《Hearts Of Glass #AdultFiction》Chapter 7
Sarah pulled into the small parking lot beside the hardware store just as Pete walked out the door.
He spotted her car and walked over, leaning in her window. "Hey, how are ya doing?" He smiled happily to see her.
Sarah returned the smile, looking closely at his face. He looked happy to see her, but she saw the lack of sleep, hidden in his grey eyes, and the dark smudges under them.
"What's the plan for tonight?" She asked brightly.
Pete shrugged and stood up, checking the sky. "I don't know, I don't think we should go out on the lake, I heard it might rain tonight. It looks like it's clouding up. Do you want to go to a movie? I'm buying."
"Yeah!" Sarah nodded enthusiastically, "The Kris Kristofferson one. Please," She leaned out the window and put on her best fake pout. "Please, Petey, take me to see my Kris."
Sarah was madly in love with Kris Kristofferson, she practically swooned when she saw him or even heard his scruffy voice.
Pete squinted at her and did his Kris Kristofferson impression. "You look really foxy when you do that, baby, and I was going to take you to see him," He paused and cocked his eyebrow up. "Until you called me by that fucked up name."
Petey was the name his mother used to call him when he was little, and he always hated it. Sarah loved to tease him with it.
Sarah winked at him, playfully. "Please, Pete," she emphasized. "Please take me to see Kris."
Pete sighed, over dramatically, "Ok, I guess. Meet me back at the house. God, the sacrifices I make for you......"
Sarah giggled as she watched him in her rearview mirror.
The main street past the square was the one Sarah and Pete lived on. The old homes lining the street were mostly Victorians, the original structures from the beginning days of the city. The ones on the left had back lawns that sloped to the lake, separated by a natural stone wall that dropped down 12 ft. to the rocky shore.
This was the direction Sarah and Pete turned, into side by side drives, divided by a small section of grass. Their homes were mirror images of each other, with wrap around front porches, the front doors had side lights on each side and an arched stained glass topped them.
Four tall windows graced the first floor, with matching windows for the rooms above them. At the opposite ends of each house was a rounded turret with circular windows, one for each floor.
The only difference between the two homes was the color of the gingerbread trim along the eaves; Pete's home was painted a dark blue and Sarah's, a bright red.
Sarah got out of the car and met Pete in the grass between the drives. "I should check in with my parents."
She didn't really have to, they knew she was at the campground. But since she was leaving the car here, she knew they expected her to pop in and say hello.
Pete nodded in agreement, "Stop over when you're ready."
Sarah heard the TV blaring the local news when she entered the foyer. She waved her hand as she passed the arched doorway of the living room and called out a hello to her father, then walked down the narrow hall to back of the house.
She followed the smell of baked chicken and found her mother standing at the sink, washing the dinner dishes.
"Hey Mom, I just stopped in to say hi, I'm bringing back your car."
"Sarah! I was just thinking about you." Her mother dried her hands and reached for the red pack of Pall Malls on the counter. "How is your weekend going?"
Sarah watched as her mother lit a cigarette. She had a sneaking suspicion that what her mom was really asking was how she and Pete were getting along. "Good, I'm just headed out to go to the movies."
Sarah's moms eyes lit up, as Sarah knew they would. "That's nice, will you be home tonight?"
"Nope." Sarah shook her head, "I'll be staying at the campground again." She paused, then went on, "We're going to the Agora in Cleveland tomorrow night. We'll probably be staying the night there. I'll be back Monday in time for work at noon."
Her mother listened to this, studying her daughter through the cigarette smoke. "Is Midgie going too?" She asked casually.
Sarah nodded, "Yeah, she's going with us." She avoided her mothers eyes, opening the refrigerator, and taking out a can of Pepsi.
She concentrated on the Bicentennial decoration as she pulled the pop top off and reached to throw it in the garbage can.
"So, is this a date with Pete tonight?"
Sarah rolled her eyes towards her mother. "If you want to call it that, you can."
She headed out the back door. "Catch ya later, mom!"
