《Vanilla Smoke (Blue Exorcist)》Chapter 10
It had been a few days now since Shuku had learned how to summon her serpent, and had finally come up with a suitable name for him. His name was Hebimaru. It had taken a few books but Shuku had found out all she could about thunder serpents. They could conduct electricity within their bodies and give off various charges and voltages. He was poisonous, a minuscule amount would paralysis for a few hours, anymore it would be a few days in pain and unable to move. Any more, and it would stop the person's heart. They were considered mid-level demons. The fact that Shuku ha the capability to summon one was impressive.
Shuku sat reclined in front of the dorm she stayed at with Yukio and Rin, Hebimaru's head in her lap. At first, Yukio seemed a bit uncomfortable with Hebimaru around but had gotten used to the serpentine demon. Rin had no issues it at all, and instead, he just annoyed the large reptile.
"Master Shuku, may I eat the boy, or at least bite him," Hebimaru inquired, looking up at Shuku with his golden eyes.
"As funny as it would be to see my dorm mate get attacked by my familiar, your venom would permanently harm him, Hebimaru. Plus, Yukio might find a target in you if you attempt to. I don't think Rin would taste very pleasant either." Shuku discouraged.
Hebimaru as an individual was very loyal. He hadn't left Shuku's side since she summoned him. It made the teachers very uncomfortable to have a gigantic snake in the classroom, but they didn't seem to have the backbone to tell the 8-foot snake to leave. It was quite amusing.
"Yes Master Shuku, I understand you are worried for my safety, and that exorcist is in fact very protective. Would it be alright if I zapped him at least with low voltage static electricity?" He offered again.
Shuku sighed, "Sure, just don't kill him or knock him out." With a wave of her hand, Hebimaru gave his version of a grin.
Yukio watched as Hebimaru slithered over to Rin and laid in his lap. A surprised Rin went to pet him like Shuku always did, and a visible bolt of electricity hit Rin, slightly stronger than what a normal person could take.
"Ouch! You little fucker!" Rin yelled and Hebimaru quickly slithered back into Shuku's lap, and she sighed. The silence between the arose once more, unbroken until Rin spoke.
"Poor Shimei, she's running around like an errand girl," Rin said. She had been doing that, hadn't she?
"What?" Yukio asked, clearly not paying attention.
"Nothing." Rin sighed.
"So, Yukio, why do we have to have boot camp in our dorm again?" Shuku asked, she really didn't want the company.
"It's convenient because you, me, and Rin are the only ones living here, and besides we won't be disturbing anyone." Glasses explained. Shuku had made an effort to become closer to the two since they found out. Yukio still cast a glance her way every once and awhile, but Rin and she got along just fine. "It'll be fine."
Shuku looked up at the group of familiar people heading over to their dorm. Shuku sighed.
"Master Shuku, if they bother you, I shall eat them for you." Hebimaru said, "Hebimaru, I appreciate the offer but no. But eating my classmates is not allowed, even if they do get on my nerves." Her familiar could really be a handful with his formal attitude and wanting to eat everything, and Rin.
"Good Morning, your class has arrived," Shima announced his presence with a closed-eyed smile. Everyone looked at the dorm, truthful, it wasn't the best, but it worked.
After a moment Skunk spoke, "This thing looks like something out of a horror movie." He grumbled, looking up at the building. Then stole a glance at Shuku
"Nah. The windows are still intact, and there are no rodents anymore." Shuku said, petting Hebimaru.
"It's so creepy and ugly. Was this the best place we could find to do this, and what do you mean 'not anymore' Shuku? I didn't even know you lived on campus." Izumo said, "Oh, here you go, take it." Izumo bluntly handed her bag to Shimei, who accepted it without question.
"Hebimaru ate them. Oh, and what happened to the stray cat that ate the mice?" Shuku asked, addressing her familiar.
"What cat?" Shuku narrowed her eyes at the lie, "Master Shuku, it was competition and made a wonderful snack." Hebimaru admitted, just loud enough for everyone to hear, Shuku sighed.
She looked up to see Chipmunk talk to Blondie, and Rin looking pissed. Everyone came inside and got settled in into various rooms throughout the building. Hebimaru slithered off somewhere unknown to Shuku, doing whatever he did in his free time. After that, Yukio called everyone together for an extensive test. Shuku finished at half time and called Hebimaru back.
The test finished up and Shuku passed her paper down. "That took forever" Shima sighed. Nerd clearly agreed.
