《Sold To Be His》||8.||


•||Ch8: Help Me||•

||Izzah POV||

Life is never fair and beautiful forever. For one moment you love it and the other you hate it. One moment every happiness is in your lap and the other moment all the misery is in your lap.

My life was just like it, few days before I was happy and had freedom to go wherever I wanted without a babysitter but now my every moment was reported to my husband.

All thanks to my babysitter. I thought, bitterly.

One week had passed since the dinner ceremony and the only good thing happened there was I met with Innaya. Dad was also present there and few other men whom I didn't know. And the only thing I gained from that dinner was my forced husband's name, Daniel.

The whole I passed with a same routine, from my room to hospital and from hospital to my room. Today was Sunday and I decided to explore the house and search if there was any secret door so I could take advantage of that door whenever I wanted to go out without anyone's notice.

I stepped out of my room and roamed the house, checking each other. I found a very big library full of many books in many languages of every genre. Each genre and language had it's own section and there was a round glass wooden table in the middle of the library with sofa like chairs around it. There was a very big balcony connected to the library, with a table in the middle of it and two comfortable sofas on each side of table. That balcony had umbrella like roof to prevent the rain entering in the balcony.

After exploring the heaven like library and it's marvellous balcony, I found a big empty room at the end of the hall. This room had music signs and a girl in ballet dress doing ballet craved on the wall beautifully and also many beautiful lines but this room was not cleaned like others and had dust everywhere.

"No one is allowed to enter in this room, ma'am. You should quickly come out of it before someone sees you," A voice startled me from behind.

I turned around and saw the young girl who I met on the first day with the old woman. She was standing outside the room looking at me with fear written on her face as she looked around her both side. I quickly exited from that room and closed the behind me.

"Why?" I asked her in confusion.

She looked at me with sweat on her forehead and pulled me away from this room. Once we were at the good distance from that room, she stopped and wiped the sweat from her face.

"I don't know why but I heard from every staff member here. They all warned me not to enter there if I don't want both sirs to kill me," She told me in a quiet whisper like she was telling me a secret.

I was confused and shocked. What story did that room have?

"Are you free?" I asked her, changing the subject.

She looked at me and a smile stretched on her beautiful face. She nodded her head in excitement.

"Yes. Do you need any help?" She asked me in excitement.

"Ah yes. I was exploring this house and need a tour guide," I said.

"I'll help you," She said, quickly and pulled me with her.

She took me from the stairs to the entrance hall then showed me, a small family room which was beautifully decorated. It had beautiful scenery frames on the wall and an average size chandelier in the middle of the ceiling.


"Do you know you are the only lady of this family," She told me as we both walked out the family room and she was taking me to the small family dining room.

There were few servants, one was cleaning the table, one was sweeping the floor and one was doing dusting.

"Only lady? Why? Your big sir don't have a wife? Or is she passed aw--," I was asking her but she cut me quickly.


All the servants present in the room froze and looked at me with wide eyes like I asked a sinful question.

"Don't take her name or talk about her. Both sirs don't like to listen anything about her," She told me in a quiet whisper and motioned the servants to continue their work.

"Why?" I asked her in confusion and looked at the servants who quickly continued their work.

"I don't know," She answered, quietly.

"No one know about it, ma'am. But the old servants know who are working since the birth of junior sir and before him," One of the servants answered who was doing dusting.

She was a little old than me. She was cleaning the vase and looked at me. Other both servants stopped working and looked at me interestingly.

"Saying her name considers a sin in front of both father and son, ma'am," The one who was cleaning the table said in a quiet whisper.

"I tried to ask Laila maa once but she scolded me and told me angrily to never ask this type of question again," Third servant who was sweeping the floor whisper, quietly.

"Laila maa?" I asked them all.

"The older woman who came with me to your room on the first day," Who was showing me around told me.

I nodded my head as I remembered the woman who came to my room three times everyday with meal.

"Come I'll show you the remaining house," She told me changing the subject and pulled me out the family dining room.

"Do you know you are with me 20 minutes but I haven't caught your name," I told her as I followed behind her.

"Hareem," She said and turned around to look at me.

"Hareem, when we met first time why were you and Laila maa not making eye contact with me?" I asked remembering the day.

We both entered in the big living hall that I had seen before. Hareem stopped near the couch and looked at me with a cute pout.

"Laila maa ordered me not to make. She is a narrow minded woman with old beliefs. Don't get me wrong. She is a soft and motherly woman who cares about every young servant here but you know narrow mind people? According to her, making eye contact with you, both sirs and other people above us is not a good thing," She said making her face in the end.

"Above you? There is no one above anyone," I told her.

"I know but she doesn't believe it. Anyways, this living hall is for guests and the dining hall next to it is also for guests," She said looking around the living hall and it had a big dining hall attached to it.

"There is a kitchen next to that dining hall which is also connected to the family dining room," She informed me then we both walked out of the guest living hall.