Sarah's mom crossed over to the yellow phone hanging in the niche in the wall. Picking up the receiver, she dialed a number.
"Guess what, Delly? Our kids are going on a date!", she gushed.
"I know! Pete just told me, Janie! Of course, he wouldn't exactly admit that it was a date." Pete's mom was just as excited.
"Oh course not! Sarah was the same way." The two of them agreed to meet on Janie's front porch as soon as their kids left.
Twenty minutes later, they were settled into the porch swing, ashtrays and cigarettes on the side tables and a beer bottle in their hands.
It was a tradition that had carried on since they were young. The two old friends had their best talks on the front porch swing.
Sarah and Pete found seats in the darkened movie theater and were watching the coming attractions.
Pete leaned over and whispered in Sarah's ear, "Are you all ready to see Kris on the big screen? Is he going to get you all hot?"
She started giggling. "You are such a dickhead. You're just jealous that he's hotter than you!"
The opening music started and they both were transfixed, watching the movie. When the love scene started, Sarah's eyes were glued to the screen.
Pete heard her sniffing as the end credits rolled over the screen. "It's just a movie, baby."
"I know, but did they have to cut him up like that? Those boys were fucked up!" Sarah whispered.
"C'mon," He helped her up, "Let's go grab a pizza and take it back to the tent."
As they waited for their pizza, they discussed the movie. "The love on Kris's face when he looked at her..." Sarah shivered. "It was so deep."
Pete nodded absently, "Yeah, he's a good actor."
"It looked so real. I bet he looks at Rita Coolidge that same way. I would love it if a guy looked at me like that." Sarah said dreamily.
"Hey, I do. Every time I look at you." Pete joked and crossed his hands over his heart.
"Shut up! You don't have a romantic bone in your body." She punched his arm, playfully.
Pete paid for the pizza, and they climbed in the car, headed for the campground. "I forgot to tell you. Dave said he and Midgie might stop down later." Pete said as they pulled into their campsite.
"Oh-h-h that's great! Scrabble Night!" Sarah said excitedly. "And you are not allowed to cheat!"
Sam pulled into the parking garage of the hotel about 7:30. He took his duffle out of the saddlebag, unhooked the straps holding his guitar, then shouldered them both and walked into the hotel lobby.
At the registration desk, he gave the name Celeste Carrettiere and said he only needed one key, then he added. "A girl will be coming in tomorrow afternoon, when she asks for me by that name, could you please give her the other key?"
After turning down the clerks offer for a bellhop, he walked into the elevator and pressed the button for his floor.
He was tired from staying up all night, writing. A hot shower and some food sounded good, but he had to see Georgie first.
Trish answered his knock, opening the door wider and giving him a hug. "Sam! We were hoping you'd get here soon."
She closed the door as he stepped in and sat in the chair, then hopped on the bed and crossed her legs to sit squaw style.
Her short black curls bounced as she asked, "Did you write some good songs? Georgie can't wait to see them."
"Where is he?" Sam looked around, then stood up as Georgie came into the room.
The two brothers greeted each other and Sam sat back down, bending over to rummage through his notebook in his guitar case.
He handed a sheaf of papers to Georgie, who took them and, sitting beside Trish on the bed, scanned them, mouthing the words as he read.
Georgie looked up and raised his eyebrows. "These are good, little brother."
"Yeah, I thought so too." Sam strummed a few chords, then a quick riff, speeding it up to end abruptly. "I thought you could play something like this."
Georgie squinted his eyes and grinned. "Yeah, I think we can put it together."
Trish took the papers from Georgie as he picked up his guitar and followed Sam's lead, changing it up in spots.
Looking up, she raised her voice over the music, "What's her name, Sam?"
Georgie stopped playing and smirked at his brother as he shrugged his shoulder. "Might as well answer her now. Trust me on that."
Sam tried to avoid her question, but at Trish's coaxing he told them both about Sarah.
"It sounds like you really like her." Trish said, softly.
Sam shook his head and shrugged, "I don't know, I've never met anyone like her."
