《Angry Birds movie (rewritten)》Party with the pigs
I am so terribly sorry for not updating sooner. I was very busy for my school, my art work in deviantart, and other stories. I knew I made this kind of mistake. I hope you'll forgive me. Anyway, here's chapter four. Hope you'll like it.
That evening, Aggie carried a tray of food, searching for an empty table, where she can be alone in the great banquet hall used by the birds for special occasions. It was one of the largest structures on Bird Island, with rows of tables and booths that curved down toward a large stage that was used for shows and other special entertainment,
Onstage a show put on by the birds for the pig was wrapping up. It was a song-and-dance spectacular arranged and choreograph by Stella. She was in charge of hospitality on Bird Island. Some birds were playing instruments, while Stella, Poppy, Dahlia, Willow, and Gale finished their dance to cheers and claps from the audience.
While searching for an empty seat, Aggie saw Red, removing a feather from a bowl of worms.
"Gross!" He threw the feather away in disgust.
Aggie wondered if Red likes for her to sit with him, but what if he doesn't, since he was sitting alone on his seat? Aggie wanted to sit alone too, but there are no more seats left. She walked towards Red, and greeted him, "Hi, Red."
Red turned around, and saw her, "Hey, Aggie. What are you doing here?"
"I was looking for a seat, but there's nothing left. And I was thinking..." Aggie was nervous as she scratched the back of her head. She was afraid if Red shoo her away or shout at her, but she'll ask him anyway, "May I seat with you?"
Red's eyes widened. No bird ever asked him to seat with him before, until now. "Oh, sure. There's room for more right here." He patted the space beside him.
"Really?" She smiled.
"Mmm-hmm." He nodded.
Aggie put her food on the table , and sat besides Red. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it." Red said. "Why you don't have to seat with these other birds?"
"Nah. I don't want to be with other birds. They might laugh at me because of my feathers. I want to be alone."
"You and me both. I don't want to sit with them either. That's why I'm the only one sitting here."
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought you want some company." Aggie stood up, and was about to get her food. "Maybe I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't ask you. If you want to be alone, I'm okay with it. I should go."
"No, wait." Red quickly held Aggie's hand before she walks off. "Don't go. I let you sit here with me. It's just... no one wants to sit with me before, so you're welcome with it."
Aggie paused for a while, then went to sit back with him, "Well, thanks again."
While sitting with his new friend, Red watched Leonard and Judge Peckinpah chatting and laughing at their own special table. His eyes narrowed. He was still angry about his house, and Leonard seemed too friendly and eager to impress the birds. Something didn't feel right.
"Do you think these pigs are... something?" Red whispered to Aggie.
Aggie watched Leonard and Ross to observe what they are doing. "I don't know, Red. They're quite nice to me, but I never seen them before, even in green." She replied.
Just then, Chuck and Bomb arrived with a basket of treats that was given by Leonard.
"Oh, this is tough dollar." Bomb said. "Fruits, nuts, moisturizers..."
Chuck popped out from the basket, and applied shampoo on his head.
"Hard cookies. What is this? Face cream?" Bomb took out a circular jar of face cream, and tasted it. "I'm lovin' these guys."
When Chuck was about to take a bit from a cookie, he saw Red, sitting with Aggie.
"Oh, we meet again." Said Chuck coolly.
When Red was about to explain, Aggie interrupted, and glared at Chuck. "Hey, take it easy on him, Chuck. He didn't really mean. And FYI, he's not the only one who doesn't like your creation."
"What do you mean, girl?" Chuck asked.
"Yesterday, when I came before class, I saw that 'Billy' of yours, and it's really annoying!" She shouted as Chuck gasped. "That's right, I said it. I really want to beat em' up harder as I want, but I'm not that kind of person. If you made that doll of yours less annoying, none of this..."
Aggie was cut when Red covered her beak, and turned to Chuck, "Chuck, it was my fault. Don't blame her."
Aggie removed Red's wing from her beak, "Red, he can't be like this to you forever..."
"Thanks for defending me, Aggie, but I'll handle this." Red said, then turned to Chuck again. "Hey, look, Chuck, I can be a jerk sometimes. I can. Your poem was right. You made something happy, and I couldn't deal with it. So, I'm sorry about that. You know I gotta say that, uh, Billy, uh, he put up a good fight. He really did. You would be proud of him." Then, he elbowed Aggie that it was her turn to apologize.
