《XY's Muse》Chapter 12:
If Alya told anyone that she wasn't scared and confused when she walked home after that battle, she would be lying.
Never in her life has she ever seen Chat Noir, a hero of Paris, act that way towards anyone. Especially not Ladybug.
At least she didn't believe so.
But after replaying that encounter in her mind over and over again, Alya felt like someone tore off the rose-tinted glasses she wore whenever she looked at the superhero duo of Paris and stepped on it. Shattering the glasses in millions of tiny pieces.
Now, whenever her mind flashed to an interaction between both Ladybug and Chat Noir, she felt a cold pit settle on her stomach. There were so many red flags!
It was like the whole Lie-la situation again.
Sometimes, Alya couldn't help but wonder if being a reporter is the right job for her.
A reporter is someone who investigates a source to make sure that it's the truth and presents them to the public.
The Ladyblog was a trusted news source when it came to the news of akuma attacks that happened in Paris. Millions of people check the blog every day.
Millions of people have read her articles.
The same articles that talked about how Ladybug and Chat Noir were meant to be together. That they were soulmates.
Alya felt disgusted with herself.
Because of her, everyone in Paris probably wore the same rose-tinted glasses that she once wore when it came to Ladynoir. The famous ship name between the duo.
She failed Ladybug.
Alya felt her fists tighten. Never again. She vowed to herself. I won't fail Ladybug again.
As she scrolled through the Ladynoir tag on her blog, Alya contemplated what her next move should be.
She heard a faint tap.
Alya quickly rose from her seat and opened the window, immediately engulfing Ladybug into a hug. "Are you going to be alright?" she quickly asked.
The dark-haired heroine hesitantly nodded. "I will be."
Alya frowned at that answer but nodded anyway. "Okay."
"Look Alya," Ladybug sat on the edge of her bed and patted the space next to her, gesturing for Alya to sit down. "You can't tell anyone about what happened between me and Chat."
"What?" Alya's voice rose, anger evident in her tone. "Why? He-"
"I know what he did." Ladybug interrupted. "I just can't risk it right now."
Alya's eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean? Are you scared that people won't believe you?" she asked, "Cause I have evidence. They have to believe you."
Ladybug shook her head, defeated.
It scared Alya just how much Ladybug looked like Marinette in this position.
She was right. It was like the whole Lie-la situation again.
Maybe Lila and Chat Noir exchanged notes on how they manipulated the people around them so perfectly that it took such a dangerous situation for a person to realize what had happened.
Those two were spawns from hell. They were perfect together.
And who knows, maybe they could form a poly relationship with Adrien Agreste.
"I just need you to act like everything's fine." The tone of Ladybug's voice broke Alya's heart into two. Why does she sound so much like Mari right now? "I can't- I can't risk Hawk Moth believing that I and Chat are at a disagreement right now."
Alya forced herself to hold in her snort. Disagreement my ass.
Nevertheless, she nodded in agreement. She could read between the lines. Ladybug didn't want to risk Hawk Moth getting Chat Noir on his side. That would put Ladybug at a big disadvantage.
"Do you have a plan though?" Alya wanted to smack herself because of how meek her voice sounded. She wasn't a kid anymore. At Ladybug's confused face, Alya elaborated. "I mean, do you have a plan on how you can get Chat Noir's miraculous away from him?"
A small smile engulfed Ladybug's features. "Actually, I do."
Alya met Ladybug's blue eyes, asking a silent question.
Ladybug only sighed in amusement, "I'm not telling you the plan." she stated.
Alya pouted, "I understand. Just stay safe, okay."
Ladybug's features softened and she nodded. "I'll try my best."
They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Ladybug spoke up.
"Alya." Her features tightened as if considering whether or not she should finish her sentence. "Tikki said it would be healthy for me to tell someone and-" Ladybug took a deep breath and Alya tilted her head in confusion. Tell someone what? "Actually, it would be easier to show you."
"Ladybug, what are y-"
"Tikki spots off."
A bright light engulfed the room.
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