《Kookv oneshots》Mission: Love
"Dad-" Taehyung walked into the office with some papers in his hands, He stopped once he sees other people "Oh, Sorry for disturbing." He bows about to leave the room, "No Taehyung come here" His father smiles
"Okay...?" He walks beside his father putting the files on the table "Lira said these files were for you, You wanted them quick but she had some troubles so I had to take over for her.." Taehyung explained as his father nods
"You have a nice kid Kim, Is that what you wanted to talk about?" A woman wearing a suit asks politely, "Hm...Yes, I suppose I do have a nice son... Taehyung, You know how your sister was supposed to run the business next, Right?" Mr Kim asks
"Yes..?" Taehyung answers confused, "As you know she refused and decided to work as a police officer...So you will be the next business man for the company, We really have no other choice" His father sighs plopping down onto his chair
Taehyung frowns from the idea "I guess I can run the company when I get older.." Taehyung says putting his hand on his chin sweating a bit from the idea. "That's the spirit boy!" One of the business man said. "That's good that you agree, But for the meanwhile we have a mission for you. It's very risky but we think you're good for the job." Mr Kim exhales gulping
"A mission for me? But there's better people for the job..." Taehyung frowns, "I know that." His father stands up and places a hand on Taehyung's shoulder "But if we give the mission to anyone there's a chance they can blackmail us and work for the person...I chose you specifically for a reason-" He starts
"You can easily manipulate people and I won't have to worry about paying you and having the chance of getting blackmailed since you wouldn't wanna ruin your business" His father continues. "Mm...Okay, I'll do the mission! But I'll need a bit more information." Taehyung smiles slightly which makes everyone in the room relieved and happy
"All you need to do is apply for this job in the Jeons corp, They're mafias so better watch out kid. After that you can admit that you're Mr. Tou's son, All you need to do is gain the boss's trust and find inside information." A male explains giving Taehyung the address and job application to the place
"Hm..How long will I have to do this for?" Taehyung asks looking at his father, "Until I decide to quit or there's an emergency, Or if you have enough information" His father answers with a stern face. "Okay then..I'll apply as the assistant so I could try and gain the boss's trust.." Taehyung sighs smiling a bit
"Thank you Taehyung, Once you find inside information there will be a party in your honour" A female smiles bowing to Taehyung which makes Taehyung panic and bow to her making the female laugh
"Hey Mr. Kim, What's that paper?" Leila asks, She was one of the newer staff. "Huh? Oh it's nothing..Just a job application, I'm tired of working here." He smiles lying, Hardly of the staff knows that he's the CEO's son, And he keeps it that way
"Oh really? May I see it?" She asks smiling sweetly, "Sorry no, It's a bit private" Taehyung answers. "Aw come on.." She pouts as someone taps his shoulder she quickly snatched it from him "HEY GIVE IT BACK!" Taehyung exclaims trying to take the paper from her
"Let's see" Leila laughs as people around looks confused, She frowns "Oh, Just because you're a higher-up means you can have privacy? Look you're still human. You must be treated the same." She flicks Taehyung's forehead
Taehyung had enough, he took the paper from Leila and angrily runs to his father's office which he guessed was empty by now
"Taehyung dear, Is something wrong?" His father asks as Taehyung sits on the chair in front of his Dad. "Fire Leila." He says frowning, Mr. Kim raises an eye brow, Taehyung wasn't the type to request someone to be fired unless they're being mean
"Uh..May I ask why?" He asks, Taehyung slams his hand on the table surprising his Dad "She's a prankster and bullies higher-ups and people below her, she thinks everyone should be treated the same not caring if they're more special! Not to mention she's a spy!" Taehyung exclaims
"Tsk, I'm guessing you want proof for her being a spy...I looked through her documents and saw she's related to the Jeons. The Jeons won't work for anyone unless they're family. Meaning if she was a Jeon she was sent here to spy and grab information like what we're gonna do..." Taehyung sighs
"From what I heard she's been forcing people to give her information about the company and if she doesn't she'll look them in the eyes in an intimidating way and walk away as if nothing happened.." He continues, His father sighs and rubs his forehead "Very well then, I'll get Leila fired and you should be getting along before someone takes the place.." His father smiles
Taehyung was waiting in the boss's office fidgeting with his fingers for entertainment, The door opens and there's a handsome man wearing a suit enter and sit down on the chair in front of Taehyung
"Kim Taehyung, Am I right?" He asks, "Yes sir" Taehyung bows in his seat. The person hums "Jeon Jungkook, The CEO here." He sighs slouching in his seat in a none fancy way, "I see...You're part of the Kim company?" He asks looking at Taehyung's file
"I worked for them for a while but eventually quit to work here.." Taehyung answers. Jungkook chuckles "It's okay, You can say you're Kim Tou's son." He smirks, Taehyung's eyes widen as he tried to change the subject "Look, I just wanna get this interview started..."
