《Sold To Be His》||21.||


The peaking of the sun was trying to wake me up but for the first time in my life - except when my mother was alive and I slept with her - I didn't want to wake up. The thin blanket, soft and silky bed sheets and the fluffy pillow had a familiar smell which was relaxing me.

I opened my eyes when I realized I wasn't in my room but soon closed my eyes with a sigh and remembered I didn't sleep in my room. I opened my eyes again and looked for Izzah but she wasn't in the room. I got worried because I knew she didn't sleep on the bed by seeing the side beside me.

She must had slept on the couch and she would be uncomfortable after sleeping on it. I sighed helplessly then removed the blanket and put my feet on the floor. My eyes fell on the paper on the bedside table and picked it seeing my name on it.

If you get enough sleep after robbing my bed then make my bed too.

I smiled and put the paper in my trousers' pocket and did as she said. I looked at the time and realized she had already left for the hospital.

I went back to my room and got ready. I picked my wallet and car keys then went out of the room.

"Sir! Madam said to make sure you finish your breakfast before leaving for the hospital," Laila maa informed me just as I reached the main door.

I stopped my hand which held the handle of the door and moved it back then went to the dining table and finished my breakfast quickly with a happy heart. After I was done, I left for the hospital but received a call on the way.


"One of the close relatives of our party member is admitted in our hospital. I'm coming there with the minister of healthcare. Take care of the security and specially reporters," Dad told me.




After hanging up I dialed the head of the security number and informed him to keep the reporters away from the entrance of the hospital. I sighed and drove to the basement parking when reaching.

I locked the car and went to check the security of the hospital then went to the security room to check the cameras. Every camera was working well and the security was also perfect.

I went to the basement parking when I received a message when dad reached. I greeted the minister of healthcare and took her and her few people with dad to the VIP ward.

Minister of healthcare was talking to dad and I was listening to them silently. On the way I saw Izzah and stopped for a second.

"Dr. Izzah, accompany us to the VIP ward and tell us about the patient whom you have attended," I told her and motioned her to follow us.

Her nod told me she was reluctant but she followed us and told us about the patient's condition. Her eyes were moving towards her watch as she was telling us. When we reached there, she excused herself and went away.

"Your daughter-in-law is beautiful. Bring her to the upcoming charity event," Minister of healthcare said to my father.

"I will," He replied.

While me, her husband, looked at both of them silently. Neither they asked me nor my wife.

We went to the patient's room and talked to him. While the minister was talking to him, I checked the file and talked to Dr. Firdos about the patient and what he would do. After the minister was done and left with my father, I went to inspect the VIP ward.


Later we were in the break room and two doctors were talking about studying further. One of them turned to me.

"Dr. Daniel, your father's project of a new medical college is almost done. Will it open this year or next year?"

My father's project, Zarwah Medical College which was after my mother's name, was a huge project after this hospital which was also named after my mother, Zarwah Hospital.

"This year," I answered them.

I heard from him after this medical college his next project would start which was also about constructing a university beside this medical college. That university would have every single department and program.

Dad's projects were the second biggest in the medical and education field.

"That's great. You should also remind Dr. Izaah lest she forgets and waits for next year," Dr. Firdos said, picking a cup of tea.


"She's thinking about further studying and I also think her future will be more bright after this," He said, sipping his tea.

• • •

Today's Izzah shift was more than 12 hours so I waited for her near the car, in the basement parking. Pretty much reporters had been chased away but few were still lingering near the entrance of the hospital because some politicians were coming to visit the patients.

When she came out, we both got in the car and I asked her what Dr. Firdos told me.

"I heard from Dr. Firdos you want to study further," I started the conservation while checking the messages on my phone.

"Yes, I am thinking and Dr. Firdos is also pushing me to study further," She replied to me with tiredness.

"Tell me if you need my help," I said, replying to few messages.

She hummed in response. I turned to look at her and saw her resting with her eyes closed and tiredness written on her face.

When we reached home, she was going straight to her room but I stopped her and reminded her to come back for dinner. I also went to my room and changed into house clothes then went down for dinner.

After dinner, Innaya dragged herself to her room while I went to the basement and sat on the sofa near the swimming pool with my laptop.

"Your mother must be very happy," I heard my father's voice from behind, after fifteen minutes.

He sat on the sofa beside me and patted my shoulder.

"Finally you have someone whom you can share your feelings with," He said, which made me pause for a second.

"We forced this marriage on her instead of following the normal marriage process. None of us know the marriage talk because there wasn't any elder female in both families who can take care of this. Your mother's and I's wedding was the simplest. She needed protection from Haleef and I was alone that time. I gave her protection and she gave me her support and stood beside.... Now I think about this we should have asked someone or maybe Laila maa," He said with a sigh and I chuckled remembering what I had done at that time in anger.

Anger. Because of some people who threatened Innaya's father with her name and attacked her house.

"That was my choice of forcing her into this marriage," I said in a low voice.

Which I regretted too.

"Now how will you make up?" He asked.

I lowered my eyes and fell in deep thoughts because I honestly didn't know what to do but one thing was sure I would do anything for her.


