《Kookv oneshots》The one who became a star


"Pinky promise we'll still be friends in the future?" Taehyung asks giggling, "Of course!" Jungkook interewinded his pinky with Taehyung. Taehyung smiles and looks at Jungkook


"C'mon Tae~ Why don't you wanna go to the mall with me?" Jungkook whined which made Taehyung giggle, "I'm just busy today Kook, Look. Maybe tommorow? What do you say?" Taehyung smiled

"Huff! Fine, We'll go to the mall tommorow"


"Seokjin...Where's Taehyung?" Jungkook asks smiling. "Pardon me?" Seokjin asks confused, "Taehyung. He said he was just gonna go somewhere and hasn't come back for 2 hours." Jungkook tilts his head

"Kook...You have to stop imagining things, Taehyung's dead. He's been dead for 6 years now" Seokjin sighs placing his hand on Jungkook's shoulder "You're almost an adult, You have to let go of him"

Jungkook's eyes widen "No..No...No! You're lying, Taehyung's alive! He always accompanied me when I was hurt, Especially yesterday! When I failed my test..." He whispers

"No he didn't, You were just talking to the air?" Seokjin frowns "Kook do you need to see a therapist or doctor?" The older male asks worried

Tears fell from Jungkook's eyes as he fell on his knees, Finally knowing the truth. He hadn't been able to let go of Taehyung's death so he told himself that Taehyung was still alive and imagined he everything with "Taehyung" for the past 6 years

"Why...HOW'D HE DIE?!" Jungkook screamed crying, "He was kidnapped then killed..Do you remember? You always kept watching that one video that broke the news to you..." Seokjin answers patting Jungkook's back

Jungkook wiped his tears and looked up, He sees Taehyung sitting in front of him "STOP! YOU'RE JUST AN IMAGINATION" He sobbed once again backing up which confused Seokjin but let him continue to talk


"No...Kook I'm real! You can see my soul...I-I'm sorry...I don't wanna see you cry" Taehyung's soul whispers slightly crying "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you where I was going that day...You just wanted to go to the mall with me but I chose to go to the club because my other friends pressured me to.." He sniffs

Jungkook's face softens and looks at Seokjin who had a confused face, He looked back at Taehyung's soul. He tried to touch the male and actually felt him, But he was really cold

He sighed and grabbed Taehyung's soul and hugged him, It surprised Taehyung and Seokjin, Seokjin only saw Jungkook hugging the air

Sooner Seokjin saw a body figure on Jungkook's lap, His eyes widen "Taehyung?" He whispers making Taehyung look at Seokjin then at his body, He cried "Seokjin hyungie..."

"Taehyung...." Jungkook sobbed tackling him onto the floor then hugging him once again, Taehyung giggles while crying. Seokjin smiles sadly, He got cursed...Didn't he? Sigh...Oh well, At least he- Wait! The mall was held hostage that day, If Taehyung agreed the 2 of them would be dead by know...Or...

Seokjin looked at the 2 then see them fade away, They go to the mall that day, He's been imagining the whole thing this time!

"No...No...It can't be!? I remember them not clearly going to the mall!" He broke down crying

"Thank you hyung...For taking care of me, And Taehyung..." Seokjin heard Jungkook whisper, "Goodbye you 2..." Seokjin smiled sadly with tears on his face

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