《Kookv oneshots》The god of lust


"No I swear I saw a hot man in my dreams!" Yumji whined to her younger brother who rolled his eyes

"What a surprise all girls dream about hot men" Taehyung laughs drawing in his sketchbook, Yumji huffs pouting "Oh yeah? You do too."

Taehyung's eyes widen and he turns his head to Yumji "No I don't!" He exclaims, Yumji chuckles "Yeah Yeah~" She says in a teasing-mocking tone

"Hmph..Just tell me what the man in your dreams looked like" Taehyung says pouting while he erased some lines, Yumji hums "He was wearing a red outfit which revealed his chest..He manspreaded on a black couch—" She started

"He has an eye and tounge piercing" The female continued laying on her stomach "He looks like he has fluffy hair! But very intimidating as well..Um, Anyways what are you drawing?"

Taehyung glances at her and shows her the sketch "The man saw in my dreams.." He says quietly

Yumji's eyes widen and she grabs the black book "What the hell?! That's the person I saw from my dreams!" She exclaims. "I guess we both saw him..Did he do any minor things to you? He liked..Winked at me" Taehyung sighs

"No, He was just like a picture and then I fully fell asleep only seeing darkness" Yumji says putting the book down, Taehyung took it back and started to colour

"This is really weird! It isn't possible for both of us to have the same dream of a hottie!" Yumji whines holding a pillow to her face

"It might be, He also showed up before that, I felt like I was crouching and I was paralyzed..He just walked at me and held my chin, He spoke CLEARLY these words" Taehyung says still colouring

Yumji looks at him suddenly interested "Hey darling, I finally found you after years..I can't reveal my identity yet but we will meet again someday. Jeon."

"I'm thinking Jeon is his surname" Taehyung says grabbing a black pencil, Yumji blinks "How rude of him, To talk to you but not me. I'm clearly better than you" She scoffs flicking her hair

The brunette giggles "I'm just special Noona, He probably went to you thinking you were me" He says in a teasing tone

Yumji looks at him furiously before sighing "I'm gonna try and re-search about this" She says opening her laptop

After a few hours Taehyung fell asleep and so did Yumji

"Taehyung~" "Taehyung.." "Taehyung~"

Taehyung woke up panting and sees his sister still sleeping 'Ugh..It felt like someone was calling my name' He puts his book on the nighstand and walks out going downstairs to the kitchen

He grabs a bag of candy which he wasn't allowed to eat and walks to his room, He enters and freezes seeing someone reading his diary "Who the hell are you!?" He exclaims closing the door

The person glances at him while laying down, They smirk closing the diary "You aren't allowed candies right? It's too early"

Taehyung looks at the bag and hides it behind him "I'm allowed candies, And who the hell are you!?" He asks snatching the diary from him

"Jeon" The person sighs sitting up "Jeon?" Taehyung repeats confused, He hears a chuckle "Jeon Jungkook, The man in you dreams"

"What? Jeon Jungkook? I don't know any Jungkooks" Taehyung says hugging the book, "I know everything about you Taehyung"

'Weirdo..' Taehyung opens the bag and eats the candy, Jungkook furrows his eyebrows "Your sister will get furious once she finds out the bag of candy is missing"


Taehyung huffs "So what? You're just some creep that's spying on me and my sister! If you like my sister I doubt she'll go for you, She's already crushing!"

Jungkook sighs and stands up, He was more taller than Taehyung and looked at Taehyung in an intimidating way "I don't fucking care about your sister, Sure she mentioned me before I could erase her memories.." He started

He looks down at Taehyung who stared at him "I thought she was you as you were blood related.. Fuck.." Jungkook groans "But finally I found you, My sweetheart" He smirks grabbing Taehyung by the waist

Taehyung yelps from the action "How about we go back home?" He asks making Taehyung confused "This is my home! Now go away!" Taehyung pushed Jungkook away

Jungkook frowns "Taehyung.." He says with a soft face. Taehyung runs to Yumji's room breathing heavily, He shut his eyes close, He knows that was the same person from his dream..But he wasn't sure..It felt right to talk to him but he didn't know what to do

Yumji yawned "Taehyung?" She calls out confused, "Huh? Sorry if I woke you up Noona" Taehyung gulps standing up. "Mm..No no, You didn't" She smiles

Taehyung nods, Yumji stares at Taehyung and sees a figure behind him, She raises an eyebrow and it was the same person from her dreams

"Get Taehyung back in his room" She hears someone whisper, Yumji looks at her brother with thin lips "TaeTae I think I forgot something in your room, Can you help me find it?" She lies

"What? Okay" Taehyung shrugs while the 2 both walk into his room. Once they entered it felt cold and they were no longer in his room. They looked confused standing in a field, It was very dark..

