《Alpha Malik (Published)✔️》Chapter Eight




I woke up cursing myself. No, cursing the Goddess I don't really believe in.

Grey never told me Malik had that close of a relationship with that necklace. I had happily assumed it would be kept in a safe, which in my opinion, would be easy to crack, then Alpha Malik himself. After last night, and my meander to the library, I'm in an even more vulnerable position.

As I'm more than positive he's going to be more careful of my antics.

Just as I was leaving the shower, Elaine decided to rush in undetected. Walking out of the bathroom, towel trying my hair, the sight of my assistant browsing through my wardrobe made me yelp.

"Elaine," I snap. "You can't just walk into my room like this! What if I was naked?"

She sighs, turning around, holding a gentle fuchsia dress in her hand. I wore it to Alexa's birthday earlier this year, so it brings back memories of her other friends getting drunk and spilling vodka on the hem. It took me four days to soak the stuff out, to never actually wear the dress again. Well, until now it seems.

"Then it would have been a good bonding experience," Elaine says thrusting the dress at my chest. "Now hurry and change, and do something to that hair. You'll be meeting the girls today, and some of them are very wealthy, so you can expect exceptional outfits on their part. Also, you will be meeting the Alpha for the first time, and you want to stand out.."

All I caught from that, was 'you'll be meeting the Alpha for the first time.'

She didn't know about last night. Did Malik keep his word?

"And paint a target on my back?" I question, dropping the towel I had been using on my hair, onto the bed. The fabric of my dress between my fingers is so lavish and soft, and it makes me grateful Alexa convinced me to buy it.

Elaine sigh irritably. "You have to play the game, Aria."

Yes, because all this is a silly game.

Elaine doesn't have the courtesy to turn around as I dress. She pointed out the fact that we have the same parts, and wear the same under clothes, which meant I had to be stuck in a lecture about how I shouldn't be fazed. She really thinks I am going to last in this competition, which at least lets me know that she has a little faith in me.

As I slip the dress on, Elaine watches me ambiguously, waiting for me to make a mistake, like step on the hem of the dress and rip the fine threading. Then, she assisted in doing up all the necessary buttons and tying any loose ends.

Despite the beauty of the dress, I felt odd being so dressed up. Especially after Elaine took over my hair, when I failed to eloquently form a nice updo. However, the moment I walked down the hallway, with both Fynn and Elaine flanking me, I noticed I was probably rather under dressed.

Most of the girls ignored us, only granting a glance before they turned away obediently. To them, following the rules is serious.

"Remember what I told you," Elaine muttered in my ear.

"Right. Befriend the biggest bitch of them all," I reply sourly. She frowns, but doesn't comment. Before we had left the room, she had instructed me that finding the best social group was essential. It looked good for the cameras, and for Malik. She said it as if she knew exactly what that man wanted.


Downstairs, most of the girls were standing around, talking already. Camera's were crowded around the group, waiting for any ounce of drama to film. We are told the camera gig wouldn't last that long. The Alpha had demanded privacy, which I respected in its entirety. Plus, less screen time for me to embarrass myself.

A few lenses are pointed at me, as I dramatically walk down the stairs. At least that's what I thought it looked like. Finn didn't follow us down, which is a relief, considering his hand on the small of my back was starting to really irritate me.

"Be nice, and make friends," Elaine says finally, giving me all the advice she could, before she had to watch from a distance. As much as Elaine is irksome, at least she takes the eyes off me. Now I'm left to face the wrath of some of the girls. Luckily enough, the girls from the warm side of the land are still traveling.

Standing at the edge of the throng of people, I deliberate my next move.

No one pays attention to me at first. Most of them are too busy talking to others to notice me, being the sole loner here. Heat creeps into my cheeks, which basically promotes my awkwardness to everyone watching.

Then I feel someone grab my shoulder, making me jump.

"This is crazy! This many girls in one place is kind of dangerous don't you think? I'm not used to it...That's for sure. You seem to have the right idea staying on the edge of this...Thing," someone says from behind me. I know what Pack they are from, before I even turn around.

