《His Yasmina [Completed]》Chapter 23-Double-edged sword
It wasn't a strong enough word to describe what he felt about her anymore. When a person was obsessed, they were usually in control, they owned their emotions. But Cristiano knew for a fact he wasn't in control. He was being led by a power far greater than mere obsession.
He shook his had an slowed his pace, his troubling thoughts replaced by a reflection of Yasmina at every turn.
From the moment he'd seen her, he'd been pulled toward her, captivated by her beauty, intrigued by her intelligence, attracted by the inner strength that radiated from her. Almost immediately there had been an intense attraction, an attraction more profound than mere physical desire. It was like two clouds collided together creating an electric energy between them that snapped and crackled.
And now he couldn't stop the spiral pulling him down the direction he thought he would never turn.
Just when he believed he had the upper hand, his feelings are now ruling him. She was changing the dynamic, the foundation of his core. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to be besotted with a female. Never did he believe a woman would consume his every thought, his every breath. It was driving him crazy all day and he needed to see her even if it was a bad idea.
Cristiano knew he was falling deeper into her web. She was his own personal drug he couldn't get enough of.
One thing was certain. What occurred, what they shared, couldn't be taken back. There was no way he could look at her and not remember the taste of her lips, the satiny texture of her skin. There was no way he could keep his distance. It was like she embedded herself into his DNA and he couldn't do anything about it.
He went to her room, stood in front of the door and knocked desperate to see her.
When he heard no answer, frustration filled him. He barged in without waiting.
She was staring out the window into the darkness.
It was well passed midnight and the only time in the day when most of the staff at the castle slept. Tears threatened to pool in her eyes but she wouldn't give the prince the satisfaction of her tears. He wanted to break her, and he had. She kept it all inside, letting her resentment fester. Tonight, she would play her little game of torment as payment for what he was doing to her. It was the only chance she had at regaining her freedom.
Death might be worth it if it meant getting a little revenge on Cristiano.
When she didn't turn, she heard him move closer. She felt him reach for her, half saw a shadow of movement to her left. Spinning around, she swung out with the knife she swiped off and hid from the dinner tray the servants delivered earlier that evening.
Cristiano jerked back, sucking in his stomach as the blade skimmed close. She jabbed at him again with the knife, less interested in causing injury than she was in clearing a path to the door.
"What is the meaning of this?" He demanded, his eyes never leaving the knife she held, staring at it in astonishment.
"Get away from me. I'm ready to kill you and die trying. I'm sick and tired of you, this place, your stupid games. Screw your revenge! I cannot stand another minute in this godforsaken country! "
"Are you positive you are running from here. . . or from me?" He taunted, watching the wild glint in her eyes.
They circled each other like two opponents waiting for the other to strike.
"I believe I make you feel things you'd wish you can deny." He pauses, waiting for a respond but when she didn't reply he continues. "Your lips said enough without words. Words mean nothing when actions say enough. Your body's desires spoke to me in a multitude of ways words can never describe."
Jasmine gripped the handle of the knife in slippery palms and crouched, her eyes blazing with hatred.
"Desire comes and goes. It's brief, unnecessary and never lasting– just like you and your words." She spat, contempt filling her eyes.
"Your rebellious and feisty nature is clouding your judgment, my Goddess." He says, using an endearment knowing it would infuriate her further. Eyeing the knife in her hands, he slowly reaches for it. "Here, give me the knife before you hurt yourself." He urges as he takes a step towards her.
She'd never backed out of a challenge before and she wasn't about to start now.
"Step back!" She screams, a sense of urgency filling her, as she grew increasingly anxious and frustrated.
Her captivity was making her irrational, she knew, but she couldn't stop trying. Any opportunity she had, she'd try to escape him and the desire he invoked in her. There was little other hope. She couldn't spend her days being confined. She couldn't spend her nights dreaming of him as he made love to her.
It was a matter of time before she went crazy from it. It was a matter of time before her body surrendered. If it meant doing whatever was possible to leave before her weaknesses took over and reached that point, so be it.
She threw her shoulders back, looked around carefully, then made a dash for the doorway. She barely gained the hallway when she felt ironlike arms clamp around her from behind. A jolt of terror shot through her system. She was petrified, crazed with the need to escape in any way possible even if it was reckless. She fought him like a tigress, wildly thrusting the steak knife with its jagged edges behind her.
A roar of pain came from behind her as he released her. Jasmine's heart and breathing literally stopped in sync as she realized she cut him from the sounds of his ragged breathing. She didn't pause to look back, but scrambled down the flight of stairs. For the last few steps, she jumped, landing smoothly on her feet and running into the foyer. Reaching for the handle to the front door, pulling it open, a hand reached past her head and slammed it shut again.
