《Hearts Of Glass #AdultFiction》Chapter 19
Sarah was surprised to see Gisette doing coke in Georgie's room that night. Normally, Gisette would only smoke joints and Sarah had seen her with a glass of Jack Daniels on occasion.
But as Sarah watched, Gisette expertly snorted the lines off the mirror. She slid her finger across the traces left, and looked up to see Sarah watching her.
Gisette's eyes slid over to land on Sam. She looked back to Sarah and slipped her fingertip in her mouth, sliding her tongue around it, smiling as she saw Sarah's eyes narrow.
When the mirror came to Sarah, she passed it on, she didn't feel like having any tonight.
At that moment, Sam tugged on Sarah's braid, "Hey, the guys are going to get together in Tex's room. We think we may have something, and we want to try it out."
Sarah could see the excitement among the group. "We need somewhere a little quieter. I think it's going to be good." He gave her kiss. "I'll try not to be late."
The room emptied out pretty quick after the band left, leaving only Trish, Sarah and Gisette. The three girls sat there for a full minute. The air was filled with tension between Gisette and Sarah.
Trish jumped off the bed."Let's have our own party!" She walked over to the dresser that was set up as a makeshift bar.
Grabbing three red party cups and the bottle of whiskey, she walked to Gisette, handing her a cup to hold while she filled it.
She handed Sarah a cup, with her back to Gisette. "Be nice." She whispered as she poured the whiskey.
Trish took the bottle and set it on the dresser, then turned around and held her glass up. "To Blood Brothers. Our future is looking good!"
Sarah and Gisette raised theirs in salute, then drank from their cups.
Trish sat on the bed, and waved the other two over to join her. Sarah watched as Gisette smiled, then got up and joined Trish on the bed. She had a bad feeling about it all, but knew she had to play along.
"This is better. Gisette, give us the scoop on the group!" Trish laughed at her own joke.
"I don't know if I can tell you anything that Georgie hasn't already." Gisette crossed her legs squaw style and sipped her drink. "Although, I don't know if you've heard. We'll be getting concert tees."
Trish let out a gasp of excitement. "Oh my god! Georgie said that Sam had designed a logo for new shirts. When are they coming?"
Sarah looked up in surprise. "Sam designed a logo?" This was news to her, Sam hadn't said anything about it.
Gisette looked at Sarah, her eyes gleamed. "He just agreed to it yesterday and drew me up a picture of it while you and Trish took your walk."
"So when will we get them?" Trish asked impatiently.
"I sent the order in before dinner yesterday. I put a rush on it, so hopefully soon." Gisette pulled a joint from her bag, lighting it.
Trish took the joint as Gisette held it out to her, and hit it, then passed it to Sarah. "I can't wait to see them. Georgie also said you might be able to score some hash."
"I'm getting it tomorrow."
"Oh, Sarah, that reminds me I wanted to give you more of those speeders." Trish reached into her bag beside the bed and took out a prescription bottle.
Gisette watched as Trish counted out the black capsules and put them in the cellophane from her cigarette pack. "Could I get a couple of those? I'll buy them, of course."
"You don't have to pay for them. Here, I'll give you some." Trish took the cellophane from Sarah's cigarettes, slipped two into it and handed it to Gisette.
Sarah smoked a cigarette and finished her drink, she wanted to go back to her room and just be by herself. But Trish was really trying to be nice and smooth things out, it wouldn't look good for her, she knew.
She listened as Trish and Gisette talked. Trish was talking about the extra time they had since they didn't have to practice every day, and inviting Gisette to go shopping with them, next time she and Sarah went.
She felt that she didn't have anything to add to the conversation, so she laid her head back on the pillow. The lack of sleep, combined with the whiskey and pot were wiping her out. She could hardly keep her eyes open.
"Hey Sarah!" Trish was laughing. "Wake up! I asked you a question."
Sarah opened her eyes and saw both girls laughing. "What? I guess I drifted off."
"I asked you if Sam has written any new songs lately." Trish repeated.
"He's been working on some." Sarah flipped her hand in the air and shrugged. "But, we all know that he never shows them to anyone until he feels its good enough."
