《Green Ham and Eggs [Angry Birds fanfic]》Chapter 18. A New Morning
Leonard wrapped his fingers around Reds waist, pulling him closer. Red let out a small giggle as he felt Leonards' warmth once again. Calming down but still thinking about how he would have to hide all this. Leonard must of noticed Reds intrusive thoughts creeping on his face as he gently lifted Reds cheek to face him.
"Hey you okay?"
Red softly smiled, leaning against Leonards cozy hand.
"Mmm yeah. Just... all this is still new for me."
Red mumbled, feeling more at ease with Leonards comfort. Leonard leaned forward brushing aside Reds messy brown hair, kissing his forehead.
"Don't worry, this is new for me as well."
Leonard comforted, slightly surprising Red.
"Wait you haven't been in a relationship before? or that you never had to hide it before?"
Red hopped out of his daze and looked up at Leonard who was still smiling bright like sunflowers..
"I haven't been with anyone before, so we can experience it together."
Leonard pulled Red closer and gave him a quick loveable bear hug before letting him go in hope to not squeeze him too much.
"Oh, I kinda thought since you were like... a king you would of..."
Red began to mumble, quite surprised and feeling even more pressured to be a good boyfriend.
'wait I'm his boyfriend?!'
Reds mind was racing in his own thoughts.
"Nope, everyone was strict with the prophecy so I was never allowed any partners."
Leonard opened up, reminding Red of the whole prophecy thing but how Leonard still showed so much passion for him and- wait, has anyone ever showed this much care for Red. Reds mind went racing again, feeling so many feelings, mostly being love and actual happiness. Slightly worrying Leonard.
"Red? Earth to Red."
Red soon enough, snapped out of it and stared back at Leonard with astonished eyes.
"You okay Red? You're kinda worrying me...".
"Are you like my boyfriend??? And you love me??"
Red quickly asked, still looking at Leonard like he was all the worlds solutions.
"Heh yeah of course, Red you alright?"
Red still just looked at him astonished, unable to believe anything.
"You, like... me?- like, like-like me?"
Red was still in a daze and so Leonard just let out a small chuckle, pulling Red closer so he hears Leonard perfectly.
"Yes, I like-like-, dummy."
Leonard leaned closer and gave him a small peck on the lips, sending Red through the moon.
"Heh did you not think we were before? Cause then we did some crazy stuff as friends."
Leonard joked, giving Red some mocking eyebrow movement.
"Well! um I don't know, I guess I just didn't realise that... we were, a you know?"
Red twiddled with his fingers, getting super flustered now.
"I understand, this is new and wacky for both of us."
Leonard held Reds hands softly, feeling his soft skin squish between his fingers. Red smiled back, his small joyful eyes staring back at Leonard.
"Yeah, soo weird. You and me pssh."
Red joked, letting Leonard let out a chuckle.
"Yeeah crazy am I right?"
Red laughed along with him, as they both just enjoyed each others comforts.
"But I love you."
Leonard softly said, looking down at the blushing Red.
"I love you too."
Red leaned closer and connected his lips with Leonards, placing his fingers in Leonards fluffy brown hair. Leonard pulled away and brushed Reds hair aside, gazing at his beautiful lover.
"I'll probably have to go now..."
"Do you really have to go?"
Reds eyes grew wide, like a puppies as he squeezed Leonards arm.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. Got a kingdom to run and an island I have to pretend not to be at."
Leonard slightly chuckled at the end, giving Red one last kiss on the cheek, whispering in his ear.
"Don't worry, I'll be back and we can ."
Leonard kissed Red on his neck, making Reds cheeks redder than before.
"I'll be waiting then."
Red smirked at Leonard as they gazed into each others eyes one last time before Leonard walked down the steps and towards his back window. Leonard waved goodbye as he hopped outside and disappeared out of sight of him as well as the other citizens of bird island.
Red let out a deep sigh, hearing the silence of his empty home once again. Now that he was with Leonard, he didn't want to go. He just wanted to be with Leonard for as long as he would love Red for. Red pulled out the red blanket, Leonard recognised and held it close to him. Feeling the soft fabric warm his fingertips.
Back on Leonards ship, in which he used to travel back to bird island, he met up with Ross. One of his trusty men.
"Did it go well sir? You didn't come back for quite a while."
Ross jumped up and down, excited for Leonard who just remained calm. Ross was much aware of the family prophecies and it always amazed him how accurate they were.
"It was fine, nothing to jump around about."
Leonard nonchalantly brushed off, stopping Ross's excited movement.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to do in private."
