Brayden is the only wolf who I would let talk to me like that. Since my parents had a son first, they didn't have any children after that, so Brayden is like a brother to me. Anyone else who talked to me like that would be dead on the spot. He is testing my patience, though. I walk forward and push him against the wall with my hand fisting his shirt, meeting his surprised face with a glare. To my surprise, he chuckles and easily pushes my arm away. He had gotten strong with his change, but I am stronger. Just to prove it to him, I hit his shoulder with mine on the way out. He topples backwards and catches himself on the wall. As I walk out the door of the cellar I hear my father chuckle. I smirk, knowing I won. Brayden won't challenge me again.

My mother is sitting at the couch in our luxurious living room when I walk past. By tonight, my parent's things would be moved to the mansion on the next lot, built especially for the retired Alpha. My grandfather and grandmother would be there now if they hadn't passed away. My mother doesn't say anything as I walk past, just stares as I trudge up the stairs to my room, probably taking in my new, towering appearance. She had met my father before he changed, so she'd experienced it before. They weren't mated at the time. Being an Alpha's son, my father couldn't mark her until he had changed. That's what I got to look forward to. Being tied to some pathetic Luna when everyone knows I'm fully capable to reign myself. I fully intended to reject my mate, until my father told me that my power would diminish over time if I did. Now I intend to mark her and be done with her, whoever she may be. Maybe I'll try to get a night of fun out of it, but other than that, I want nothing to do with her. Hopefully I don't have to meet her for a while.


I turn the water on and crank the knob all the way cold before sliding the shorts off and stepping in the shower. I let the cold water completely mask me as I lean my head on the shower wall, finally able to relax.



"Happy Birthday!" Jade comes bouncing into my room with a present in her hand. I look up from my phone and smile.

"Thanks. You didn't need to get me anything, you know."

"Yes I did, it's your birthday! You're finally eighteen! Any strange feelings yet? Any leads on a mate?" she bombards me with questions.

"I'm not officially eighteen until 11:47, Jade," I say and roll my eyes. She hands me the large, flat present and I rip the wrapping paper off. Inside is the dress I had been craving for the Alpha's Ball. A beautiful crimson ball gown with a laced bodice and long, laced sleeves. I had seen it in the store when we went to look a little while ago, but I couldn't afford it. I was supposed to just wear my mother's old gown to the ball tonight. Sure, it was a special dress. My mom had met my dad in it at the last Alpha Enthronement, but it was out of style and had sleeves pouffier than both of my thighs combined. I look up at Jade with my mouth hanging open before looking back down and carefully running my fingers over the delicate lace.

"Jade, it's amazing. Thank you," I slowly set the dress box to the side and pull her in for a hug.

"You deserve it. You need to look stunning when you meet your mate, and now you will," she hugs me tightly.

"I might not even meet him tonight," I say, a tinge of disappointment in my voice at the thought.

"The whole pack is going to be there, don't worry. Now come on, let's make you look like a princess," she pulls me over to my vanity and begins working on my hair and makeup.


I take a breath as I straighten my dress and step into the stadium. There is an old, Colosseum type building behind the Alpha's estate. It is used for special events like the Alpha's enthronement or a mating ceremony for the Alpha or Beta. When Caine was born, they used it to present him to the pack, or so I've heard. The actual ball would take place on the estate grounds, but the enthronement would be here. I have only been here once before, for Brayden's enthronement two weeks ago. Then, Caine had been standing in the first row across the stage from us, and he did not look happy, rather anxious to be up there himself, and now he would be.

As I carefully walk up the concrete steps following my dad to our second row seats, I gaze and take in my surroundings again. There is a large platform in the middle, spotlights from the perimeter of the building shining on it. Seats circle the platform and stretch about fifty rows out, each row a step higher than the next. Our pack is one of the biggest in North America, and even with all these seats, we wouldn't all fit in here. Some wolves have driven over six hours just to be here tonight.

I raise my head and look at the open sky above us, the stars sparkling like diamonds. I may not like Caine, but this is going to be beautiful, and I'm ecstatic for the ceremony to start. However, it is only seven o'clock, so the enthronement won't start for another hour. Caine probably isn't even here yet, but for some reason most of the pack already is. We finally make it to our seats as the stadium continues to fill.


More than once I glance around and catch a glimpse of other pack's Alphas, the sighting of them like seeing a shooting star. Only some of the Betas have come. The others have stayed behind to protect their packs. I find myself staring as I watch Alpha Paxton, of the Valentene Pack, talk to his Beta, Killian, across the stage. His identity only familiar to me because of the many news appearances and his bright purple eyes.

Finally, eight o'clock hits and the stadium falls silent as Beta Brayden walks down a pathway to the stage in the center. He looks more gorgeous than usual, if that's even possible, in a dark gray suit and black tie. His white undershirt stood out from under his vest in the spotlight and his black shining shoes catch my eye. His dusty brown hair is neatly styled and his recently attained light, kind of dull, blue eyes contrast against his tan skin. He has always been drool worthy. He had just become Beta two weeks ago, and already he has a strong sense of authority over everyone in the pack.

