《Ace Of Hearts(#Book1 in ACE series)》'We are a family. Always and Forever'
The stubborn heat rays of the sun played with my close eyelids this morning, making me cover my face with a pillow.
What the hell decided to capture all the heat in this universe and direct it on me?
I groaned internally and tried to open my eyes. The first thing I felt was the piercing heat of the sun coming from the balcony because the glass door was open. What time is it?
I looked around myself and to my surprise I was in Ace's old room, I mean the one in John's house. How did I get here? And why am I on the bed?
I looked at the clock on the side table to see it was one in the afternoon. Wow!
And then everything from yesterday night and today morning dawned to me. Fighting, running, church, forest, running, street drama, Mr. Apathetic carrying me, me sleeping in the car AND-
"I shouldn't have done what I did today. I will never do that again."
I vaguely remember his saying that. Or did I dream about it? No, no , I think he said it - yes he did, he did before I went into my deep slumber. So Mr. Apathetic apologized - well not really apologized but he was feeling guilty.
Fine, I forgive you. My biggest problem is that I forgive everyone too easily and this will take me down someday for sure. Me, stupid me.
But this is the first time since we have both met that he was actually feeling guilty for doing anything bad to me so I think I will let it pass. But how did I end up here? And where the hell did Ace sleep? I know him enough to know that he didn't sleep with me, he would have died before he slept with me on the same bed. I looked around around the room because there was nothing else he would have slept on. I remember the day when my life decided to screw up everything good in it aka when I got I married to Mr. Apathetic - there was nothing like a recliner or sofa where he could have slept on. I doubt that he would have slept on the lounge chair in the balcony because there is no chance in hell that he would fit there in sleeping form. I was 5'4 and I could hardly sleep on it properly and he would be around 6'2 or 6'4 so nah. He might have slept in the other room or something.
I shook my head and got up from the bed. My stomach growled at me because I haven't eaten since fourteen hours and this is I guess the longest I have been without food.
I did my daily routine as fast as I could and then pulled on a pair of black jeans with turtle neck grey top from the closet and paired it with black boots. I have plans for today, surely. I won't be at house sulking today. Thinking this, I put on a leather black jacket on top of the grey top which made my outfit perfect for going out. I applied a little bit of lip gloss and mascara after which I was ready.
I hurriedly went downstairs trying not to trip and come rolling down the stair.
It was around half past one or two in the afternoon. Mr. Apathetic would definitely be in his own office hell, but where is John and Jennifer?
I went towards the kitchen to see if there is something to satisfy my incessantly-poking-unbearable hunger. I went through the kitchen counter, the fridge but there wasn't anything.
I said down on the chair around the table in the kitchen only and started thinking. Should it be that?
No I think that would be better.
No, not that. That would be better.
But no, it won't be enough.
Ugh, okay something else.
Nah, nah, nah,...not in mood.
Okay then what?
"What are you thinking about so deeply?" Someone asked.
"hungry. What I should eat." I replied absentmindedly.
"How are you feeling now?" Again the voice asked.
"Hungry." I again said not caring to look who was asking me because I was too absorbed in deciding what I should order/try to make a failed attempt of making somethin edible/ask someone to help me.
"What do you want to eat? Tell me .. I will make it for you." The voice said.
I looked up and exclaimed "Tell me your name my favorite person so-" but stopped only to realize that Jennifer was looking at me amused/thinking I am mad.
Oh fuck.
Way to embarrass yourself Eva.
I tucked the locks falling on my face behind my year and tried to increase my status from - 'hell mad' to 'maybe mad' in front of Jennifer.
But to my surprise, Jennifer just chuckled finding I don't know what, so funny in this.
Maybe it is my face?
Who am I kidding, it is of course me.
"You are really a masterpiece. I haven't seen someone like you in my whole life." Jennifer said smiling.
I just smiled, not knowing what to do.
"So what do you want to eat?" She asked kindly.
"What, no! You don't have to make something for me, no you shouldn't." I said hastily.
No one has made my meal since years. Jess and I used to order things from restaurants mostly. And no one else ever did that for me. Yeah once the cook made it for me in the other house, and also that spaghetti either Ace or cook made for me.(Most probably it was the cook). So it was different, the cook was just doing her job and I couldn't do anything about it. But this is very different.
"Why can't I?" Jennifer asked raising her eyebrows.
