《Alpha Malik (Published)✔️》Chapter Nineteen




Malik was working on that damn couch for what must have been over an hour.

I finger the shower grate mindlessly, as I wait for Malik to go to bed. The dried soap on my skin itches beyond belief, and is slightly peeling, but on the bright side, I smell nice. Well, I smell like Malik, which wouldn't go down well with the other girls.

While I waited, I wondered what happened to Zariah. She must have made a run for it, when she saw Malik coming down the hallway. She's too smart to stick around, unlike me.

Suddenly, the sound of Malik's phone ringing makes me jump, nearly making me drop the grate I had been holding in my hand.

"Rylan. Hey," I hear Malik say.

Rylan, I know that name. The Alpha of Purity...It does make sense that the Alpha of Love would be in contact with the Alpha of Purity, since they share a lot of the same Pack values. But did this esteemed Alpha of Purity know of what Malik used to get up to with all those women who came out to news reporters? I really hope that stays in his past.

Not just for me, but for my future Luna too. From what I've learnt about Malik so far, I just have to trust in him and his natural kindness.

"Fine. Actually, that's not entirely true."

Silence. My heart races sporadically.

"Well, I've been having a hard time with a few of the girls," Malik says into the phone. If I'm hearing correctly, he is walking around his room.

When he said he was having trouble with some of the girls, I assume he means Averi, the girl who had to go home after she had a panic attack. It came as a shock to all of us, so I can't imagine how Malik must feel.

"There's this one girl, Rylan," Malik says so softly, I almost don't hear it from where I am in the shower.

"She's special, in this weird way."

I clench my teeth, wishing I didn't have to listen to this. This is such an illegal thing to be doing as it is, and now I am finding out inside opinions on which girl Malik might like the most. I feel dirty, like all the guilt is painted across my skin.

I can hear Rylan mumbling something on the other end of the phone when Malik gets close, before he turns away. "I know..."

"The problem is, I talk to her, and all other girls sound bland in comparison. I just don't understand why," Malik says.

I cringe, feeling cramp suddenly hit my leg, which is propped against the shower door.

"I can't Rylan. Who knows what she would do if I just admitted it to her. I don't think I have grown feelings for someone so quickly, and I don't want to ruin that. I can't even touch her yet, and I won't be able to until this is over.


I knead my leg, silently banging my head against against the tiles behind me.

"What if I don't actually like her? What if we touch and there isn't any attraction on that front? No, yes, I know that isn't the whole point, but for whatever reason, I want it to work."

Falling onto my back, I stick my leg in the air.

"I think she would make a Luna, but they all would. Well, most of them."

I shake my leg back in forth, while trying not to knock it loudly against the shower door.

"I can't send them home all at once. I need to think about it. My Mum wants me to pick a girl who is...everything. She needs to be visually alluring, intelligent and easy with words. She needs to have a strong background with significant family."

My cramp suddenly diminishes, and I exhale in relief.

"I'm trying to be careful about this, because my parents care so much about it too. I'm feeling like they are making more decisions than I am."

I sit up properly, taking in all that Malik has said, although my mind still struggles to comprehend. His parents have a lot to do with his choices for the next Luna, and that doesn't sit very well with me. Especially since most of the girls have been spoken to by his family, whereas they haven't come to me once.

"That would be great, Rylan. I'm sure the girls would be thrilled to see you."

Is Rylan going to visit? Malik's right about the girls reactions...

After Malik hung up, I heard a rustling of clothes and the lights flickered off. The moment darkness coated my vision, I carefully stood. I'm leaving at least ten minutes before I leave. Malik needs to be asleep, otherwise I'm surely done for.

After counting the minutes, I slowly open the door and step out.

I have to feel my way like a blind man through the bathroom, and into his room. Soft whispers of sleep can be heard from Malik's bed, as I slowly walk, using my foot like a stick in front of me, making sure there were no obstacles to fall over.

By the time I'm opening his door, I realise I've spent at least five minutes trying to find my way through his room. Not once did he wake, which was the biggest possible relief ever.

I leant against the closed door, and breathed deeply. I may have gotten out of there, but I didn't get one key thing.

I didn't get his necklace.


The next day was fairly uneventful. Something happened in the Love Pack that required Malik's attention, so he was out all day.

