《Alpha Malik (Published)✔️》Chapter Three



"They're here!"

My growl of disdain is caught rough and short, as the pressure against my chest grows. Alexa's insistent hands rest against my ribs, as she sits on my stomach. Kicking my knee up, I groan again in protest. What a way to wake up.

"Get off me," I snap, but she doesn't move, keeping me pinned against the bed.

My curtains have been thrust open, a rich, orange morning sun streams in, lighting up the make up smeared face of my best friend. Her hair has been gathered up into a wild ponytail, that had clearly been slept on. But the elated grin on her face suggested she had been up for hours.

"Get up lazy, they're here!" she exclaims, shaking my shoulders, the exuberant look about her not fading for a single second.

I attempt another way of getting Alexa off my lungs-by rolling my body-but she remains adamant. "Who?"

"Who do you think? Malik's little entourage! They are here to pick you up," Alexa tells me excitedly. I stare at her blankly for a few moment, letting the information take a few moments to sink in. The time had to be on the tip of dawn, so my mind was everywhere, still taking in the wild dream that I had experienced earlier.

Now I've awoken to a nightmare.

"You're lying," I say slowly.

Then it hit me like a bus. I did get chosen for this competition. This is real.

Alexa is off me in a second, as I scramble out of bed, in a flurry of sheets and nightclothes. My heart raced, as fast as my body was moving, as I grab my robe, throwing my bedroom door open. Alexa followed on my heels, as I shrug the cloth over my shoulders, running at the front door like a mad woman.

It wasn't until I flung the door open, that I became conscious of what I was wearing.

Bright blue pajamas with little fluffy sheep jumping over clouds on them was probably the focal point of the situation. Or maybe it was my hair, practically standing up on end from the rambunctious wake up call I got from Alexa. Whatever it was, the three people standing at my door couldn't stop staring at it.

"Welcome!" I hear Alexa say, right by my ear. Her hands were clamped on my shoulders, as she used her height against me, looming right over me.

The people at the door were three of the most professional looking people I have ever seen, which didn't help the deep set embarrassment that could be seen by the colour of my cheeks. The woman between two large men looked stunned, her pink tinted lips partly open, her fingers that were wrapped around a dark microphone slightly quivering.

On man looked like a security guard of some sort, as if he was there to protect this immaculate woman in front of me, from a knife wielding girl in sheep pajamas. Dark sunglasses covered his eyes, so I couldn't properly see them. It was unnerving...

The man beside him held a hefty camera on his shoulder, if that little light on the side of it meant what I think it does, then it is recording.


Then, the woman with her dark hair forced into the tightest bun I have ever seen twisted around, turning to face the camera on the man's shoulder. I just stood surprised, eyes wide, as I looked straight into the camera's lense, wishing I was anywhere but here.

"Today, we are joined here by one of the Love Pack contestants!" the woman exclaims, directly into the camera.

I'm shocked for a second, as she turns the microphone toward me.

Without any introduction, these people had shown up to throw me into the spotlight, holding me up like some kind of prize for Malik to see. I had no doubt he would watched this...A delectable thought of pulling some kind of vulgar hand expression toward the camera tempted me, but I held myself together.

If I'm about to show my face to the world, to save my family that are probably watching in astounded surprise, then so be it. Even if I could strangle Alexa for forcing me into this moment, I wasn't about to let a bunch of rogues do it. But there was no way I was about to let these prissy show ponies boss me around...

"Aria Quade," I say sweetly, giving the camera the best smile I could.

However, the moment the women turned around, my smile dropped, and I walked backwards, and straight into my house, slamming the door behind me. Both Alexa and stare at the door, before she says something.

"What are you doing? You can't just close the door...Oh Goddess," Alexa mutters, flustered. Rolling my eyes, I turn on my heel and walk directly toward my bathroom door, looking over my shoulder for a second at my friend.

"Let them in," I say. "And tell them that if they have any decency, they will let me at least brush my hair."

I closed the bathroom door behind me.

This wasn't what I signed up for. The cameras? No thank you. All I wanted was to get that necklace, and get out of here. If I can do that, then I'll never have to show my face to the world like this again.

Then I look in the mirror. And scream.

A thick line of lipstick runs across my top lip, and down my chin to my jawline. Something like purple eyeshadows stained my eyelids, and...Is that mascara? My eyelashes are completely stuck together.

Immediately, I thrust my face into the sink, and began splashing water onto my face in an attempt to get this off. This had to be Alexa's doing, because there is no way I would be caught with this kind of makeup on my face. All over my face.

I hear the bathroom door open and close.

"I can explain..."

