《Sold To Be His》||Extra||


•||Extra: A Trip With An Experience||•

||Third Person POV||

Izzah and Daniel, both participated in the free medical camp near a mountain area. It had been two months since the trial date and Daniel had taken her to more than one date. They had a date on every weekend if they were not free on weekends then Daniel arranged it on another day.

"How about we have our date on mountains?" Daniel asked, staring at Izzah as she packed her small suitcase.

"It's your headache," She answered him without glancing at him.

Daniel took the suitcase from the bed when she finished packing and picked his own jacket in another hand. Izzah picked her shoulder bag and put it on one shoulder then held her jacket and followed him out of her room.

They both would go to hospital first then took the bus which the hospital arranged. Daniel drove to the hospital and put the two suitcases in the luggage rack in the bus then went towards Dr. Shabbir.

They both checked the list of volunteer doctors and ticked those who had arrived. Izzah sat inside the bus on the second last seat with her eyes closed with her head against the window. Today she didn't have any training and was not very tired but there was sleep in her eyes.

Dr. Waniya got on the bus and looked around with a smile at the few doctors then stopped at Izzah. She moved towards Izzah silently and put Izzah's bag on the rack and sat beside her.

The bus filled slowly and male doctors sat on the front seats and female doctors on the last seats. Daniel was the last one to get on the bus and glanced at everyone. He was feeling disappointed to see the seat beside Izzah had already taken.

He sighed inwardly and sat on the seat behind the driver with Dr. Shabbir. There was a little light on the sky and there was five minutes before the sun rose. Everyone slept on the bus while the driver, who was from Daniel's security company, drove smoothly.

There was one more man from the security company who sat on the copilot seat. Two hospital's staff members and a total of 20 doctors.

One and half hours later, Dr. Waniya felt thirsty so she stood up and took her bag from the rack and pulled her water bottle then put it back on the rack. When she sat on her seat with a water bottle, Izzah moved her head and put it on Dr. Waniya's shoulder.

Almost everyone was awake by now but Izzah was still sleeping. Dr. Waniya patted Izzah's head softly letting her sleep and drank water silently while Izzah wrapped her arm around Waniya with a frown.

"Daniel, what happened to your shoulders, why are suddenly so thin?" Izzah mumbled in her sleep, thinking her head was Daniel's shoulder which became weak out of sudden.

Was his strong and broad looking shoulders faked? Or did he fill the gas in his clothes to make himself strong?

She thought and felt the straight chest become fluffy. There was a little noise in the bus but the small volume of her voice was enough for Waniya. Waniya was drinking water and was about to gulp down to answer her when Izzah's hand moved and touched her chest.

"What happened to your flat chest?" Izzah mumbled in sleep, squeezing the chest.

Waniya threw the water from her mouth and coughed vigorously, pushing Izzah's hand away which startled Izzah. Izzah opened her eyes quickly and stared at Waniya with wide eyes and her cheeks turning pink from embarrassment.


While Waniya's eyes turned red and tears were slowly rolling out from the corner of her eyes and her face was full red.

Everyone on the bus turned to look at both of them. Izzah patted Waniya's back awkwardly.

"I guess water went to the wrong pipe," Waniya gave an explanation with a hoarse voice after gasping for a deep breath.

Everyone believed it and looked away, turned back to do what they were doing.

"Sorry," Izzah whispered, taking a water bottle for Waniya's hand, and screwed the cap back on the bottle.

"It's OK," Waniya whispered back and both pretended like nothing happened.

Izzah took her phone out of her jeans pocket and unlocked it. She tapped on the message box and messaged Daniel.

Daniel who was sitting far from her was still feeling disappointed for not sitting beside Izzah. Male doctors were talking to each other and he was listening to them silently when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and saw the message from Izzah.

A small smile subconsciously stretched on his lips. This medical field trip he himself arranged it just to take her on the trip. If he straightforwardly asked her then she would have rejected him without thinking. He thought it would work and it worked but in another way.

He replied to her back and felt the disappointment reduce a little bit.

Izzah's phone vibrated and a reply shown on the screen.

She simply typed two letters.

Daniel was waiting for her reply and typed back.

"Let's do something together to pass this journey," One of the female doctors said, loudly as his reply came.

Izzah glanced at it and locked the phone, completely ignoring him. She could feel his smug behind this reply. Well in reality she did miss a little but not much.

"Sing songs," Another female doctor suggested.