"Hey!" Aggie yelled, the rolled her eyes, and turned to Chuck. "Fine. Chuck, I'm sorry for saying that. I don't know what's gotten in to me. And your creation is very creative, to be honest. So, here, sit down with us."
Red and Aggie transferred to another seats as now the happy Chuck and Bomb sit beside the two birds,
"Okay, apology accepted." Chuck said as he was now between Red and Bomb. "This is cosy."
Red looked at his bowl that was empty, realizing the worms got away. "They got away."
Aggie noticed that Red was frustrated the worms escaped. She smirked as she showed him something, "Think again." She took out the worms that escaped from the bowl. Aggie secretly caught them before they took the chance to escape.
"Thanks, Aggie. You're kind of a life-saver." Red smiled at her as Aggie blushed and placed the worms back in his bowl.
Chuck and Bomb observed the two birds, and Chuck whispered. "Ooh, looks like someone has interest someone!"
"Whatever did you mean, Chuck?" Chuckled Red.
"Yeah, whatever did you mean?" Aggie glared at the yellow bird.
"I think you two are on to each other." Chuck cooed.
"What? No, we don't!" Aggie yelled.
"Yeah, we're just friends. We just met yesterday." Red added.
"We all just met yesterday." Chuck reminded.
"And you have feelings for my cousin." Bomb said to Red.
"That's not gonna happen, Bomb." Red stammered. "I swear. We're just friend."
"If you said that again, cous, I'm gonna beat you with my fist!" Aggie growled, showing her closed wing.
Bomb whimpered, and slowly back away while keeping his beak shut.
The four friends watched Leonard and Ross dance along with some other birds. Red noticed that Leonard was in the center of it all. The birds were watching and seemed so fake to Red and Aggie, but why could none of the other birds see that? Red stared at Leonard until he couldn't stand it any longer and sighed, "They don't have feathers? You know, they're just walking around naked just presenting themselves. I'm looking at all their business here."
"That part about them, I really admire." Responded Chuck. He did not look disturbed at all.
"They make me sick." Aggie imitated a vomiting reaction.
After the performance, Stella was now in front of the stage, "Now we would like to welcome our special guest, the PIGS!"
Leonard took the stage and addressed the birds, "Thank you for your kindness and hospitality. Our king sends his warmest regards. You have shared with us the wonders of your quaint simple little island." Then, turned to Ross, who was behind him, holding a rope. "Drop the banner, Ross!"
Ross tried to let go of the rope, but he was tied onto it, and the banner that has Leonard's face on it dropped.
Then Leonard continued, "Now, we would love to humbly share some of the wonders of our world."
"Ha! Yeah. Humble my bird butt." Chuckled Red.
"Language." Chuck whispered.
"Leave him alone, Chuck." Aggie growled silently.
"100 years from now, everyone will ask, 'How do the friendship between the pigs and the birds start?'" Leonard told the birds.
"Who cares?!" said Red a little too loudly. Chuck covered his face as some of the birds gasped at Red's rudeness.
"Well, let them say us, 'We lite up the night!'" Exclaimed Leonard as Ross pushed the lever of the detonator box, blowing dynamites from behind the banner. The birds cheered and clapped their wings, except Red and Aggie.
"Hey, look. They destroyed more of the stuff we worked hard to build." Red shouted but Chuck and Bomb didn't mind him. They were too distracted for watching the explosion.
"Is that all they've got to make something extreme?" Aggie rolled her eyes. She was not interested on them too. "I'll show them extreme sooner."
"But, there's more! Has gravity gone haywire?" said Leonard as Ross brought a giant gift box on the stage. "No! Even better, your friends, the pigs, proudly give you..." The box opened, revealing two pigs with a trampoline. "The trampoline! And those are my assistants, Oinky, and John Ham!"
The two pigs started jumping up and giggled uncontrollably.
As the birds started clapping, Red realized something wasn't making sense, "Hey, hold on a second. I thought there's only suppose to be 2 of these guys." Red said, but neither Chuck nor Bomb noticed it.
"Technically, Red, they can't use a big ship if they were only two of them. There could be more of them in. Or is it?" Aggie explained, but she wasn't so sure if she's correct.
As the gymnasts finished their act, Leonard had another surprise in store, "But that's not all. Throwing things just got a whole lot easier." He walked towards another gift, "Say hello to... The Slingshot!"