Twisting the tap shut, I look up at my friend, mustering the biggest glare onto my face that I could. She looked at me meekly, before handing me a towel to pat down my wet face. It was then that I realised how immaculate she looked.

"I tried to make you look pretty...But boy, you move around a lot in your sleep," Alexa says, as I vigorously rub my face down with the rough fabric.


There has never been a time in my life where I haven't been so embarrassed...

"What would make you think that putting makeup on a sleep person was somehow smart?" I decide to question her, narrowing my eyes. Alexa tends to do this sometimes; does before she thinks. Now it's lead her to make me look like the biggest clown in the competition. Surely everyone would see this, and I'll be sent home immediately, for being a bad reflection on the Alpha's family.

"I'm sorry," Alexa said, catching the towel covered in makeup, as I tugged my hair out of it's tie.

Great, there's a giant kink in it.

"It doesn't matter," I tell her. At least I won't be near enough to stay mad at her soon. She will probably still staying in my house, using the key under the mat to get in and eat all my food while I'm gone. "There's no going back now."

When I had finally brushed hair out, to look somewhat decent, I sent Alexa upstairs to get me something to wear. At the very least, I could be grateful for the fact that I packed the night before, even though clothes would apparently be supplied for us. However, I refused to believe they could know my size before I got there, so I'm playing it safe...

Like I always do.

When I step out of the bathroom, basically I knew person, the three devils-as I have taken it upon myself to call them-are rummaging around my living room, the woman pointing to places where the camera should be filming. My body stiffened at just the sight of them violating my privacy.

Keeping to myself is an essential rule in my personal rule book. If I didn't, I think I would go insane.

"Are you done here?" I question, making the lady jump. She was pressed in a tight skirt with dark heels that sunk in my carpet.

The lady nudged the camera man. "We got some necessary shots of your home. All we need is a few questions from you so we can get to know your personality. Then-"

"No questions, until you at least tell me who you are," I say, a heavy demand in my voice. I wasn't about to be pushed around by the Alpha's employees, even if my shy side disagreed. It was practically speechless at the assertive attitude I have decided to take upon myself. I've decided it's the only way I'm going to make it out of this alive.

I hear Alexa come down the stairs; probably with something for me to wear.

The woman took a deep breath, holding her hand up so the camera would stop filming me. By the look on her face, as she closed her eyes for a fluttering moment, she knew I was probably going to end her career. She held it together though, as when she opened her eyes, she was smiling, and holding her hand out to me.

"Elaine Lorel, here to assist you during your time throughout the competition!"

I stare at the hand, decorated with bright pink, glossy nails. Then I shake it, because by the looks of it, I'm going to be stuck with this woman. Clearly, both of us don't want it, but it is the only way she is going to get a good salary from Malik, and I'm going to get anywhere near him.

Despite that being the last thing I wanted. It was the first thing I needed.

"So, questions," she insists, brightening up her voice as the camera man, who apparently didn't need introducing, started the recording again. This is where my little acting skills come into play. I remember a few weeks ago, when Alexa first signed up, that she insisted that pleasing Malik's family was essential.

This meant, for a start, a smile on my face.

"What made you decide to sign up for the competition?" Elaine asks warmly, before shoving the camera back in my face.

I pretend to think for a moment. "A fresh start."

Elaine looked expectant for elaboration, but I wasn't going to continue. Instead, I stare at her, hoping my gaze told her enough that I wanted her to continue with the questions. This was apart of the process Grey didn't inform me of, and I want it over with...

"How did you feel when you were named as one of the future contestants?" Elaine asks, scraping these questions off the top of her head. I'm impressed-she takes her job seriously, at least.


"How excited are you for meeting Alpha Malik."

I pause. I haven't yet taken the time to think about what it's going to be like to meet him. There isn't much in my arsenal of tricks for talking to men, other than that I loved them as book characters. As a girl who grew up with no siblings, and clung to a girl as my only friend my entire life, I'm not the most confident with men.

"Nervous," I admit. "I hope him and I become well acquainted."

So I can steal from him.

"How do you feel about meeting the other competitors?"

Living with a bunch of love struck girls. Doesn't appeal to me, but at least Malik will have a distraction. Hopefully I can use a skill of mine that has worked for many years. Blending in.

"Can't wait."

"And overall, what do you plan to get from this?" Elaine asks, looking glad she had come to the end of this interrogation.

This time, I look directly at the camera. My words were meant to mean something. It was meant to make all the girls who had signed up, and made it into this competition, think for a moment.

To consider something extremely important.

"Love," I say softly. "And maybe, a new mate."

And to all those girls competing, it was for their mates. Who decided to take the plunge, and fall in love with a man, who wasn't meant for them...





~Midika 💜🐼

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