So, Malik's mother had us sit in a room together to socialise. However, the moment we were all in the room, seating and waiting, the former Luna left. Most of the girls who were looking to suck up her seemed disappointed by her leave, whereas other girls who didn't really care, like myself were relieved.


We all sat in silence.

Zariah was fidgeting with the couch seam beside me. She desperately wants to talk about what happened last night, but we haven't had the time. Brynn found our piece of paper on Zariah's room floor, and now she wants to know.

"So girls, who's having fun?" Phoenix asks, her hands folded over her lap as she looks at us.

When I think fake, I think her.

A few people mumble a 'me' but no one else shared her optimism. Macie, the other girl from the Love Pack doesn't look too happy. I know she's here to seduce Malik, and is convinced they are meant to be, so she mustn't be enjoying his lack of presence here.

"Who's kissed him?" She asks again, a devilish smile creeping onto her face.

She puts her hand up, and so do a few other.

My heart stops. Seriously? We were told we weren't allowed any kind of contact with him, and they have been kissing him already? I inspect all the girls with their hands up, trying to imagine them as my Luna. Such devious creatures they all are.

"Oh come on girls," Phoenix said, noticing some of our disgusted faces. "We have to do what we need to if we want to win. I'm sorry you're all so behind."

My mind suddenly went back to last night.

I vaguely remember Malik talking to Alpha Rylan about a single girl who so far is his favourite. It could be any of us. I just hope it's not Phoenix, otherwise I might consider moving to another Pack instead of having her as my Luna.

"I don't think I'm behind at all. If I've counted correctly, I've had more dates than all of you," Brynn says proudly.

Both Zariah and I cringe.

Recently, the rumours have finally gone off me and my special date with Malik. Now, they have been assaulting a girl named Nikita from the Devotion Pack. Her eyes are an unnerving shade of purple, that leaves us all wondering whether or not she is a Phantom Wolf or not. Those Wolves are something we all fear, and she will surely be kicked from the competition if she is.

So many of the girls have decided they want her gone. With fifteen of us still left, tensions are starting to rise.

Now Brynn is walking straight into the line of fire.

"It doesn't matter about the amount of dates, honey," Phoenix says condescendingly. "It's how they go that matters."

Brynn was on her feet in a second, but I stand, grabbing her arm before she crosses the room to punch Phoenix in the face. As much as I would love to see that, I can't let her get eliminated.

"She's not worth it," I mutter in her ear.

The two Desire Pack members glare at each other, before Phoenix looks at me with a sickening smile in her face.

"You don't talk much, do you Aria?"

Now everyone is looking at me. Clenching my jaw, I slowly sit, looking over everyone. The supposed twins from the Loyalty Pack sit in the corner, not paying attention to me. Neither is the other girl Rose from the Freedom Pack, who looks like she is brooding. Otherwise, every eye is on me.

I shrug.

"Didn't Imani have the same strategy? And she got sent home," Phoenix taunts, pressing at the she of my patience as she keeps talking. "No one would miss you anyway. You're not significant here."

This is the first time I've been talked to like this first hand. I've heard all the gossip, but hearing out of her mouth makes it work.

"Is that why Malik chose me over you for that date?"

I didn't want to seem petty, but I had to say it. It's either that exact sentence, or I'll end up seriously hurting her. A few people laugh at my backhanded comment I threw at her, knowing I've had enough.

"And he took you to your family. How boring," she says sourly.

I swallow. I didn't have the chance to answer before someone else cut in.

"Stop," Rose suddenly snaps. Her arms are folded over her chest, as she looks up at us. Her friend just got sent home from the panic attack, and I can see it's taking a toll on her. "Just stop."

Phoenix narrowed her eyes, but kept her mouth shut. I wouldn't have been there to hear anymore, as I stood up, and walked straight out the room.


I wasn't in the mood to talk to Zariah that night. Instead, I told Zariah to wait until morning, before I slid into bed.

Today, I'm feeling a little homesick.

Finding the necklace was a shambles, and I'm another step backward. All those other girls are ahead of the game, because they are playing and I should too. Malik's love isn't the endgame for me; escaping is.

Tonight I'm going to get some proper sleep, so tomorrow I can work more on completing this mission.

I don't know how long I was tucked into slumber for, until something woke me. It sent shivers down my spine, as I threw my sheets off my legs.

In the dead of the night, all I can hear is a shrill scream of absolute pain.





~Midika 💜🐼

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