Jungkook clicked his cheek "As you wish" He says placing the file down, He looks at Taehyung "You want the assistant role, huh?" He asks. "Yes sir.." Taehyung bit his lip, "Ah..." Jungkook spun his chair so he would face the large window behind him "Is there a specific reason, To as why you want the role besides the money?" He asks
"Oh! I..I just wanted to see...How it's like as an higher-up and because..My Mom told me I was good at following orders.." He lied, Jungkook nods "You're hired, Now go get me files from a person named, Jimin." He orders
Taehyung walks around looking for someone named Jimin, He finds a desk which was labeled 'Jimin' He looks around and waits 5 minutes
A short blonde hair male runs right where Taehyung is and hides underneath the table, A purple haired male runs and stops in front of Taehyung panting "W-Heesh- Have you seen any blonde midget?" He asks, Taehyung looks at the blonde under the table begging Taehyung to say no
"No." Taehyung looks at the purple haired male who sighs, "Okay, Thanks! Let me know if you find him!" The unknown male runs away
"Phew, Thank you!" Jimin gets up and sits on his desk "So...I'm guessing you're Mr. Jeon's new assistant?" He asks, "Yeah..?" Taehyung answers confused
"Ah, Here are the files then. Sorry about tbe commotion..Jungkook usually lets me and Seokjin play around with his nieces, Yes nieces." Jimin smiles handing the pile of files to Taehyung
"Oof-" Taehyung almost lost balance because of the weight of the innocent thin papers, "Get along now! Jungkook doesn't like to wait." Jimin pushes Taehyung
Taehyung enters the room to see a little girl on Jungkook's lap, "Uh...I have the..files?" Taehyung says placing them gently and quietly on the table
Jungkook nods "Okay, Now go play with my niece..It's not like I need you yet" Jungkook says before looking at the little girl "Hey, Sakura. Uncle's gonna be busy, I need you to play with that boy, okay?" Jungkook smiles before the black haired female gets off Jungkook's lap and runs to Taehyung hugging his leg
Taehyung awkwardly smiles, Why am I stuck babysitting a child? I didn't sign up for this..."Uh sir, What do I do with the child?" Taehyung asks picking her up which the little girl gasps and starts to play with Taehyung's hair
"Mm...There's a little kids area in the room in front of this. You should find some kids playing" Jungkook says looking through the files. "O-O-Oh, Okay!"Taehyung exits the room carrying the child. He walks into the inside "playground"
Jungkook walks into the 'playground' to get Sakura but is met with the little kids treating Taehyung as if he's a prince, They put a blanket on him and wrapped him around and started to run around him in circles
Jungkook chuckles as Taehyung looks at him "Heh..." Taehyung mumbles embarrassed. "Sakura you need to go back home, And everyone else unwrap Taehyung." Jungkook says as Sakura pouts, "I wanna stay here more!" Sakura whines as she gets picked up by Jungkook
"I know you do, But your Mommy is gonna get angry" Jungkook smiles booping her nose, Despite him being pictured cold and mean, He was a sweet heart to different people. "Taehyung go to my office, I have to have a talk with you" Jungkook says as his face looks more stern than before
"Oh, Okay?" Taehyung gets up as the other little kids hug him, Jungkook exits the room to drop off Sakura to her parents. "Here's your little baby" Jungkook teases, "Oh shut up." A brown red haired (?) woman hits Jungkook before taking Sakura
"Mhm, Well bye." Jungkook says walking away before the unknown female can say bye to him
Jungkook sighs sitting down on his chair with Taehyung sitting down in front of him confused, "Look, I don't trust you right now. You worked for the Kims and now working for me, I'll need to put you on supervision, Is that okay with you?" Jungkook asks Taehyung who's surprised
Taehyung raises an eyebrow before exhaling and fixing his posture "I'm not sure, It'll be invading my privacy but I get you...Mm...Fine, I suppose you can put me on supervision until you can trust me." He folds his arms, Jungkook grins "Good, You won't be monitored in your home or when you go to the washroom, You'll only be monitored when in work and when you go home." Jungkook explains
"Hm, Alright then..Is that all?" Taehyung asks, "Yes...Now you're free to do what you want, Go meet your fellow co-workers if you want." Jungkook excuses Taehyung, Taehyung nods before leaving the room
Aish...What am I supposed to do now? He's onto me..Ugh, It'll take a few months to gain his trust..."Ow-" Taehyung fell, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Someone exclaimed, Taehyung looks up to see Leila, She gasps "Tae...Taehyung!? What are you doing here?!" She exclaims
"I work here..? What about you." Taehyung asks confused as he stands up, "I'm Jungkook's sister..? Obviously I would be here.." Leila gulps. "Ah, Okay..." The 2 awkwardly stands in front of each other "Were you a spy?" Taehyung asks sweating a bit
"Yeah, I was. I was sent to get inside information." Leila laughs "Hey- What about you? Are you a spy?" She asks suspicious, "Of course not! I just got tired of the other company." Taehyung lied smiling