Gisette looked surprised. "Really?"
Trish hopped off the bed, "I'll be back. I gotta pee." She ran in the bathroom and closed the door.
Gisette looked over at Sarah. "Sam used to always show his songs to me."
Sarah just shook her head, she refused to be baited again. "You know that's not true."
"Maybe he just doesn't want to show you. He didn't show you the design he drew up for the shirts, did he?"
"I'm sure he would have if I had been with him at the pool." Sarah was trying very hard to keep her cool.
"We weren't by the pool. We went back to my room and he drew it for me." Gisette saw the stunned look in Sarah's face.
She smiled as she got up from the bed and set her drink on the dresser. "Tell Trish thanks for the pills. I'm going to bed now."
Sarah sat on the bed, waiting for Trish to come out. She still was still reeling from the fact that Sam had gone to Gisette's room.
"How long were we gone yesterday?" Sarah asked as soon as Trish came out of the bathroom.
Trish settled herself on the pillows, leaning back beside Sarah. "I don't know. We had to wait while that idiot clerk was looking for the pictures. Maybe half an hour, forty five minutes? Why?"
Sarah narrowed her eyes and sipped her drink. "They could have been in her room for awhile, just the two of them."
Trish rolled her eyes, "Sarah, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Georgie told me that after you left, Sam and Gisette went into her room. They weren't in there very long. They were just talking when you came back, don't read anything else into it."
"I can't help it Trish! She is making moves on Sam, still." Sarah was frustrated.
"She has been super friendly with all of them. She told Georgie that she wouldn't cause problems between you two."
"I don't believe her!" Sarah tried to tell Trish about what Gisette had been doing when it was just her and Sarah, alone, but Trish interrupted her.
"If you are having problems with her and Sam, talk to him. I haven't seen anything wrong and believe me, I am watching, too." Trish said. "Gisette has been trying to be nice. I've seen that. Tonight she was making the effort to sit with us and talk." Trish looked at Sarah. "You didn't have much to say."
Trish said softly. "Sarah, I know it's hard to believe that Gisette can change so quickly. But I think she really is trying."
As Gisette passed Tex's room she heard the guitar music playing then it stopped and she heard the guy's laughing. She paused at the door, unsure if she should interrupt, then made her decision and knocked.
The band welcomed her in and Gisette sat on the arm of the chair, beside Sam. She stayed quiet and blended into the background as they talked about the songs, changing some words, and then playing a few chords to match.
Sam sat forward as he got involved in the music writing and Gisette leaned against the back of the chair, watching him.
She reached out and massaged his scalp then ran her fingers down his hair, lifting it and combing her fingers through it. Sam leaned into her hand, enjoying the touch. The others in the room didn't notice the interaction going on between them.
Sam leaned back in the chair and Gisette slipped down to sit beside him. She reached out to run the back of a finger along his cheek. "You've shaved." She said, softly, whispering so the others wouldn't notice.
"I met Sarah's parents, I thought I should." Sam answered back, just as softly. He had forgotten that the trip was supposed to be a secret from Gisette. His mind was fogged by the all the partying he'd done and the feel of Gisette's fingers in his hair was all he could think of at the present.
Gisette narrowed her eyes in irritation, she lowered her head and took a deep breath. Then she looked back up at Sam. "I like the scruff." Her hand ran over his cheek again as she whispered. "I know I used to complain that I always thought it was rough, but I miss it now."
"Yeah?" He held his breath as Gisette's finger traced the dip in his upper lip.
"I think you should grow a mustache, I bet it would tickle..." She whispered the words in French. "I would love to feel the tickle, Sam..."
Sam caught her finger with his lips, nipping the tip and holding it between his teeth. His tongue flicked against the end of it, slowly running over it. "Pas une bon idee." He whispered.
Gisette pulled it out, her eyes locked on his. She put her finger up to her lips and her tongue circled around the tip, still wet from Sam's mouth. She whispered. "Pas bon, mon amour."
She pulled away with an effort and Sam reached down to catch his guitar as it slid off his lap. His hand shook as he flattened his palm against the strings.
"Pas bon, Gisette." He struggled with the words.