Wisdom Pack. Probably where the most intimidating people come from. Intelligence is born in this Pack; these people born to outwit any other Pack, and lead all development in technology and learning. Never have I met someone out of that Pack, who hasn't known the answer to whatever you throw at them. And as nice as they may seem, with their perfectly planned lives, some of the most cunning people have come out of there.

The girl in front of me sports those dark brooding eyes. That simple hint of blue in there is the only way to tell they aren't some sort of mechanically created creature, with their perfect skin and bodies. This girl however, hides expertly behind a pair of glasses, which makes her eyes look twice as big.

"I'm Zariah by the way," she says, nodding at me, rather than offering a hand to shake.

"Aria," I tell her. There is no point announcing what Pack I belong too; she's smart enough to put together our aesthetic traits and accent.

When I glance down at what Zariah wears, I'm surprised to see it isn't a dress, like what most girls wear. Instead, she sports jeans, and a t shirt. The Wisdom Pack is another rather cold Pack, so I'm not surprised that she isn't fazed by the cool air around us.

"Welcome to the competition. Like I stated earlier, you seem to have chosen a good place to stand. No camera shot in near vicinity, and I doubt any fame thirsty girls will wander back here," Zariah says, those mouthful of words pronounced in a crisp accent sealing her place in the Wisdom Pack.

I was about to respond, but she cut me off. "Plus, we get to suss them all out."

Slinging an arm over my shoulder, the shameless girl turns me around to look at the rest of the group. She points to someone at the front of the throng, talking animatedly, right in front of the camera. Her dress is skin tight, and a metallic gold, that has my jaw dropping instantly. Not only does she have curves any of us would be jealous of, she manages to keep her sleek brown hair immaculate, and her makeup flawless.


"Phoenix Diamond. Desire Pack. Extremely wealthy, with high ranked parents," Zariah whispers.

She points to another. "Imani Lee. Independence Pack. Won't talk to anyone, although not mute."

She girl stands with her hands by her front, as she watches the area with dark eyes. So dark in fact, that when her gaze sweeps our way, I have to drop my own to the floor. Independence Pack members don't leave their Pack often, managing to preserve their natural beauty. How she manages to keep her stark white hair that straight, I have no idea.

"Chasity Pearson," Zariah murmurs, my gaze following her finger. "Purity Pack. Total nutjob. Thinks the Goddess lives within her, and rumour has it, is only here to convert the Alpha to her religion."

Wisdom Pack members primarily believe in Fate. No question about it.

After her, another girl becomes Zariah's target of observation. "Don't forget Braelyn and Maren. Loyalty Pack. Look similar don't they?"

She's not wrong. The two girls chat between each other, looking almost identical. The uncanny resemblance starts at the pair of vivid green eyes they share. Not one of them bothers to acknowledge anyone else. I've heard that Loyalty Pack members don't tend to mate outside their Pack, to respect the main trait of their Pack.

"How do you know so much about these people?" I question, wondering if I missed some sort of introductory period when being late.

Zariah shrugs. "Let's just say no one here knows how to keep secrets. If you pay attention to the internet, half these girls announced it the moment it happened, so with a little research on my part, I can safely name every girl here, and every girl coming."

I blink.

"I already knew your name was Aria," she adds, nudging me. "Your friend Alexa put the information out, since you're a recluse."

My mind whirled, as I stared at Zariah in astonishment. Is she serious?

"I really liked what I found out about you, which is why I sort you out almost straight away, and shared this information with you," she admitted, clapping her hands together. At the same time as that being completely unsettling, it was almost flattering.

"The only one I don't know anything about, is that girl there," she tells me, nodding toward someone was being dragged into the room by three men.

At this point everyone was looking toward the girl, who struggled and protested in their grip. Despite that, she laughed like it was the most entertaining thing ever, as they pushed her toward the ground of girls, who warily backed away from her. She waved at the camera, before turning to look directly at me.

I cringed. Brynn, the Desire Pack member I met yesterday.