"You don't need to, you are not a cook so it's not your job." I tried to reason.
"Job? Serious? Now you hurt me. This thing that we have - it is not a deal, Eva." Jenn said.
Yeah I know it is not a deal for you, but it is a deal only. This whole marriage is just a deal.
"I didn't mean to hurt you Jenn." I said sincerely.
"I know you didn't Eva. I want you to understand that this whole bond is not a deal or formality or job, okay? These are relationships which includes love, care and so many beautiful things. I wasn't making something for you because of some job or formality, it was because I like you. Hell not like, I love our bond. I want you to know that we are a family now. You can have the same relationships and understanding with us like you had with your own family before getting married, right? I know it takes time but we have time." She said lovingly.
But the thought of having a 'family' like I did, I couldn't help but feel like I went back to the time when I was fourteen years old.
"What happened? Did I say something wrong? Did I make you miss your family? I am so sorry, you can always visit them and -" I cut Jenn in the middle.
"No,no. I don't miss them. I don't have a family. I am an orphan." I said composing myself with a straight face.
"Oh, okay. I am sorry." Jenn said.
"Don't be. It is not your fault that everything happened." I said calmly and truthfully.
"I wasn't saying sorry about your parents. I was saying sorry for bringing back the memories you don't want to think about. I can't say that I fully understand what you went through but I can assure you that I can relate to you. Someone saying sorry doesn't decrease the amount of heaviness you feel on yourself. Both my parents are also no more with me. But I will always love them." She said with a sad smile while I was surprised. No wonder why I haven't met their mom but dad? Then what about John.
"John is my 'stepfather' as other call it. He was my father's cousin and best friend." She said asked my unsaid question.
I didn't want to push her but I couldn't help being curious.
"What happened to them?" I asked even though I had no right to do so.
"That's the worst part. They say that dad died in a car accident, I don't know even if it is true. Mom died shortly after that because of grief and illness." Jenn said and I could see the tears forming in her eyes.
I went towards her and gave her a hug. I didn't know what else to do.
"I am sorry. for bringing up the memories." I said not feeling guilty.
"Oh it's fine. I am not surprised that Estevan didn't tell you - it's a rough topic for him." She said and I nodded in understanding.
I didn't even know his middle name until you started calling him, talks about family are quite out of reach, aren't they?
"So can we be a family? Two lost souls?" Jenn said lightning up the mood.
"of course. A family." I said thoughtfully.
Maybe I would get a 'real family' even if it is for a year only? Maybe, maybe not.
"What are you thinking?" Jenn asked.
"Oh nothing much. Just thinking whether you want me to quote the originals - 'we are a family. Always and Forever' ." I said chuckling.
"Hahahaha. Now that we are family, tell me - what do you want to eat?" Jenn asked me with excitement.
"Anything, quick and tasty. Maybe a cheese sandwich? I am actually heading out for some work." I said.
"Oh okay. No problem." Jenn said.
"Okay, now that you are out of your trance, how are you feeling after....everything that happened yesterday? Estevan told me about your fight due to something about you working and him refusing...I know he would have screwed up everything. He always does that." Jenn said.
Working and refusing?
What the actual fuck?
He didn't tell her how he fucking shouted at me and did all those scary or dramatic thing?
This man is impossible.
But he definitely screwed up. He always does.
But I should go with the story now. I can't let Jenn suspect anything.
"I am fine Jenn. It is over now. I don't want to talk about it now." I said internally pleading to her to not ask me anything else. I don't want to lie to her. I can at least make one 'real' relationship amidst all this deal and all.
She nodded understandingly.
We chatted for a while after which I sat down to eat the delicious cheesy sandwich she made for me. Then after about an hour or so, I finally headed out to go on with my plans. Jennifer asked me if I needed any help or if I need her to go with me, but I politely declined by saying that I am meeting a friend. But then also she insisted on to take the driver to drive me wherever I have to go. In the end I had to agree and that is why I am sitting in the car scrolling my phone. I had several missed calls from Jess and Jake who were worried as hell for me. It took all my strength to convince them that I was okay. But they ended up asking me to meet them. So I am meeting them at six in the evening after they both are done with their jobs. So I have roughly three hours in my hand.