She whirled, her back to the hard oak, and found herself face-to-face with Cristiano's furious face. The smell of him, coupled with the fear she felt, made a surge of bile in the back of her throat. He clutched his bloody thigh, his fingers stained red and glared at her as if he wanted to murder her.
He knotted his other fist in her hair, "You will pay for your foolishness." He whispered against her ear.
She jabbed at him with her knife.
This time though, he was ready for her. His blood smeared hand closed over her wrist, halting the thrust of the knife. His long fingers tightened with brutal strength and pain shot up her arm until she dropped the knife. It clattered to the floor.
Jasmine gasped, struggling, even though it was hopeless, nearly hurting with frustration and fury.
"Let me go!"
"Trying to kill me now. What's next?" He rasped, his face turning red with fury.
Jasmine moved to knee him, but he saw the attack coming and shifted sideways to avoid it. He still held her wrist in his grasp. He made a move with his other hand, but she didn't wait to see what he intended to do. She swung at him with her free arm.
However, he fended the blow off easily.
For a split second, they stood frozen, the only sounds in the foyer was that of their panting. What he didn't expect was another kick. His hand dropped from her wrist, his breath hissing out on a pained groan. His injured leg–the one she sliced and kicked–seemed to give away and he dropped to the knee.
Taking advantage of his injured state, she darted by him and raced for the stairs. But she underestimated him.
She barely reached the front step when his hand closed around her upper arm with bruising force and dragging her to a halt. She turned, hand raised, ready to land a punch to his face, but he was more than prepared for her this time.
He foot caught her behind the knees, and Jasmine gasped as she felt herself falling. Before she had a chance to draw breath, he was following her down, cushioning her head as her back met the marble floor, his body falling on top of her. He had her pinned down so solidly that every breath she drew pressed her breasts more firmly against his chest and every move she made only seemed to twist her closer to him.
Mindless with fear, she tried to arch upward desperate to throw him off. She might as well been trying to move a mountain. She tried to bring her arms up, but he caught them easily, holding her wrists in one hand as he drew her arms over her head and pinned them.
"Stop it!" He whispered harshly, his face a mere inches from her own. "Stop this foolishness!"
Jasmine ignored him and drew breath to scream, even knowing there was no one who'd help her. But he anticipated that, too, and before she knew it, he silences her with the bruising force of his mouth. It not only deadened her voice, but her will to fight, demanding she surrender.
This kiss, unlike his last, held no tenderness or comfort. It was punishing and full of anger as his tongue forcefully slid passed her pursed lips, transferring the taste of his wrath to her. The strokes of his tongue turned into a deep hungry kiss as his tongue devoured her.
She fought the desire that began to throb at her core. She fought the feel of every inch of his muscled body crushing her. She fought the drugging effects he made her feel, twisting her head frantically, trying to free her lips from his bruising ones, refusing to surrender.
A buzzing in her ears warned her she was about to black out from the lack of oxygen. Struggling was getting her nowhere. If she fainted, who knew what he'd to do her, completely helpless and at his mercy. She forced herself to go still, hoping he believed she'd cooperate and loosen his hold so she could catch him off guard.
However, she was disappointed. He didn't let go of her wrists, or lift his hard masculine frame that crushed her more firmly against the floor and his body.
Suddenly, he lifted his head, his breathing mirroring hers, his ragged, hers explosive, as she inhaled the recent restriction her lungs demanded.
"You will pay dearly for you disobedience!" He threatened, molten lava emitting from his gaze.
"Make me! Whatever you do, I will never stop running. I will never stop trying to escape. I despise you. I can't stand the sight of you! Do you hear me?" She demanded, her face turning a darker shade of red. "You have no right continuing to cage me like some animal!"
"You're running from how you feel for me, my bella." He challenged. "Not because of the reason you are truly here."
Jasmine did not acknowledge his words because for the most part it was true. He was bringing out desires she didn't want to share with him.
"If I could get my hand on a gun, I swear on everthing I hold dear, I would kill you just to rid the world of the monster you are!"
Anger curled though him as he studied her. Cristiano found himself highly insulted.
He was many things, but recently he learned he wasn't the monster she truly thought he was. This girl before him had been nothing but rebellious, too much trouble, challenging, her non-ending gazes of disgust following him nearly every time he glanced her way. She didn't trust him and despised him for making her feel things she did not want to share.
For the most part, he had been patient, considerate even, and what did it get him in return?
He was fed up with waiting, out of patience with her. He was sick of playing the gentleman.
"I will have to remedy your comfort." He says slowly.
