《To tame an Earl (four hoydens #2)》Chpater 13


Ralph shivered as cold water sluiced down his torso. He filled the bucket again and poured the water over his head, cursing his fate.

What had he done to deserve this sort of torture? Wasn't it enough that she haunted his dreams?

He deserved a medal for what he'd just done. Drunk or not, Alice had wanted him. She'd offered her sinuous body to him without any inhibitions, without any hesitation. And never had Ralph wanted to give in to a woman so bad. But he couldn't...

He didn't know how long this case was going to go on for. And he was positive that even if he resigned, there would always be people waiting to hurt him. Hurt the people closest to him. Such was the life of a spy.

After their first kiss at the Opera, he'd begun to dream, to wish for the impossible. He'd thought that maybe he could convince Alice to marry him. Win her heart even...but that was all it was. An empty dream. Today had been an eye opener. He would never put Alice in danger again. She deserved better, someone who would keep her safe.

He sloshed some more water onto him, unable to get the image of her out of his mind. She'd looked so damned enticing in that chemise.

He knew he'd disappointed her, but even he wasn't such a cad to take advantage of her when she was clearly inebriated. He couldn't ruin her when he knew that he couldn't marry her.

He decided to go back inside to check on her after his ardour had cooled considerably.

He found her laying on her side, curled up like a child. This creaky bed wasn't sufficient for her. She deserved to sleep on a bed fit for a queen. He swore inwardly as he moved closer to her. She hadn't even used the blanket. It lay uselessly by her feet. She must have been freezing.


Ralph bit back a smile as he covered her with his coat. The blanket must have been too scratchy for her, she must be used to satiny sheets.

He dragged a chair by the bed and sat down, his eyes never leaving her restless form.

And then she borrowed in his coat and let out a content sigh.

Ralph swallowed.

If only he could join her on that bed. Not to make love to her, just to sleep. He'd be more than content if he could be close to her.

She did want you to sleep on the bed, the voice in his head said.

Ralph stood up before he could change his mind.

He was only heeding to her wishes, he thought as he settled beside her.

He was stiff as a board, not daring to move lest he disturbed her. But then the woman had to go and do what he'd not dared to anticipate.

She hugged him and tangled her legs with his. Her small hands lay on his naked chest. He'd removed him wet shirt when he'd come in.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so happy. She slept, ignorant of the fire she ignited in him without even trying. She slept, her palm on his chest where she could feel his heartbeat resonate within her.

The heart that now beat for her.

"My enchantress," he whispered, lightly kissing her brow.

"What secret do you hide in that heart of yours? Why won't you tell me?" he demanded, knowing she couldn't hear him.

Before he knew it, he was fast asleep. He didn't dream that night, the way he usually did. For the object of his dreams lay in his arms, close to him.

The next morning.

"You slept well, I hope?" she heard Ralph's pleasing baritone as she pried her eyes open against the bright light.


Alice nodded, confused.

She closed her eyes again, the events of the previous night coming back to her.

She looked down to see herself clad only in her chemise.

Goodness gracious! She'd acted like a wanton.

"It's alright, Alice," Ralph murmured, concern clouding his eyes as he saw her panicked expression.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," she murmured, covering herself as best as she could with his coat.

"Wine," he chuckled. "And you have nothing to apologise for," he added.

"My behaviour was beyond reprehensible! What exactly happened?" she groaned.

"Nothing happened," he said assuringly.

She nodded jerkily, believing him. Ralph wouldn't lie about something like this. And she wanted to forget about this, it was just too embarrassing.

"I wish to dress," she said, her voice barely audible.

Ralph fetched her gown. He turned away while she dawned it. She cleared her throat, she couldn't button it up herself.

"I'm sorry," she said again as he began buttoning her gown deftly.

"Alice, please. And I'm enjoying playing your ladies maid," he teased.

Alice purses her lips, trying not to smile.

"Maybe I should've considered applying for that position instead of spying. It certainly seems more...rewarding, although it's quite a lot of work," he was muttering and Alice finally laughed, unable to hold in her amusement. She couldn't picture this handsome spy as a ladies maid, it was too ludicrous.

"That's better," he grinned.

"Are we leaving now?" she asked, turning to face him.

To face the music.

"Yes, if you're ready."

"I'm as ready as I can be," she shrugged, drinking from the pitcher of water.

"What will you say to your parents?" Ralph asked as their hired hack rolled down to a stop near Alice's home.

"That I stayed with Rosalyn," she said.

"Will you be alright?"

"Yes, Ralph," she said, kissing his cheek as she got down. She ran into her house, not daring to look at him.

She went to her rooms directly, wanting to bathe first while Cook prepared her breakfast. She was starving. Thankfully, her parents had not been suspicious.

She sank into the tub of hot water, her mind straying to a man.


And then, something happened. She realised something. It wasn't impulsive and brash like her decisions always were. It came in calm waves, the answer to a question she hadn't known she'd had.

Everything fit like the pieces of a puzzle and she wasn't confused anymore, the way she usually was.

She knew.

She didn't jump, she didn't scream. She just sat back and closed her eyes. A pleased smile curved her lips.

She was in love.

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