She stood up then and announced to the group that she liked what she was hearing, and that she was going to bed.
SATURDAY - JUNE 12, 1976
Sarah was packing their bags while Sam was in the shower. They were going to Wichita and had at least a five hour trip ahead of them.
She drank her coffee as she moved around the room, gathering things up. Sarah saw the cigarette pack with the speeders in it, so she took one out and popped it in her mouth with a gulp of coffee.
She had fallen asleep last night before Sam came back so she had no idea what time it was. And he had gone straight into the shower when he got up this morning. He seemed to be thinking about something, but he didn't share it with Sarah.
She felt his arms come around her from behind, and she smiled as his hands moved down to the button on her shorts.
"Good morning, beautiful." Sam nibbled her ear as he slid down the zipper. He bent down and pulled the shorts off, nipping Sarah's ass in the process. His tongue slid around her dimple and she let out a giggle.
Sam pushed her gently facedown on the bed, alternating kisses and bites as he worked his way up her back. "I wanted to do this last night, but you were sleeping."
Sarah turned over, looking at him curiously. "How late were you?"
Sam sat beside her. "I don't know. We were in Tex's room pretty late. Then Gisette came in..."
"What? When she left Trish and I last night she said she was going to bed." Sarah interrupted him.
Sam pushed Sarah, playfully back on the bed. "I don't want to talk about Gisette. We have better things to do."
Sarah was sitting on one of the couches on the bus, reading a magazine when Trish suddenly grabbed her hand, pulling her up.
"It's too quiet on this bus, let's get some action going." Trish turned up the radio and started swaying her hips to the music.
"Where ever people live together" She started singing, off-key, with the music, causing Sarah to laugh. "Cmon, Sarah! Taking it to the streets!" Trish started singing again.
"Alright, I'll dance. Just stop singing, you sound awful!" Sarah started swaying to the music, her hands above her head.
Tex was on the opposite couch and he started clapping his hands, singing the song. Sarah laughed as she danced, he sang so much better than Trish.
The speeder was working and she was getting into dancing, letting the music carry her. By the time the second song came on, she and Trish were really loosening up, swaying and shimmying crazily.
The bus swerved and Sarah fell against Tex. She tried to stop her fall, accidentally putting her hand down on his lap.
She looked up in embarrassment, then looked down at her fingers that were curled around his dick. She slowly pulled it away, and looked back at Tex's face. He smiled crookedly and winked.
"You looked good up there, dancing. You should do it more often." He told as he helped her stand up.
Sarah walked unsteadily down the aisle headed for the front seats. She was shaken up by what had just happened and really wanted to be with Sam right now.
Sam looked up as Sarah stopped by the seat next to him, which was occupied by Gisette. "Is the dance over?" He asked.
"Yeah, I think two was enough for me." Sarah looked down at Gisette. "You should join them, Gisette. Trish is dancing with Leon now, maybe you can get Tex to dance with you."
Sarah slid into the seat that Gisette had reluctantly vacated. Glancing back, she saw Tex, laying back, faking sleep.
"You looked good back there, sweetheart." Sam wrapped his arm around her.
Sarah snuggled into Sam, needing to feel him around her. "I love you." She murmured against his chest.
"I love you, too." Sam sounded amused. "I love hearing you say that, but what brought it on? You don't normally just come up and tell me like that."
"I don't know, I just felt like it." She closed her eyes, hearing his heart beat and inhaling his scent, feeling secure in his arms. Then she remembered what Gisette had told her last night.
"Sam? Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, what's up?" Sam bent his head closer to hear her.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were drawing the design for the shirts?" Sarah kept her face against his chest.
Sam sounded confused. "I thought I did. It's not a secret or anything."
"So when you went to Gisette's room the other day, when I was with Trish, you just drew it for her and then left?"
"That's all I did, sweetheart." He kissed the top of her head.
Sam stared out the window, watching the road go by. Sarah was sitting quietly, curled into his side.
She had asked about the other day when he went into Gisette's room. He had told her the truth that all he did was draw the logo, then they left.