The birds oohed in anticipation as the slingshot was shown on-stage. It was a big wooden contraption in the shape of a rounded Y. it had a large elastic band attached to it.
"Tired of carrying things from place to place? Wish you could just get it there?" Leonard asked excitingly as the birds screamed 'yes', "Well, now you can." Then, he called for a waiter, who was carrying a bowl of fruits, "Waiter, do me a favour. Take the rest of the night off." Once the waiter stopped, Ross took the bowl of fruits from him.
"Hey, if you got the night off, why don't you fix Red's house?!" Aggie shouted, "He's homeless right now!"
Leonard just grinned, and gritted through his teeth, "Those are the same love birds again." Then, turned to the audience, "Now, the slingshot does it all in three easy steps." The assistant pigs demonstrated the slingshot by placing the bowl of fruits, pulling it back, "Ready... Aim... Fire!" When Leonard said the signal, the pigs let the bowl go.
The bowl flew into thence as it shoot Hal, who got the fruits in his beak.
Then, the pigs fired an apple, which Chuck got it, and gobbled it up. All of the birds were mesmerized by the slingshot, except still for Red and Aggie.
Red was growing angrier by the second, and told his friends, "Guys. It's the same fruit sitting on the plates in front of you."
"Ha! Who needs that when I got an apple right here?" Aggie snapped as she grabbed an apple, and took a large bite, which it doesn't hurt her beak or teeth at all. Red was a little amazed, yet almost terrified of what Aggie did to a hard apple.
As the birds' clapping died down, Leonard continued his presentation. "And now, for our last gift to you—"
"Shut up and fix my house!" Red shouted. He couldn't take it anymore.
Several birds shot angry looks at Red. Chuck and Bomb turned to them, and said sarcastically, "We don't know him."
Aggie noticed Chuck and his cousin 'abandoned' Red as she stood up, and shouted out loud, "Well, I know him!"
Leonard narrowed his eyes at Red. He'd had his fill of Red. "I'm going to ask for a volunteer from the audience." He said as many birds raised their wings. Then, he looked directly at Red, "How about the red guy with the enormous eyebrows?"
Red's eyes widened, and he sunk down in his seat "Me? Oh, no, no, no..."
"Yes, you, sir! Come on up here! It's your lucky day!" taunted Leonard.
"Are you sure you don't want to choose one of the hundreds of birds that had their wings up?" He asked.
"Come on, Red?" said Chuck, "Have some fun."
"Go, go, go, go..." The birds started applauding. They urged Red to get on the stage. Chuck and Bomb cheered him on as well, but Red was not having any of it.
"Oh, he's shy." Leonard teased, then said to Red, "You hear that? They're cheering for you."
When she noticed the birds, especially her own cousin, forced him to go on the stage, Aggie felt bad for Red. She knew how it feels to be forced, and bullied as she shielded Red, and took him by his wing, "Hey, we all had a tired day, and Red too. He's quite tired after this full of stress. I think it's time for him to go home and rest."
Leonard observed Aggie's comfort towards Red. He grinned "Aww, a young girl cares for the red guy. What are you two? Husband and wife or something?"
"Ooooohhhhh!" All of the birds smirked at the two birds.
"WE'RE NOT HUSBAND AND WIFE!" Red and Aggie shouted angrily, secretly blushed.
"Then, why are you doing that? Looks like the fuzzy-feathered bird has feelings for the eyebrows." Leonard laughed as all of the birds, except Chuck and Bomb, laughed at them.
Aggie shook her head down in sadness, almost gonna cry. She's been bullied again as usual.
When Red saw Aggie's tears formed in her eyes, he felt pity for her. He knew how it feels to be bullied, and all of what Aggie did was trying to defend him. He pulled his wing away from Aggie, and groaned loudly, "Alright, I'll do it!"
"Red, no, what are you doing?" Aggie whispered in worry, but Red didn't hear her as he walked up on the stage, "Oh, he's gonna kill himself."
"I would have sat closer had I known. That I was going to be." Red muttered. He knew he was going to regret this. The assistant pigs led him to the slingshot, and positioned Red directly in front of the elastic band.
"Ready," began Leonard.
"Who? Me? Yeah. No. I'm ready." Red stammered.
"Aim at what?"
"Everybody on this one."
"Wait!" Aggie tried to stopped them, but no one listened to her.