"Brother please turn the bus Bluetooth on," Waniya said, loudly to the driver.

Driver turned on the bus Bluetooth and one of the female doctors connected her phone. They randomly selected a song and started singing loudly.

• • •

They spent nine hours on the road and finally reached. It was two days and one night trip. There were ten male doctors, ten female doctors, two hospital's staff members and two men whom Daniel arranged.

There was only the top floor of the hotel available so they book that floor which had a total of 9 double bedrooms. Three rooms for male doctors, three for female doctors, one for staff members and one for the security men. Only one room was left which everyone left for Daniel and Izzah.

They put their suitcases in the rooms and left for the medical camp. There were two camps, one on the east side of the hotel and one was on the west side of the hotel. They divided into two teams and went to the camps.

One day they had to spend on the camp and the next day was free for everyone to roam around then before the sun set they would leave.

Daniel and Izzah were in the same team and they spent the day together on the camp checking the patients who came to them.

When they returned at night, everyone was tired and went to their rooms. Daniel and Izzah shared a room together and both stared at the single double bed.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Daniel said after glancing at the bed and small couch.


Izzah frowned looking down at the floor then looked at Daniel.

"It's cold here. Are you sure? The floor must be cold and it will be very uncomfortable for you to sleep," Izzah told him.

Daniel went towards the closet and opened it. There were two extra thick blankets in it. He took both blankets out of it and spread one blanket on the floor with a single fold then went towards his suitcase and opened it while Izzah was watching him, feeling relieved for not sharing bed with him.

Daniel took two bed sheets out of his suitcase and handed one to Izzah. Izzah raised her eyebrow at the sheet then stared back at him. He folded the sheet and spread it on the blanket.

"Don't sleep on the bed without spreading this sheet. This is not a five star hotel so you can't trust the hotel bed sheets and blankets," He said to her as he picked his trousers and slippers from the suitcase and went to the washroom.

"Oh!" She whispered and put the sheet on the bed and took off her jacket.

She opened her suitcase and took her sleepwear and a small bag —which had her toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, soap and lotion— out of her suitcase. She took off her sneakers and socks when suddenly there was a knock on the door. She put the slippers on and went to open the door but there was no one.

She looked around but saw on one and closed the door with a sigh. Just as she closed the door, her shoulder bag fell from the table which startled her. She turned around and went to put her shoulder bag back on the table.

"Don't make any plan with anyone for tomorrow. I'll take you out tomorrow," Daniel informed her as he opened the door and entered the bedroom.

"OK!" She said and went to the washroom with her things.

While Daniel unlocked his phone and the mailbox and heard the knock on the door. He went to check on the door and saw no one was outside. He frowned and thought he must have heard wrong when saw no one there. He closed the door and sat on the couch.

Izzah's suitcase which was opened, closed suddenly with a loud snap echoing in the room. Daniel froze and looked up at the suitcase. He felt something wrong and heard a baby crying.

Suddenly, the crying of the baby stopped when the door of the washroom opened and Izaan came out. She stopped in front of the door and looked at him who was frowning.

"What happened?" She asked, softly as she walked to her suitcase and put her folded clothes and small bag in it.

Before Daniel answered her the door knocked again. Izzah sighed and closed her suitcase then turned to check but Daniel stopped her.

"Wait," He told her and looked at the door, not feeling right about something.

Suddenly, the watch on his wrist fell on the floor without any sound. Izzah held his hand and stared at the watch with wide eyes full of bewilderment. The strap of the watch wasn't broken but it opened on its own and fell on the floor without any sound and stopped working.

The sound of knock on the background changed into the sounds of little babies crying. Both felt goosebumps and Izzah glued herself to Daniel.

"Why do.. I feel there is something wrong?" Izzah squeezed the words out of her throat and looked up at him with fear.

"There is nothing wrong," He answered her, softly trying to comfort her.

He held Izzah in one hand and unlocked his phone with the other hand to call someone but there were no signals. He remembered that a few moments before when he was checking his mailbox there were signals.

A message appeared on the screen without any number. Izzah also looked at this message and was close to crying. She forgot every Surah which she learned at this moment.

"I'm not sleeping alone," She whispered and hid her face in his arms.

He didn't speak anything and held her tightly.

"Recite Ayat-ul-kursi after me," He told her, softly and rubbed her back.

He recited Ayat-ul-kursi and Izzah recited after him. He held her with arm while picking the sheet from the ground and went towards the bed. He spread his sheet on the bed and got on the bed then spread the other sheet on himself and her and then put the blanket on.

