

Andrej, Carlos and Mil assemble in ops to listen to Dray's report and analyse the recordings of the crash. The pilot's voice sounds strangely detached and impersonal. Mil is convinced Dray is in a state of shock. She would like to reassure her, but feels utterly helpless.

"I have only emergency power and no working sensors on the outside. The shuttle looks bad, clinched and torn on the left side. The hull is cracked. I'm not able to start the engine, but that's not surprising, all the controls are broken and dead. The naviscreen is splintered. One of this long plastic slivers skewered Koshi."

Mil swallows hard. Something like this is not supposed to happen. Belted in his moulded seat according to regulations the captain should have survived almost every crash imaginable.

"Dray? Where was Koshi's when it happened?"

"He was suiting up. I should have kept him chained to his seat."

Dray sounds bitter. Mil can't think of an adequate answer, so she stares at her hands and tries to stop their slight trembling. In the meantime Andrej managed to recover the last images of the shuttle's sensors. Mil looks up to follow the recording while Carlos' hand rests soothingly on her shoulder. Andrej plays the recording of all sensors in sync.

The resulting flood of images is confusing, but after a few minutes one recording after the other blanks out. Carlos points to a screen in the lower row on the left. Andrej zooms the indicated recording to the bigger main screen. It's the view from one of the aft side sensors, following the rotation of the shuttle. During the first turn, the peaceful and quiet clearing is visible. But halfway through the second turn, the sensor registers a giant branch. The shuttle smashes against it sideways, unchecked. Before the picture fades, it shows the ground closing in quickly. Mil can't suppress a shocked exclamation.


Dray asks worried for the reason. Andrej's answer is deliberately calm and businesslike.

"We watched the recordings of the crash. You're right, there was a tree where moments before there was none. You had no chance avoiding it. Do you think you can save the shuttle?"

"Negative. But I'm suiting up now. I want to check the damage from the outside."

"Don't forget the mask!"

"Why? The whole left side of this tin-can is torn open. I'm breathing air from out there already. You've been right, Mil, it's okay, just a bit moist and it smells faintly of rot."

"Take the mask anyway. It's got a camera. It will allow us to see something as well."

Impatiently, Mil waits for the transmission. The image is blurred as Dray seems to hold the mask in her hand. One of the first things discernible is Koshi. The captain lays in his own blood in a corner of the tilted shuttle floor. Mil closes her eyes and is grateful for Carlos' proximity. When she forces her eyes open again, she sees Andrej shiver and hug himself. But his voice remains steady.

"Put on the mask, Dray. This will steady the image and free your hands for climbing."

Dray follows the instruction without comment. They watch silently as the pilot tries to open the hatch. But it is stuck by the deformation of the frame. Mil holds her breath while Dray climbs through the crack in the outer hull.

Once outside, she inspects the damage. The shuttle's nose is buried deep in muddy ground amongst a field of tiny saplings. They hardly reach Dray's knee. She turns around and looks up. Now the whole extension of the damage becomes clear. Right beside the shuttle a giant tree stands in the clearing. An enormous branch is broken off close to the trunk and splintered. It tore the skin of the shuttle from bow to stern. The vessel will never fly again.


"Listen, Dray, we will get you out of there. Andrej, come, let's start the ship."

Carlos sounds determined, he already left ops and the astrophysicist hastens to follow him. Mil finds herself in the situation to watch com once more. Only this time she feels obliged to maintain conversation with Dray. She takes a deep breath, pushing away the awkwardness.

"Carlos and Andrej try to start the engine. It will take a while, but we will get you out of there. Tell me more about you. Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm alright. Better, now I don't have to avoid watching Koshi all the time. The clearing is quite beautiful, almost like the forest back home where I grew up. I loved the forest as a child."

While exchanging childhood memories with the pilot, Mil listens for the sounds of the engine. Finally she feels the vibrations of the secondary engine and shortly after the hum of the main one warming up. Now they'll have to wait for the plasma chamber to reach working temperature.

"Dray? Carlos did..."

After a screech the hum ebbs slowly away. The biting smell of burnt plastic spreads in the ship.

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