Leonard excused himself, closing the door behind him and standing motionless for a moment. Then silently jumping about, punching the air in joy and great victory. Then quickly going back to acting calm. It was now time for Leonard to get back home and start planning how he'll be able to be around Red without any sort of suspicion. Planning dates will definitely be a struggle that's for sure.
Blessed Time
BOOK ONE IS AVAILABLE ON KINDLE AND AUDIBLE NOWSome disasters can only be avoided if you know they’re coming, and even then, sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. On Karell, you are either blessed by the gods, granted a unique power and the ability to gain experience and levels, or you are forgotten. Micah Silver was a boy picked for greatness. Chosen by the gods to bear a mythic power, he longed to take his place amongst the heroes and legends he grew up reading about.Unfortunately his primary blessing only allows him to travel into the past by sacrificing his class, wealth, and levels. Even if Micah's unwilling, fate has a way of forcing you to take up your destiny, possibly at the cost of everything. Over and over again.NOTE - Most of the first three arcs have been taken down for Kindle Unlimited Exclusivity related reasons. Click here if you'd like to know more (THIS WILL LINK YOU TO A CHAPTER LATER IN THE BOOK, POTENTIALLY RESETTING YOUR BOOKMARK PROGRESS)
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Beyond Average Prequel [A DiceRPG]
Updates Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. Check out Discord! Join Patreon for advanced drafts and the chance to affect the story! “I suppose I’ve died then?” Adam had been a fairly average British guy who had lived a fairly average British life. Now he is dead and speaking to a god. Join Adam as he navigates a new world with his powers, a world filled with magic, beasts, intrigue, adventure and so much more in this brand new and totally never seen before LitRPG. (TW: There will be quite a bit of British slang, so if you don't recognise a word that's probably why, like nibbitybit.)
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Dungeon Crawler Darryl
In a flash, every human-erected construction on Earth--from Buckingham Palace to the tiniest of sheds to all the trucks and cars--collapses in a heap, sinking into the ground. The fruits of millenia of human progress, atomized and transformed into the dungeon: an 18-level labyrinth filled with traps, monsters, and loot. A dungeon so enormous, it circles the entire globe. Presented with impossible situations, dire straits, an empty promise of regaining their planet or the fame of intergalactical stardom, thirteen million of the remaining humans entered this dungeon. This death trap with glamorous gore and way too many bugs. Only a few of them truly matter, the top most popular crawlers such as the ill-pantsed Carl and his elegant mistress Princess Donut. This story isn't about such glorious people, however. This story focusses on one of the dregs overlooked by the masses as they try to cling on to their life. This is the story of Darryl and friends. Note: This is a Dungeon Crawler Carl fanfic. Please support and read the original, it's really good!
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Draugr Cell //Layer 01-- Investiture:
With the end of the only war to ever reach mainland Australia I found myself living out of a small room in an old military compound that had been handed over to the jurisdiction of the Department of Veterans Affairs. The end of the war, unfortunately, didn't mean the end of hostilities. The terrorism trend that had started back in the early 2000's with the attack on the world trade center over in America, had spread to just about every country on the face of the planet. Over time the constant threat from various groups meant the civilian police force was quickly undermanned, under equipped, and overwhelmed. They were simply unable to respond to the daily threats in any reasonable time frame, and in many situations lacked the both the skills and equipment required to deal with the threats to put them down in a 'safe' and expedient manner. Veterans of the war that were being reintegrated into society however, were just about everywhere, all the time. We have the training and the skills required to deal with just about any threat you care to mention, all we needed was access to the equipment to do so. In a world first, under the new Veterans program, the Australian government had taken the rather controversial step of allowing specifically selected veterans to go armed in public. Sure, with Australian weapons laws being very, very strict there were a number of hurdles to get over first, but that's where the selection part comes in. Tangentially that's actually how I met Brianna, my current partner. We work as ringers in Victory City, I thought being thrown into imptomtu combat operations and risking my life on a daily basis for barely livable wages was excitement enough. Then I met her... it... I don't know. An AI unlike anything else out there has wedged itself into my life and decided it needs to... look after me. What could possibly go wrong? **** This is the first book I have released, and my first entry into a cyberpunk universe. There is minimal drug use, a fair amount of sex, a bit of gory violence, and a sultry AI that has decided the main character needs a harem.
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mcyt smutshots
i think you know what you clicked on. smut, yeah yeah but i will only do people that are comfortable with doing so.karlnapdreamnotfoundx readersstuff like that!requests are on!<>^^
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The Advice Column IV
NOTE: This work reached the maximum number of parts. For advising and advice request instructions please go to our work "The Advice Column V" if you wish to request for advice.© Cover art by The-Advice-Column
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