《Little Red Riding Hood》Nothing Feels Better Than Being Buried In A Good... Book



The halls felt warmer than the last time I was here. The people looked happier. I felt like I had done something good. Especially when I actually saw the Queen in the throne room.

She definitely appeared happier even while dressed in a black gown and veil. Apparently, it was custom for the widowed royal to wear black for a week straight. Considering Queen Harley typically wore bright colors, it was weird seeing her in gloomy clothes.

There was also a significantly more number of people in the castle than the last time I visited. Every corner I turned there were people from the capital walking around, there was also a significantly higher amount of guards everywhere.

It was for that reason that I was glad I had chosen to blend in. In fact, I had practically jumped at this Errand. I had dressed in a long emerald green gown that dipped low in the back and suffocated my abdomen. It however flared below my belly and fell in a train behind me.

Overkill? Maybe. However, I don't get many chances to dress up so I'll take the few opportunities that I get.

Today's Errand: Spy on the Princess and Prince.

Despite no longer being forced to have a secret marriage, people were still curious as to why the Prince was still around. My job was to figure out why and report back to Zeke.

My high shoes clicked down the marbled hallway away from the throne room. So many people had gathered in there amongst the presence of the Queen, however, yet my targets weren't in there.

I was afraid that if I found one, that I would find the other. My gut was telling me that a wedding between those two wouldn't be good. Though Ingrid had made it sound that she wouldn't have to marry him with the death of her father.

So why was he still here?

My eyes studied everything as I went. It was strange nothing had changed. The pictures on the wall, the plants in the corners, and most importantly the layout of everything.

I was not surprised to easily find my way back to what was Ingrids and my favorite spot in the entire castle with ease.

It was kind of surreal to push open the giant doors that led to the massive library for the first time in years. Ingrid and I would spend hours in this room, and although a lot of the books on the shelves were way above our reading level, we still had so much joy in reading.

We would read silently for hours before talking about our books for even longer. Our tutor loved and hated our habits. Mostly because we would forget to do work and instead opt to read, but it also meant we were well-read. Our mothers loved it, however, as we were never hard to find.


The cool smell of books flooded my senses and I found myself taking a deep breath. I approached the northern wall that was completely filled with books. The walls in this room were nearly thirty feet tall and a small walkway cut that height in half. It was almost as if the library was two floors but with a giant open space in the middle.

Two rooms branched off the main room and they both contained more shelves, books, and comfy places to sit.

I couldn't help but run a finger down the spines of the books as I walked. So much history, stories, and records in one room.

The doors behind me were pushed open and I was not surprised to see who walked in.

"You're back?" Ingrid said, her voice conveying her shock.

I tilted my chin in response before her lips fell and she gasped. One hand moved to cover her mouth while the other curled around her middle in comfort.

"You aren't here to kill me, are you?" Her eyes widened in shock as they quickly checked me over for weapons.

I nearly rolled my eyes. As if I would display my weapons.

To calm her fears, I simply shook my head and offered her - what I hope - was a comforting smile.

"Oh thank goodness," she sighed before dropping her hands and folding them in front of her. The perfect form of a princess. I observed.

"So why are you here then?" She inquired as she slowly stepped further into the room as if debating whether or not to sit down.

Instead of answering her, I just gave her the look of 'that's classified'.

"Right," she accepted it and found her way to the middle of the room where a giant tan couch decorated in gold sat. She moved her teal gown and sat gracefully.

No... Not sat. Perched.

It looked as if she was barely sitting, perhaps hovering over the seat. She really had the etiquette of a princess in her every move. She was graceful and precise in her every breath. It was a sight to behold.

The door to the library opened again and a guard wearing the colors of Illyra - white and gold - walked in before falling into a bow.

"Your Highness, her Majesty the Queen requests for you to join her for dinner," the guard announced. His voice was respectful yet obviously left no room to argue.

I didn't miss the glare that was shot in my direction by the guard. He seemed uneasy at my presence. I also didn't miss the shock that briefly flashed on Ingrid's face before she stood and answered the guard.


"Thank you, William." Her mask was back in place as she turned to me. "Will I be seeing you again soon?" She inquired while straightening out her dress.

I debated lying, but it would be easier to have her trust me while I gathered information. So instead, gave her a nod.

"Very well, I look forward to talking with you again, Z," She said with a respectful nod, her emphasis did not go unmissed and I nearly smirked at her remark.

How I missed the memories of our friendship.

Ingrid and the guard left, and I was once again alone between the towering bookshelves.

Or so I thought.

I heard the distinct sound of leathers rubbing. I was able to guess what kind of pants the person was wearing before they even showed themselves.

When the room fell silent again, I could hear the light footsteps. Not light enough though as I was able to make out that there was a male in the library with me.

A male with black hair rounded the corner of the room to my right. I kept my eyes firmly locked on him and couldn't help but feel satisfied as his eyes widened in surprise.

The male's silver eyes threatened to captivate me, but I refused to break eye contact. I was not weak and it was important to convey that before this male did something stupid. Though I was more than tempted to look him up and down.

He broke first, his silver eyes traveling up and down me before a smirk pulled his lips up.

"Hello beautiful," the male bowed deep before straightening. He wore a loose white shirt that was tucked into his black leather pants. Nothing about his clothes gave him away, however, his posture revealed his higher status. My eyes locked on his ear, where he wore a silver diamond stud and smaller studded diamonds traced up his ear.

Either this was a noble who had a lot of money to spare, or I was staring down the Prince of Urrey.

The male still wore a smirk as he caught my gaze again. "And what might your name be?" He inquired as he took a step closer.

Without looking, I knew he stepped with his right foot. Signaling his more dominant side and where he most likely had a weapon - if any.

"Not very talkative hmm?" The prince took another step. "My name is Niles, Niles Whittaker." He introduced himself with that smug smirk still as he reached out for my hand. I denied him it.

At that moment, I realized that Zeke had never told me the name of the Prince. I was unprepared and that sent a low boil of rage through me.

I hated being unprepared. It made me feel stupid.

His silver eyes dropped down me again and I found it odd that I didn't automatically feel like stabbing him. This male had charm.

"You are absolutely beautiful," Niles said as his eyes studied my face. His silver eyes carried a twinkle that I didn't particularly like.

I glanced at his ear once again, in awe of how beautiful the jewelry on his ear was when something caught my eye.

There was a point on his ear. It was barely noticeable as the jewelry basically covered it, but he definitely had pointed ears.

Zeke told me that Niles was Fae. However, the fae disguised themselves as it was easier for them to blend in than deal with humans and their judgments. Niles was not Fae. He was an elf.

I kept my mask in place as I came to that realization. And luckily I was saved from the charms that this male had when the library doors opened again.

Heavy footsteps marched through the library and stopped a few feet from us. I didn't have to look to know that this man was massive. Niles kept his eyes on me, that smirk still in place as the stranger spoke.

"You have been requested for dinner." A deep baritone voice rumbled.

"Thank you, Silas," Niles said, before turning away from me he bid me farewell. "I look forward to seeing you again," he said in a low voice.

He stood taller than me by about half a foot and was well built. Something about him piqued my interest - even if he was the prince.

I found myself wanting to see him again almost immediately after he left. I had barely gotten a glance of the male that had come to get Niles, but something about him was intimidating.

For once, I was curious about these men. Perhaps this Errand wouldn't be too bad after all.


Thank you for reading Chapter 9. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I look forward to writing more soon. Comments and feedback make me happy.

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