Rin pushed himself p from the table. "I'm gonna go get some air," He announced. Shuku swore she saw smoke coming from his head from the overuse of his brain that Rin hardly ever used.
"I want everyone up by 6 am tomorrow. That'll give us an hour before we start the class to go over the answers to the test." Yukio announced. Rin stopped and turned around, a tired look on his face.
"Demon, sadist." Rin mumbled.
"Aw, teach, that's cruel, and here I was hoping to sleep in." Shuku sighed, her hands behind her head in a laidback manner as Hebimaru rested in her lap.
"Shuku, you're always up before us, sometimes I doubt you even sleep." Glasses commented, pushing up his infamous glasses.
"Exactly why I wanted to sleep in." Shuku grumbled.
"Paku, let's go take a bath." Izumo suggested, getting up. Chipmunk nodded. Shimei got up with more enthusiasm than Shuku had ever seen from the girl. "I want to go too!" The three got up and walked out. Shima eyed them in a manner Shuku disliked until they left.
"Hehe, three girls taking a bath. Together." He said almost dreamily. Oh god, Shuku knew where this was going, "What do you say, guys? We bust ass over there and have ourselves a peek?" A snake-like smile spread across Shuku's face, she had a wonderful idea. Perverted boys were to meet their doom.
"Hello! You're supposed to be a monk Shima!" Bon yelled.
"You're getting back into your old habits again." Nerd agreed.
"Ah, shut it, you guys are just as interested as I am. Hell, Even Shuku seems like he wants to." They looked over at Shuku, who was still grinning. It was creepy
"Excuse me. Your teacher is sitting right here." Yukio mentioned, Shuku's smile faded away. Maybe she couldn't get away with it.
"I'm leaving to go places now, maybe outside so I don't make the whole building smell like vanilla." Shuku got up and walked out of the room into the halls of the dorm, just in time to see Shimei running outside. She took a puff from her pen and walked up to Rin, who stood there like a doofus.
"Sup Rin, what happened with blondie?"Shuku asked, breathing out the vanilla vapor off the side.
"She's been acting like Polka-brow's errand girl and it pisses me off. What are doing over here?" He asked, and Shuku slipped the pen back in her hood pockets.
"I was gonna see if I could take a soak once those two got out, haven't had one in forever", Shuku said, looking at the girl's bathhouse.
Rin blushed and looked away, "I always forget that you're actually a girl, Shuku. Why do hide that anyway? I'm sure you'd look real pretty if you tried." Rin said and Shuku looked at the floor as if was the most interesting thing in the world.
"I looked pretty enough of my time, I don't want attention, just to fit in." Shuku turned away, hands in her jacket pockets, not really answering Rin's question.
"Oh, ok." Rin went off after Shimei and Shuku leaned up against the wall near the bathhouses, smoking through her vapor pen. The vanilla scent soothing her nerves.
"Master Shuku," Hebimaru poked his head through one of the air vents, which he often used to get around. "What is it?"
"There's a demon here, in the Girls bathhouse." Hebimaru informed her. Quickly, Shuku smoothly flipped out her kunai blades in a fluid motion just as a scream echoed from the girl's bathroom.
Shuku darted inside, and Rin came out of nowhere and darted in front of her, and kicked off Izumo's two familiars who were on the verge of attacking her. Hebimaru darted inside and nipped then, injecting a nonlethal, but still painful, amount of paralysis poison into them.
"Tear up the paper!" Rin ordered and Izumo tore both papers in half and the fox's vanished into wisps of steam. Shuku had her blades out and eyed the hideous demon standing over Chipmunk, she had burns covering one of her arms. Shuku slipped off her hoodie to prevent it from getting damaged an tossed it towards Izumo unintentionally. She had on a while school shirt underneath.
"Good, Stay back I got it." Rin said, then he realized something. Shuku slipped her fingers into the small holes on the end of the kunai, and they snapped, secure to her finger. Shuku threw both Kunai, and they shot straight for the demon's head, a thin wire trailing behind them. Rin shot Shuku a thankful look. With a flick of her wrist, then blades returned.
"Rin! Shuku!" Shimei came in and stood next to Shuku.
"Paku! You two keep the ghoul busy and I'll take care of Miss Paku. Come on, don't just stand there!" Shimei ordered, going to face the demon. After overcoming to his initial shock, Rin grabbed his swords and slammed into the ghoul like a club without unsheathing it, "That's easier said than done!"