"Thanks Yumji, But I didn't expect you to also come.." Jungkook hums with hands in his pockets, Yumji and Taehyung both turn around

"Darling, Stop fooling around." Jungkook says turning serious with an intimidating look, "Uhhh who are you calling Darling?" Yumji says with a raised eyebrow

"Isn't it obvious? The beautiful one" Jungkook smirks, Yumji looks at Taehyung "Oops sorry Tae, He was talking to me"

"No I wasn't" The male says walking towards Taehyung "Whaaat?" She says with wide eyes "Taehyung! Care to explain?"

"I..I-I don't know wh-who he is!" Taehyung exclaimed backing up, Jungkook frowns "You don't? Of course you do!" He says grabbing Taehyung's waist

Taehyung looked like a sad puppy "I don't! Get away from me!" He yells running away, Jungkook stared at Taehyung who ran off "TAEHYUNG!" Yumji yells

"You! Help me find Taehyung, I can't let him get in trouble!" Yumji exclaims at Jungkook who shrugged "Fine"


"So this is basically hell?" Yumji asks looking at the palace "Yeah, I am the god of lust after all" Jungkook smirks

"So you rape people?" Yumji asks with a raised eyebrow "Uh..I suppose so, I'll only stop when I find my true love.." Jungkook hums sitting down on a throne

"Ugh, I don't want my little brother to be raped by you" Yumji huffs crossing her arms "Meh, I won't tell anyone if I do have sex, But I'm pretty sure it's obvious" Jungkook taps his fingers on the arm rest

"Okay Okay, Can we just go and find Taehyung already?" Yumji groans face palming her forehead "Hm~ We can do that later..I have other.. plans" Jungkook says looking at her


"Who cares about your other plans? We need to find Taehyung! Who knows what trouble Taehyung gets into!" Yumji yells, Jungkook sighs "Yumji, How about we go to my room?"

Yumji's eyes widen "I know you're trying to fuck me" She says looking disappointed while crossing her arms. "Of course I am" Jungkook stands up and wraps an arm around her waist "I'm sure you'd love it~"


Taehyung was hiding in a tree, He didn't know what was happening..Jungkook seemed so familiar to him but he couldn't seem to remember him

'Fuck Fuck Fuck! What do I do? Do I just accept I'm his ?'

Taehyung hugs his legs close to his chest and shivers 'It sure is cold here..' He gulps, "Taehyung!" Jungkook says appearing in front of him.

"Your sister has been looking for you, It's dangerous out here..This isn't also earth so.." Jungkook says stern, "So what?!" Taehyung looks away scared

Jungkook frowns "Taehyung..I know you're confused and scared, But just follow me and do as I say" He says holding Taehyung's chin

"No!" Taehyung exclaims "Why not?!" Jungkook asks with wide eyes making Taehyung shrink down shaking

"I-I-I-I don't know..I'm confused and I don't understand what's happening, You appear in me and my sister's dreams..Now we go to this weird world?!" Taehyung starts crying

"Hey Hey, Shh~" Jungkook places Taehyung on his lap and they teleport to the palace, Jungkook was seated on the throne and Taehyung on his lap

"Everything will make sense Taehyung, There's nothing to be afraid of" Jungkook says while Taehyung was crying

"Wh-Where's Yu-Yumjie-Noona?" Taehyung asks smiffing, "She's busy right now" He hums satisfied. "I want to see her!" Taehyung exclaims

"You can't" Jungkook yells intimidatingly

"Who says?!" Taehyung asks standing up "You can't boss me around!" Taehyung runs around the palace "TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook exclaims furious

Taehyung enters a room and sees his sister peacefully sleeping "Noona" He exclaims jumping onto the bed hugging her, Jungkook felt a bit awkward seeing someone who he just fucked next to the person he supposedly loves

"Yumji! Yumji! Noona~ Noona! Wake up pleaseeee" Taehyung shakes her, Jungkook grabs Taehyung and throws him onto the ground "Shut up, She's trying to sleep" He says furious

Taehyung glared at him "I can tell that, We wanna go back, So bring us back to our house" He says with furrowed eyebrows

"Your sister seems to like it here, So you 2 can't go back" Jungkook says sitting down on the bed, Taehyung shakes his head

"Now sleep on the floor, Don't want you waking up Yumji" Jungkook says with crossed arms, Taehyug frowns "I'll sleep somewhere else, I don't wanna be in the same room with a jerk" He says getting up