But he didn't tell her about the way he had noticed Gisettes nipples pucker in the air conditioned room. Or how he saw them pucker even more when Gisette put her hand on the table and leaned beside him as he was seated at the table. They were so close to his face he could clearly see the hard bud pushing through the loosely crocheted top.
Gisette had made the comment about how well the two of them were working together, and they started talking about how good the band was doing.
Sam drew the logo while they talked easily. He realized he had stopped drawing as their conversation had turned to something they had done when they were dating.
His hands turned sweaty and he dropped the pencil as he became more aware of how close her nipple really was. He turned his head and he felt the heat that flushed his face as he exhaled a warm breath over it.
Gisette had her hand behind him, resting on the chair back. When she turned sightly, her breast was only inches from his face. The nipple pushed through the open crochet, inviting him closer. All he had to do was close his mouth around it.
They both had seemed to be holding their breath and waiting for the next move. Suddenly Gisette stepped back, softly saying "Pas une bon idee", and changed the subject.
Sam again focused on his drawings, swiping away the sweat the ran down his cheeks. "No" He silently agreed. "Not a good idea."
Afterwards, they had joined everyone in the pool. They were all in a group, standing around in the water, talking. Gisette started talking to him, just trivial talk, but then it seemed to get more flirtatious between the two of them.
Gradually, they noticed that they had slowly drifted together into a corner and the space between their bodies was getting smaller.
He felt like he was being drawn to her. The water even felt hotter between them as they inched closer. He'd tired to make a joke of it as he stirred up the water around them. "We're starting a whirlpool here."
Gisette had laughed and they both said "Pas bon". Then Gisette noticed Sarah and told him that they had been caught.
How is it, he wondered, that he could feel any attraction to her? But it had happened twice that day. And yesterday morning.... What the hell was he thinking to lie there naked in front of Gisette? But at the time, he hadn't even thought twice about it, until he noticed Gisette's eyes on him. And his reaction from that hot stare had surprised him.
He knew he had to stop but he couldn't figure out how. Gisette crept up and got inside him, before he knew it was happening.
Their dinner together was a rushed affair, held in Gisette's room. Everyone had loudly complained about the motels they had to stay at, so Gisette had finally relented and started booking them into better ones.
She had a suite, just a small upgrade from a basic motel room with a couch and chairs and a separate bedroom, with a bath off from it. Balconies were off the living room and the bedroom. It was a mutual agreement that Gisette's room would be their party room.
The roadies had stopped at a fast food place and picked up bags of food for them and they were all sitting around, eating their burgers, and talking.
Sarah was sitting on the floor, wedged in between Sam and Tex, eating a french fry occasionally. They were all gathered around the coffee table and she was carrying on a conversation with Trish and Barry, who sat across from her.
Sarah saw, from the corner of her eye, as Tex reached over and stole a french fry off her tray.
"Hey! Those are mine!" She pointed at Tex's pile of food. "You have your own."
"Yeah, but yours taste so much better." Tex tossed the fry into his mouth, and chewed it, sighing as if in ecstasy. He held up one of his fries to Sarah's mouth. "I'll share with you if you'll share with me." He whispered.
Sarah looked at the fry, then up at him. His brown eyes sparkled, and Sarah saw the double meaning in his words.
"I'd rather share with Sam." She said firmly.
"Maybe you better take a look, I think he is already sharing his with someone else." Tex's eyes flitted to the other side of Sarah.
Sarah turned her head to see that Gisette had squeezed herself in between Sam and Georgie. Sarah saw that Gisette was eating the fries off Sam's tray.
She watched as Sam picked up a fry and teased it back and forth at Gisette. He pushed the fry in just as Gisette jumped forward and his finger slid between her lips.
Sarah felt a pin prick in her heart when she saw Sam's finger lightly touch Gisette's lip as he withdrew it from her mouth. She was close enough to hear Sam whisper "No" and to hear Gisette's breathy "No" in return.
Then Gisette laughed and turned towards Georgie and picking up his cup, she sipped through the straw and joined in a conversation with him.
"It looks like Gisette is sampling everyone's dinner, maybe you can share with her." Sarah pushed her food away. She wasn't that hungry before, now she had no appetite at all.
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