《To tame an Earl (four hoydens #2)》Chapter 20


"My lady, there's someone here to visit you," Johnson said, coming into the library.

Alice looked up from her copy of Nova Methodus pro Maxima et Minimus, slightly annoyed at the interruption. She hated it when she had to leave a topic midway. As it is, she hardly spent any time with her books anymore. Ralph occupied her time, her mind...pretty much everything. He was her first priority now, she was a woman in love after all. And she missed him so when he was away from home, like now.

You're a countess now, you have responsibilities, she said to herself.

"Who is it?" she sighed.

"I do not know, my lady," he replied.

"Didn't they offer their calling card?"

"No, my lady. He says he needs to see you urgently. Lord Orford had given me clear instructions that I shouldn't allow anyone near you in his absence, but this man refuses to leave without seeing you..."

Alice stood up, she was just a little unsettled.

Who could it be?

"Show him in," she said resolutely.

As Johnson nodded and left the library, Alice strapped her small dagger to her calf, fervently hoping she didn't have to use it.

Alice entered the newly appointed green parlour, walking in confidently.

She stopped short when she saw him or rather his balding head, staring out of the window.

George Bates.

Not again.

He turned, sensing her presence.

"Lady Woodbury, I can't believe I'm finally seeing you," he said, walking towards her and grasping her hands.

Alice wanted to scream.

"It's Lady Orford now," she smiled thinly and his eyes widened.

"Yes, of course! I learned from your father just now. I was hoping this was all a big joke," he let go of her hands and Alice resisted the urge to breathe out audibly.


"It's true, I'm married," she said, her smile more real this time.

"Please take a seat, Sir," she lead him to the sofa and sat away from him in an armchair.

He didn't speak for the longest of time. Alice took in his haggard face. He looked terrible. She didn't feel a bit of remorse for this despicable man.

"I had called on Lord Woodbury's house today with the intention of apologising to you for missing our walk," he said stiffly after Johnson had brought them tea. He had looked at Alice, trying to discern if she was alright. Silently asking her if he needed to manually throw the strange man out. She'd merely smiled serenely.

Alice was in the middle of pouring him a cup when he spoke. Her hands stopped, the kettle suspended in the air. Her brows pulled up in confusion.

What was he talking about?

"I see you've forgotten," he said, reading her expression. "Nobody ever forgets me," he continued, his voice having taken a dangerous edge that made Alice squirm in her seat.

Alice wracked her brains. She really needed to work on her poor memory.

Oh wait. That walk, the one she'd proposed they take to gather information about him.

Good god, how could she have forgotten such a thing? Well, at least he thought he'd missed it.

"You mean our walk in Hyde park? Of course, I remember, Sir Bates," she fake laughed. "I also remember how dejected I was when you didn't turn up that day."

The anger in his eyes vanished.

"I had to leave town immediately that evening," he explained.

"Oh but why?" She questioned, all innocence.

She knew the answer. Ralph had submitted all evidence against Bates in the war office and they had been looking for him. So coward that he was, he had escaped from town.


"Because some people can't mind their own goddamned business," he said forcefully and then he seemed to realise who he was talking to.

"Pardon me, Lady Alice. I don't know what came over me..."

"It's quite alright. But why did you leave?" She persisted.

He looked at her suspiciously.

"Are you happy?" he suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you happy with Lord Orford? You two seemed to be spitting fire the last time I saw you together. What changed?"

I fell in love, she wanted to say.

"Oh father wanted me to marry and one thing lead to another..." she said noncommittally.

"Yes, but are you happy?" he asked and Alice detected a note of desperation in his voice.

"Sir Bates..."

"Are you two close? Orford and you?" He asked.

Ah. So he wanted to know if he still had a chance. At least he didn't seem to know about her husband's involvement in his case.

This could be their chance to catch Bates, she realised. And then Ralph wouldn't fear for her safety. They could finally live in peace.

And then she recalled the last time she'd tried to help Ralph. She had landed them both in trouble.

Oh well, she'd rather just say the truth and send him off. As it is, she worried how Ralph might react when she told him that she'd received George Bates in the parlour.

"Yes, we're close. I'm in love with him," she said, although the idea of telling this man before Ralph made her uncomfortable.

Bates stood up suddenly, his entire being radiating fury. She stood too.

"You're mine," he roared before pouncing on her.

He pushed Alice onto the sofa before falling upon her, her breath knocked out of her.

She couldn't breathe and her eyes began to water. She tried reaching for the dagger, but her skirts were tangled about her legs. She couldn't even scream for help, but she managed to kick the tea service down. That made some loud noise.

After what felt like forever, or maybe a few seconds, she didn't know, Bates was lifted from her person and she could finally breathe again. She didn't open her eyes to see what happened to Bates.

Her lungs burned.

She belatedly felt someone touch her arm.

"Are you alright, my lady?" she heard someone ask despite the ringing noise in her ears.

How she hated this feeling of being utterly powerless and vulnerable.

She nodded or she thought she did.

"We'll call for the Earl immediately," Johnson said. That was enough to bring her back to her senses.

"No, don't! I'm fine. He'll worry endlessly until he sees me," she said.

"But, my Lady..."

"We can tell him about Bates's visit once he gets home," she said firmly, her voice brooking no argument. Johnson only nodded.

"Where's Bates?"

"He got away, my lady," Johnson hung his head in shame. Alice noticed his bleeding nose.

"At least you tried. And thank you for saving me, Johnson," she smiled and rung for a maid. She instructed her to take care of their butler and call for a physician if necessary.

And then she disappeared into her room. She took a long bath, wanting to wash away the memory of Bates's hands on her.

Once she felt reasonably clean, she waited for Ralph's arrival.

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