"Mmm..Okay then, Sorry for trying to take your paper in the other company...I was feeling uh scared so I thought that paper was something about me.." Leila awkwardly smiles fixing her hair, "It's fine, and don't worry, The paper wasn't talking about you." Taehyung reassured
Leila smiles "Oh, Okay then! Would you like to be friends?" She asks, Taehyung blinks "Um...Sure?" He answers a bit hesitant. "Great! Let's go get some snacks, Don't worry about Jungkook catching you, I'll let him know you're with me." Leila says dragging Taehyung into a room with food "Woah..Well that's a lot of food" Taehyung giggles
"Mhm! I forced Jungkook to buy all this for me and my friends, And because you're my friend now...You can eat as much food here! And any food you'd like too~" Leila punches Taehyung gently in a joking manner
"Oh, I don't wanna seem rude! I'd rather eat my own food." Taehyung smiles. "No no I insist" Leila smiles, "Um..Sorry to be rude but I don't wanna eat food paid for, That's really unprofessional of me, Y'know?" Taehyung fidgets his shirt
"JUNGKOOK!" Leila bursted into the room, Jungkook looks up confused "WHAT?" He screams back, Leila scoffed "Tell Taehyung he can eat whatever he wants to eat in the secret stash." Leila exclaims slamming her hand on the table not making Jungkook flinch
Jungkook sighs "Yeah whatever, Taehyung you do whatever Leila says, As long as it isn't troublesum." Jungkook says continuing to do his work
Taehyung sighs entering his father's company, Don't get him wrong. He was kinda disappointed for these past months
"Taehyung-ah! Your father has told us you haven't given any information? Is there a reason for that..?" One of the trusted worker ask, Taehyung looked at him with a straight face, He stayed silent. "HEY! You have to listen to me!" They exclaim
"I choose not to..Now scram before I request to get you fired." Taehyung exclaims sitting on his father's table while waiting for him
"Sir your son is in your office..He didn't look happy." A staff says following Mr. Kim, Taehyung cut off contact with them after he got along with the Jeons, He's been living in his old tree house in front of their big mansion
"Huh!? I'll be there quickly, Cut off my plans for 2 hours!" Mr. Kim exclaims speed walking to his office
"Taehyung?" He calls out entering the room, Taehyung looks up "Hey Dad" He slightly smiles. "You haven't spoken to us for the past months...Did something go wrong?" Mr. Kim asks frowning "Neither have you given me any information.." He adds
Taehyung sighs "I do have a few news, But..I request something." Taehyung looks at his father with an uneasy smile, The other higher-ups and some workers listened to see any news. "Okay...What's your request?" His father asks
"I wish to be the CEO now..Starting today." Taehyung smiles innocently but looks like a physco, His father's eyes widen "You...The...CEO...NOW?!" He asks in a whisper, "Yes father..I already have plans for the company.." Taehyung says happily
"But son.." He says getting cut off, "I'm dating Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung cuts. Mr. Kim's eyes widen "WHAT!?"
The staff came and helped Mr. Kim up, They placed him on his chair as Taehyung sighs, "What happened?" LeiLei asks Taehyung, "Huh? I simply told him I was dating Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung innocently grins, Everyone was shocked with some even almost fainting
"I don't accept." Mr. Kim exclaims "I don't accept that you date a !" He said angrily pacing back and forth behind a calm Taehyung, "I know you don't." He sighs, "I'm okay with you being gay...But a Jeon? Really Taehyung?" Mr. Kim throws his glasses somewhere in the room
"If it makes it better, Jennie is dating someone who knows the Jeons.." Taehyung says, "Well..I mean she isn't someone related by the Jeons! I can't let you be the CEO if you're dating our rival." Mr. Kim screams at Taehyung
"I knew this would happen, I told Mom earlier that I was dating a Jeon but all she said was 'As long as you're happy it's okay with me', That's why I wasn't planning on telling you!" Taehyung screams back "YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT THE BUSINESS! YOU WOULD NEVER CARE ABOUT WHO I LOVE!" Taehyung coughs
"That's why I'm leaving, I'll be staying with the Jeons.." Taehyung says lowering his voice. "What.." His father's eyes widen "I CAN'T AFFORD HAVING A SON DATING OUR RIVAL, THIS IS WHY I LIKE JENNIE BETTER THAN YOU. YOU'RE A DISGRACE" He yelled by accident
He gasps covering his mouth quickly regretting what he said, Taehyung eye's widen as he looked down with his bangs covering his eyes. "Son..I didn't mean i-!" He exclaims, "Save it...I don't wanna run this business anymore" Taehyung said walking out of the room slowly
"It's okay Taehyung...He probably didn't mean it.." Jungkook says softly, "Look, How about I go spoil you tomorrow? Just us in the mall."
Taehyung chuckles "That would be great, But I'd rather spend time with you. Y'know, Cuddling in bed!"
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