"There are stairs in the entrance hall which leads to the basement which have a gym, an indoor swimming pool, an average size theater room and a room for shooting," She told me then added in a rush looking at the big clock in the entrance hall, "I have to go now. My work time starts now."


With this she rushed away leaving there alone. I decided to check the basement and specially the pool. I went to the basement and saw a big pool with two small white sofas together on each side of it. I removed my shoes and sat on the floor with my feet in the warm water.

I hummed random tone and moved my feet in the water happily. Water had a power to make ones calm and happy. I was so lost in playing with water that I didn't hear anyone approaching me. I startled when I heard someone coughing from behind me. I turned around and saw Daniel's father.

"I hope my daughter in law has some time for me," His voice was hard but there was authority and a little fatherly softness in his voice.

I hesitated but nodded my head slowly. He turned and walked to the small sofas behind me and sat there with a barely smiling face. He motioned me to join him and sat beside him on the sofa next to his.

I pulled my feet out of the water and stood up. I walked to him slowly and sat beside him. He leaned back against the sofa looking at the pool.

"If my son ever opens himself in front of you, never let him shut himself then. Don't ask him constantly about the things which make him uncomfortable and angry. And if he stops you from anything then do it as he says," He told me or more like advised me.

"Then what about me? If I stop him from something will he stop? If he asks me something constantly that makes me angry, will he stop?" I asked him, using his words to test him.

He chuckled quietly then looked from the pool at me with one corner of his lips barely curled up.

"He will. If not you can always come to me to complain about him. You have my words, daughter," He promised me, softly.

There was an emotion in his voice when he said daughter. An emotion which made me feel warm inside and I felt saved near him. He was providing me fatherly vibes and softness.

The next day, I was sleeping peacefully in my room without any worry when the door of my room knocked. I put pillows on my ears to block the sounds but whoever was knocking the door without asking pause didn't know how bad it was to disturb someone's sleep.

With a frustrated groan I removed the duvet from myself and sat on the bed. With half sleepy eyes, I glared at the door and wished to kill the culprit who disturbed me. I stood up from the bed and forced myself to walk to the door. I unlocked it and opened it angrily.

"What?" I asked, harshly with a groan and tried to see who was standing in front of me.

I was moved aside and felt the culprit entered in my room. I heard the curtains moved and small rays of sun entered in the room. I turned around and put my fists on my waist and opened my eyes completely.

"What do you want?" I asked my forced husband when I saw him.

I had seen him after the dinner ceremony and without seeing him, I felt my life so good but now I saw him, my whole day would be bad now.

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth then change into tracksuit," He ordered me and sat on the sofa next my bed like he owned the place.

What I am saying? He owned this whole castle like house. I facepalmed myself mentally.

"You have 5 minutes," He added with a warning in his voice.

I crunched my nose annoyingly and silently cursed him. I didn't move and glared at him. A smirk stretched on his lips and he looked at me intimidatingly.

"Don't challenge me and do what I told you," His voice was low and deep but held authority and power.

His deep gave me goosebumps and shivers. Reluctantly, I went to the washroom and did what he told me. I went to the closet and changed into a tracksuit that I found there then went back to the room.

"Follow me," He said standing up and walked out of the room.

I folded my arms on my chest and stomped behind him annoyingly like an angry kid. First, he disturbed my sleep, woke me up so early then ordered me to follow him.

Seriously his presence have made my day bad. I don't know who I have ever offended because I am feeling like that person must have cursed me.

He took me to the basement and stopped near a door. He slid it open and entered in the room. It was a very big gym which had every kind of machine in it.

"Noooo..., I am going back to my room," I mumbled with a groan and wanted to cry.

"Did I tell you to leave?" He asked moving to the treadmill.

"Come here," He ordered me in a hard voice before I answered his early question.

When I didn't move, he sighed and closed his eyes like he was controlling his anger. He reopened his eyes then picked something from near him and walked to me. I looked at him with wide eyes as he approached me with dangerous steps and felt my breath hitched when he stopped in front of me and picked my hairs in his hands.

He was standing so closed to me that my head was almost touching his chest. My heart started to beat unevenly as he tied my hairs with a hair tie. His hands moved from my tied hairs on the back of my neck and he creased it softly.

"From tomorrow don't enter in the gym with open hair," He whispered in my ear with a dangerously low voice.

"Ah huh," I nodded my head without thinking because of him standing so closed to me and my stupid brain logged out.

"Good," He whispered and freed me.

There was a smirk on his face as he moved away. I didn't understand for what he was smirking but my brain soon logged in and connected back to my body.

"No!" I said, quickly and loudly.

"What do you mean by from tomorrow?" I cried in frustration.

Please don't say I have to come to gym everyday. I thought and cried mentally at myself.

"You are intelligent and know what I mean," He said with a smirk and amusement dancing in his eyes on seeing me in misery.

Then he ordered me strictly to run on the treadmill then made me do some other exercises.

Oh Allah! Help me!

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