《Ace Of Hearts(#Book1 in ACE series)》"Seven days in hell"
what are we supposed to do on our honeymoon?
I am not sure, because I have never been on one. But as far as I understand -
-you spend time with your husband
-you go all cheesy and lovey-dovey in public
-see romantic places
-buy gifts and plan surprises
So I think it is safe to say that you do not sleep on the seat of the private jet while your partner sulks into his laptop, on your honeymoon.
And the worst part? I don't even know where the hell we are going.
A little good part? Nor does Ace know where the hell is this jet gonna land which is ironic since he owns this freaking jet.
Apparently it was Jennifer's idea to give us a surprise by not telling us where we are going to spend seven days in hell.
Yeah, seven.
And for Mr. Apathetic's tantrums, the destination is where Ace could easily attend his meetings. According to Ace, Ryder was a part of everything which is why there is a lot of worry about. 'Jennifer and Ryder are crazy stubborns' - I quote Mr. Apathetic's words. And no, he didn't tell me this because no way in hell he would share his thoughts with me. I heard it while he was muttering this angrily to himself yesterday night while I tried to sleep on the extremely uncomfortable lounge chair in the balcony.
So here I am, groggily whining(as I just woke up from my two hour sleep), sitting on the seat with the tight seatbelt securing me as the jet is going to have a turbulence for which we were warned five minutes ago.
I looked across my shoulder to see Ace doing something on his laptop, with a frown plastered on his face like always, not giving a damn about the upcoming turbulence. Of course he wouldn't, he must have travelled on jet planes as many times as I have stumbled on nothing in particular yet fallen.
And trust me, it happens to me a lot. Maybe twice a day?
I sighed and tried to focus on my breathing as I waited for the turbulence. Will I survive?
Doesn't matter. Because even if I survive, I am not going to make it alive out of the seven days in hell with Mr. Apathetic. I do not think -
Before I could think further, the jet shook with such a force that I almost flipped out of my seat. And then again a wave of jerks surfaced, making me scream with terror.
"Why the fuck are you screaming?" Ace shouted from the corner, still looking into his laptop. "Oh, I don't know? Maybe because I have a feeling that I am going to die from these jerks?" I said sarcastically.
Mr. Apathetic shook his head and looked at me with a weird expression. He then again shook his head and muttered something like 'Mercy on me.' Did he meant it in the context of my screaming? But isn't it perfectly normal to scream when you are scared?
"You know you are crazy right?" He asked.
"of course I know that. But that doesn't mean you aren't Mr. Apathetic." I said shrugging.
"I am going to take you to the psychiatrist as soon as we land in Virginia." He said with a serious face.
"Oh I am going to take you with me because-....Fuck." I stopped gasping in shock.
Ace looked at me with a skeptic expression. He then raised his one eyebrow in confusion when I stared at me for couple of seconds without blinking.
"Vi.r...g..inia..?" I stuttered. No, fuck. I can't go back there.
"I guess I said that only dumb girl. Don't make me repeat the name of that fucking place." He said gritting his teeth.
No, it can't be. I ran away from that fucking place for a better life. Now I can't go there back. I can't go back there. But the memories associated with that place didn't stop as they came flooding back to me.
"Stop it please. She is hurting. Don't hit her. I will do as you say." I begged him, tears running down my eyes.
But he didn't listen, he started beating her more hard. She was struggling to breath. But he ignored that fact.
"Don't do this in front of her, for god's sake. She is just a child." She whimpered, pointing towards me.
"I don't give a shit about her, you bitch." He said, with nothing but coldness in his eyes.
"Leave her alone. I am going to call the police if you don't." I said because I had, had enough.
He turned to me as his hands dropped the belt with which he was hitting her. He started coming towards me in long strides with cold, monstrous eyes.
"How dare you threaten me you fucking bitch?" He said and raised his hand to hit me.
--flashback end--
"No, stop it. Stop it. I am sorry......I will shut up....Don't come near.....just go away." I started throwing my hands and legs in fear.
Someone clasped my hands, trying to tame me. But that increased my uneasiness and my closed eyes didn't help. It felt like I was there again. It was like I was 15 years old again. I felt suffocated. It felt like the hand was trying to choke me and not calm me down.
"Will you stop jumping....just...stop." A frustrated and helpless voice came.
"HEY! Just calm down."
"The turbulence has stopped. We have landed."
"Are you listening to me Eva.?"
I was listening, But it was faded. The voice from my past were far more loud than the person who was with me right now. It was like I was here only physically, while mentally I was back to the time when I was 15.
"EVA." This time the voice shouted and stopped shaking me. Instead that person pinned my hands to the headrest of the seat with their hands.
"Calm down. It' okay. I am here." A soft voice came to me. A voice which is not meant to be soft. The voice with which I had become familiar to in the past few months.