The sounds in the background were changing again and again then slowing down but not stopped. Izzah hid her face in his neck and hugged him tightly.

"What do you want to see tomorrow?" Daniel asked her, softly and recited all the Surah he remembered in his heart.

"I don't know wherever you'll take me," She answered in a small voice.

"Want to do shopping?" He asked her, patting her back.

"I will see tomorrow," She answered him, ignoring the background sounds.

Daniel successfully took her mind away from these strange things as he continued talking to her and she fell asleep. But he didn't sleep and kept himself awake to protect her.

Both of them weren't the only ones who faced these strange things. In the other rooms everyone was also scared and hugged each other on the bed with their heads inside the blanket.

Meanwhile the owner of the hotel was lying on the bed and his wife who was also lying beside him was worried about the guests who stayed on the top floor of their hotel.

"You should have informed them about the strange things that happen on that floor," The owner's wife told him, softly and praying about everyone's safety.

These things didn't do any harm other than scaring people on the top floor.

"It's OK. They will survive," He told her, nonchalantly.


"Good Night!" He cut her and closed his eyes.

She sighed and prayed again and again.

• • •

When the sun was about to rise the next day and Daniel made sure no sound was coming, he closed his eyes and slept. Two hours later, Izzah woke up and looked at the arms around her in confusion. She removed the arms slowly and moved away thinking about how she ended up like this with Daniel.

When she remembered the haunted night, she quickly promised Allah to leave her almost all the bad habits but never let her experience this again.

She got up from the bed and looked around nervously and picked her small bag from the suitcase and her clothes. She walked to the washroom nervously while looking around. When she entered the washroom, she quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face then changed her clothes from sleepwear to jeans and shirt.

After changing her clothes, she collected her things quickly and rushed out of the washroom still fearing. She folded her sleepwear and put them in the suitcase and her small bag too then looked at the sleeping Daniel.

She thought of waking him up but decided to let him sleep. She took the new pair of socks and slipped her feet in them and threw her slippers in the suitcase and closed it.

After wearing the sneakers, she took the makeup box from the shoulder bag and started doing her makeup. She thought of going out on the tour with Daniel and applied a little more makeup, different from her usual makeup.

When she finished her makeup and put the makeup box back in the shoulder bag, she noticed Daniel's wrist watch and was more shocked to see it working perfectly. She picked it with her shaking hands and matched the time with the time on her phone.

When Daniel woke up more than half an hour passed, he stared at Izzah for a few minutes and felt happy, thinking how beautiful the day would be after seeing her face first in the morning.

He went to the washroom with his clothes and toothbrush while Izzah folded the sheets silently and put them in his suitcase. When Daniel came out of the washroom, Izzah was sitting on the bed and looked at him, especially at the dark circles under his eyes.

"Thank you," She said to him, sincerely.

Thank you for holding me, protecting me, made me sleep peacefully and sacrificing your sleep and rest last night.

This was what this sincere thank you meant.

They both walked out of the room after wearing jackets and went to the foyer to wait for everyone. Everyone came one by one and all of them had sunglasses on and Daniel also had sunglasses on to hide the dark circles. Izzah was the only one who didn't have sunglasses on and looked refreshed while others looked haggard.

No one spoke anything other than Daniel who gave instruction to them. Telling them the time to meet in the hotel again and when they would leave to go back to their city.

After instructions, everyone went to a nearby restaurant for breakfast then they all spread in the groups to roam around. Daniel took Izzah and roamed around aimlessly. Where Izzah felt the scenery good, she handed her phone to Daniel and made him take her beautiful pictures.

They spent their time like this and when it was time for everyone to meet at the meeting point, they went back to the hotel. Everyone took their luggage and went to the bus.

Daniel held Izzah and let everyone get on the bus while Dr. Shabbir was making sure everyone was on the bus. Daniel and Izzah were the last one to get on the bus and they sat on the seat behind the driver.

"This one was sure to be a memorable trip," One of the male doctors said and everyone agreed silently but no one spoke about what happened last night in fear of making those things appear again.

On the whole journey back to the city, no one spoke and spent the journey sleeping. Daniel also slept in the bus with his head on Izzah's shoulder and intertwined his fingers with hers tightly.

This trip sparked her a little bit for him and deep inside she felt the day was near when he would have his name engraved on her heart.

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