Shuku ran over to help Rin, who had just been thrown through the window. Taking a deep breath through her vapor pen, Shuku released the vapor all over the demon. She touched the heated metal tip of the pen to the thick cloud of the smoke, and a spark flew. The smoke combusted, scorching the ghoul, but it continued to go after Rin.
"Rin!" Shimei shouted in a panic.
"I'm ok!" Rin responded, the demon lumbering after him.
Shuku cursed under her breath and charged at the ghoul, blades in hand. The demon was dead set on getting Rin, even after she attacked it. Rin watched as Shuku leaped over one of the ghoul's swinging arms and slashed at it at a speed that was near impossible to keep up with. Shuku had probably done an extremely stupid thing when she started getting close to the demon, and it's weird fluids got on her, burning her stomach area like an acid. Shuku paused for a moment. Using this moment of ceased movement, the ghoul slammed it arm into her stomach, launching her flying into the far tiled wall. A thin trail of blood ran down the side of her face, and her eyes were rolled back into her head. She was out cold and bleeding.
"Shuku!" Rin shouted and the ghoul pinned him down by the throat.
"I only do as my master commands me too." The demon growled lowly, Rin let out a desperate breath and reached for his sword as a last resort.
"Rin!" Just as Rin gripped his sword, Yukio arrived and shot at the ghoul with his guns. Shuku had gotten it good. It was missing a hand now, and excessively bleeding. Tt fled as Yukio shot at it, retreating into the unknown.
"Get back here!" Rin shouted desperately. But it was gone.
"You ok? Are you hurt?" Yukio asked, worry lacing his tone.
"You're late! And Shuku's injured!" Rin pointed at an unconscious Shuku, blood running down one side of her face, and burns over her whole body from the black fluids the demon had bled.
"Damn" Yukio cursed. He dragged Shuku beside Paku just as Bon, Shima, and Konekomaru arrived after the fight had already ended. Hebimaru went over to his unconscious master and curled up beside her protectively.
"Suguro, take Shuku to his room, room 616. I'll be there as soon as possible to treat his wounds" Yukio ordered, then handed Bon an unconscious Shuku bridal style, much to her familiars displease as he hissed at Ryuji.
He nodded and left slightly embarrassed to be holding another guy like this. Shima and Konekomaru tailed closely behind him.
"I could so get revenge on this loser right now." Ryuji looked down at Shuku. He was such an asshole sometimes.
"You know, I just noticed it, but when Shuku doesn't have a scowl or glare on his face, he kinda looks like a girl." Shima pointed out. Struggling to keep up with Bon's fast pace.
"He looks like a loser who did something stupid to me. Idiot. Who faces a demon like that in close combat? Basic shit! Hell, I didn't even know Shuku knew how to use I knife like that and not die!" Bon complained, rather loudly in fact. Shuku still had the knives latched onto his fingers, and they dangled there from his fingers tips as Bon carried him up to his dorm room.
"Hey Bon, I wonder about Shuku's blades. They don't look like something an exorcist would use, their too short unless they're to be thrown." Konekomaru wondered, curiosity nibbling it's way into the nerds mind.
"Ask him about them later." Bon slammed opened Shuku's dorm room and set him on the prepared bed. The room was a mess. Food sat in plastic bags next to a cooler on the spare bed, and papers littered the desks. Yukio ran in along with Rin and then spotted Shuku on his bed.
"Well teach? Is he gonna be alright?" Shima asked, as Yukio took off Shuku's blades and placed them on his desk with caution.
"He needs medical attention immediately, he has ghoul temptate all over his torso, and a head trauma as well. Moriyama, I need Aloe, a lot of it. Suguro, and me those bandages over on the other desk." Yukio ordered. Shuku was definitely in bad shape. Bon tossed Yukio the bandages and Shimei had Nee, her familiar, make a lot of Aloe.
Without thinking, Yukio removed Shuku's shirt, then realized his mistake. Everyone stared at Shuku, confused, or shocked. A tight layer of bandages covered Shuku's chest, hiding her gender, or at least until now. With no time to lose, Yukio started applying the Aloe on all of Shuku's wounds, dismissing the fact that he had just unintentionally revealed Shuku's gender. Her life was in danger, something as trivial as this didn't at the moment.
"What the fuck?" Bon asked, staring at Shuku's chest. "Since when is Shuku a girl?!"
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