He packed up his guitar and looked at the clock on the bedside table, "I'm wiped out, I just want to go to my room. I need a shower and I'll probably order room service. I'll see you in the morning."
After he left, Trish looked at Georgie, "Why didn't you tell him that Gisette will be here tonight?"
She looked at the clock, "In fact, she and Julien should be here any minute."
Georgie shrugged his shoulders, "I thought he'd like a surprise."
"It'll be a surprise alright, Gisette will be real surprised that he has a girlfriend." She chuckled, evilly. "Ding dong the bitch is gone!"
Sam turned on the hot water as soon as he got to his room. By the time he entered the shower, the bathroom was filled with billowing puffs of moist steam.
He soaped his body, lathering up and letting the hot water rinse away the road dust. He had his hair lathered and was massaging it in, when he felt cool hands on him.
As he jumped sideways, hitting the wall, and cursing, the shampoo ran in rivulets, stinging and blinding him and he couldn't find the shower spray fast enough.
The hands were warming up in the water, bringing a response from his body. He heard the french accented voice murmuring his name and he felt the blood leave his head, gathering down lower.
"Gisette, what are you doing here?" Her only reply was to take him into her mouth. He felt the hot wetness of her mouth and his hands slammed palm first on the wall behind her.
He tried, vainly, to back away, but his body was responding faster, moving his hips back to her. The motion only increased the friction.
With a deep throated growl, he lifted her up, pushing her against the wall, and slid into her.
His hips moved sinuously, of their own accord, matching Gisette's thrusts, then, hearing her moan, he ground into her, releasing all the pent up sexual restraint of the past two days.
Gisette slid her body against his, wrapping her arms around his neck. Sam gasped, throwing his head back, and choked as water poured into his open mouth.
He felt her rubbing against him, and he moved her away, before his body betrayed him again.
Stepping out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around his hips. "We need to talk."
He growled and walked into the other room.
Gisette followed, wrapped in a towel. She crawled onto his bed, motioning for him to join her.
Sam sat in the chair, across the room.
"Gisette, I thought we agreed that it was over." He leaned forward, speaking roughly.
"No, Sam," She shook her head, her long black hair falling in damp waves around her shoulders. "I didn't agree to anything. You didn't say we were over, either."
Her lower lip trembled as she whispered. "You just said good bye and left."
Sam laid his head on the back of the chair and exhaled loudly. In a way, she was right.
Gisette had been a well known model, with long lean legs and a lithe body. Her stormy grey eyes had stared out from a multitude of magazine ads. She was also the daughter of Julien, their manager.
Gisette had given up modeling and started to work with her father. When she and Sam first met in Julien's office, they both recognized the fire that burned in the other. The sexual heat sparked between them with their first handshake.
Within the first half hour, Gisette had led Sam back to her office and they had spent the afternoon there in that locked room. She and Sam had been lovers for about 6 months.
When it was time for him to leave on tour, he'd just told her good bye and left, just like she'd just said. He hadn't tried to contact her and she had never traveled with Julien before.
Sam got so caught up in the tour and the girls after the concerts, that he rarely thought about her, and when he did, he thought she had just gone on with her life, too. He didn't know why she was here now.
"Listen to me now. I am saying it. It's over, Gisette." Sam got up, running his hands through his wet hair as he paced the floor. "I've met someone else, you and I are done."
Gisette looked at him through her thick black lashes, "If you say we are done," she ran her tongue around her lips, smiling slyly, "how do you explain what just happened?"
"That," Sam expounded, pointing at the bathroom, "should never have happened!"
"But it did, Sam," Gisette undid her towel, throwing it on the floor. "We have lost time to make up for."
She laid back on the pillows and stretched lazily, revealing herself to him. "There are a lot of other things we could be doing right now."
"Fucking cut that out, Gisette!" Sam reached to pick up her towel, and her hand flicked out quickly, pulling his towel from his hips.
He took a step forward, and gave her a menacing look. He perused her body with cool eyes, as she ran her hands down her stomach...
Her eyes ran hungrily over him. Her body heated up as she drank in the sight of his long muscular legs and the thick black silky hair at the apex, and what was definitely growing before her eyes.