Remedy what? For a moment, she could only stare helplessly at him, confused by the look on his face. She forcefully reminded herself he was a monster, that was toying with her and taking joy in her discomfort.
Lifting his body off of her and standing, he jerks her arm and pulls her to her feet. Not waiting for her to regain her balance, he drags her, running behind him to keep up with his long and determined strides, down the stairs towards the door to the dungeon.
If she and Sammy where stuck in the dungeon than they were both doomed with no other means to get help.
Jasmine panics and tries to rip her arm from his strong grasp. Without any success he continues to pull her behind him, his grip tightening. She was positive she was going to find bruises on her skin.
The damp, muggy, moldy air assaulted her senses. The smell instantly reminded to the time she attempted to free Sammy. Cristiano didn't stop, even with a slight limp at her attack, but simply pulled her along behind him as they descended the steps through the shadows. They passed the bewildered guards and stormed past the thick door to the cell where Sammy was held.
"Apri la porta della cella!" (Open the cell) Cristiano snapped to the two guards sitting on the table and playing cards, barely keeping his rage contained.
Her eyes dart to Sammy who was sitting on a chair in the corner of his cell. To her surprise, he appeared clean as if he was granted a shower and dressed in new clothes–blue jeans and a long-sleeve black shirt. His face was clear of the beard that was forming on his face too.
Did Cristiano actually consider what she asked. . . ? Oh God, she thought, What have I done?
Cristiano wasn't angry but furious and out of control. Perhaps she pushed him off the edge and triggered something she'd never seen before.
Their eyes met across the room. Sammy looked alarmed and sends her a questioning look. Jasmine shakes her head silently, her breathing heavy as fear clawed her insides. She sensed his rising panic which matched hers and shifted nervously.
The keys clink together as the key to the cell is inserted into the keyhole.
"Esci!" (Get out!).
Jasmine's attention is quickly redirected to the shout Cristiano ordered.
The men quickly backed out of the way.
"Aspetta, dammi la tua pistola." (Wait, give me your gun) Cristiano gestures to one of the guards before they slipped out, and holding his hand in wait.
As he's handed the gun, Jasmine pales. She was going to meet her fate soon.
Entering the cell, with gun in hand he stops before Sammy and raises the gun. Her heart stops at his intention.
"Wait!" She screamed, extending an arm out ready to stop him.
The fight in her vanished.
"Too late! You've done enough and now you shall see what your latest stunt has cost you."
"Jasmine!" Sammy screamed in help, lifting his hands in helpless surrender.
Her eyes darted from Sammy's pale face to the gun. If she didn't do something drastic, Sammy was going to die.
"I'll do anything. Just don't hurt him." Jasmine pleaded.
"Anything?" He asks, with a raised eyebrow.
Jasmine gulped. "Yes." Her pride prickled, but she managed to keep her face impassive.
For some reason, she felt like she was making a deal with the devil.
"Since you cannot bare the sight of me, hate me, you are to become my wife. It's a fitting punishment considering your foolishness. Or he dies."
Sammy gasps and whispers "Jesus almighty!"
"No!" Jasmine breathed, her hands flying to her mouth in shock. She shuddered in horror at the words as his words hit her with full force as they sunk in.
"I apologize if my offer lacks romance, but as you can see, I'm not of a sentimental nature at the moment."
It was the last straw to break her back. It was the only solution he could think of to restrict her freedom. This was her punishment for defying him. He was going to shackle her into marriage like permanent handcuffs. He was going to make her suffer. What better fitting punishment did she deserve?
He had hoped she would grow tired of escaping him but he knew she'd take any chance she had to escape if the opportunity were to present itself again. Using her companions life in exchange for her cooperation was a small price to pay. It was the last trick up his sleeve in order to keep her in line, for she was a handful.
Since he held her friends life in his hands, her choices would be severely limited. His plan must continue on its course before her brother arrived.
Cristiano nudged the gun against Sammy's temple, his finger on the trigger. The color drained from her already pale face as she swayed unsteadily.
"I'll marry you, dammit. Just don't kill me!" Sammy cried, squeezing his eyes shut at his impending doom.
Jasmine watched Cristiano's mouth compress into a straight line; a muscle twitching in his cheek. Alarm filled her eyes. He really was planning to shoot Sammy. His gaze traveled over her and she could feel the blistering heat of his anger for the first time.
"Might I remind you, both your lives lies in the palm of my hands."
"Don't! Don't hurt him!"
She'd known he was only toying with her, stringing her along to make it hurt more in the end but. . . Marriage? Obviously he wasn't done playing his games. She'd spent the last couple of weeks in a suspended nightmare. Reality was staring her right in the face.
It was grueling and cruel as ever.
