《Ace Of Hearts(#Book1 in ACE series)》"She started running, again."
I watched towards the door from where Eva ran to god knows where. Did I overdid myself ? I shouldn't have done that. But it was her fault also. She shouldn't have angered me like that by dancing with that bastard Nick. Doesn't she know who Nick is?
I was pulled out of my thoughts by Jennifer's voice.
"What the hell just happened Estevan? Why did Eva run away like that?"
"Nothing serious, don't worry. We just had a small disagreement." I told her, trying to handle the situation. I can't really tell her what happened.
"It wasn't just a small agreement Ace. It didn't look like that." Jennifer said sternly.
She called me Ace. She is pissed.
Damn it.
"I will go and find her, you should stop worrying." I told her as sincerely as I can.
"You better do that. Bring her here only, you will be stay here only. I know there is something wrong between you two." Jennifer said.
"Here? Why is that necessary Jenna? I will go-" I stopped seeing Jennifer's glare. Only this women has that kind of control on me, because she knows that I would do anything for her.
"Okay fine." I said gritting my teeth and went to look for that stupid girl who has an incessant habit of running away.
It has been three hours of searching every possible place she could be at, and I still not found her. I searched her old apartment, the cafe, Jessica told me to check Jake's house and I did(both were back from the party), and I even checked in the club where I found her the last time she ran away. But with no luck. So here I am, driving my car, wondering where to go next.
Where the hell did she go?
Everyone part of me wanted to go back and do my office work but I couldn't because if I go back without Eva, Jennifer is going to kill me or worse won't talk to me. And if Jenna gets mad at me just because this stupid girl - I am going to hunt her down from any corner of the world and make sure that she learns her lesson.
I can't imagine why Jenna cares for that girl who she met just few days ago. I am living with her around a month now, but I couldn't help but feel hatred and annoyance in her very presence. This one year with Eva is going to worse than I thought it would be.
Heck, I should have married some other girl - who had less tantrums and doesn't have an illness of running away every time something happens.
I don't even know what the hell I am going to do when I find her. I won't apologize of course.
Should I say - "Hey Eva, let's go back" and she would come with me?
Of course, she won't. Why are women so complicated? And especially the one with whom I have to deal every single day for the next fucking 11 months.
I was brought back to reality by my phone's caller tune. Who the hell is it now? I looked beside my seat to see Ryder's name flashing on the screen. Is he back from New Zealand yet? I picked up the call, put it on speaker and Ryder's voice boomed-
"Kia ora teina, kei te aha?" {Hello brother, what's up?}
"Te tuanui o taku motuka." {The roof of my car.} I answered bored.
"Damn it Ace. Is there any language you don't know?" Came Ryder's whining voice.
"I have been to New Zealand, I know Māori language." I said smirking.
"Fine, you win. I am coming tomorrow though, my flight is at 12:00 pm. The party must be over by now? Where are you now, work?" He asked. He was not able to attend the idiotic party because he had a very important meeting in new Zealand. He was whining yesterday over phone as he couldn't come and here I was, ready to kill for getting an opportunity for missing this party.
"Trust me, that's where I wanted to be but this stupid girl isn't gonna let me be at peace." I said rubbing my forehead with one of my hand.
"Stupid girl? Oh..Eva? What happened now? Is she okay?" Ryder asked concerned.
"I don't know." I said shrugging, as I told him what happened in short.
"Ohh. She doesn't know about him that's why. Poor soul, you shouldn't have behaved like that with her." He said.
"For fuck sake, she is not a poor soul." I growled. Poor soul? Is he out of his mind?
Of course he is. He always is. No doubt.
"Okay fine. Did you find her yet ? It's almost midnight...it isn't really safe for her if she is alone." He said worriedly.
Why does everyone care about that silly girl so much?
But even thought I hated her, I couldn't help but see the point in what Ryder was saying. It is definitely not safe if she is alone.
"No, I haven't found her yet. But I have set all my men in her search. If she is spotted somewhere I would know about it. Nothing yet though." I said.
"oh..you must-" I cut off Ryder as I saw Jessica's incoming call.
"Ryder just hold on. Eva's friend is calling, maybe she knows something." I said as I picked up Jessica's call. Last time when she talked, when she told me to check at Jake's house, she was worried as hell about Eva. I don't what she will say now.
"Ace, was Eva upset before she went?" Jessica's worried voice came over.
"Wait what? Is that even relevant?" I asked her irritated.
"Just answer me, was she?" She asked again impatiently.
"Umm..yeah..we had a...small...disagreement. yeah, she was probably upset." I said hesitantly. What should I say instead, that I manhandled her?
"Fuck. Sorry I didn't think of it before. I think I know where she is." She said at last.
