《I finally found my Soul Mate》Chapter 12 -its a new day-


The night before was wonderful, I got to spend time with my mate and learned a bit about each other. This morning I was able to get up at sun rise and was doing my morning exercise. I had found one of the trails and was running around when I came across some girl from the castle. "Well if it isn't the girl who is also trying to get in to the kings bed just to get the job as lead warrior ," the girl said as she past by with her friend hitting my shoulder. Of course what is life without a bit of drama. "Think what you want sluts but just so you know it's not me trying to get under those sheets," I said before they had looked at me then ran off like I was the plague. I continued my exercise then left to the gym to do some lifting. I worked out for at least 2 more hours in the gym.

Being in here felt good to leave all my frustration and stress. "Wow guess what they were saying was true, they let a small princess in," said a random warrior who was looking at me work out. I stoped and took off my headphones. I looked up to him and responded with my own sarcasm as well, "dam can't believe they let little bitches in as well." As soon as I said that his smile disappeared. "What did you say Squart...I will crush you," he said now angry that I had talked back to him. "Chill out Barbie you might shit your self," I said and he was getting so angry he yelled out so loud the whole gym stoped what they were doing, "I don't give a dam if your a girl I'm going to shut the pretty little face of yours," he said. Everyone in the gym started to back off and I just smirked, "oh really well hope your mommy comes and gets you before you trip," I said and got up to leave to the arena. He followed ready to pounce on me but what he did not know was that the king was in the arena overlooking the warriors who were there training. As soon as we walked in the ones who were in the gym filled up the place and the ones training in the arena moved away from the middle. Max seamed to be enjoying the show after a warrior who was training in the gym caught him up with what was happening. He was curious and was about to stop it but instead he let it play out to see his mates moves out in the field vs one of his best fighters.


As soon as we got to the middle of the arena he decided to make the first move and pounce at me before I finished turning around. I swiftly dodged his move and smirked once more. "Wow did you really think I was that dumb? You know my first kill was at age 17 and I did it in my human form so if you value life I suggest you chill out a bit," I said and that seamed to make him a bit more angry as for Max he was seeing how I was easily getting into his brain. After a while I was getting tired of dogging him and decided to end it quick. I decided to finally throw my first punch and hit him on his right cheek. He hit my stomach and took out my air but I was able to quickly recover and go at him quicker punching and kicking him. He couldn't take it any longer and shifted into his wolf. The crowd started to get better and I never noticed that the former king and queen had joined Max. The were interested to see what the future luna could do. I gave him the sign to continue and he came at me once more. I threw a few more punches at him until he got ahold of my leg and threw me across the arena. People cheered yet some gasp. I was now getting angry and scar was not liking this one bit yet she did not want to shift yet. I got up wiping blood from my lip. Hun wonder when that happened? I got in a stance once more then he charged at me again. This time I started giving it my all in human form and as I gave him my last blow I quickly shifted in to my wolf scar witch ended being bigger than him yet smaller than the alpha king. Many gasped at my wolf and the royal family was not surprised there future Luna was strong and was a special wolf. This time I went at him with a bit of power but not to much that I would kill him. I ended beating him till he passed out. I stoped and shifted back as soon as someone had brought me a robe to cover up. Max ended showing him self along with the rest of the royal family. "Please someone take Kyle to the hospital wing," said the former king as Max got close to me and pulled me to his side grabbing me from my waist. I smiled up at him then his father maid an announcement, "as you have seen today Miss. Jayla has proven to be a grate warrior as an addition she is also your future queen Luna," as soon as the former king said that everyone went wild. I leaned my head on Maximiliano's shoulder and then walked up to the stage where his father was. "Hi everyone I'm Jayla and I am happy to be your new Luna, in addition I would like to say that I am honored to be here and by my mates side... I will do my best at protecting you all not just as my pack but as family along side Your alpha king Maximiliano," and with that the crowd cheered once more. Max then took the stand and decided to say a few words as well, "thank you all for the kind gesture I am happy to have my mate by my side I know we have just gotten to know each other but I know we will have a lifetime... in addition to that I would like to ask you one thing," he said then knelt down in one knee and took out a small box. When he opened it there was a beautiful ring. It was designed to our personality and it reminded me of his teen story's he told me of his rebellious times. It made me so happy my tears slipped and I nodded yes. A big fat yes even before he popped the question and I kissed him in front of everyone. The pack was cheering so much that we felt the happiness our pack had for there new Luna and there king.


Not long after I had gave max a kiss I looked down to see he had slipped my ring on my finger. He also showed me his to match mine and told me he couldn't wait to wear his too along with mine. I was so happy that after everyone was dismissed we had a little escape to max's room. 😉🤭

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