"Good afternoon, everyone," he sticks his hands in his pockets and shows his award winning smile as everyone applauds for their Beta. Being so young, and with his personality combined, he isn't the most formal Beta, but no one seems to mind. Everyone loves Brayden, they always have. The smile never leaves his face as he scans the crowd. We really got lucky in the Beta department. The Alpha is a different story...

"Alright, thank you," Brayden puts a hand on his chest as he tries to quiet the crowd, "On behalf of the royal family, I welcome you to the sixty-fifth alpha enthronement ceremony of the Obsidian Pack," more applause. "As you all already know, we are here to acknowledge a new leader of our pack. But, first, we must acknowledge the former. Alpha Elijah and, of course, the lovely Luna Marie." Another round of applause erupts in the stadium as Alpha Elijah and Luna Marie walk out of the same tunnel that Brayden appeared out of. Their arms are interlocked and the black obsidian crown is placed on the Alpha's head. The sparkling moonstone and obsidian crown rests in the Luna's perfectly styled hair. Even in their age, they both look stunning, but those are the benefits of being Alpha and Luna. They gracefully ascend the stage steps, smiling and waving at the crowd as they do so, and Alpha Elijah kneels on the plush, black pillow as Luna Marie stands behind him. When the applause dies down, Brayden speaks again.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, after a night of Changing, Caine is ready to come before all of you and take his father's place. For the first time since The Change, here is the heir to our pack." The crowd erupts in cheers once more as the spotlights move from the stage to the end of the pathway.



I straighten my tie as I hear Brayden's voice announcing me. This is probably the most informal enthronement in the history of our pack, but we couldn't really count on our current Beta to remember lines and put on a performance. Who gives a shit anyways? Technically, I am already Alpha, so this ceremony is all for show. But, it is tradition, a way to 'present myself as Alpha to the Moon Goddess'. I couldn't help but scoff when my mother threw that line out there. This is the first my pack is seeing of me since my changing so, even though I don't care about this ceremony, I try to look professional. I am their new leader, afterall. Royal guards surround me and line the pathway, as if I need them. I am now the strongest wolf in the pack, but again, it's all traditional.

"This way, Alpha," one of them guides me to the open entrance of the stadium. Brayden announces me and the crowd roars as the spotlights move in front of me. I smirk to myself before wiping it off my face and taking a confident step into the light.



He suddenly appears from the darkness; an aura full of power surrounding him. He is in all black. Tie, shoes, shirt, jacket, everything was black. His skin slightly more radiant than before, a sort of glow added to it that exudes dominance. His build is more muscular, his frame taller. His suit is tightly stretched across his large arms and chest, it had been made just this morning. His jet black hair is neatly disheveled to the side and his cutting blue eyes look like broken diamonds among his chiseled face. His jaw is angled sharply and his lips are set in a straight line, but even the slightest twitch reveals his large canines poking out of his mouth, still not fully retracted since his Changing, those and his eyes the only evidence that he's different than the rest of us. His appearance perfectly depicts his merciless demeanor and everything that our pack stands for.

He is everything an Alpha is supposed to be.



The noise floods my sharp hearing and the light envelops me as I make my way to the stage to join my parents. My pack already respects me, it is our natural instinct to respect our Alpha. I step onto the platform and nod at the crowd surrounding me. I even throw in a small smirk, and the cheers somehow grow louder. I am going to enjoy my new status. The wind circles itself around me, carrying leaves with it, and it is clear that the Moon Goddess accepts me taking my father's place. After a few seconds of showing myself to the pack, I kneel on the second pillow next to my father.

"Caine," Brayden's voice finally deepens into some sense of authority as I hear him speak behind me. This is the only part of the script that we made him memorize, but I have a feeling he's going to forget what he has to say. "By officially becoming Alpha of the Obsidian Pack, you agree to the following oath. Please, repeat after me."

So far so good. I lick my lips to prevent my voice from cracking in front of my pack. That would be enough to ruin the reputation I wish to maintain with them and, frankly, I'm not sure if I have full control of my new deep, rumbling voice yet. I repeat what Brayden just said.

"I, Caine Garotte of the Obsidian Pack, son of Alpha Elijah Garotte, of the Obsidian Pack, and Luna Marie Violet-Garotte, of the Valentene Pack, do solemnly swear to protect and defend the pack and its land against all enemies. I swear to abide by the ways of the Moon Goddess and will fulfill the responsibilities that adhere to the position upon which I am about to enter. I accept my fate as Alpha of your pack," my deep voice has the crowd in a trance, a perk of being Alpha.

"Elijah, do you accept your successor?"

"I accept," my father proudly states. Damn right you do, this is what you've raised me for. The band starts to play our pack's eerie anthem as Brayden carefully lifts the black crown off of my father's head and gently places it on mine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you your new leader. Caine Garotte, Alpha of the Obsidian Pack," cheers and roars of approval erupt all around me and the winding wind returns as the band's music increases in volume. I feel a knowing smirk come across my face.


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