《Angry Birds movie (rewritten)》Paint your pain


he next afternoon, Matilda had the class painting by the beach, in a lesson she called 'Paint Your Pain'. Red, Chuck, Bomb , Aggie, and Terence were standing in front of their easels, each working on his/her own canvas. Matilda stood in front of the birds and encouraged them as they painted.

She began walking around each of the birds as they painted. "Alright, class. Thought for the day: water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth."

Red rolled his eyes. "Here's my thought for the day," he said. "When are we done?"

Matilda sighed. "Red. What the caterpillar calls the end, the world calls a butterfly."

"Can I just say, I never understand a single thing you are talking about." Red shot back.

"Yeah, why do you have to speak metaphorically when you just say it in straight English, instead?" Aggie added, supporting Red's opinion.

Matilda mocked and ignored them, and stood next to Chuck, who was zooming back and forth in front of his canvas. Matilda saw that Chuck was painting himself as a muscled, heroic bird and smiled.

"Wow, Chuck, that's very lifelike."

Matilda moved on to Bomb. He had splashed and splattered lots of paint on his canvas-and himself-in a messy explosion. He covered his paint with paint.

"So deep." Said Matilda, and turned to Terence. "And Terence, let's see your..."

Matilda couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Terence's painting. He had painted himself and Matilda touching wings in a very dramatic pose. He grunted his approval as Matilda continued staring

"Oh, my goodness. I did not know you felt that way." Matilda began blushing, then addressed the class. "Uh. Class dismiss."

When Red began gathering their things, he noticed that Aggie's painting was a lot like her home world with humans around. "Aggie, what are you doing?!" He said in panic. "Why did you paint that? If Matilda knows about this and about you, you're gonna be in big trouble! You're gonna blow your cover!"


"Relax, Red." Aggie calmed him down. "She'll never know. It's like I described myself having the best of both worlds."

Red smiled as he respected Aggie and her choice.

Suddenly, Stella gave Leonard and some of the pigs a detailed tour on the beach. Judge Peckinpah was standing proudly next to Leonard as Stella recited some facts about the island. "And now, we've come to the prestigious Palm Cistern. Where birds of all feathers flock together for the 8 kinds of fruit and nut trees."

Three of the pigs gathered around Stella, and compressed to each other, squeezing Stella in the process, to take a selfie. "Suck those bellies in." Ross said as he took a picture of them. "Instaham!"

Red and Aggie were watching them, not really interested on what the pigs are doing.

"Familiar in your world?" Red asked Aggie quietly.

"I'm pretty sure it's called 'Instagram' in my world." Aggie whispered.

Then, Leonard noticed an egg besides its mother. "Hmm. Is that what I think it is?" He said excitingly as he ran towards the egg.

"That's an egg. That's how our children are born." Said Stella. "You guys don't lay eggs?"

Leonard sighed but did not tear his gaze away from the egg. "Wished we did." He said. He picked up the egg, squeezed it to his chest, and started to daydream.

The pig's daydream interrupted as Red called at him. "Hey! Hello! Excuse me. Buddy? Those are fragile. Maybe you shouldn't pick them up, alright? Not yours."

"Oh, my friend from the banquet." Said Leonard, although he sounded like he thought of Red as anything but a friend. Leonard then looked at the painting Red had been working on. "Now that's a very good painting. Very good."

Red pointed his canvas. On it he had painted Leonard getting struck by lightning. "Oh. Yeah uh. The assignment was, 'Paint your pain.' So I... painted your pain. It's actually the first in a series.. He then showed more of his paintings like him, as an octopus, squeezing Leonard and other pigs, he kicked Leonard in a barrel to the waterfall, and tying Leonard upside down above the fire. "I call this one, 'Ketosis.'" Lastly, he showed the last painting that Red launched Leonard to the sky with the slingshot. "And, oh, I call this one, 'Bye bye.'"


"Wonderful likeness." Snorted Leonard. "I thought you said you stored your nuts for winter." As laughed, everybody laughed at this.

Red was just about to launch a bother insult at Leonard, but something stopped him in his tracks.

"Hey, Red is not nuts, he's very smart!" Aggie marched towards Leonard, giving him a deadly glare. "And because of his painting, he's the best artist in the whole island."

He didn't have the nerve yet, but Red smiled appreciatively of what Aggie said about him.

"But you are in first place, because you are worse than him." Leonard insulted as he pushed Aggie hardly.

Before Aggie hit the ground, Red caught her, and carefully helped her stand up. "Hey, you can't hurt a girl!" He glared at the pig leader.

"Well, she should be more careful with her words, and... did I hear wedding bells? Because I think you two are meant for each other, because you are both nuts." Leonard laughed as the rest did.

"Alright, what's going on here?" Shouted Red. "Are you explorers or are you staying? Because if you are explorers, then why are there more of you coming, huh?"He pointed out to sea as another ship that has full of pigs heading right for Bird Island. The second pig ship crashed into the first one, which destroyed Red's house even more. "Not my house again. Tha-That's my home."

"You guys should fix his house before I clobbered all of you!" Aggie yelled at the pigs of the second pig ship.

Then, Red turned to Leonard again "And you know what? If you are staying, why don't you just say so? And why did you leave your home? How do we know you're not fugitives of the law?"

Judge Peckinpah threw his hat aside as Stella caught it, and he approached Red, grabbing his arm. "You are making our guests feel unwelcome."

"And you're not asking basic questions!" The albino bird replied.

"Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Your opinion is not needed!" The judge sputtered.

"Why do we have to agree?" Red added the argument. "Why does it matter that we're not the same?"

"Anger, is not always the answer!" The judge yelled one more time the two angry birds, then turned to Stella. "Continue the tour."

"Umm. Surfs up, you guys." Stella guided Leonard and the pigs to another tour

"That went well, if you're me." Leonard smirked at the two birds as Ross chuckled at the joke.

"Dummy." Red muttered.

"Bully." Aggie spat a little drop of saliva aside from her beak.

When the pigs are gone, and the two were alone, Red looked at Aggie to see if she's really hurt.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked.

"No, I'm fine." Aggie answered. "Thanks for your concern, but the question is are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Aggie. I'm used to it. Do you?"

"Not exactly. It's like my miserable life in my home world all over again."

"Why don't you go home and rest? That'll make you feel better." Red patted Aggie on the back.

"Yeah, I should." Aggie sniffed, holding her tears, and waved goodbye to red. "I'll see ya later, Red."

"Bye." As Aggie left, Red felt that he needed help. Who better to sooth his feathers than Bird Island's greatest hero and protector? "We could really use you right about now." He said, staring up at the statue of Mighty Eagle. He was about to walk away, until he suddenly got an idea about just what to do. "Wait. Actually..."


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