"Listen boys, I'm not going to go wandering off again," she said dismissively to the security behind her, before waltzing through the crowd toward me. "Look who it is! The only sane person in this place."

Talk began again, when Brynn made it to me. She had a toothy grin, as she tilted her head at me. "Aria right? Sorry you had to see that. Apparently we aren't allowed to walk alone. The Alpha found me, and sent the security for me straight away..."

She turns to a random girl at the edge of the crowd. "That's right, I met the Alpha."

What in the world? She had met Malik, and he hadn't let her get away with leaving her room, like he did with me? Although my mind couldn't grasp why, I found myself mentally thanking Fate for allowing me to survive that. Perhaps I had caught him at a good moment...

"Looks like we found the troublemaker of the group," Zariah notes, smiling despite herself at Brynn, who grabbed her hand without her permission, to shake it vigorously. I however, flinched at her use of the word troublemaker.

"At your service," Brynn proclaims, mocking a bow, which Zariah found great enjoyment in.

Is this it? Are these the people Fate has selected for me to befriend. Have I found the people whose hearts may or not be broken throughout this? Elaine will not be happy when she finds out I'm with a Wisdom Pack stalker, and a Desire Pack rule breaker...

What about Macie? I could see her already, talking to the Phoenix girl. She looked pleased, and I have an idea that I won't be able to pry her away from the rich one.

"You don't have to worry about me being any competition to you all. I'll probably be kicked out by tomorrow if Alpha Malik's stupid father has anything to do with it," Brynn notes. I wanted to reassure her I wasn't going to be making it to the end either, but I stopped myself before I just admitted my biggest secret.

"I might just take something with me on my way out," she mutters, looking around as if to see what might look small enough, and expensive enough to smuggle out. "A keep sake, you know?"

Zariah and I exchange glances.

"I'm kidding," she chuckles. "Huh, no I'm not."

Something about the over confident, rambunctious girl was likeable. Easily the biggest comic relief to get me through this situation, which I will have to remember to thank her for. Well, before she leaves.

We didn't get to say anymore, before someone cleared their throat from the podium to our right. It was the former Luna, and Alpha Malik's mother. Will his family be staying this entire time? Just their existence makes this mission a lot harder.

"I hope you have all met.."

Three people here know my name.

"The other girls will be arriving later this afternoon. For now, the Alpha will be making a brief introduction, before you will be allowed full access to the rest of the left wing. If the Alpha ever approaches you, then we expect you to graciously accept his company."

Brynn rolled her eyes, clearly not liking the sound of that. A part of me hopes one of the cameras caught that, to give the viewers something to smile about.

"And may I just say," Cecily says. "You all look beautiful."

Her compliment was mainly directed toward the girls closest to the camera's, who all wore stunning outfits that they had selected on their own, and brought with them. It makes me wonder for a second, who Alexa would be standing next to right now. Definitely not Brynn of Zariah, that's for sure.

"Now, we understand there will be someone you may not get along with, but as aspiring Luna's, we hope you will all try your best to get along with everyone."

"As if? Have you met that other Desire Pack member?" Brynn whispered to me. "What a bitc-"

Cecily claps her hands, which cuts Brynn's profanities off.

"Now, I may happily introduce my son...The Alpha of Love!"

A few girls cheer as Malik walks up. He admittedly looks handsome, and a lot more put together than he did last night. The suit he wore was tailored exceptionally, showing off his broad shoulders and slender physique.

"Welcome girls..."

More cheers.

"I hope you all enjoyed your first night here, which I'm sure won't be your last."

Why is he saying that? Clearly he is going to be sending girls home soon, however it seems most of the girls enjoy hearing him say that. Or maybe they just enjoy seeing him. As much as it pains me to admit, he's handsome, no matter what was the light hits his refined features. I may be accustomed to the blue eyed trait of this Pack, but his are something completely different...

"I shall be taking the time to talk to you all personally, before I select the first five who will be going home," Malik explains, flashing a smile that had almost every girl's knees weakening.

Then his gaze finds mine, and I'm stunned. "I'm looking forward to finding out everything about you all."





~Midika 💜🐼

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