I was soon in front of marketing complex of the city. I asked the driver to stop. He nodded and told me that he would be in the parking lot beside the complex. I nodded at him and told his that I would call him when I am done and that he should me here only.
He thankfully agreed not knowing that I didn't want to go for shopping. I wanted to meet Aaron. But if he sees me going to the orphanage he would definitely tell Mr. Apathetic and then I would have to answer him. And there is no chance in hell that I will tell him about Aaron. And then the same fights would follow. So it is better that he doesn't know.
I started to walk when I was sure that the driver is nowhere in sight. The orphanage was a ten minute walk from here. I was really happy that I would be able to see Aaron after so many days, it's been a month since I saw him. He was a huge part of the reason why I agreed for this marriage.
I wanted to tell him the truth about my relationship with him, but I was thinking that he was too young. I am going to wait a little more before everything comes out. If I tell him about myself, I would have to tell everything about him. I don't think he is ready for that. I am also not ready for that. I just want him to have a happy and as normal as possible childhood.
I fiddled with my wedding ring, which had become one of my habits these days. I was soon inside the orphanage. I went to the reception to enquire about Aaron and where he would be. The receptionist told me that the children were out making paintings in the garden. I thanked her and went towards the garden which I knew was at the backside of the orphanage building. No sooner had I reached in the garden that I started to hear the giggles and laughs of all the children who were having fun.
I quickly ran my eyes over the happy faces of the children to find where Aaron was and that is when I spotted him. He was sitting on a rock under the shade of a big tree, looking occasionally between the other children playing with their paints and his drawing canvas. He must be painting them. It was his habit to paint others while they were enjoying, and I have seen his paintings - they were breathtakingly beautiful.
I went towards Aaron to talk to him. I have talked to him many times while the other times I visited I just watched him from a distance. I went silently and sat beside him. He looked up to see who intruded and when he saw me a knowing smile played on his lips.
"Hey Aaron!" I said chirping.
"Hello. How are you Eva?" He asked me while painting.
"I am fine I guess." I said truthfully.
He nodded his head in acknowledgment.
"So what's your excuse for being with me today?" He asked teasingly.
"Oh nothing new, you know. The same reason." I told him. We have talked and met many times and he knows me. He even asked me one day that why did I come in the orphanage or why I talked to him. I told him that I was an orphan too and thus I liked to see and spend time with others like me. And that I talked to him because I liked him.
He thinks of me as a friend who comes to visit him sometimes. And I would like to keep it that way for the time being.
He just shook his head chuckling at me.
"I got married." I told him looking straight ahead at the children laughing and playing.
"That's nice. Congratulations." He said giving a warm smile.
"I do not love him." I said absentmindedly. I don't know why I told him things like this even though he wouldn't understand and on top of it, it would risk everything which I have been hiding from him.
But sometimes I needed someone. And Aaron was perfect for it as he listened to me patiently and sometimes gives advices even though he doesn't understand everything properly. Or maybe he does, he is quite a brilliant child.
"Then why did you marry him?" He asked confusingly still engrossed in his painting. But I knew he was listening.
"Due to....circumstances." I said.
"Is he bad, your husband?" He enquired.
My husband. Yeah sure, which expires in 1 year.
"Yeah he is bad. He nothing but bad. But he is not that bad. He may be bad but not the bad,bad. " I said not understanding what I said.
"Are you yourself understanding what you are saying? Because honestly I can't." He said truthfully. That's the best thing about him, he is honest.
"No I am not. Ugghh, leave it. Tell me what did you have for lunch?" I said changing the topic.
"We had some porridge." He said.
"hmm." I said.
We sat there in silence as I appreciated him presence beside me. I don't know how much time passed but I was kind of happy and content sitting beside Aaron even without doing anything. We always talked only a little. It was this much only.
"I am done with painting. How's it?" He asked looking at his painting by angling his face in different directions.
I peered over his shoulders to see it and it was beautiful.
"It's lovely, Aaron. Especially their smiles." I said. Indeed the way he painted the smiles on their face was just perfect. It was looking very real.
Aaron beamed at me.
An instructor came that very second assembling the children so that they could go inside.
"There comes your call. Will see you later." I told Aaron directing towards the instructor.
"Yeah, see you later." He said and with a last smile, and went towards the other children finally blending in be them.
I got up from the rock brushing my jeans of dust and then went out of the orphanage carrying a content smile with me......
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