《Sold To Be His》||Cast & Prologue||



I drove my car in the fast speed and wiped my tears in anger. The clouds were the mixture of dark black and orange as it was night time and there was highly chances of heavy rain.

The roads were clear and there was no traffic on the highway. I didn't know where I was going.

I didn't expect this from dad. I just lost my brother and all he was worrying about was my sudden wedding. I didn't know from where this thought entered in his brain, specially, when he lost his only son two weeks before.

A car came in front of which made me put my foot on the break in panic. I jerked forward and then back with a great force and pressure.

I looked up with eyes and saw a black shinning car. I breathed out heavily and tried to control the uneven beating of my heart. I unbuckled my seatbelt slowly with my shaking hands.

The door of the black car opened and a man climbed out of it. I observed him carefully and noticed his expressionless and cold face.

His eyes were darked with danger, rage and anger dancing in it. I opened the door of my car and climbed out of it slowly, in fear.

He advanced towards me and grabbed my arm painfully. I hissed under his hold and tried to pull my arm away from him but all in vain.

"Who are you?" I asked, sacredly.

He squeezed my arm which was causing pain in my arm. It would leave a buries for sure. He chuckled darkly and pulled me to him which made me hit with chest.

He quickly moved his hand from my arm to my waist and pulled me impossibly close. I looked at him in uncontrollable fear. I felt his other hand move on my back and felt something pinching on my arm, painfully. I looked at him with wide eyes and tearful eyes which were slowly flowing through my eyes which were closing slowly.

"Your future!"

I heard him saying in dangerous voice as my eyes were closing without my permission. I tried to open them but failed and let myself sunk in the darkness.

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