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's wrist harshly "No, You're sleeping here." He says stern, Taehyung groans "Would it really matter?" He asks sitting on the floor



It's been a year now, Instead of Jungkook getting up with Taehyung he went with Yumji and she always was fine with him using her body for pleasure as long as she knew Taehyung was safe

Taehyung murmured to himself "Is everything alright Tete?" Yumji asks walking into the room

Taehyung glared at her "Yeah, Everything's fine..Now go away" He says turning so his back faced Yumji

"Taehyung..I'm your Noona, I know when something's wrong with you" Yumji says softly while frowning, She walks over to the bed and places her hands on Taehyung's shoulder

"I'M FINE OKAY?! You don't need to keep babying me! I practically turned 23 4 months ago!" Taehyung yells slapping her hands off him

Yumji's eyes widen "Taehyung! Stop being so violent, All you're doing is acting so rude and slapping people away" She exclaims furious, Taehyung crossed his arms "So what? Isn't this place hell? I have the rights to act mean"

She frowned "So what?! You're never mean! You're always shy and so quiet and make your older sister care for you!"

Taehyung gritted his teeth "If you want to care for someone go to Jungkook or find another younger brother, I don't wanna be considered your brother anymore!" He exclaimed stomping to the bathroom

Yumji looked sad "Yumji! I sensed my baby was sad" Jungkook said appearing beside her "I- Yeah I was sad Kook, My brother..He doesn't wanna consider me as his older sister.." She said sniffing

Jungkook's eyes widen "He doesn't?! I'll go talk to him" He said disappearing, Yumji frowns 'This..This doesn't feel right..'

She hears some scolding in the bathroom and crying, Jungkook walks out dragging Taehyung by his waist and he drops Taehyung harshly "Say sorry to Yumji right now!"

Taehyung was shaking "I-I-I'm..s.." He stuttered with blurry eyes, Jungkook stepped on Taehyung's back "Stop stuttering and say it clearly"

Taehyung shivered "I'm sorry Noona..!" He cried, "And you consider yourself as her younger brother, ?" Jungkook asks with a deep voice

"Yes!" Taehyung exclaims looking down on is lap still shaking, Yumji's heart broke seeing her younger brother being forced to say something otherwise he'll get hurt

"Gosh, You're so mean to your sister. Can't imagine living with you" Jungkook says stepping on Taehyung's stomach before walking beside Yumji

Taehyung coughed out blood still crying. "Kookie..Do you mind being more gentle with Taehyung?" Yumji asks with a sad face, Jungkook glances at Yumji "Sure, I mean if you want to"

"Tete? Are you feeling fine?" She asks worried while crouching down hugging her brother, Taehyung was too weak and scared to push Yumji away

"Answer her" Jungkook says in a scary tone while crossing his arms, Taehyung looks down "I'm fi-fine..Nothing to worry about" He says weakly getting up and getting on the bed

"Really? You're bleeding and I'm worried" Yumji says concerned, Taehyung glances at Jungkook who's staring at him, He gets intimidated and nods "I'm fine! There's nothing to worry about, I- You don't need to worry about some scum like me" Taehyung says pulling the blanket over him

Yumji's eyes widen "A scum like you? Who in the right mind would call such a pretty person a scum?" She frowns giving Taehyung some space

"I'm not in the mood to talk.." Taehyung whispers for them to hear, Yumji looks at her boyfriend "Kook.." She says frowning

"What is it princess?" Jungkook asks with a raised eyebrow, Yumji stood up "Can you at least let Taehyung back to earth? Maybe get someone to accompany him..I don't like seeing him this angry and sad" She whispers

Jungkook bites his bottom lip "Fine"


Taehyung felt something change about the wind, Instead of the room being burning hot..It was now a bit more colder. He looks confused and peaks his head out of the blanket

His eyes widen seeing that he was in his room "Surprised right? Don't mind me here, I just has to make sure you're safe" Someone says backing up

Taehyung looked at them confused but ran to his sister's room and grabs his sketch book, He sighs in relief seeing it untouched, He grabbed his bag and stuffed somethings in it

It was too good to be true, Taehyung knew he'd be eventually teleported back so he needed to grab his things.