I hurriedly got out of my car, after I parked it near the church. I hope I find her here. She has made it so much difficult already. Instead of going inside the church, I turned to my left and went towards the back side of the church. It was a very secluded and isolated area, even though there was a busy street in a distance of half a mile. The church looked like it was very old and didn't have much visitors. It had a sparse yet green forest kind of thing as it's background. I went towards the forest and dwelled inside it. It had a pathway kind of made where the grass was not visible and made it look like a road was carved in the forest. It was not that kind of forest where you find all those wild animals and dangerous trees, instead it was beautiful. It was not very dense but still I need some light to make my way. I turned on the flashlight of my phone and started looking.
It took a few minutes before I reached a clearing. Jessica said that I have to go a little past the first clearing. She said that Eva will be there only. When I asked her why she was there, she said that Eva's mother's gravestone lied there and Eva went there whenever she was upset or sometimes was overwhelmingly happy.
I don't think that there was any cemetery there so how can a body be buried there?
I walked a little more and that is when I heard some rustling. I think I found her. I increased my pace and reached a more open, silent yet soothing place. I have seen many countries, places and continents but this place had a uniqueness....I don't how to describe it.
Okay stop it Ace. You talk like shit now.
A crackling sound came from behind me, it was of breaking a twig. I turned around just in time to see a pair of pale blue eyes sparkling due to my flashlight.
It think I found her. I shouted "Eva? Just stop, I know it's you only." But as soon as I said this, she gave me a surprised look and then-
She started running, again.
Is this girl never tired of running? I thought as I started chasing her.
I looked at Ace wondering how the hell did he find me. But I didn't voice my question because I was too angry and hurt to talk to him. He had not seen me before I guess because he was searching in the opposite direction. So I did the first thing that came to me.
I ran, again.
This time also to go away from this monster who was hell bent on destroying my life.
I looked back while running to see that Ace had seen me and was coming after me shouting, but I was quite ahead of him. So I kept running, increasing my speed. I didn't realize when I was on the streets, far away from the church and forest.
I don't even know how did did he find me? No body knows this place except......Oh..Oh..oh.
And then it clicked me, Jessica must have told him. She would have been too worried to notice that she spilled my secret. I had come here thinking that at least he won't find me here but I was wrong. The Devil's eyes and sensors are embedded everywhere, that is why he found me.
It had been a long time since I went to the forest, maybe a year or so. I went there to have some peace, some time alone. It was no cemetery or graveyard. There was only a graveyard in my mother's name, it was not like her body was there. She wasn't buried there, I don't even want to think where my mother was right now. I had made that place my 'special place' few years ago when I had accidently found that secluded place. It had a comfy feeling which made me feel like I was safe and no one was there to judge me or question me. It was my escape place where I went whenever I needed some time to think or just....be myself.
Okay enough with the sentimental thoughts Eva.
Focus on your running. Focus.
I then realized that I was barefoot, my sandals were in the forest only. I had forgotten them there only because I was so engrossed in running from there. But thank god I did so because I couldn't even imagine running so far in those heels.
I made a mental note to myself - Wear running shoes, when you plan to run the next time.
The street was pretty crowded because of which it was easy to blend. There were about 15 to 20 people around me who were looking at me in surprise as I ran like a maniac or, worse a thief. I looked back to again to find that Ace was no longer behind me and seeing this I finally stopped to take a breath. I stood on my toes in an attempt to see above the heads of the people around, and when I found no trace of that monster - I sighed in relief.
I turned to left and that is why my relief went flying into the drain - there he was looking straight at me. Oh, fuck.
I turned to my front, ignoring him and then started walking fast trying to create some distance.
It was no use running because-
a) If I run I will grab attention and could easily spot me among the crowd.
b) He was way more faster than me.
So with this thought I tried to to blend in the crowd. The crowd was because it was a really busy and popular street, especially after midnight. You know it looked like it was a replica of a busy, famous and lively street in New York City. Taking the advantage of this, I was passing between people and dodging Ace. I again looked around to see if he lost me or not, but then suddenly I bumped into someone. I turned my head to the front and looked up to see my worst nightmare aka Mr. Apathetic aka Ace standing in front of me - looking angry.
Wait, why the fuck is he angry?
Did he forget that I was the one who was supposed to be angry?
How can someone be such a big douchebag?
I was about to ignore him and walk away from there when he shouted.
"Don't you dare try to run."
I did the most sensible thing.
I started to walk away.
Well, maybe not a sensible thing.
But I was stopped by Ace's hand grasping my forearm.
Uhh..a very bad move Mr. Apathetic. Not again.