"Why marriage of all things? Why not something else?"
"It's either he dies or you willingly marry me. Choose wisely."
"Marry you or he dies?" She asks in disbelief.
This was not some sick joke. He was serious.
"This way you are bound to me with no way out. That is your sentence. You should be lucky for such an offer. Someone else wouldn't be so gracious after what you've put me through since you arrived."
"Go to hell!" She seethed between clenched teeth. What she put him through? "This is all your fault. If I wasn't here I wouldn't be causing you trouble!"
She radiated rage, but beneath it, he could sense her spirit being crushed. He felt a pang of guilt. But it was the only way to ensure her cooperation and control her until this whole mess was sorted. She tested his restraint in ways it had never been tested before. He was binding her to him when all she wanted was to be free of him.
Her jaw clenched and her hands fisted at her sides.
What a selfish bastard. He was the reason she was escaping. He was the reason she was there in the first place. He was the reason she was living in hell. This was all his fault.
"I don't particularly want to marry you or any other woman for that matter, but this is how you will repay me or your friend dies this night. Locking you in the dungeons wouldn't be enough to satisfy me as a fitting punishment. Since you hate me so much, you'll hate this even more."
Jasmine started to tremble. "How dare you! Marriage is sacred between two individuals that love each other endlessly. This is a trap! You're taking me from one cage and putting me in another." She managed, her heart threatening to jump put of her rib cage.
She was cornered.
He was only trying to prove his power over her. And it killed her knowing she had no choice. She felt broken and hollow for the first time in her life.
Her legs nearly gave out.
"That's the point, my dear." Nodding his head. "No one disobeys me. I'm showing you what kind of monster I can truly be."
- In Serial424 Chapters
The Formidable Son-In-Law: The Charismatic Lucas Gray
Six years ago, he disappeared silently! After six years, he becomes the unparalleled “God of War” and returns with glory, only to find that he has a daughter whom he never knew of. Looking at his wife and his daughter, he says, “In this lifetime, I’ll bring you the greatest honor and glory!”
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Sixth Finger
Year 506. The last human empire surrenders to the Great Majin Lord and joins his cause. As the continent in its entirety is submitted to the absolute rule of an undead stories arise of inhuman creatures that led his majesty's armies to terrifying success. While the demon lord grasps the entire world in his hand, generals and comrades eleven of his most loyal and trusted serve as the extension of his will and power. Common world knows these beings only by their position's names. Fingers. Goblins goblins goblins... I hate those pesky creatures. Not smart enough to talk, but intelligent enough to kill. Well. In this world of madness where blood spills left and right fantasy creatures run rampart alongside crazed devotees of long dead gods all meanwhile the frickin Demon Lord is slowly gaining power in order to take over the world precisely without causing its immediate collapse, our little Gob will have quite a chance to find true strength and maybe even understand why humans often do stupid things for this weird word that starts with the letter "L". Who knows, maybe he will even get a better name than Gob in the process... The story is posted daily in short chapters (from 900 to 2000 words per chapter) The story is NOT an Isekai. It's a high fantasy story with isekai element's at best (Majin lord is a Majin after all). I spent some time to create a custom, magic system I hope to properly explore together with you my dear reader. So what are you doing? Go read those early chapters! The story is said to only get better after you drink it... I mean read it. Seriously. After 15 chapters you won't stop. I just feel like pointing something out. I never read "The Iron Teeth: A Goblin's Tale" which seems to be the first thing my fiction will be compared to... P.S. Cover artwork was made by my very own me (hurray me!) PM if you want something painted (no promises). I sometimes lurk in RR discord.
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Because my native language is not English, so forgive my broken English. I am tring to improve it to make a nice fantasy story. About grammar: I have re-edited all chapters to reduce grammatical errors. I think you can read now. When Anno woke up, he came to Angomulos, a different world where humans, orcs, dwarves, elves, and demons coexist. The aborigines of another world are often attacked by monsters and suffer unspeakably. Humans can pray to God and choose one of the six professions of warrior, knight, priest, mage, hunter, and thief. However, the gods of the six professions did not respond to Anno, making him bear the name of [God Forsaken]. But Anno has the talent [Sacrifice Spirit], killing monsters can get monster souls and summon monsters to assist in battle. You can also learn summoning skills by consuming monster souls! [Kill Slime, get Slime Soul 1] [Sacrifice Slime Skin, Summon Slime to help fight] Consume Slime Soul 100, learn [Acid Jet]. The summoned succubus, the contracted wolf girl, the follower dragon... Anno, who claims to be the seventh professional summoner, opened an adventurer's guild in a different world, competing with mercenaries, fighting with nobles, Fighting with the Demon King's Army...
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