《Slashers x reader oneshots》Ghostface[Billy] x Reader


So I really wanted to make a story with a bad ass Y/N... and well I don't know what to say. Also it's like 6am and I haven't slept yet so my brain is mush right now. enjoy!


I was going to Woodboro high school for a couple years now. I don't really talk much but I do have a couple friends. One of them being Sid and Tatum. I hang out with her at lunch sometimes, but other times I just walk around campus.

I wouldn't say I'm an outcast but I'm not popular in anyway. I like it that way though.

Y/N was hanging out with Sid and her friends when one of the 'popular' girls came up to her. "Hey Y/N" She shifted her body weight to her other foot and put her hand on her hips. "Um... hi?" You've never talked to this person before, and you barely know who they are. So them coming up and wanting to talk to you is very odd. "So how you been?" She leans forward to get in your face. "Wel-" "I see your eating again, go figure, hell you seem to be eating all the time huh." She pokes your upper arm. "I'd cut back! It doesn't seem to be going to the right places." She laughs and stand up straight again. "So... why are you talking to me?" She stops laughing. "As I see it this has been nothing but a waste of my time, and air." You say getting up.

"Hahahaha!" Stu was elbowing Tatum and she was hitting his arm to make him stop. The other people at the table just sat there and listened to the hole thing. Sid was horrified, how could someone talk to you that way! Tatum just watched not knowing what to do. At first Stu didn't know what was going on, but when he caught on she was making fun of you... he felt bad. No you weren't friends but he liked you. Same for Billy. He didn't care about what was going on, that is until she started mocking you about your weight. He got mad, you barely talk to each other but he likes you and doesn't like how she was talking to you. He had to use all of his power not to explode. He sat back and watched the whole thing.


"So... why are you talking to me?" Y/N sounded different. She sounded irritated. No one has EVER seen her irritated so this was a big deal. "As I see it.. this has been nothing but a waste of my time, and air." Y/N gets up and looks at P/G. This wasn't gonna be good.

Billy was surprised Y/N was being... well, rude. She's been nothing but nice. Even to Stu! and that's hard to do. So her loosing her temper seemed almost impossible Billy never thought it would happen.

M/G scoffs and gets in Y/Ns face again. "Well what are you gonna do about it! Huh? You gonna roll me over? Oh no! A fat bowling ball's gonna squish me!" She says in a mocking tone. Y/N rips her hand up to M/F collar and tugs her forward. "Don't fuck with me M/G... I know what your scared of." (This is so cringy omg) M/G is taken aback. "Ha ya right whatcha gonna do? I'm not scared of you!" she emphasized 'You' "You should be..." Y/N whispers in her ear then slams her to the ground. "Okay so what were we talking about?" Y/N sits down like nothing happened and eats a french fry. "HahahaHa holy shit!" Stu starts banging on the table and wailing like a mad man. He's always been THAT friend. You know the one you find annoying and rowdy but you love them so you don't leave.

Billy was surprised, proud, and worried. He didn't think you had it in you, but he's so proud to be your friend. But... if he tried to you know kill you, not that he would, he would never hurt you, never in a million years , but now that he's seen that he knows if it came to that, you'd be able to beat him no problem. And he doesn't like th that, not at all.

"Y/N omg that was- I dont even know!" Sid screamed in your ear. "We all saw it Sid don't make it uncomfortable." You say pushing around the food on your trey. What she had said got to you, yes she was just a bully, but it hurt like hell.


You decided to throw your food out since you felt, gross, eating it. When you came back you continued the conversation .

Billy couldn't stop starring at you, You LOVED food, why didn't you eat? Was it because of what the girl said? He needs to know!


I headed to the hall, finally school was over and I can go home!

"Y/N hey!" I turn my head and see Billy running to catch up with me. "Oh hey Billy." I say looking down. Yes I like him. But not to the point were I'm dependant on him you know? So him talking to me, since it's been like 2 weeks or so, and all you said was 'hi', this is a BIG deal. "So... You doing anything tonight?" Is this happening? Like for real? "I don't think so.... why what's up?" I popped the p and looked up at him. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, You know to, talk and stuff..." He rubs the back of his neck. "Sure! sounds good. We can walk home together!" I say hoisting up my backpack by the straps. "Cool."

We walk in silence till my house. It wasn't like, tension, or uncomfortable silence, it was calm. When you got the the house you unlocked the door and stepped in.

"So, here we are, it's not much but, it's what I got." You say putting your bag down on the couch. "So what do you want to do?" You ask plopping on the couch and putting the TV on. "Y/N, I actually wanted to talk to you." You looked over and saw how serious he was, wow okay mood change. "O-okay shoot." You say putting the remote down. "Are you okay?" He asks leaning in. "Wh-what do you mean?" He sighs. "Today when M/G was talking to you, Did it hurt you?" He asked. "I-Well I... Of course it did." You look down at your hands. "But... It's not that big of a deal." You say waving your hand. "Y/N... She won't hurt you anymore." He says scooting close to you. "How do you know?" You ask looking up at him. "I'll dispose of her... She'll be gone and you won't have to worry." He says lifting your chin. Dispose of? What the hell does that mean? "Billy... what ar-" He smashed his lips on your quickly then pulls away. "Y/N... I like you. And I can't stand to see you hurting." He has a girlfriend... this is wrong. But... it feels so right. You guys cuddled and watched scary movies all night. He also called Sid to break up with her... You felt horrible but what are you gonna do tell him never mind I all of a sudden don't love you?

In the morning you guys walked to school together, You saw Sid and felt horrible, but you tried to brush her off.

The next day police were at the front of the school. "Hey what's going on?" You asked the closest officer. "A girl named M/G was killed last night." He was clearly annoyed, People have probably asked that question a lot. "Oh um okay." I know who did this! Billy said he was gonna dispose of her! Holy shit!

"Hey Billy!" I walked up to him in the halls. "Wanna come over tonight?" We started walking home. He was acting like nothing was wrong, does he think I'm THAT stupid?

"Billy..." We where on the couch eating popcorn and watching movies. I finally built up the confidence to confront him about it. He grunts. "You- You killed her didn't you?" I tried to sound as chill as possible. "Wha- Y/N." I cut him off. "Did you?" I look him in the eyes. He rubs the back of his neck and looks down. I reach over and put my hand on his shoulder. "Thank you..." I say kidding his cheek. I hug him from the side and we cuddle. Yes someone died, But hey who can say no to cuddling?


So I know the end is shit... but whatever.

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