I jerked my hand away from his hold, and then I shoved him back with all my strength. He was not expecting this, so he stumbled back. He then composed himself and then started to come towards me again.
I had, had enough. So I did the thing that I had wanted to do the since I met this Mr. Apathetic for the first time.
I slapped him. Hard.
That felt good.
Ace then touched his cheek where I slapped him and then looked at me. He looked really, very angry. But again, when is he not angry or frowning?
I then took this opportunity to again run. But before I could move even one of my rusted, lazy muscles - Ace shouted in pure anger.
"" I shiver ran along my spine hearing him calling or rather screaming/shouting my name.
And trust me when I say that he was very very loud, so loud that all the people around us stopped to look at us.
Just what I needed. More drama.
Silence fell around us from Ace's shouting.
Ace seemed to realize what scene he created and he closed his eyes which were almost black due to anger. He then reopened them after taking deep breaths. His eyes were grey again, and it seemed he was trying to calm his anger down. But that didn't meant his anger was gone. He came towards me again and instead of trying to run again, I stayed rooted on place as I was too shocked to say anything.
"What the fuck are you doing Eva?" Mr. Apathetic asked somewhat calmly then before.
I didn't answer. What would I even say? And on top of it, I was still angry.
But though I didn't say anything, someone said from the crowd.
"Is everything okay there?"
Mr. Apathetic turned towards the man who spoke and said "It's our personal matter. You don't need to interfere."
There was no reply from there. Mr. Apathetic again turned towards me.
"Are you going to say something or not?" Ace again said gritting his teeth.
But I wasn't going to answer him. I don't need to. and I won't .
"Fine. Let's go back. You have caused enough drama for whole of your life." He said and was about to take my hand, probably to drag me from here. But I stepped back and said "I am not going anywhere with you." looking him straight in his eyes. I couldn't help but shout back at him.
" You will go. Now." Ace shouted again.
"Make Me." I said challenging him. There was no chance that he would carry me if I won't go myself.
"I am warning you for the last time. If you don't come - I am going to carry you from here and you know I can do that." He said. I scoffed at him. He wouldn't. He doesn't have the courage to do such a thing in front of all these people.
But the next second, he grabbed my hand as I protested "Leave my hand." , and was about to do something when some people around us shouted.
"What are you doing man?"
"I think he is forcing her. We should call the police."
"He is misbehaving with the girl."
"Stop it dude."
Ace looked at those people, giving them his glare as he said - "She is my wife. I am taking her home. Does anyone have a fucking problem? "
Woah, wife?
You mean the one you tried to manhandle a few hours ago, the one with whom you married by blackmailing her, the one whom you hate with all the strength in you, the one you don't give a shit about?
Sure, wife.
Everybody around us fell silent. Seeing this, Ace looked back at me and picked me up in bridal style. I held onto his collar with one hand as my other hand went around his neck so that I don't fall. Ace gave one last look to me and then turned his head towards the front as he started walking towards god knows where.
I stared at him trying to understand his actions. He was still clenching his jaws in anger as he looked straight ahead and continued walking. Staring at him I couldn't stop to wonder that for how long will I be with him? Will I ever be able to understand him and his confusing actions?
Hours ago he insulted me, tried to manhandle me, was so mean and rude to me. Then he came back looking for me frantically.
Then a couple of minutes ago he was angry and I slapped him hard. Now he is here, carrying me like he cared if I got lost or something happened to me.
How many sides of him will I see? How am I going to every understand him? Will my life be ruined in his hands? The life that I created after running from my past, is it some new way in which god is punishing me or what?
With these thoughts bombarding my head, I couldn't help or stop when tears started to fall out of my eyes. The very thought of all this, not being able to be happy and always being haunted by my past, it was making me cry.
Now as I stared at him, I was feeling very idiotic. What will he think if he sees me crying like this?
As soon as this thought crossed my mind, Ace stopped and looked at me. He stared at me first in anger but when he saw the tears his eyes seem to melt the anger and then a frown appeared on his face. He was looking at me confusingly but didn't say anything thankfully.
I quickly wiped my tears by bringing back my hand from Ace's collar and then looked ahead to see that we had reached Ace's car which was standing in front of us.
Ace went towards the car with me still in this arms. He silently made me sit in the passenger seat, put on my seatbelt and giving a last look closed the car door. He then himself went and sat on the driver's seat and put his seatbelt. He then looked at me and was about to say something, but then he slammed his fist on the steering wheel, most probably in anger, which made the car honk. I jerked in surprise but was relieved that he didn't say anything.
After than Ace started the car as my eyes closed and my system shut down due to today's exhaustion but not before hearing something I never thought of -
"I shouldn't have done what I did today. I will never do that again."
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