After a few hours or so Taehyung was teleported back to the dark and boring room, He pouts and takes off his bag "You brought something?" Yumji asks softly not wanting to cause Taehyung to panic

Taehyung nods and takes out his sketchbook "I brought.." The male started to mumble "I brought your secret box, I didn't look in it!" He said handing the purple box to her

Yumji's eyes widen "Thanks.." She says smiling, Taehyung opens his book and sees the drawing of Jungkook that was half coloured, He frowned and ripped it out of the book "Here, It's not finished but I don't wanna do anything with this drawing" Taehyung explained

Yumji gladly took the paper and frowned "Ah.." She nods, She can tell that Jungkook was watching them from the shadows. "Eh? Is that candy?" She asks grabbing the bag from Taehyung

The male didn't yell or anything just in case if Jungkook hears "You know you aren't allowed eating candy!" Yumji exclaimed all bossy

"I know" Taehyung nods reaching into his bag "I'm gonna change, This outfit isn't doing much work for me" He says holding a colourful outfit before running into the bedroom

Yumji hums and sees that Taehyung brought his diary too, Taehyung skipped out and Yumji sees that he's wearing his favourite dinosaur pjs

She smiles a bit.

Taehyung grabs his diary and a pencil and starts to write something in it, Yumji just looks in her box. He freezes feeling cold

"Yumji..Can yo-you tell Jungkook to not come near me?" He asks closing the book while looking down onto his lap, Yumji says and Jungkook appears beside the bed

"He's writing bad things about me" Jungkook explains coldly, "Mm..I figured" Yumji nods. Jungkook snatched the book from Taehyung who's eyes widen

Jungkook starts to read but doesn't read it out loud, He froze looking pale as if he's seen..A cute person. He throws the book harshly onto the bed which could've hit Taehyung's face

"Is something wrong Kook?" Yumji asks while Taehyung scurries to grab the book that fell through the crack. "..Yes" He says with a shaky voice

"His memory has regained, He has managed to contact his..Past life.." Jungkook explained making Yumji's eyes widen

Taehyung pouts once he can't reach, The book disappears and re-appears onto his lap "What did your past life say to you?" Jungkook asks Taehyung who simply frowned

"Uh..I..She told me not to tell anyone.." Taehyung gulps ready to be yelled and hit, He hears a sigh "Tsk, She always says that." Jungkook crosses his arms

"But..I-I-I guess I can tell you.." Taehyung says softly, Jungkook raises an eyebrow and sits down beside him making the male nervously scoot away

"She said these words.."

"I've been contacting you and I finally managed to! As I can tell it seems like my Jungkookie found someone, It supposed to be you, But your sister seems to have catched Jungkook's eye"

"Don't worry though, Jungkook will finally come to his senses and see how amazing you are! That idiot is so blinded that this also happened to me the first time, Just stay strong!"

Jungkook hums listenting, Yumji watched giving the 2 space. "She said more but I'm pretty sure she'd beat me up when I die" Taehyung says fiddling with his fingers

Jungkook nods and stares at the drawing of him, He glances at Taehyung who seemed uncomfortable with him. He frowns "Sh-She said..Uhm.." Taehyung looked away

"She said what?"

"She said that you were an annoying douchebag. But she said her douchebag"

Jungkook's heart flutters at that smiling a bit "She also called you a very active person..I'm not sure what that means" Taehyung adds making Jungkook's smile disappear

"I'm gonna assume she wants me to treat you better so I can come to my senses" Jungkook sighs "Eh~ But Yumji is quite beautiful.."

"Just follow your heart then, You seem to like Yumji..So just be with her.." Taehyung says looking down onto his lap, Jungkook frowns "I can't do that, I only follow my brain"

Taehyung looked weirded out "Okay then..Just be with her" He says taking out his camera with a big smile "Oh wait, This has no use.." He frowns putting it back

"The hell is that?" Jungkook asks "A camera..? You take photos with it" Taehyung answers starting to draw in his sketchbook

"Psht, That's a waste of recourses" Jungkook scoffs with crossed arms, "Jungkook we should go and give Taehyung some space" Yumji says placing a hand on Jungkook's shoulder

Jungkook glares at Yumji "I can do anything I want" He bites his bottom lip, "Jungkook! Sure you can do anything you want, But please..Taehyung needs space"

"No no, It's fine Yumji..As long as he doesn't bother me.." Taehyung says laying down on his stomach "You sure?" Yumji asks taking Taehyung's hood off and patted his head

"Yeah" Taehyung nods "Okay then" Yumji says walking out of the room

Jungkook watched Taehyung draw, He took his bag and looked at what Taehyung brought "Hey!" Taehyung exclaimed looking at Jungkook, Jungkook glances at Taehyung

"More candy?" He asks taking all the bags out, He grabs the camera and puts the bag back. He starts to examine it and hums

Taehyung starts to stuff the candy and takes the bag away, He opens a bag of candy and eats it, Jungkook tries to find out how the camera works and clicks the button by accident and takes a photo of the wall

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