《The Cellphone Swap》Chapter 4


The winter dance is coming up and I don't know if I'll go. All my friends are talking me into it but I kinda don't want to go. They said we could all go as a group, no boys. I finally agreed but now I'm second guessing it. Rylee makes her way to my house and she honks the horn. I run downstairs and out the door. She waves and motions me to get in. Maddie and Kylie are in the car too.

"What color dress are you going to wear?" Maddie asks.


"Purple for me." Maddie says

"Green." Kylie pipes up.

"Pink or red." Rylee says.

"What color shoes?" I ask.

"Silver." Maddie and Kylie say.

"Gold for red silver for pink." Rylee takes a quick glimpse at me. "What about you?"

"Silver or blue."

"Vodka or tequila?" Kylie asks.

"Tequila!" Me and Rylee say.

"Vodka!" Maddie says.

"What do you want,Kylie?" I turn around to look at her.

She bites her bottom lip and looks at Maddie in the corner of her eye. She smirks and yells out, "tequila!"

"Oh come on you know I'll get sick on that crap!" Maddie wines folding her arms and huffing. We all laugh.

We get to the mall and Rylee parks in the back of the lot.

"Do you want to get us killed?" Maddie says.

"We need the exercise." Rylee says.

We all walk to the mall in freezing cold temperatures only wearing a hoodie. We finally get to the mall and the warm air burns my cheeks as I step inside. My inside warm and I feel god again.

We head to all the ships that have dresses. Kylee immediately finds the dress for her. It's white and has a bold waist band around it. She picks out gold shoes to go with.

Next, Maddie finds hers. It's Silver with sparkles on the top. It's sleeveless and has a puffy skirt. She picked out silver, sparkly shoes.


I found my dress at the fourth store. It was a skyish turquoise with off the shoulder sleeves. I chose blue and silver shoes and a blue necklace too.

Rylee chose a red dress that showed her figure. It hade only one sleeve that went as low as her shoulder. The dress fell just above her knees and she got gold shoes and a red and gold purse. She also got red hot lipstick to wear.

We stop at a cafe and eat some wraps. We also ordered coffees and brownies. Rylee says, "hey we can walk it off when we walk to the car." We laugh at this and finish up our coffees.

The dance

We come laughing into the gym and people stare at us. This one girl gives us a dirty look and I go up to her and say, "what are you lookin at bitch." I get up in her face. She coils back and says "nothing."

We look around for the punch bowl and head there. In the corner of my eye I see Matthew. He's staring at me. I smirk at this. I hope he sees me having fun, without him.

"Let's go dance!" Rylee yells over the loudness of the students. I shake my head 'no' and stay by the punch bowl. The three of them go into the dance floor and start getting lost into the music. We drank a half a bottle of tequila and half a bottle of vodka.

"Are you having fun?"matthew comes up to me.

"I was until you got here."

"Can we go for a walk?"

"I don't feel like walking."



We start walking out of the gym and down the sidewalk.

"Listen can we get together? I mean like start fresh? I really like you. I want you."


"Please just one date. If you don't have a good time there won't have to be a second date just one date, that's all I'm asking for."


I sigh and say, "Alright. But only one date."

"Okay." He smiles wide and looks at me.

"Don't make it weird. We're not boyfriend and girlfriend oaky? It's just a date. ONE date. Nothing more."


We walk so far we get to the beach. We walk on the beach and you can see the moons reflection on the water.

"Come on." He says grabbing my hand.

"Wha-." I get taken away by him pulling me towards the water. "No no no no no. I'm not going in that water."

"Why because your friends wouldn't approve? Would they say 'Bridget what are you doing you're gonna get so dirty.'"

"No." I say but lie. That's something they all would say.

"You let your friends influence you to much. You can't be your own person."

"Yes I can."

"Really? Have you ever gone swimming in a lake before?"

"Well yes, yes I have." I say triumphantly.

"With you friends?"


He pulls me closer to him. "Come on."


"Why can't you be any fun?"

"I can."

"Prove it." He smirks.

I glance back at the road to see if anyone's there. "Fine." I say and start in zipping my dress. I threw my heels in the ground. I let my hair down out of its bun; it flows around me in curls. He's staring at me as I smirk.

"I can be fun." I throw my dress on the sand and dive in the water.

"Look who's the fun one." I say laughing.

He takes off his shoes and tie. He unbuttons his shirt shaking his head. Soon enough he's in with me. E comes up close to me and I can feel his hot breath on my neck.

"You smell like alcohol." He says.

"Yeah I drank before I came to the dance."

"Did you want to?"

"I hate drinking."

"Friends influencing you?"


He gets closer to me as small waves hit my back. All of a sudden the water seems cold. His brown hair drenched in water, the water comes dripping of his hair like ice pellets. He smells like the lake, a good smell. Soon his lips are brushing up against mine. I don't stop him. It feels right. Then I remember Gavin.

"Stop." I say.

"I-I'm Sorry."

"I should go. Without you."

I get out of the water and put my dress back on. It's soaking wet right now.

"Bridget wait-." He begins but I trudge off.

"Hey where were you?" Maddie comes up to me; drunk as hell.

"Now where. Where's Rylee?"

"Pfft How should I know?" She gets spit in my face as she says pfft.

I walk around trying to find Rylee. I finally find her making out with her boyfriend. I pull her aside and say, "Can we please go?"

"What why? What happened? Why is your make up all over your face?"

The music is loud in the back round and I can't hear her clearly.

"Can we just leave?" I beg.

She turns to her boyfriend and gives him a kiss goodbye. Then she takes me by the hand as we search for Maddie and Kylie.

"What happened?" Kylie asks me.


"Come on you can tell us." Rylee says.

"Yeah, who and where?" Maddie says biting her lip like a stripper.

"Can we not talk about it!" I yell.

"Jeez, guess it didn't go so well." Rylee smirks.

"Why do you think I had sex? Just because I have make smeared on my face! Your minds always in the gutter."

I defend myself. Am I really defending myself or Matthew? Rylee stares at me wide eyed.

"Oh my god lighten up!" Rylee shouts.

"Can we just not talk about it? I don't have to tell you everything do I!"

"Calm down Bridget" Maddie begs.

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