She stared, transfixed as her pulse picked up and she felt the hot flush of need gather inside her.
"Gisette." He warned as he grabbed for the towel she was holding.
She held it out from him, giggling and twisting back on the bed as she jumped up. "You want this?"
She put it behind her. "Come get it." She teased.
He put one knee on the bed. "Don't play games."
He threatened as he tried to focus only on her face, but his eyes kept dropping down, watching her breasts as they bounced, then lower to her shaved mound. He stopped as he gazed at the velvety skin.
His fingertips could already feel the heat that was hidden between the creases and his mouth watered as he thought of how much he wanted to taste her again. Just a small taste..
Gisette pulled the covers back, and slid under them, pulling the towel with her. "Come under here, Sam."
She held out the corner of the sheet, teasingly inviting him. "Come... inside me again."
Sam grabbed the covers, and threw them on the floor, causing her to shriek. He started to slowly crawl onto the bed, as if stalking his prey.
Gisette laid back, opening herself wide on the bed and waited as she saw that his body was fully aroused, and he was ready for her once again.
They both stopped, frozen, when they heard the knock on the door.
"Get dressed," he hissed. He hunted frantically for his clothes, and the knock sounded again, louder.
"Just a minute!" he yelled angrily as he fought to shove his way through the twisted legs of his jeans.
He looked at Gisette, mutinously sitting in the center of his bed. He shook his head as he opened the door.
Trish stepped in, uninvited. "I thought I should come tell you that Julien and.......", she trailed off and her eyes widened as took in the scene in front of her.
Sam stood with his zipper down, erection visibly outlined through the jeans that were only partially pulled over his ass.
Gisette was sitting, naked, in the rumpled bed, her hair was tangled and damp, her face was still flushed. She didn't bother to cover her nakedness, instead she glared at Trish, as if challenging her.
"Well, I guess you already know. Sorry for the interruption." Trish rushed out of the room.
"Oh fuck!" Sam sat down in the chair and put his head in his hands. He raised his head and looked at Gisette, frustration in his voice. "Get out of my room!"
Gisette got out of bed, running her hands through her hair, displaying her body for Sam to see.
With her back to him, she leaned over, reaching to pick up her panties from the floor.
She smiled to herself when she heard Sam suck in his breath at the sight of the exposed areas of her body.
She slowly got dressed, pulling on her bikini underwear, and running her hand over the front and between her legs, watching Sam's eyes as they followed her every move.
She slipped her brassiere straps over her shoulders and reached in to adjust her breasts.
She made sure he was watching as she ran her fingertips over the nipples, bringing them out to rosy peaks that pushed against the lacy cups.
Sam's eyes glazed over and his breath came quicker as he watched, his eyes drawn to this reverse stripping that she was performing for him.
He became aware of the tightness of his jeans and he shifted in the chair, as he adjusted himself, hissing as he felt the denim push abrasively over sensitive areas.
He knew what Gisette was doing. It was what she was best at, what had attracted him to her from the very beginning. But he felt powerless to stop and she knew it.
He felt the familiar ache in his groin and he tried to fight it. But he just knew how good it felt to fuck her. And at the moment his brain was running on that track only, sending out sparks and flashes of heat that his body was responding to.
Gisette stood in front of him, picked up his hand and placed it on her breast. His heartbeat speeded up and his arousal was becoming increasingly painful, throbbing against the rough fabric.
She leaned down to him, burying his face in her breasts and he could hear the rapid beat of her heart as his fingers pinched her nipples into hard peaks.
He lowered his head, trailing hot wet kisses until his mouth found her softness, and his tongue pushed against the silk panties. She slid them off and held his head as he continued his exploration, tasting and teasing as she whispered his name.
Finally she could take no more and she straddled him. "This, Sam. This is what you want." She whispered in his ear as her hand reached in to free him from the unbearable tightness.
Her sexy accent as she continued to whisper, and her tongue as it slid over the soft spot under his ear, she knew every move that would send him over the edge.
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