《One night.》6.


Hands dipped into his pocket he walked down the stairs and luck wasn't on his side because he stumbled onto the person he doesn't want to stumble onto.Not now and not ever.

He moved to the other side to pass but she blocked him,he let his daring cold eyes meet hers and she smirked "My dearest step son where are you going to?" He cringed at the way the words swiftly came out of her lips without an ounce of shame.

Without glancing at her he walked past her because if he stayed any minute more, then her dead body will be found laying on the floor,his hands are itching him to strangle her.

His father came inside just as he was about to head out and he stopped walking "Welcome back Abba." He said with his hand ducked down and his father just goofily answered "Come and sit down,I will go and take a shower then come down and talk to you." His father instructed and he obeyed just like the obedient son he was,even though his father doesn't deserve all this respect he still gives it to him.

He had been wanting to talk to his father but he didn't get a chance to because his father always says that he is busy while he is not,all he does after coming back from work is listen to his young stepmom talk about the list of things she wants to buy.

"Welcome back baby." He heard his stepmom say and he regretted raising up his head because he saw a thing he wasn't supposed to see,his stepmom hugging his father and then his father twirling her as she giggled,who on earth will call an old man baby?

So cringe worthy!

He held his straight face and took his attention back to the tv which was playing Starplus,he doesn't know why Iman loves watching those series,all this Indian love and romance are things he finds a waste of time to watch but she waste many of her hours watching this channel,she wouldn't like to be interrupted not even for a second while watching her favorite series.


"Wow! See who is watching Starplus today." Iman came out of nowhere and sat down close to him as she scan him "You are looking dashing today." She commented and he softly smile at his little sister "I always do." He bragged and she rolled her eyes making him laugh,he wanted to annoy her and it solely worked "Don't flaunt yourself." She replied and he was about to reply her when she fixed her eyes to the television.

"They have started." She jumped a little while sitting down and she put all of her attention back to the tv completely forgetting about him and he sigh,maybe that is what he is meant to be in his life,something that doesn't hold so much importance.

The film went on for 30 minutes and he have to admit that it wasn't as boring as he thought it was,says a-lot about why his little sister loves watching those series so much but the annoying thing is that he had to wait till tomorrow to watch the next episode "Total waste of time." He hissed and Iman just adjusted herself by fully facing him "You should always be joining me,it is really a nice film." She explained and he just fish out his phone from his pocket "Am not stupid."

Iman held her waist "Then who is?" She asked and he pointed at her "You call this stupid film nice." She rolled her eyes and he just smiled,the film is nice but he rather die than confess to her that the film is really amazing.

She grasped the phone out of his hold and sat on it "Don't ruin my sum-sung Iman." He warned and she pouted her lips "Am not that fat Ya Yusuf." She whined and he looked at her up and down then laugh "Believe me Iman you are looking like a bag of rice." She put up an angry face and he just laughed again.


Waiting for his father to shower means waiting for 2 hours because that so called stepmom of his won't let him out of the room until she feels like.

"Ya Yusuf I have been thinking about that damsel in distress." Iman turned serious all of a sudden and he flashed her a confused look "Who?" He asked oblivious of who she was talking about "That girl that just came to us the other day and said "I have finally found you." He got more confused and Iman smacked him "You are too forgetful how can you forget that beautiful girl." He smiled a little and shook his head nonchalant of her annoyance "I have important things to take care of so I don't have time to be thinking about things like this."

"Whatever.." Rolling her eyes she scanned his face and he just raise his eyebrows at her "You really don't remember her?" She asked again and he smiled "I do remember her now, I guess she is mad,maybe she ran away from the asylum." He carried the apple on the center table and took his first bite "Ya Yusuf,she doesn't look like that kind of person,it was obvious that she was crying but she is really in her right senses." Iman answered thoughtfully totally not agreeing with her brother's predicament.

"Well whatever." He replied and his father came down the stairs,he heaved a sigh and braced himself for their talk.

And the talk about the damsel in distress totally flew out of his head yet again!

His father sat down and looked around the parlor suddenly remembering his first wife whom he haven't seen since day before yesterday "Where is your mother?" The question was directed to Yusuf and Iman. "She is in her room,she is having fever." Iman replied and their father just nod his head.

After some minutes of silence he called for Iman's attention "Go and call her for me." He instructed referring to their mother "I don't think she can come downstairs because she is seriously sick." Yusuf chirped in and his father just ignored his comment "Go and call her." Iman stood up unwillingly and walked up the stairs.

"Aunty have been sick fah,I really taught you knew.This is not fair at all baby had it been you were in her room you would be checking on me but you didn't check on her since when you came to my room." His young stepmom was the one who was trying to rub salt on his wound,she had a smile on her face and if you don't know her you will think that she is the most innocent person in the world "You are young and she is not so you two can't be treated the same." Yusuf scoffed displaying his displeasure at the way his father was showing love to his second wife more than the first.

Yusuf got tired of waiting for his father to make a move,Iman came back some minutes ago and told her father that their mother cannot come downstairs and he just shrugged off his shoulder,after all he didn't really care so it is nothing suprising.

He finally found his voice and tried forming a sentence "Baba I was thinking that I can-." His father flashed him a look then stopped him with a hand gesture "The news have started,we will talk some other time." His father clamored dismissively and he felt like punching him so hard.

Refraining himself from doing anything stupid he quickly stood up the walked out of the room without any other word.

Maybe happiness is never going to come to him!

Or so he thought.

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