Slowly, very slowly I felt my breathing come to normal. The panic attack was subsiding. The past was slowly fading, and the present was coming back. Breathe Eva. I was suddenly, conscious of myself and my surrounding. I opened my eyes to look around, only to see Ace looking at me with confusion, questions, little concern and.....pity?
No, that's worst. I don't want pity.
"What the hell just happened?" He asked.
I looked at him trying to decipher his actions and reactions.
"Nothing." I said after a moment.
"What the fuck Eva? That was clearly not 'nothing." He said.
"Do you care?" I said rudely, wanting to push him away.
"I - ......Fuck it." He cursed and stormed off.
I sighed in relief when I saw him leaving me and going to grab his things. I don't know what he must be thinking about me. But I don't think he deserves an explanation. And how the hell did he know where we are going? Jennifer didn't tell us.
I shook my head of the thoughts and started to grab my shrug that I was wearing on my floral sundress. The guards or men in black, were all over the jet. Some were beside the door of the jet, some were picking up the luggage, some were just standing and monitoring everything. I was elated to finally get out of the jet plane but at the same time the thought that I was in Virginia made me wish that I could crawl back and go back.
But I can't.
Sighing I gave myself a mental pep talk, then took off in a limo most probably to the hotel with Ace by my side and of course - silence....
Am I dreaming?
Is it legal to build such a beautiful hotel?
Isn't it illegal to kill someone by letting them see such luxurious and beautiful hotels?
No, I am not crazy. The hotel is seriously beautiful and huge.
But when I looked at our room(I will get to the our part after this), I was awestruck. Ours was the presidential suite, of course. The room was breathtakingly beautiful. The room was on the 20th floor which was the highest one. It was a suite and had three rooms. The first one was the hall in which we entered as soon as we stepped inside. It was glorified with bright lights, colorful walls, making it look lively. The next was the bathroom which was huge. It was thrice the size of my old apartment and was cladded with all the necessary items and products. There was a rectangular bath tub which was quite big than a normal bath tub. The best thing was the spectacular view that we got from the bathroom. We could see the backside of the hotel and the beach. The last room was the bedroom. It was also prepossessing. The king sized bed was neatly made and the comforters were neatly placed, which I was soon going to ruin. As soon as I had seen the bed, I had jumped on it - feeling the most comfortable bed I had ever laid my body on.
So currently I am lying in the middle of the bed with my body sprawled on it, while I looked at the beautiful ceiling above. Ace was currently not in the room, he gave me the keys and told me to go. He said he had some work and would come back in some time. And honestly, I don't mind it at all.
Now about the the our room part. When we were at the reception, we came to know that Jennifer had already booked a suite for us - keyword being 'a'. Only one suite, not two. Therefore only one bedroom. So, only one bed. Ace tried asking for two suites and even threatened to fire him because apparently this is his hotel only.(I wasn't shocked at all.)
But he said that all arrangements and events for the next seven days have been already booked for us, and there were clear instruction from Jennifer that if we tried to dodge it or do something, she would come here herself.
So, you may ask that how the hell did Ace not retort back?
Well, it's Jennifer.
And by living with him I have come to know that he is willing to do anything for Jennifer even if it as bad as going on a honeymoon with me. I have a feeling that Jennifer has planned a whole lot of things for us and I think we aren't going to like it.
But right now, I didn't want to worry about it. I was too comfortable in my bed which made me feel drowsy and before I knew it, I slipped into a peaceful sleep.
"wake up for fuck sake." Came a voice.
"I am going to throw you in the bath tub". Again.
"No, I would have to save you then because you don't know how to fucking swim". Again.
"Go to hell." I murmured.
"I am already there." Ace's voice groaned.
"Good." I replied.
"Get the fuck up or I am leaving you locked here while I go for the dinner." He said threateningly.
My eyes flew open at his words as I came face to face with the white satin sheets of the bed because I was sleeping with my face down. I groaned because no way in hell I wanted to leave this heavenly bed. But the mention of food was also mouth watering, so I got up from the bed. Ace was standing beside the bed looking at me with a frown.
"how in the real world is Ace Parker worried about me, eating?" I asked suspiciously with a pathetic groggy voice.
"I am going to get this clear, whatever civility I show in these seven days, it is only and only for Jennifer. She is smarter than you think so don't do anything stupid." He said in his deep voice.
Of course.
I could only nod and run to the bathroom to change my clothes. It was around 7 30 in the night when I got out of the bathroom, freshened up. I had slept for straight five hours or so because of the flight exhaustion. I wanted to wear an oversized t shirt with shorts for a dinner but the fact that we were going down for it didn't allow me to dress like that. I am not here alone, I have Mr. Apathetic and his name with me. This fact has made me do things that I never thought I would do.
So I had dressed in red jumpsuit kind of thing, which had an exquisite design around the neck while a golden belt adored it. I had pulled my hair in a loose ponytail with some tendrils falling on my face. I am wearing round shining earrings and my dress is paired with black heels.
I had done a touch up of my makeup by darkening my red lipstick and applying eye shadow of the same color.