"Fire!" All of the birds exclaimed.
Red was soaring through the air above the crowd of birds and back toward the beach in the distance.
Leonard smiled and put his hooves on his hips, "Who says birds don't fly?"
"This seems really unnatural." Red screamed as he flew past the other birds.
"Aw. I hope he's okay." Bomb shrugged.
"So, are you going to get him?" Aggie yelled at her cousin, but she groaned and shrugged as she left the party to go after Red.
A few long seconds later, Red came crashing into the sandy ground by the beach until he stopped on a rock that broke into pieces. He picked himself up and shook his head clear. "Hey, don't worry. I'm fine. Thanks for the lift! I wished they would have done that 10 minutes ago." He shouted back at the party going on in the distance.
As Red dusted himself off, he realized he landed right by the pigs' ship. Just as he was thinking about what to do next, he heard Aggie's voice from behind. "Hey, Red, are you okay?!"
Red turned around and saw Aggie in air, and landed in front of him, much to his amazement, "Whoa, Aggie, you can fly?"
"Oh, no. Just glide" Aggie replied, "My feathers helped my wings glide like a kite, but I still can't fly. So, what are you doing here?"
Before Red can answer, a yellow blur rocketed toward the two birds, revealing Chuck, "You know you want to search their boat." He said with a smile.
"What? No, I don't." said Red, and then realized he actually wanted to search the boat. "Yeah, you're right, I do."
Chuck went to the party for just one second, the came back with a slice of cake, "Bomb's on his way."
A short time later, Red, Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie were climbing aboard the pigs' ship.
Red reached the deck first, and called back to Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie. "Come on. Let's go! And remember, keep it quiet."
Chuck started zipping around the deck in a yellow blur. Then, Red opened a circular metal door. "Whoa! This is an impressive ship." Chuck said loudly.
"Shh. No. Inside voice. Inside voice." Red whispered. "Come on."
The four birds began searching the ship, opening any closed doors they encountered along the way. One room was filled with trampolines, just like the one the pigs gave to the birds.
"Piggy fitness." Chuck commented while he was biting a stick of dynamite.
As they kept exploring, Red opened another door, revealing several strange-looking vehicles.
"Very strange." Red could not make sense of these machines, so the birds moved on.
Next, he opened another door. Inside was a massive closet where dozens and dozens of brightly-colored cowboy outfits hung in rows. There were cowboy hats, boots, and bandanas on the shelves.
"Who are these weirdos?" Red asked. Not only were these pigs probably up to something, they were also downright strange.
Suddenly, Red, chuck, and Aggie heard laughter coming from another room. They followed the noise and found Bomb inside. He was jumping up and down on some trampolines.
"What are you doing? We're trying to sneak around. We didn't rent this place out." Red said, but Bomb kept on jumping until he broke through the floor.
Red, Chuck, and Aggie peered over the edge of the whole Bomb had made to see where their friend had gone.
Bomb had landed in another room below. But he wasn't alone. "Hey, guys!" He called his friends, "Looks like there's some more stuff down here." The room was filled with pigs. Dozens and dozens of pigs.
As Red, Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie looked at one another in surprise, one of the pigs giggled and said, "We were hiding."
By the time Red, Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie returned to the banquet hall, the party was still going strong.
"There's more of them!" Red interrupted as the birds and pigs stopped partying. Red walked through the crowd, and climbed on top of the head table. "That's right. I'm back. Enjoying the party, everyone? Because while you were living it up, I snuck up onto their boat. And look at what I found." He pointed to the pigs he, Chuck, Bomb, and Aggie had brought to the party. "There's more of them! Than we thought. Which is uh... mysterious and weird. Am I right?" Then, he pointed at Leonard. "You remember. He said there were only 2 pigs on board, but he was obviously lying." Then, Red took out a toilet plunger from his back, "Oh, and there's strange devices on their boat! So clearly there's... you know, some messed up stuff going on here. How messed up? I don't know. What's specifically? I don't know either. Any questions?"
Judge Peckinpah looked shocked. "You snuck onto their boat?"
"You know. I don't need a award. If you guys are trying to think of what honor to bestow upon me. Don't need it."Red was feeling satisfied that now the other birds would finally see that the pigs were weird and not to be trusted.
As the birds began to boo loudly, Red kept talking. "Yeah, boo them. You're booing them or me?! Oh, it's me." He slowly stepped-off the table.
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