"I will do anything in my power for her," I answered him.

"I heard her performance in hospital is great and if she keeps this up then she will be soon a VIP doctor," He complimented taking his phone out of his pocket.

I hummed and moved my eyes to look at the water in the swimming pool, thinking about something anger flashed in my eyes.

"When is his last day?" I asked him in a flat voice.

"His last day is not written by me. I can only torture him slowly everyday. It's up-to his body when it stops breathing," He answered with a cold chuckle.

• • •

Next day, I was sitting in the car and checking my mailbox while waiting for Izzah. I clicked on the mail sent by one of my men. The people who attacked the hospital were captured.

I glanced up and saw her coming towards the car and put my phone back in my pocket. I unlocked the copilot seat's door and opened it for her. She sat and buckled her seatbelt.

"Let's go," She said, glancing at me.

I started the ignition and drove out of the hospital's basement. Instead of driving home I drove to the restaurant. Since marriage we hadn't had a single dinner out.

"Are you... taking me on.. date?" She asked, slowly with curiosity as she looked out of the window at the restaurants on both sides of the road.

"If you want it a date then.. yes," I answered with my lips slowly curved in a small smile.

"No thanks I don't want it," She said, flatly making the small smile on my face fade.

"Why?" I squeezed the word out of my throat and forced a smile.

"With this no makeup face that is full of tiredness and work clothes, it looks more like a simple date," She answered as I glanced at her.

She put her elbow against the window and her head leaned on her fist. A smile slowly stretched on her lips which she tried to control and added with a pause,

"But we can call it a trial date."

"And focus on the road," She added again in a serious voice.

I focused on the road and drove to the restaurant.

• • •

I put the menu in my hands down and let her order for me too. After ordering, we handed the menus to the waiter and sat in silence.

"I have wanted to ask this question after thinking about us today. You forced me in his marriage along with my father but never forced me into anything.. Why?" She broke the silence and asked me, her chin on her right hand and left hand fingers tapping the table.

I leaned against the chair and looked at her with an eyebrow raised and a smile on my face.

"Guess!" I said, stretching my hand in front of me.

"There wasn't any reason for you to do this. Your family has everything. Power. Money. Fame. Status. Nor any of my family members according to me offend your any family member. I couldn't think of anything other than one reason. Soooo.. when did this mister first fall in love with this beautiful doctor lady?" She asked me with one side of her lips curled up playfully.

"Beautiful doctor lady?" I chuckled then added softly, "More like an ignorant nerd whose head was always buried in the books since 3rd grade when she watched a movie on doctor and was inspired by it."

The playfully smirk on her lips faded and she sat up straight with a blank dazed look.

"How..." She whispered in a daze.

"In the start of 3rd grade, the school made us watch some movies every weekend. On Feb 4th, a movie on a doctor was projected and the girl with two braids watched it with great interest. Then next week the girl who wasn't in studies and had poor memory suddenly started to participate in every activity related to studies, especially science," I answered her with a soft smile.

She looked at me in confusion with her mouth slightly opened.

"No one knew this but I know... In the 10th grade, matric board exams, your score was in top 10 but in school you were a topper but everyone knew this one.. In the 12th grade a week before inter board exams, a boy threw bubble gum in your hair and you trim them till your shoulders. You were so sad for this and also stressed because of exams that you cried in the empty classroom where rarely anyone went."

"Before the MDCAT (Medical & Dental College Admission Test), you didn't sleep properly and on MDCAT day you had to take five big mugs of tea and after the test you had a high fever because of fear of negative marking. And in the 2nd year of medical college, there was a senior who chased you but you were such an ignorant nerd you didn't even notice him. I bet you didn't know about this," I said, looking at her expressions.

She was astonished because no one knew about her crying in an empty classroom and how the idea of being a doctor entered her mind.

"Did you.. investigate me? OK. Wait. Everything you can investigate but not about where my passion for being a doctor came from and crying in that classroom too. So. How?" She asked me in a serious voice and narrowed her eyes at me.

Before I answered her, the waiter came with our order and put the dishes on the table while this gave her time to analyze and manage everything I told her. I focused on her face and noticed all the expressions and at the end her eyes wide.

"Wait a second I just. I just asked you that question earlier in a joke. Don't tell me you really.. Fall?" She asked with a gasp after the waiter went away.

"In the finals of 2nd grade, on the day of science and Pakistan studies exams, you weren't prepared and Innaya wasn't sitting near you. You pleaded the boy in front of you to help you and let you cheat just for passing marks. He didn't show you any question but you poked him again and again when examiner wasn't paying attention. In the end he was so irritated that he let you see 5 questions which helped you to pass the exams. But you never thanked him or even recognized him when he sat beside you once in the 3rd grade," I told her another beautiful yet irritated tale.

She was silently staring at me while I smiled at her innocently and started eating. She didn't move and keep staring at me. I sighed and shook my head then filled her plate.

"Well you're welcome both this," I said pointing at her plate then added in a flat voice with a sigh, "And also for when I let you cheat from my paper."

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