I looked around the room, only to find Ace dressed in........informal clothes????!!!!
I had never seen him in anything but formal clothes. But today he was wearing black jeans, white t shirt and black jacket, and of course he was looking as hot as ever. How can he be so perfect? Chiseled hair, sharp jaws, well sculpted body, breath taking smile(which I caused only ones), perfect clothes and a damn beautiful face.
Oh I forgot the best things he has got which I envy - His mesmerizing grey eyes.
I didn't want him to catch me staring at him, so I quickly averted my gaze away from him.
"Let's go." I said breathlessly from the staring.
He just nodded and opened the door, walking outside the room. He waited outside for me to come out in my tortoise speed because of the monstrous heels. I started walking ahead of him, only to come to a halt when Ace called me and said "Wait".
I turned around confusingly, raising my eyebrow at him. Wasn't he the one who was impatient to go down, just few minutes ago?
He then shook his head and came behind me. I was surprised when his hand went to my back as I felt his fingers brush against the lining of the V-neck of my jumpsuit. Wait, what? Is he going mad, like me? My breath hitched as he started zipping my dress. Ohhhh. It must have slipped down. Oh god. This is so embarrassing. But it is better to be embarrassed in front of Mr. Apathetic then to be embarrassed in front of a bunch of strangers.
"Careless girl." Mr. Apathetic muttered and I could feel his hot breath along my exposed shoulders. Hell.
"Thanks." I managed to say as I turned around to face him.
He looked at me for a moment and then nodded. We then took off for the dinner. After meeting 19 people, stopping 9 times, we finally made it to the luxurious hall where apparently there was a party going on. Which meant, more people.
The hall was filled with people wearing expensive clothes and I was relieved that I did not wear oversized t shirt and shorts.
"I would have looked like a potato among these models."
"What?" Mr. Apathetic asked me skeptically.
"What, what?.......oh shit. Did I say that aloud?" I covered my mouth in embarrassment, yet again.
He just shook his head and started walking towards the food section. Thank lords.
The place was lined with food of all types. Everything I had ever seen or heard of. I took some of the things I was dying to eat(my plate was too small for me.) and took a seat on one the tables in the sitting area. Ace had only taken sushi and black coffee. Like seriously? Is that combination even allowed?
Not minding his weird food habits, I devoured the food on my plate. In a few minutes, the plate was finished. Mr. Apathetic had finished before me, and right now was staring at me with a weird expression.
What is with the weird expressions today? Is it because he pities me because of the incident today morning?
I chose to ignore it for the moment, as I thought about the dessert.
"Stay here only, don't leave. I am coming back with the dessert. " I said starting to get up.
"I will call the waiter. Sit." He demanded.
"Hell no. I will look at everything myself and then the dessert which brings maximum water in my mouth, would be the one I would be eating." I nonsensically reasoned.
"Whatever." He said and shook his head.
I then looked over everything and saw "The Golden Phoenix Cupcake"
What is that? I haven't heard of it ever.
Curious, I took it and went back to the table. I set the royal looking dessert on the table as I sat there while Ace stared at me. Why is he staring at me so much? He isn't staring in a romantic sort of way, of course. It was more of an analytical and calculating gaze. What is he trying to figure out?
I cleared my thoughts and started to dig in the desert. It was delicious.
"Will you stop staring at me?" I muttered keeping my eyes on my precious dessert only.
"Okay. It's enough. If you are deciding to call me a pig, or fat or if you are going to criticize me for eating too much then I would like you to shut up." I said blabbering.
"I wasn't going to say that. It's good you don't care about what others think." He said with a shrug.
"Oh. Uhh..thanks." I stuttered.
"By the way the dessert you are eating costs £645 or $1,000." He said trying not to smile.
The spoon dropped from my hands as I gaped at him in shock.
"What the actual fuck?" I whisper yelled.
Ace chuckled at my face, I guess and burst out into laughter - a beautiful deep laughter.
"Your.....fa..ce was price...less." He said between his laughter.
I turned red from embarrassment as I said "You did that on purpose. You don't care about the money of course. You just did that to trouble me."
He just laughed at my face and soon I also joined him.
"You should laugh more. You have a beautiful laugh." I said a moment later.
Ace stopped laughing after my comment and looked anywhere but me awkwardly. My, my ... is the great Ace Parker embarrassed? How have I lived to watch this scene? Bless me Jesus Christ.
I stifled my laughter and instead changed the subject, I don't want him to run away from me when it the first time that we are actually being civil towards each other and....laughing.
It is just an act for him. Mocked my conscience.
"So are we going to spend the next seven days in Virginia only?" I asked him.
"No. " He said.
"So?" I asked confused.
He sighed and took a paper out of his jacket pocket. Is he taking out a gun to shoot me in my head? Oh god. I am doomed. I shouldn't have blabbered so much, nor should I have asked him question. And the worst I shouldn't have commented on the his laugh. Hell.
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